Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Women that behave seldom make history.

March 24, 2010 5:46 pm.

Thank you to everyone that will be taking the time to read this blog.

You know someone once said "Women that behave seldom make history". My Grandma Fouts certainly did not follow any one's path. She was a good woman that did not behave as others in her generation did, as pretty much all the strong women in my family. I'm proud of them all.

My Grandparents probably had only a 6th or 8th grade education, they managed to maintain an above average life style by working hard, saving, flipping homes - selling them on land contracts earning interest. I think at one time they may have had 6 homes, maybe more. They also made money raising and selling cows, butter, chickens, eggs, corn, asparagus, raspberries, cherries, cucumbers, sweetcorn, flowers, rabbits and who knows what else.

Yet, they lived good, they never went without. They had nice clothes, nice cars, beautiful homes, televisions, modern appliances, and good food. They were also caring and sharing people.

They were members of the Church of the Brethren, baptised there, but they just really really believed in God. Period.

I didn't know when I started this blog, that I would find myself saying hello and then sadly goodbye again to Grandma, Grandpa, as well as my Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins.

I want to invite anyone that has questions to contact me, this is "our" family and I have old photos and other information you may be interested in sharing. So please contact me at

I also have the "Gimbel Family Tree" in as with any of this, you are welcome to check it out and use the information that you need. I will continue to update and add, I just made a major correction this morning, so I am learning constantly and value input from others. I will also be adding more photos, soon.

Thank you again.
Rosemary Gimbel King
Orpha and Bud's Daughter, Rosa and Orby's Granddaugher and Hazel and Otto's Granddaughter.

November 1966

Tuesday, November 1, 1966
It flaked a little snow this morning. I mopped my kitchen. I am dizzy but the floor was so dirty.
Wednesday, November 2, 1966
I was sick. Orpha came over and was with me 4 hours, she is sick herself but Orby called her also Bud and you know she was sick herself but came and would not eat any dinner. They brought our tractor and snow plow over tonight, cost $5.00 to get fixed.
Thursday, November 3, 1966
It snowed last night, I don't know how deep as Dad has not got out. I feel some better but awful dizzy yet. Sent letter to Merle and Letha.
Friday, November 4, 1966
I sent letter to Lane Bryant today. Dad shoveled snow out of driveway. Then went to big store in Kalamazoo.
Saturday, November 5, 1966
It is flaking a little snow. I am still dizzy. We will have chicken and sweet potatoes for dinner. Mrs. Dennis called. She is not too good. Ernest better. Orpha called, she was mad, I don't know why. Snow is going away some.
Sunday, November 6, 1966
Wrote letter to Mrs. Charles Isabell Carlson at 2345 E. Main, Mesa Arizona. I had Rex of Ohio on at 8 o'clock, his sermon was good. They had Communion today. Orpha and Rosemary was here a while today. Orby went to Ike's and got papers. Dorothy and Ken and Butch was here a while.
Monday, November 7, 1966
I cleaned my blinds, did not do much. Orby wanted me to cut on pie when we had apple sauce, plums, pears open and I would not. Then he said we never have anything to eat. We also had irish potatoes and sweet potatoes besides pickles, beets and what goes every day with a meal.
Tuesday, November 8, 1966
Today is Election Day. Dad voted, I stayed at home. Orpha called, she said Rosemary was in school. Snow is gone and am I glad. Dad went to Kalamazoo for groceries.
Wednesday, November 9, 1966
It is raining some. Well, election is over maybe now we can hear other programs besides election. (Even back then..) I had meat, hominy, kraut, pears and cookies.
Thursday, November 10, 1966
It is raining. Wrote Willard a letter about Carlson at Mesa to see them, as they are back 2 months on payment on house on Miller Road. Carlson paid 2 months, October and November.
Friday, November 11, 1966
I vacuumed the house. Did not do too much but it is not too nice out , looks like rain or snow.
Saturday, November 12, 1966
Sat around all day, my eye was blood shot. So I did not do much.
Sunday, November 13, 1966
I did a wash, hung 2 sheets out doors as it was real nice, the rest in basement. Mrs. Hardy called and I was in bathtube but Dad told her I would call tomorrow.
Monday, November 14, 1966
I did another wash, hung 2 sheets out as I know they would dry as it is nice. Dad went ot Otsego to get Ike's shoe, last as my shoes need resoling. Orpha called said Laura and Leon from Grand Rapids was there for dinner. Called Mrs. Hardy. She is not too good, we talked quite a long time. Got letter from Lane Bryant and Merle.
(And this is where we say "Good bye" this is the last of her entries...Thank you Grandma, you were one heck of a woman!

