Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

January 1962

Rosa and Orby are still in Arizona.
(Rosa has written in the back pages: Hume, I went with a boy named Willie Hume. Another spot: From Michigan City, take 421 to 24 then go to 54 to Alamogordo then 70 to Mesa.)

Monday, January 1, 1962
It is chilly this morning but we had fire out all night in the stove. The wind blowing pretty strong.
Tuesday, January 2, 1961
This second day of year 1962. Orby gets car greased today, fixing $18.04. Merle and Letha came over for a while, I went to Lucille's, had a good visit, Donnie was at home.
Wednesday, January 3, 1962
Little cold last night but sun shining nice this morning, wrote Dorothy a card at hospital Ann Arbor, Michigan University, 2W Bed 11. Doctor said she had hepatitis and said it was worse than yellow jaundice.
Thursday, January 4, 1962
Went to Apache Junction to see some places, they ask too much for them. It was a nice day. My leg was in a cramp last night and I am some what lame today. I heard that Lucille went to hospital.
Friday, January 5, 1962
My leg is better but last night it was bad, it is cold and we need a fire this evening. My knee is not good, stayed home all day. Dad went to Mesa to get car fixed. Got letter from Daisy.
Saturday, January 6, 1962
My knee some better I can stand on it and it don't hurt so bad. Nice day but chilly last night. Merle came over this morning and we talked bible. H has learned a lot and am I glad. I always wanted Merle to read the bible and all my children. Bought 2 cans gas for cook stove today.
Sunday, January 7, 1962
Nice day. Turned fire off at 9:30 it is now 15 to 1 pm. Dad is lying on couch asleep and doors and windows wide open. It is really warm. Today Bessie and Willard had their 50 anniversary from 2 to 5. I did not go, I still am limping.
Monday, January 8, 1962
Dad went to Mesa to have his car fixed again. It would not start and they put in part of a carburetor. Merle was here and we talked bible.
Tuesday, January 9, 1962
Went to Willard's and we all went to the big new store at Phoenix. Got our dinner and then drove home. Willard paid for dinner. Bought apples 10 cents per pound, we bought pounds worth.
Wednesday, January 10, 1962
Joyce is coming today. She came had a nice visit and she is coming again Wednesday 17th, she is going to Merle's on Sunday.
Thursday, January 11, 1962
Kennedy speech. I did not hear it. Dad went to Mesa to have some thing done to car and I went to Willard's at 9 and Dad never got back till after 3. We sure had a long visit.
Friday, January 12, 1962
Merle came over today and Dad and him went to town, I stayed home, got dinner. I got a letter from Daisy, she has wrote me 5 letters, Orpha wrote me one.
Saturday, January 13, 1962
Merle was here, the car started when tried 2 times. It sleeted last night and was pretty cold. Dad bought him 2 new red blankets, paid $10.30. I sent daisy a card today, also Vira a letter. Willard was here last night, said Bessie wanted to keep the land back of their place.
Sunday, January 14, 1962
Merle said Joyce, Fred and Connie was coming to their house for dinner. Orby took some of his clothes to wash, also took Bessie spread that she loaned me.
Monday, January 15, 1962
Dad did some wash up to the store and we took them over to Bessie to hang on line. Cost 20 cents to wash 1 load. Bessie don't look too well. I took her some tomatoes I canned. Cold last night but I have not fire now and have doors and windows open and it is around 5 o'clock pm.
Tuesday, January 16, 1962
Bessie and Willard was here a while, I gave them 1/2 pumpkin pie for their dinner. Joyce will come tomorrow. The sun is shinning nice, I am trying to cook the toughest chicken I ever saw. Wash all windows on the house trailer, 17 windows, 2 doors with glass.
Wednesday, January 17, 1962
Went riding and went past the small house on George Street. Then Dad went to lumber yard to see the owner and he said he would come talk to us the next day.
Thursday, January 18, 1962
The man came but did not bring papers so we don't know much more about it yet.
Friday, January 19, 1962
Willard and Bessie and us all went for a ride down past the Knowls and went to the yellow front store. I bought a round pillow. Willard bought a square pillow, then we had our dinner at Bills place on Miller Street. then we drove home, then went and got pillows. Went and looked at the real nice place with beautiful rocks and Flowers, a cement place to have picnic dinners, the other place we looked at was sold.
Saturday, January 20, 1962
I finished crochet my dolly, it looks nice but the thread was off some, don't know if it will bleach out all right or not. My trailer neighbor come over, we had quite a visit. Mr. Smith our trailer owner cleaned out our sewer place.
Sunday, January 21, 1962
We are going to Merle's for dinner. It is drizzling rain. 10 o'clock it rained hard. We went and had a good visit and talked on things in bible. Herbert W. Armstrong, box 111, Pasadena Calif.
Monday, January 22, 1962
We did the wash today, hung them up at Willard's, don't take them long to dry here in Arizona. got our car bumped again, the new one.
Tuesday, January 23, 1962
Went to Willard's to telephone man that his son struck our car.
Wednesday, January 24, 1962
Went over to the man's house that made out a check to give to the one that will fix our car. It is trying to rain. Just back, got the check and our car is now in shop to have fixed.
Thursday, January 25, 1962
Some people came here to look at trailer, thought it nice.
Friday, January 26, 1962
Went to Joyce and we had lots of fun and she and I crochet. Connie was a pill, would not be still a minute, Joyce put her to bed but she did not want to go and cried. Joyce let her up. They came again to look at trailer but we was gone.
Saturday, January 27, 1962
Nice day today, Dad went to Mesa to get car but it wasn't done so he will go after it Monday. Mrs. Reagan was here today. (No, I don't thing so.)
Sunday, January 28, 1962
We stayed home then Letha and Merle was here. then in the evening Willard's come over, we had supper it was Lucille's 68 birthday.
Monday, January 29, 1962
Orby went after our car at the Olds garage. Merle took him to get the car. Temperature 72 degrees.
Tuesday, January 30, 1962
It is little chilly today, went to Mesa to see about small house we may trade our trailer on. Was to Bessie's for our dinner, then we drove over to 4th Street and got some potatoes and vegetables, the cabbage is awful good over there.
Wednesday, January 31, 1962
Sun shining nice, no fire, just had dinner. I washed out some pieces, mopped floor.

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