Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Friday, February 26, 2010

September 1962

Saturday, September 1, 1962
Daisy and Ike, Clare and his girl friend, Rosie, Jerry and Sharon was here.
Sunday, September 2, 1962
Claudia and Dennis married one year today. I am still sore but gaining, my back so weak. I went out to table to eat.
Monday, September 3, 1962
I paid $16.00 on my Doctor bill of $28.00. Doctor made 4 trips at $7.00 a trip.
Tuesday, September 4, 1962
I sit up some today. I feel some better but back so weak. Dad is not too good,
his belly hurts him, always go to toilet by myself.
Wednesday, September 5, 1962
Got letter from Effie, some better. Orby cut grass today, got paid from (can't read) maker and social security.
Thursday, September 6, 1962
Went to table this morning. Wrote letter to Effie and sent Ardith $5.00 check for her wedding Sunday the 9th. Orpha called was going to take Bud to Doctor as he had heart trouble. Orpha and Bud was here a short time, they had just come from Dr. Klerk's but don't look too good. Orpha looks tired and weary. I have sit up more today than before, back weak.
Friday, September 7, 1962
Got up this morning, went to table, feeling better. I cleaned the ice off the refrigerator, sure a job. I know it is hard on me, but I did it.
Saturday, September 8, 1962
Got up went to table, ironed my dress and the pillow cases, did not feel too good but done it. Always go to toilet my self and have been every since Sunday and Monday the 26th. I always went my self as i could do better than Dad helping me.
Sunday, September 9, 1962
Well today is Ardith's wedding day, we sent her a check. Ardith Vandenburg. I helped Orby make scalloped potatoes for dinner today. It was real good. Dad only help me Sunday night till 12 o'clock, then went to bed. Sunday 26th and one night he put quilt over me.
Monday, September 10, 1962
Dad went to Kalamazoo after paint. It sure is raining. I called Daisy and she said it rained hard there last night. Pretty wet for the Allegan fair. My back hurts me a lot this morning but I slept fairly last night. Earl and Edith was here a while. They looked pretty good. Stella Musselman will be buried tomorrow. Blanch called to tell Earl. I fried meat today.
Tuesday, September 11, 1962
Dennis' was here a while this afternoon. My back still sore. I made a lemon pie but Orby helped me. I had scalloped potatoes for dinner, I cooked by myself.
Wednesday, September 12, 1962
Today Orby's cousin Stella Musselman is going to be buried. Dad set out some tulips, I cooked cabbage for dinner today. Wrote Merle a card. I got apple jack for dinner.
Thursday, September 13, 1962
I feel some better. Slept pretty good last night. Orby called up Pete, Effie answered, she is awful weak but can see and come home before time. Her eyes better. I had cabbage for dinner.
Friday, September 14, 1962
Ike and Ken come for the pipe. I am awful sore in my back. I may go to Doctor tomorrow or have him come here. Had liver for supper, I got it.
Saturday, September 15, 1962
Today at 9 o'clock, I have been 3 weeks sick. I am taking it easy today as I felt so bad yesterday. Daisy called and said Rosie's neighbor died. Some better, did no cooking.
Sunday, September 16, 1962
So here I am some better. I guess gaining slowly. Dad pulled grass. I made scalloped potatoes for dinner myself.
Monday, September 17, 1962
Today Dad went to Kalamazoo, sold some small tomatoes.
Tuesday, September 18, 1962
Went to Otsego first time. Stood ride pretty good, got home 10 am.
Wednesday, September 19, 1962
Orpha came over to fix my hair but we both decided we would wait till Friday. Had a nice visit. Orby went and got her and took her home.
Thursday, September 20, 1962
I am gaining in my back.
Friday, September 21, 1962
Wore my corset first time nearly all day. Orby started painting house, got one end painted.
Saturday, September 22, 1962
4 weeks this morning at 9 o'clock, since i hurt my back. I tried to clean my stove a little, was thinking of mopping bath and kitchen but give it up as i hurt too much, washed the kitchen rug.
Sunday, September 23, 1962
Nice day but we stayed home. Dennis' wanted us to come for dinner but I did not feel up to it, had scalloped potatoes for dinner. Dad is out moving the grass, he has a blood shot eye.
Monday, September 24, 1962
Went to Orpha's, she was to fix my hair but did not have directions, so we had a good time visiting. Saw Orpha's new vinyl she is going to put on bathroom cost 44 cents a block. It is real pretty.
Tuesday, September 25, 1962
Felt a little stiff and sore, guess we rode around too much. Stopped at bodyshop and saw Bud and Bob, Virg, and Dennis. Dad got radiator fixed.
Wednesday, September 26, 1962
Met Deloris Bolton taking up supscriptions for papers to win trip. Washed clothes, am sore today.
Thursday, September 27, 1962
I ironed clothes today. Fell some better. Orpha called, I may get my hair done tomorrow, got hair fixed. Claudia was her too.
Friday, September 28, 1962
I did small wash, Dad is painting.
Saturday, September 29, 1962
Don't feel too good. Will go to Doctor next Monday.
Sunday, September 30, 1962
Stayed home, Daisy and Ike come over. Dad had been painting, brought papers. She is going to Doctor Tuesday for a check up.

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