October 1966

Saturday, October 1, 1966
Today I don't do much work as one of God's 10 commandments tell us to do no labor for the 7th day of week is for God and we should keep it Holy.
Sunday, October 2, 1966
Men drill din wheat and we went to South Bend to visit Barbara and Elmer. Had a real nice time and dinner. We got home at seven o'clock.
Monday, October 3, 1966
I did a wash this morning and Orpha called, said she was going to wash. My it sure is windy today. I could hardly hang up clothes. I fixed my two belts and girdle elastic.
Tuesday, October 4, 1966
I ironed my clothes, washed my hair. Ike brought over papers. Orby was to town and we had a long visit. He went home before Orby came back. Orpha called and wants me to come over around 9 o'clock so she can fix my hair. Got a card from Merle, $68.45 checks and Willey.
Wednesday, October 5, 1966
I went over to Orpha's and she fixed my hair. Stayed all day, had a wonderful time. Rosemary was home. Orpha is getting her car fixed. (I was probably skipping again.)
Thursday, October 6, 1966
It frosted last night and my lovely dahlias got ruined. Sent letter those dahlias were as big as saucers, they were so pretty, yellow.
Friday, October 7, 1966
I mopped kitchen and bathroom then vacuumed all over house. cleaned out refrigerator and cleaned over all furniture and cleaned the kitchen table and chairs, got dinner.
Saturday, October 8, 1966
Got the dickens all day, I wish I could make every one know how I have to live and am called every thing but a decent woman.
Sunday, October 9, 1966
I did a big wash and am tired but I have to get dinner. It is a nice day, some people you know who I mean can sit around and boss the house work, meals and everything. God knows I can't lie to him. Orpha and bud drove over for a half hour. I had just started dinner, wanted them to stay but they said they had to get home. I had cabbage, potatoes, meat, pie and lettuce.
Monday, October 10, 1966
I did a wash and went to Effie's and after dinner we went to Kalamazoo and she bought me a hat and pair of gloves. We had a good time. She wanted me to stay a week. I said no, then she said 2 days and I said some other time. I would of stayed but Donald is there, I did not want to stay.
Tuesday, October 11, 1966
Dad said he did not feel too good. It is chilly this morning. He was sick all day and did not do much of anything.
Wednesday, October 12, 1966
Orby and I was to Ike's then after dinner, he was here. He had been gathering walnuts and they were awful nice and large. I guess he is gathering them for the squirrels.
Thursday, October 13, 1966
Orby picked up and hulled about a bushel of walnuts. I called Mrs. Dennis and she felt pretty good but Dorothea fell part way down stairs and hurt herself. Mrs. Dennis is better. Ernest feels pretty good. Orby is better today.
Friday, October 14, 1966
I changed bed clothes, will wash soon. I got letter from Merle, they are pretty good, said weeds sure grew while they were gone. Took bath. Feel really clean. Orby has about a bushel of hulled walnuts. Now Ike has a lot more he gets them for the squirrels. Some woman called 3 times to inquire about Carolyn Fouts. We told her, her father lived on Morgan Street in Milwood, his name Wilbur Earl.
Saturday, October 15, 1966
It rained about all night, good for the wheat but I think it will soon frost. well, it did frost and killed rest of my dahlias and they were so pretty.
Sunday, October 16, 1966
I washed and am I tired and don't feel too good and it looks lot like rain. Well, I took some of the clothes down and put them on rack in breezeway so they all dried.
Monday, October 17, 1966
I did ironing. Dad went to Kalamazoo.
Tuesday, October 18, 1966
We went to Otsego stayed till noon. I went to Rosie's had a nice visit. She said she may go soon to see about her feet to Ann Arbor.
Wednesday, October 19, 1966
Today I did a wash of 2 sheets and other things. It did look some like rain but clothes got dry.
Thursday, October 20, 1966
I cleaned and changed all my furniture around. Ike came and wanted Orby to go with him to the big store in Kalamazoo. I did not want Orby to go but he was going and I was so tired but Ike asked me to go along and I went but was I tired and won't ever go gadding when I am so tired again.
Friday, October 21, 1966
Went to Orpha's as Orby went to Kalamazoo. Had a good visit, Claudia came over and brought Orpha some coffee ans Orpha did not know she was short on coffee. The children are growing like weeds.
Saturday, October 22, 1966
Sat around all day read messenger paper and feel pretty good. It is pretty windy.
Sunday, October 23, 1966
Well, I woke up last night at 4 o'clock and was so dizzy and sick. Could not walk with out holding to someone or door. I was so sick, vomited and went back to bed. Had light on and nearly sit up in bed but got some better. Did not eat anything, only drank cup of coffee till one thirty, when I ate slice of bread, a small piece of meat, an apple. It is three and I don't feel too good.
Monday, October 24, 1966
Mr. and Mrs. Culver from Brethren Church. We have popcorn for a little treat. She had her mother with her. Mother's name was Edith, she will be 81 years in May and I will be 86 years old in February. Ike was here this afternoon. Had been gathering more walnuts.
Tuesday, October 25, 1966
Orpha came over for a short visit. I sure enjoy when she comes, would love to stay with her but I guess she don't want me. She had her car, it looked awful nice. Bud sure can make them nice when he wants too. I shortened one of my dresses.
Wednesday, October 26, 1966
We and fried mush for breakfast. We went to Dennis' then drove home. They all look pretty good only Lillian gets stagger spells but I do too. I really get awful some times and fall.
Thursday, October 27, 1966
I am making one of my best dresses smaller and am I tired. Will try to finish it tomorrow. Orpha just called said Mrs. Parker was dead, died in Chicago, I think.
Friday, October 28, 1966
I finished making one of my best dresses over, hope it looks good. We had turnips for dinner. They were pretty good.
Saturday, October 29, 1966
My day of rest and read the bible. It is a nice day. Dad went to the big store. We heard Williams and Robert Kennedy, they were both good. I love to hear them talk, they are good plain speakers. Democrats.
Sunday, October 30, 1966
Nice day. I listened to church music and singing. I used to get Mr. DeHahn on from Grand Rapids but he passed on to glory. I get several from Kalamazoo and one in California and Ohio. We had Rex for Ohio on TV 12. I did a large wash and they are all dry and now I will iron some of them. We had potatoes, gravy and chicken for dinner.
Monday, October 31, 1966
Halloween. Last day of month, nice day. Washed some wash. Ike came for a while. Had been to hospital to make up hospital bill. He looks pretty good. We stayed home, we generally went to Daisy's (for Halloween) but now she is gone., but in 1963 she was still with us.

