Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

December 1965

(Rosa is 84 and Orby is 82.)
1 Tablespoon of unflavored gelatin in 1/4 cup of cold liquid. Heat 1 cup liquid, sweeten and season.
We bought Fanny the horse from Clemins, Rochester Indiana.
Bohart or Borman, upstairs we lived in rooming house in Grand Rapids.
Erma Ennis at muck farm.

Wednesday, December 1, 1965
Orpha came over today and fixed my hair, had dinner with us. It was Nice day and roads were good.
Thursday, December 2, 1965
Well, I did my ironing. Ike came over a while and brought the papers. Bastain's came home tonight and came after papers and mail.
Friday, December 3, 1965
I did a wash and guess Dad is going to Kalamazoo. Wrote letter to Merle. Snow is gone but looks like rain.
Saturday, December 4, 1965
Sat around looking at each other as we don't do much talking. I've been reading some in the pamphlets of Osborn.
Sunday, December 5, 1965
2 months since Orpha went to the hospital. Edith and Blanche were here for two hours. We had a very nice visit and hope to go see them soon. We had a nice day.
Monday, December 6, 1965
Nice day, and bought 225 2/10 gallons of oil $34.90. I have 14 Christmas cards ready to send out.
Tuesday, December 7, 1965
Got Christmas card from Dorothy and Butch. Orby went to Otsego after papers. I was cleaning house, Ike said Rosie was washing his curtains. I sent out 14 Christmas cards today. I sure get tired getting them read. Called orpha and Claudia. Could not get either one, Orpha, Rosemary and Claudia and two children are sick with hard colds.
Wednesday, December 8, 1965
Did washing today and got several Christmas cards. We got the gift for Ike and jeep for Brian 23 1/2 inches.
Thursday, December 9, 1965
The minister was here today. Dad was to Kalamazoo.
Friday, December 10, 1965
Got hat and dress from Lane Bryant and 2 Christmas cards.
Saturday, December 11, 1965
Did not do much of anything.
Sunday, December 1w, 1965
Been raining all day and chilly. Heard several programs of Church music, and preaching. Got Ike's and Brian's gift all wrapped. Dad got his name. (Must have drawn names for Christmas gifts) Just talked with Orpha, she is in bad shape, has to cough a lot. I guess they all had touch of flu. My legs hurt yesterday but better today.
Monday, December 13, 1965
Was rainy all day and I started to shorten my dress. I made an Apple jack for supper. orpha is some better but bad yet, Rosemary went to school.
Tuesday, December 14, 1965
Still at my dress. Ike came over, Orpha called me, she is pretty good. Didn't cough so much. Rosemary went to school. Sent my 2 slips back, they were too small.
Wednesday, December 15, 1965
I got 5 Christmas cards today. I have now 17. Got my dress done except the sleeves and I have to get white bios binding before I can finish it. Sifting a little snow.
Thursday, December 16, 1965
Got 4 Christmas cards today. It started to flake snow and we made appointment to see Dr. Goddard at 5:30, hope it don't snow too much. We went, got some medicine $4.00. Dad got a prescription $3.00 now he has to get medicine.
Friday, December 17, 1965
Sun shining, did some wash and ironing, got 3 cards. My mouth is just a little better. Mitch Miller is on at 8:30 pm. It is really good, channel 8.
Saturday, December 18, 1965
I called Orpha, she said her cold was better but Bud is now sick. Went to Dr. Klerk and got a shot. Orpha did too. Dad bought a picnic ham and sweet potatoes. I did not go to Doctor today. Goddard gave me medicine Friday but it did not help but today I feel little better.
Sunday, December 19, 1965
Week from today is Christmas. It is flaking a little snow this morning but I don't think it will last long. Well, the snow did not last and it is quite nice out.
Monday, December 20, 1965
Sent Christmas card to Ron Meiser and family. Sent $5.00 to minister. Snowing this morning. Got my red dress finished. did not snow much. We got Ike, our dear son-in-law walnut pipe rack with his name IKE engraved on it.
Tuesday, December 21, 1965
3 weeks since I've seen Orpha. Dad went to Kalamazoo and got my two slips. We gave Ike a pipe rack and he gave us $4.00 a piece. We will give Brian a 23 inch jeep. Dad got his name. I got my dear daughter's name. Nice day today. Little snow on ground.
Wednesday, December 22, 1965
Seems nice, sun bright. We just sit around and did not do much. Got 3 Christmas cards. I love to see Ike come here ass I know he gets awful lonely without Daisy.
Thursday, December 23, 1965
It was windy and cold today. Dad went to Otsego. Dorothy and Ken got us the Otsego paper for a year for our Christmas. We gave them $6.00. Got 2 cards today. Our TV went out, Orby is trying to fix it.
Friday, December 24, 1965
I did not do much but it is a nice day. I should but just don't feel too good. I read in my Bible and love to as you seem closer to our Saviour.
Saturday, December 25, 1965
Today is Christmas. Snowed last night. Went to Orpha's as we planned. The snow was so deep in our driveway that Bud came after us, then the children came over and we exchanged our gifts. then the children went home. Then we had dinner, had a lovely dinner and time. Orpha was not too well.
Sunday, December 26, 1965
We slept little late. Snow is quite deep. Had a lot of ministers on radio today. I sure love to hear them all as we are all working for the same place, our heavenly home.
Monday, December 27, 1965
I did a wash. It is nice out today. I called Orpha and she still has her cough.
Tuesday, December 28, 1965
I did some wash and ironed the clothes I washed Monday. Dad is trying to pack the pump. Ike called said he had Christmas dinner with Betty and Ken. Cleaned out his driveway. I hope this snow goes off.
Wednesday, December 29, 1965
Looks like it was going to be a nice day but we have a lot of snow yet. Orpha called, she is better. I am so glad as she has felt bad so long. I am glad she has Rosemary to help as I know how it feels to be sick with no help.
Thursday, December 30, 1965
Temperature is 42 this morning. It is a nice day. We went to Otsego and Ike has a cold. Told us Sharon quit school and had an engagement ring from Watson and would be married some time next year. (Quit college)
Friday, December 31, 1965
Well it seems nice out and we are going to Orpha's then Dad will go to town. Dad don't sleep good at night and I feel so bad as I know he should sleep to feel good.
Louise Carver will turn over her TV program today after 12 years.
Dad went to Kalamazoo today, I went to Orpha's stayed over 2 hours, Orpha did not feel too good.

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