Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Sunday, February 28, 2010

January 1963

(Rosa will be 82 in February 1963, and Orby will be 80 in August 1963. They live at 8712 Douglas Drive, Kalamazoo, Michigan on a 5 acre farm and have a winter home in Arizona, they still have several others that people are buying on land contracts. There are a lot of notations in this diary which I will share)

Tuesday, January 1, 1963
Was home all day, had Rose Bowl Parade California on, was nice but having a big thing like that cost lost of money.
Wednesday, January 2, 1963
Went to Orpha's, Dad went to Kalamazoo. Rosemary got a new dress suit, hat, coat, new shoes, Orpha got a nice hamper and paper basket. Her bath room is lovely. Bob came over a few minutes, looked nice. Orpha was not too well and I sure feel sorry for her. (Rosemary, I am 13 in 1963)
Thursday, January 3, 1963
electric Orpby paid for 1/2 of the massager got the massage from New York, I sent $10.10 Orby paid $5.05. I cleaned out my clothes closets and medicine cabinet, I got lot to do yet.
Friday, January 4, 1963
I did a small wash and wrote 6 letters, nice over head. Bob and Karla was presented with a big bouncing boy last night, around 2 o'clock, weigh 6 lb. 1 oz. Named Brian Kameron Gimbel.
Saturday, January 5, 1963
I did my ironing, cleaned front room, changed the furniture around, then Daisy's was over. Brought my jewel box she gave me Christmas, it is awful nice. I love it. tonight I am all tired out and will go to bed early 8 o'clock.
Sunday, January 6, 1963
Well, I feel better this morning and we did not get up till around 7 o'clock. I did not get to sleep till after midnight.
Monday, January 7, 1963
Orpha called said Karla was coming home today. Dad went to Plainwell and got tire fixed and got rubber for my 4 qt. cooker.
Tuesday, January 8, 1963
Stayed home did not feel too good. tried to clean up a little.
Wednesday, January 9, 1963
Went to Karla to see the baby. It is a nice baby but small, weight 6 lb. 1 oz, named Brian Kameron Gimbel.
Thursday, January 10, 1963
Sent package of hat and shoes to Lane Bryant, cost 54 cents to send it. Got car fixed, greased the universal joint at Fansworth Chevrolet cost $5.00.
Friday, Janaury 11, 1963
Sent to to Quanit Shop Folks at the foothills of the Burkshires, Westfield, Mass. Snowing some, I did a small wash today.
Saturday, January 12, 1963
It blew quite bad last night and drifted snow in driveway. I made 2 pumpkin pies.
Sunday, January 13, 1963
Went over to Daisy's for Sunday dinner had a lovely visit. I felt pretty good had baked ham and it was so good, nice and tender.
Monday, January 14, 1963
I did not feel too good.
Tuesday, January 15, 1963
I sorted out some of my old paper picture books yesterday. So I did not sleep till after 12 last night, I was tired.
Wednesday, January 16, 1963
I did not feel too good today, did not sleep well last night. Dad got a rabbit and I made gravy, he liked it.
Thursday, January 17, 1963
Dad is going to Kalamazoo and Dorothy, Ken and Butch was here a while. I sure enjoyed it. Dad went to Kalamazoo and sent order to Montgomery got a new filler for my red end pencil 51 cents tax and all.
Friday, January 18, 1963
Orby went to Plainwell to get tire fixed and took my glasses to have the glass pasted in. I did some wash and started to crochet a chair set, white with green for Dorothy. Dad is ironing his clothes. Dad went to Kalamazoo and ordered 4 tires from Aldens. Got my reorder from Lane Bryant, shoes fit, so id my hat. Haven't received stockings yet, my shoe no is 1148502 16 44b.
Saturday, January 19, 1963
I did my ironing, fixed my nightie, baked 2 pumpkin pies as I look for Daisy and Ike tomorrow. It is snowing small flakes of snow. I started to make Dorothy 3 piece chair set, white and green.
Sunday, January 20, 1963
Daisy's did not come. It was windy and bad, we stayed in all day.
Monday, January 21, 1963
I called Claudia, for if she had my shoe stretchers but she said she would see her Mother about it. Daisy said if it was too bad that Dorothy would not go to Ann Arbor Wednesday.
Tuesday, January 22, 1963
I crochet today. I phoned to Daisy and Orpha called me too. It snowed some more, Dad cleaned out driveway.
Wednesday, January 23, 1963
Today is Wednesday, went to Daisy's to get papers and we got papers and Daisy sent over a gift from Betty to Bob's baby.
Thursday, January 24, 1963
Well it is cold and stormy. I finished the chair set of Dorothy's. Kennedy is going to speak at 5 o'clock.
Friday, January 25, 1963
Today 5 months since I fell and hurt my back. Bought oil and got 4 new white wall tires and tubes, cost $112.99 also got my vitamins and dress. Claudia's baby is 3 months old, 2 teeth about through. (Dennise Rose Westra)
Saturday, January 26, 1963
Dad took the tires back to store as they were not what he sent for. I got money from the order I sent to Lane Bryant but have not received stockings yet, yet I ordered them January 2, 1963.
Sunday, January 27, 1963
I made an apple pie for dinner,. So we had fried much. I invited Daisy for dinner but she said some other time.
Monday, January 28, 1963
Went to Orpha's, took Bob's baby present. I was there to Orpha's for dinner. Rosemary was home. Bob gave me a large picture of him , Karla, Orpha, Bud and Karla's parents. Orby got his money from the tires, he did not want from Aldens and ordered some from Montgomery.
Tuesday, January 29, 1963
Claudia, Orpha and baby come over this afternoon. the baby is growing fast and acts like its teeth hurts it, went to sleep on my shoulder. (Dennise Westra)
Wednesday, January 30, 1963
Daisy and Ike came over, had a gift for Bob's baby and brought over some Gazette newspapers said Dorothy was better. I sent a box of things for Lila, curtains, material and other things. Sent letter to Lane Bryant about the stockings I ordered the 2nd day of January 1963.
Thursday, January 31, 1963
Last day of January and it was a nice day and snow is going some. They say we have lost 5 inches, it seems to melt from bottom.

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