September 1966

Thursday, September 1, 1966
Retha's Birthday born 1880. (Orby's sister) Went to Otsego, put water on all grave flowers of our folks. Then stopped at Ike's. Dad made me out a liar when i was talking and it was him, not me and he knew better . It is warm today. Dad took pears to sell to Kalamazoo, sold some pears at $2.00 a bushel.
Friday, September 2, 1966
I canned 7 quarts of peaches today. I am tired, will go to bed early, haven't heard from Orpha for a few days. I get worried when I don't hear form them. Had some rain tonight. Sold some pears, now they are all gone.
Saturday, September 3, 1966
Sat around, got early dinner so Dad could go to Kalamazoo. Kenneth McLaughlin was here a few minutes to see if Dad had any pipe. Ken said Ike was not feeling good yesterday but better today. We had fish that Bud gave us for dinner. They were delicious. We sold Ike's gate today 50 cents.
Sunday, September 4, 1966
It was a nice day. Our clothes dried very quick. I canned pears all day after I did the wash. I will have around 20 quarts of pears when I get them all canned. I talked with Orpha, she is coming along fine with her Avon.
Monday, September 5, 1966
I finished canning my pears and talked to Dorothy, Orpha and Ike. His arm hurts pretty bad, can't drive car good. I think maybe Orpha may come over if Bud feels like it.
Tuesday, September 6, 1966
Letha and Earl's birthday. I went over to Orpha's today and we went out to dinner, then went to see Bud at the shop. He has lots of work. Rosemary did not have school all day. (Probably was skipping)
Wednesday, September 7, 1966
Today, we went to Vicksburg and stopped at the house that was for sale on Andy Street.
Thursday, September 8, 1966
Today I did a wash, mopped my kitchen and ironed some clothes. Will send an order to Lane Bryant for dress and shoes tomorrow.
Friday, September 9, 1966
I sent check of $12.49 for dresses July 28, 1966, for dresses and it was returned, so now I am sending today Sept 9 for dress and pair of shoes. The check of $12.40
to Lane Bryant my order came to $11.42, due me 98 cents. (Ordered different dress, less money) I vacuumed all rooms, did a little wash, dusted and worked over tow girdles. Dad sold some tomatoes.
Saturday, September 10, 1966
Today I never do much, read bible and christian papers. I am now reading Lesson in Truth, I read it before. It is a nice book to read. Got a letter from Merle and Effie. Merle sent some pictures of his house and cactus.
Sunday, September 11, 1966
Mr. Oley, a neighbor of Merle's in Arizona. Well, I did a wash and went over to Dennis and Claudia Westra's for dinner. Had a nice time and a bountiful dinner. The children were so nice, their doggie was not at home.
Monday, September 12, 1966
We went to Hartford today. I called up Orpha to go along but she had to canvas to day. We took Orby's watch and our 8 day clock to have fixed. We know a man, Jim Ogerly, he is Peg's son. We also visited Atterberry while we was there, then we drove to Decatur to Edith's, saw Edith and Blanche. Jim Odgely, Peg's son in Hartford, Michian.
Tuesday, September 13, 1966
I did my ironing and fixed my gown. Wrote Merle a letter and talked to Effie. Pete will be to Minn 10 days. Orpha did not call today. Effie said she was going to try to get over here this week. Dorothea Dennis called today, said she was coming over sometime this week.
Wednesday, September 14, 1966
Orby went to Kalamazoo to get groceries and paint. I mopped the kitchen, it sure gets dirty.
Thursday, September 15, 1966
Sent my shoes and dress back to Lane Bryant. I vacuumed my 4 rooms today while orby was to Otsego.
Friday, September 16, 1966
Orpha, my sweet girl, brought over my order $4.33. Will put some on my face tonight to make me pretty. Orpha wants to see me beautiful. She is so sweet, so is Rosemary and Claudia and Orby.
Saturday, September 17, 1966
Bra 38D, but 38 dress too big. Iva Belcher married McFerrson. Iva had a sister Leliah, she stayed with us a while when she was a little girl. Orby is finishing door. Belcher Shiela Iva
Sunday, September 18, 1966
I am washing clothes it is chilly today. We are expecting Dennis' over today, sometime they come, we had ice cream and cookies for lunch.
Monday, September 19, 1966
Got Orby's watch and my clock today and Orby paid out groceries and gas $7.99. I did my ironing. A lady came to look at house, she liked it.
Tuesday, September 20, 1966
Orpha just called. Bud got his little finger cut real bad yesterday and doctor sewed it up but he went to work but shouldn't as I guess it is real bad. I am fixing the corners of my fitted sheet. The minister Mr. John Tomlonson was here on a short visit. I like him, he seems so nice. (His finger healed fine)
Wednesday, September 21, 1966
Rosemary and Orpha was here for dinner and Orpha said maybe her and Bud was going to the show about Christ from cradle to grave.
Thursday, September 22, 1966
We went to Ike's and he seems better but arm is sore yet. Got papers then came home I ironed.
Friday, September 23, 1966
I vacuumed all floors , fixed my dress, fixed clock so we could adjust it slow or fast. Dad cut the lawn today.
Saturday, September 24, 1966
Sat home all day. A man came from Grand Rapids taking orders for a hearing aid but I don't think it amounts to much. Had scalloped potatoes, meat, pears, cookies and pickles. It is a cold windy day. Got letter from Merle.
Sunday, September 25, 1966
I did a wash. Dad went to sale at Otsego. I think at Vern Pike's, he is moving to Florida. Effie is at home. Pete isn't too good. I want to visit her sometime this week.
Monday, September 26, 1966
I did another wash and too I washed my chair bottom, it zips out. I called Orpha, she was not at home. I was going there if she would have been home as Orby went to pick some apples. Where he got those good apples one year and we all got some real nice cherries. They were dark red. I ironed today also. Summers is putting up a garage. I don't know if he has building permit or not. Paid $2.00 for a bushel and u pick.
Tuesday, September 27, 1966
I vacuumed the 3 rooms. Tried to get Effie 4 times in morning and at 10 o'clock, then around 5, then I called Beda, then I got serious and called Lawrence Minegar at Otsego and he said Effie was not to hospital in Minn. Then I called Effie, got her, she said she had been home all day and Beda was there ironing. Orby bought tow muskmelons.
Wednesday, September 28, 1966
Got letter from Lucille yesterday. Willard and Bessie are not too good. Doctor said Willard had Diabetes and Bessie is not too good. Ike came over with papers. I am patching my blanket. Orby put them around furniture so the furniture would not get scratched up but aught to see the blankets.
Thursday, September 29, 1966
Orpha and Claudia and children was here a while but looked like rain and Orpha left her windows open so had to get home to shut them. so did not stay long.
Friday, September 30, 1966
Last day of month. Wrote Lucille letter. Orby is putting storm windows up. I patched a wool blanket yesterday. Ike was here awhile, his arm is better.

August 1966

(Rosa is 85, Orby is 83. They are doing pretty good. Rosa's writing in this diary is probably the nicest of all of them, big, bold and sweeping. Her hand writing is very much like my Mother's, Orpha)

Monday, August 1, 1966
I washed and ironed. Ike was here, brought over papers. He looked pretty good.
Tuesday, August 2, 1966
We went to see Parker place last night. We stopped to Bud's for a while.
Wednesday, August 3, 1966
I canned 2 quarts beans and washed out some colored clothes and 3 pair of pants for Orby. I sent Merle a letter today.
Thursday, August 4, 1966
Orby went and bought groceries and I vacuumed. I sold my small radio for $7.00 and it was 1 week Monday when we started to sell the things, we did not need.
Friday, August 5, 1966
Home all day selling odd and ends. I washed and mopped kitchen and sweep room.
Saturday, August 6, 1966
Rosemary's Birthday (17) I did some reading Bible and looking up scriptures. Love to read God's word.
Sunday, August 7, 1966
I am sorting out some things to put up for sale as we are getting rid of some things in house we don't need.
Monday, August 8, 1966
Orpha's Birthday (56) born 1910. Orpha and Rosemary came over. I gave Orpha the glass dish my Grandma gave my Mother when I was a little girl and i gave Rosemary a real old Cheese dish. (I still have it) We took pictures, had a lovely time. A man brought over a camper for us to sell for him. Rosemary said she could get 30 miles on a gallon of gas in her new car.
Tuesday, August 9, 1966
It rained some last night and it is chilly this morning but the sun is shining.
Wednesday, August 10, 1966
Looks like rain. We went to Kalamazoo to the big store and i bought me a pair of house slippers 92 cents with tax. Received a letter from Mrs. Parker, sale cancelled.
Thursday, August 11, 1966
Orby's Birthday born 1883 he will be 83 today. Well, we celebrated Orby's birthday today. Orpha, Bud and Rosemary was to our house for dinner and Rosemary baked a lovely large cake and brought over. Bud could not stay long but we was so glad to have him here. He has lots of jobs on hand and had to get back to work.
Friday, August 12, 1966
I did a small wash. Well, I went to Orpha's real early and Orpha had gone to the store with Claudia so Rosemary was home. I got her out of bed and we had a nice visit, then Orpha and Claudia come and was I glad, that way i saw the children and Claudia. I had not seen them seemed in "ages". We all had a nice time. Claudia went home and we had dinner. Orpha and I went to cemetery then to Rosie's, put in a day of pleasure.
Saturday, August 13, 1966
Sat around after we got home from Ike's. He looks pretty good, said he mopped kitchen. It was a nice day. I read some. I love to read God's word. Oh how I wish Orby loved to go to church as I love to go and learn more about our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Sunday, August 14, 1966
Sold my coffee maker $4.00 and iron 50 cents, sold 4 dozen corn at 40 cents per dozen. Bud took Orpha out for a little ride, bless them.
Monday, August 15, 1966
I did a wash it look like ran but I think my clothes will get dry. I wrote Lucille a letter today.
Tuesday, August 16, 1966
I did my ironing and tried to fix my bra. It is cool today.
Wednesday, August 17, 1966
I washed some pants and shirts. It is cool today. I wrote Merle and Letha separately today. Called Mrs. Dennis, but line was busy. Ike came over with papers, brought over some tubes. I gave him some apples.
Thursday, August 18, 1966
I started on making dress smaller and cleaned out refrigerator and mopped bath and kitchen and swept out breezeway.
Friday, August 19, 1966
Still at my dress, got it done as i only had just a little sewing today.
Saturday, August 20, 1966
Sat around and read God's word, I never do anything much on the Lord's day.
Sunday, August 21, 1966
It is raining today. We intended to go to Decatur this afternoon but can't now as it rained nearly all day off and on. I did some washing but did not hang them outdoors.
Monday, August 22, 1966
I did a wash and still is gloomy.
Tuesday, August 23, 1966
Getting ready to go to get flowers for Daisy's grave.
Wednesday, August 24, 1966
Daisy's Birthday born 1899, if she had lived she would be 67. Bless her. I lover her so very much, my first baby. Orpha and Rosemary was here a while today.
Thursday, August 25, 1966
I washed out dresses and Ike came over with some rugs he wanted to sell.
Friday, August 26, 1966
Dad is getting ready to go to town, it is nice sunshiny day, but chilly.
Saturday, August 27, 1966
Getting ready to visit my company tomorrow. I don't do much of anything today as it is the Lord's day. Orpha brought over a nice mess of fish, rather two messes. She did not stay too long.
Sunday, August 28, 1966
Well, here I am getting ready for my company, the Dennis' and their daughter (Dorothea McCalla). Well, here they come, I will have snapped beans, beats, bread and butter pickles, chicken, gravy, mashed potatoes, pie, cookies, ice cream on the apple pie. Dorothea cleaned up the dishes, she is so nice. I gave her an apron, she was born August 24, same as Daisy, only younger.
Monday, August 29, 1966
I did a large wash today, then washed my two bed spreads. I am pretty tired. Orpha was over for a few minutes. She and Rosemary is selling the Avon product now and has done pretty good. (Avon calling....)
Tuesday, August 30, 1966
I did the ironing and going to write to my dear ones in Arizona. Wrote a big letter to Merle. Well, Ike is here, brought papers over. We had fish for dinner. Orpha brought them over, Bud caught them. they were good. It is nice.
Wednesday, August 31, 1966
Went to Dennis'. Dad helped fix the shed, stayed for dinner, had a nice visit.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

July 1966

(Rosa is 85 and Orby is 83. They are both feeling much better and busy with cleaning and farming)

Friday, July 1, 1966
I mopped my kitchen and bath room, cleaned rooms and did lot of extra work and I am tired. I also wrapped a gift up for my great grandson Donald's son for he is to be married tomorrow at 2 o'clock at Kendall Michigan Church.
Saturday, July 2, 1966
If nothing happens we are going to Donald Jr's. wedding. He is going to get married at 2 pm. Rosie is to call me around nine o'clock to see if she is going. I hope she does. Orpha was not invited but I know they over looked her as she is a very lovable person. We gave them a steel tea kettle with copper bottom and whistle and a table cloth.
Sunday, July 3, 1966
Was very surprised to see Edith, Blanche and Hazel drive in. We had a lovely visit and they said they were going to drive to Angola Indiana tomorrow. They said Ardith had another baby, a girl born in May. Hazel said this tree over to Bastian's was a Mountain Ash.
Monday, July 4, 1966
Well, it was a hot old night but toward morning it cooled off some. It is eight o'clock and some cooler. We are invited over to Betty's for a cook out dinner. I hope it gets cooler.
Tuesday, July 5, 1966
Went to Orpha's after 2 o'clock and brought my book home, I loaned her. Rosemary mowed the lawn.
Wednesday, July 6, 1966
I did a wash it looked like rain and did rain some but I waited awhile then hung them up and they dried. Then I washed my bead spread and did all the ironing. Dad wen tot Otsego Cemetery to see about putting in foundation for our tombstone. It will be put in right and Dad bought me Sen Sens today 10 cents.
Thursday, July 7, 1966
It is cooler today but nice. I wrote a letter to Merle's. Dad picked his first pint of red raspberries. I cleaned all my blinds and vacuumed the rooms and hemmed a dress.
Friday, July 8, 1966
I changed papers in my drawers and put clean papers under my flowers in kitchen. Ike took sick off and on for a week, then he got bad and went to Doctor and they took him to Kalamazoo this afternoon and we haven't heard from him yet. Betty and Rosie took him. I am worried. I pray he will come through good.
Saturday, July 9, 1966
I did not do much. I never do on the Sabbath. Ike is not any better. I called Orpha, she had Dennise to her house. Dad picked a few raspberries. It is raining and we sure needed it.
Sunday, July 10, 1966
I did a wash and am tired. I washed my crocheted table cloth. Bastain bought 1 pint raspberries. I will bake a pie for dinner. It is nice and cool, we had a lovely rain yesterday.
Monday, July 11, 1966
Washing Orby's pants and white clothes. Looks some like rain. Well it did rain. Ike went to hospital today, Bronson Room 22, 3rd floor.
Tuesday, July 12, 1966
Today I should hear about Ike at the Bronson Hospital. I called Mrs. Dennis and she said Dorothea McCalla, their daughter was starting to Vicksburg Thursday. I called Dorothy and she don't know anything yet but Betty and Rosie went to hospital. Orby sold $6.00 worth of red raspberries. I called Mrs. Dennis and Effie today.
Wednesday, July 13, 1966
Clare and wife leaves for England. Rosa Myers Birthday. I went to Orpha's had a good visit. She feels better than she did. We went to cemetery when we came home from Orpha's Dad saw Ike, he did not look to good.
Thursday, July 14, 1966
Dad went to hospital. Ike was some better but not too good. We do hope he gets a lot better. Dad took some flowers. It wasn't too warm in Hospital. Had our first mess of new beans.
Friday, July 15, 1966
I called Mrs. Hardy, had a nice visit. then Orpha called me, they are coming over Sunday for dinner. they took flowers to Ike at the hospital. I washed out 2 bathroom rugs. Dad is out picking raspberries.
Saturday, July 16, 1966
Was home all day but went to Ike's and gave him money for his Birthday. He looks pretty good, only can't eat every thing and is weak.
Sunday, July 17, 1966
Today is Ike's birthday. It is nice this morning, not too hot. I am having Orpha's over for dinner today. I got pie, cookies, chicken, rice pudding, both kinds of potatoes, beans, beet pickles. I love my children all of them. (And that is what I remember about Grandma's meals, she always had a lot of different things, lots and lots of choices and she was a good cook!)
Monday, July 18, 1966
I did 2 washers and cleaned my front room and bedrooms. They got the wheat all cut at Cooper's and Bastain's and it started to rain.
Tuesday, July 19, 1966
It cleared off and they finished cutting wheat today.
Wednesday, July 20, 1966
I did some more wash. I washed shirts and 3 dresses. Took down my kitchen curtains and washed them. then washed the windows and ironed the curtains and put them back up.
Thursday, July 21, 1966
Went to Otsego Cemetery today to see our tombstone we bought at Holland Michigan cost $450.00. It is pinkish color and very nice. While we was there, they buried a Mrs. Laughlin 91 years old. I met her at Ike's one day in Otsego. We also was at Bud's early this morning as we wanted to tell them we got a letter from Chicago form Mrs. J. Parker about the place across from Orpha's. Ike looks a lot better.
Friday, July 22, 1966
I finished making me my large apron over now it fits. I vacuumed the 3 rooms. I answered the Parker letter.
Saturday, July 23, 1966
We was home all day. Ike called, he is better but still weak and not much appetite. Some thing went wrong with our pump. Well, Orby fixed it.
Sunday, July 24, 1966
I did a wash and canned 3 quarts of beans. Went over to Dennis' and had lunch. At night with them had a nice visit. Ernest looks better, she is pretty good, so is Dorothea.
Monday, July 25, 1966
I washed out my dresses. I intend to get rid of, we sold quite a few articles and we got a little rain. I am tried tonight. Ike was over for a while, he still is not got his strength back. Orpha and Rosemary was here a while. She borrowed my carpet cleaner. Put things out to sell.
Tuesday, July 26, 1966
Orby is cleaning out the garage and putting things out in front. I helped a little. We put some things out to sell. Berma bought Bastian's car set covers 50 cents a piece. He brought over 2 chairs and a door.
Wednesday, July 27, 1966
Today is Merle's Birthday. Also my Dad and Mother's wedding day. It is raining. Sold GE vacuum $15.00 plus $8.00 I got for things sold for my half.
Thursday, July 28, 1966
Sold $8.77 1/2 for my share. was a very nice day. Sent Mrs. Parker a letter today.
Friday, July 29, 1966
It was a nice day but we did not sell much. $1.52 1/2 Orby gave me today.
Saturday, July 30, 1966
Sat home all day, read God's word.
Sunday, July 31, 1966
Paid out $6.00 for fixing pump. I di da wash and ironed. It looked a lot like rain.

June 1966

Wednesday, June 1, 1966
We went to Otsego to see about a tombstone for Dad and I. We stopped and Ike went with us. I did my ironing too after we had our dinner. Dad is out picking asparagus.
Thursday, June 2, 1966
I put Kennedy half dollar with my two little bible verses today. I washed my tow lace table clothes and id a big wash. talked to Dorothy. I am having scalloped potatoes for dinner.
Friday, June 3, 1966
Today on TV Ellen and David will be married. (Soaps) today I fixed over two girdles. Dad went to Kalamazoo with his asparagus.
Saturday, June 4, 1966
I wrote to Dottie Dennis McCalla, 4500 Raven Wood, Fort Lauderdale, Florida today.
(Dorothea) Stayed home all day, I get so lonesome I don't get to go many places and Dad is running all the time.
Sunday, June 5, 1966
Went to Warner's then to Cemetery then to Ike's. It was a very nice day.
Monday, June 6, 1966
Looked cloudy but it did not rain. Orby took some asparagus to store. I had potatoes, cabbage, carrots, beets, patties. It is little cool. It must have rained some where.
Tuesday, June 7, 1966
I did some wash. I don't feel too good and I sent order to Montgomery for 2 bras and 2 girdles. My wash dried real quick. Dad went to Kalamazoo with asparagus and I bought a small bottle of Zyma caps from Upjohn. $1.37 20 capsules. I talked with Orpha and Mrs. Dennis. They are feeling better.
Wednesday, June 8, 1966
Orby and I went to Holland Michigan and ordered a tombstone for us and will have it in around 30 days. Cost $450.00 all complete. We stopped to Ike's on way home. I will do some ironing after my program on TV is over, them two. I think I will wash the black dress Daisy gave to me before she passed away. My I miss her so much. She was a dear sweet girl. Got new packing in our pump cost $6.00.
Thursday, June 9, 1966
We are still wishing for rain. I sent order to Montgomery for 2 bras and 2 girdles.
Friday, June 10, 1966
I went to Orpha's, Claudia's. Bob's and Orpha's was not at home so we went to Bob's then back to Orpha's and she was still gone but Rosemary was there and we visited till Orpha came home and she had had an appointment with doctor so I had Dad come get me.
Saturday, June 11, 1966
We went to Effie and she gave us several messes of fish and we took her some asparagus. Then we stopped near Cork Street and got Orpha some Sulphured salve but the Doctor gave her some medicine in tube. She thinks will heal her. I took Orpha two Doctor books to look at.
Sunday, June 12, 1966
I did a wash. Ike, Rosie and Gerry was here a while to watch the Parade of old cars from Grand Rapids. There was some real old ones in the parade and all was old and really was nice. We sat in Gerry's car till it all passed.
Monday, June 13, 1966
I did some mending, ironed some clothes. Sat around. Dad went to Kalamazoo with some asparagus and a man called wanted some but we did not have any.
Tuesday, June 14, 1966
Orpha and Rosemary was here. I think Orpha is some better, she acted better.
Wednesday, June 15, 1966
I did a wash and Mrs. Berna bought nearly all my white peony's. I did not have too many, she bought 10 dozen, it is a rainy afternoon. (They sold cut flowers)
Thursday, June 16, 1966
Ike came over brought 1 quart strawberries and papers. I wanted him to stay for dinner bu the would not but we had short cake. We also got a letter from Clare and David. Clare will be here some time soon.
Friday, June 17, 1966
Got a card from Clare and a letter from David. Clare will be here in the near future as he says on his card after the 18th of June. Mopped the kitchen and bathroom. Mrs. came over and got 1 1/2 dozen of peonies at 50 cents a dozen. Dad went to Kalamazoo and got groceries. Dad got a Father's Day card from Merle.
Saturday, June 18, 1966
Dad is cleaning out the stool with acid. I read some in bible. I loved to read about God and his son, Jesus.
Sunday, June 19, 1966
Today my brother would of been 83 if he had lived. Went to Orpha an Bud's for Father's day dinner. We ate out doors on the new table Bud made. Had barbecue chicken. Rosemary made a lovely cake and we had a lovely time out under that beautiful hard maple tree. Dad went and got my order $10.23 Monday June 20.
Monday, June 20, 1966
Paid Orby $10.23 for two girdles and one bra. Clare came over with his wife Carolyn but did not stay long, they came around noon but had their dinner. They did not stay long. I did a big wash before they came. Orby took asparagus to market and got my order form Montgomery store.
Tuesday, June 21, 1966
Orpha and Rosemary was here a while. They went to Plainwell to see about tomato plants.
Wednesday, June 22, 1966
Well, I did my ironing and swept floors. It was a very hot day, we could use some rain. Orby took asparagus to market. Ike came over with papers got a rose to plant a pink color.
Thursday, June 23, 1966
Ike brought me in a nice bunch of mock orange, they are so pretty, smell so nice.
Friday, June 24, 1966
Dad went to the market with 22 lb. asparagus. I called Orpha. She don't feel much better of her cold. I am a lot better. I washed 5 dollies and ironed three. It took me 1 hour to iron the three.
Saturday, June 25, 1966
Dad went to Market then to Kalamazoo. I stayed home as usual. I feel lot better of my cold. I don't do much on Saturday. Sent for 2 bras, 2 rugs, mattress cover, a tea Kettle, 2 1/2 quart, steel, whistling one for Donald's boy, the oldest child will be married first of July. We went to Ike's after we went to cemetery, he seemed fairly well.
Sunday, June 26, 1966
I did a big washing and then ironed a few pieces.
Monday, June 27, 1966
Dad is out picking asparagus. It is nice and cool this morning. We are going over to Hardy's and Dennis' today and Orby is going to see about some strawberries. We visited Mr. and Mrs. Dennis also I stayed with Mrs. Hardy till Orby went and picked 3 quarts of strawberries.
Tuesday, June 28, 1966
It is raining. I intended to wash but I cut me out an apron. Dad picked some asparagus before it started to rain.
Wednesday, June 29, 1966
Orby went ot Kalamazoo to get the order we got Donald Jr. and wife a tea kettle for his wedding gift. I finished my apron today. I also got a plastic 5 year guaranteed mattress cover form Aldens and two vests. Ike was here brought papers over.
Thursday, June 30, 1966
I did my ironing after I washed clothes today. I had quite a big wash too. I have to send my two bras back to Aldens as they are C bust and I have to get D. I pulled some weeds in my sweet pea garden. Orpha and Rosemary came over a while and brought a cup and saucer. Said Mother and Father on it, they are nice large ones.

May 1966

Sunday, May 1, 1966
I wrote letter to Dennis' also to Rosa Myers and Bessie.
Monday, May 2, 1966
Went over to see Ike, brought papers back. Ike had mowed part of his lawn and so did Orby. We had chicken and noodles for dinner. Donna DeKilder is going to get married some time in July, we think.
Tuesday, May 3, 1966
I am washing clothes and will wash colored ones, too. The sun is out nice and bright but quite cold. I wrote Merle today. Dad is mowing the grass in back yard.
Wednesday, May 4, 1966
Sent letter to Nature to see why they don't send medicine. Orpha and Bud came over last night for a while.
Thursday, May 5, 1966
I did wash and ironed. Had beef, noodles, and potatoes for dinner. The weather is still cold, not too good on garden stuff.
Friday, May 6, 1966
Got my medicine Super Stron 60 caps 2 $4.76. I called Orpha but she was not at home. Ike came over with a lovely flowers for my Mother's Day. He never forgets and is thoughtful for us. He still has his lame legs so has Dad. My back is still bothering me. I want to commence cleaning my house next week, if it warms up some so I can.
Saturday, May 7, 1966
Dad went to Plainwell, did not get what we wanted. then went to Kalamazoo got clothes line, something for My hair and some for my feet. Dad bought 2 beer mugs. I got a Mother's Day card and a gift, scented soaps from Merle and Letha and Suki left for Okinawa the 4th of May, where David is. The call Merle sent me on Mother's Day was just grand to hear. His voice meant a lot to me. Thankful for all my nice gifts from my dear children.
Sunday, May 8, 1966
Flaked just a small amount of snow but melted as it came down. Dad brought in our first mess of asparagus, had chicken for dinner. Sat around all day. Orpha got me a lovely set pin and ear rings in a swell jewel box to keep them in, it is silver. Ike got me a lovely bouquet of pink roses in vase, they are all so nice.
Monday, May 9, 1966
Orby and I started to clean the two bed rooms, got them nearly both cleaned all but putting back things where they belong.
Tuesday, May 10, 1966
Started cleaning on front room but won't get it done as I will wash my drapes tomorrow. We are expecting the oil man today. We had our first mess of asparagus for dinner. I am nearly give out. I tripped on electric cord and hurt my head. Dad fixed the strip that holds up so they won/t let the plates fall over.
Wednesday, May 11, 1966
Orby went to town, eggs 35 cents a dozen. It is raining and it seems cold and damp. My eye looks awful, hurt last night, it has a bag of blood on it. Dennis quite working for Bud. Karla's Mother is having operation. Orpha is taking care of the children. Dad just told me he saved 7 cent son the peanut butter at the big store In Kalamazoo. Dad bought 100 foot clothes line today from Spartan Store.
Thursday, May 12, 1966
I am cleaning my chairs and blinds. I am tired. Ike came over with papers.
Friday, May 13, 1966
I am washing drapes today, as it is a nice sunny day. Started on my vitamins. I got my drapes dried and ironed them. It was a job, and I am so tired, all wore out too tired to eat. Went to bed at 8 o'clock and did not rest too good.
Saturday, May 14, 1966
It is nice today but colder. I don't do much on Saturday, just read some. We got a letter from Merle and he says he has lots of flowers in blossom. We have some but not too many.
Sunday, May 15, 1966
I had rhubarb and asparagus for dinner. I was so tired as I had been doing a lot of work and was nearly worked out.
Monday, May 16, 1966
Orby went to store and I stopped off at Orpha's. She is getting new covering on her counters and making room for a stove and refrigerator. It will be nice when Bud gets them all done. Bob has a new car.
Tuesday, May 17, 1966
I did 2 wash and when they dried I ironed them. Mrs. Dennis called me and wasn't I surprised. It looked a lot like it might rain today but my clothes got dry. It is 5 pm and still sprinkling a little.
Wednesday, May 18, 1966
Still trying to rain but it stopped for a spell and Dad is out picking asparagus and I am starting to write my children a letter. I sent letter to Look. Orpha came and was here to dinner. She is a darling girl. I enjoy her company, wish we could be together more often. She fixed the drape Dad would not fix and it looks a lot better now thanks to her.
Thursday, May 19, 1966
I am sorting over some things I want to sell. I haven't called Orpha yet, I talked once to Mrs. Dennis on phone since she has been home but tried to get her today all day but she did not answer.
Friday, May 20, 1966
I am washing out some clothes and trying to bleach out my bed sheets. We had dinner and want to listen to my plays on TV and too we expect Dennis' around 3 o'clock. Will be first time we seen them since they got home. Dorthea is taking them over to Carl's for their supper. Lillian look fairly good but Ernest looks not too good. Dorothea is okay.
Saturday, May 21, 1966
I cleaned the refrigerator. Will have beans for dinner. Clare was married today in Maryland. I sit around all day, talked to Orpha and Mrs. Dennis and Dorthea. Had beans for dinner, pears, kraut, rhubarb and bacon. (Clare Fouts, Merle's youngest son)
Sunday, May 22, 1966
Did not do much today. Sold some rhubarb.
Monday, May 23, 1966
I mopped the kitchen, cleaned the 2 chairs, cleaned under the counter, washed some clothes.
Tuesday, May 24, 1966
Dad sold 52 bunches of asparagus this morning at 30 cents a pound. I went to Orpha's for the afternoon. We went riding and went to Otsego cemetery and the man was mowing, fixing it up for Memorial Day. I wanted to see about flowers but we did not see but one place where they set out. We went to Bud's shop and saw bob and Bud. Bob was painting a house trailer, it looked nice. (Gimbel Body Shop, 517 West North Street, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Bud was the Body man and Bob was the Painter)
Wednesday, May 25, 1966
I called Orpah, she said she was tired and I got her out of bed, if I would have known I would not have called her but I wanted to ask her something, so I could fix my hair, it is a fright. I believe Orpah is getting tired of fixing my hair bu tit has been 5 months, it stayed in so good that's why I would rather have her fix it also I lover her bushels. I made a banana bread for supper. (Rosa got up early, Orpha stayed up late..)
Thursday, May 26, 1966
I mopped my bathroom. It is a nice day. Dad out picking asparagus. Well Orpha came over to fix my hair, she does it so good. I asked he for dinner but she said no but I am sorry I could ask her if she wanted some coffee. I gave her $5.00, she did not want to take it but I really wanted her to take it as it was worth a lot more. Wednesday night 3 o'clock in my sleep I heard Merle call me and I woke Dad up and told him I hear Merle call Mother..Mother..and it sure worried me. (Will someone explain that to our children, we never stop being "Mothers".)
Friday, May 27, 1966
I fixed over two bras that were too large. I was 40 size, now I am 36. We went to Ike's then to Plainwell and bought flowers and 4 tomato plants. I got petunias, they are nice. I have other flowers to mix in with them.
Saturday, May 28, 1966
Orpha and Bud was here a while. They had been to Doster after some boards for their new picnic table. I bet it will be nice when Bud gets it all finished. Bastians went to Ohio for Memorial Day and we will look after their home. Bud had a new pickup, a Ford, it is nice maroon color. (Ranchero 1966)
Sunday, May 29, 1966
I fixed a girdle and did some work. Effie and Pete came this afternoon. They had been to church. Had a nice visit but Pete is in a lot of misery with his ailment. Effie was lame in her arms and shoulders.
Monday, May 30, 1966
We took flowers over to Otsego Cemetery for Daisy, Grandpa (John Fouts) and Orpha's baby (Arlene Joyce) then stopped to Ike's for a while. I want to write Merle a letter today. It will be a little late but I suppose Clare and wife will be there by now.
Tuesday, May 31, 1966
I did a big wash and washed two spreads. I am tired. Dad went to sell asparagus. Clothes dried real quick today, pretty windy. I burned up a skillet and ladle and I just loved them both. It was the best small skillet I had.

April 1966

(Rosa is 85 and Orby will be 83 in August. April 1966 is not a very good month for either one of them)

Friday, April 1, 1966
It is drizzling rain. I did my hair but it did not look too good. I made vegetable soup for dinner. I was in bed most of the day.
Saturday, April 2, 1966
I am little better but not much. I just can't stand what I have to. I would love to run off, I feel so tough.
Sunday, April 3, 1966
My Sister's Birthday, born in 1879. I am not too good, wish I had some place to go and stay as Orby is no good for sick people.
Monday, April 4, 1966
I went to Orpha's, stayed 1/2 day, had to come back home. Nature Food Centre's said i owed them $1.00, which was due August 24, 1965. I answered letter written December 10th, 1965 told them I did not see where i owed them so I haven't heard from them since, so I suppose the error was them not me.
Tuesday, April 5, 1966
Orpha phoned to see how we were. I stayed in bed all day only when I had to go to the bathroom.
Wednesday, April 6, 1966
Still in bed but I got up and sat in chair awhile but was so dizzy so went back to bed and here I am.
Thursday, April 7, 1966
Dad washed out batch of washing. I got up and showed him how to work washer.
Friday, April 8, 1966
Orpha and Rosemary was here today to clean up my house. I appreciated it a lot. Dad grunting. I think they are wonderful children. I am so thankful for my children and grandchildren.
Saturday, April 9, 1966
Dad and I are both sick and just laying around. Dad gets out and tries to work bu the is no good.
Sunday, April 10, 1966
Easter. Did nothing, we both did nothing only eat very little.
Monday, April 11, 1966
Dad went to town. I am not a bit well but I guess I will never be so people won't depend on me. I can't I am sick. I am sick.
Tuesday, April 12, 1966
I got turnips for dinner today. I cook some but am not well just do it to keep peace in the family. I wish I would not have any responsibility on me, whatever. I know Orby is not well but I can't help it.
Wednesday, April 13, 1966
I fried potatoes for our dinner. I feel lot better. Dad is out cleaning up the yard. I just made out an order for super-strong capsules 60 caps. $4.75, extra one $4.76. My back still hurts but am better otherwise. Ike is not too well with his back.
Thursday, April 14, 1966
Nice day.Dad out planting begonias, said he might plant couple of rows of sweet corn. I am some better. Had bean soup for dinner. Mrs. Bastain is washing out a few pieces. Got white and yellow doily worked over, looks nice.
Friday, April 15, 1966
My Dad's Birthday, 112 years old if he had lived. I made a white slip over. It was too large for me. I got dinner, not much, just warmed over some beans and had kraut and plums. Got letter from Mrs. Dennis. Paid for two times groceries, today.
Saturday, April 16, 1966
I don't feel too good. Orpha called, she don't feel good either. Still cleaning house.
Dad out monkeying around to keep out of the house, I guess it is as well as he never wants me to have my way and i deserve it 1/2 of the time but I don't get it 1/10 of the time. I am sick and no where to go only work. I am about through. Dear Lord, you know all.
Sunday, April 17, 1966
We washed 3 batches of cloths today. I feel some better. Orpha and Bud came over a while last night with some drinks. She don't look too good. I called Warner's and told them we would sell our place for $18,000.00 cash. We went over to see how Ike was , he is still lame and no appetite. Betty, Ken, Rosa, and Gerry came over too. We came away before they went home. I did not feel too good neither did Dad.
Monday, April 18, 1966
I will iron a few pieces clothes. Seems nice out today. I ironed today but did not feel like it. I am worse than people think I am.
Tuesday, April 19, 1966
Dad went and had Bud put on a new muffler and I stayed to Orpha's till he cam back.
Brought my flowers and pictures home. Orpha don't feel too good.
Wednesday, April 20, 1966
I fixed over two silk slips, they were too long, then I got fried potatoes and meat and jello for our dinners. Was a very nice day, my back still hurts me.
Thursday, April 21, 1966
I am cooking carrots and parsnips for dinner, got letter from Merle and Bessie. Sent letter to Bessie and Merle.
Friday, April 22, 1966
Today Orpha, Claudia and Dennise and Anita was over. It is Anita's birthday, she is 2 years old and Dennise is 3 1/2. Dad gave the girls each $1.00 apiece. Got letter from Rosa Myers and Bessie.
Saturday, April 23, 1966
Today is Saturday, the Lord's day. I feel some better, glad to have a saviour to call on to as all power comes form our Lord. I made mush tonight.
Sunday, April 24, 1966
Had meat, peas kraut, and beets for dinner. For Breakfast mush, cereal, and cakes yet Dad says we don't have anything to eat.
Monday, April 25, 1966
I did a wash, also ironed too. Ike was here a while not much better, neither am I.
Tuesday, April 26, 1966
I went to Orpha's, she is having some of her cupboards cut off to move stove and refrigerator close together. A man and wife was here to see place but I hardly think they have money to buy, their names were Anderson.
Wednesday, April 27, 1966
Well, we are both still on the down list seems it takes so long to get over being so weak.
Thursday, April 28, 1966
I fixed 4 bras and cleaned around in kitchen. Called Orpha last night, it was one of her off days and mine also. A man looked at place here today. Bastain is still cutting off and burning limbs. They also are doing some painting inside.
Friday, April 29, 1966
Orby trimmed my toe nails and then wen tout to fix the stool ceiling in garage. My feet feel so much better. I sure thank him for the job he did.
Saturday, April 30, 1966
Had fried mush and peaches for breakfast. Rained last night and still raining. cold damp weather.

March 1966

(Rosa is 85 and Orby will be 83 in August. They are in Arizona but come home before the month is over)

Tuesday, March 1, 1966
Suki went to Texas tonight on buss and paid (blank) dollars. She phoned Merle's when she got there. I am crocheting two doilies.
Wednesday, March 2, 1966
Merle and Letha have gone to work. It is chilly today but sun real bright. It don't seem to warm up like it should. Merle and Letha got us a nice 8 piece stainless steel knives, forks and spoons. They are lovely, bless them. I think it was nice of them to get them for us.
Thursday, March 3, 1966
It is little warmer today, sun bright. I am making two doilies, I got the small one done and will soon have the larger one done. It hailed here one day and the mountain near Merle's was shite with hail. It did not last too long as the sun came out.
Friday, March 4, 1966
Willard and Bessie came over this evening to bring Dad two pant suits that Dad had legs cut shorter. Willard has a cold yet, Bessie looks pretty good.
Saturday, March 5, 1966
Wrote Orpha a letter. The weather is windy and chilly. Merle and Letha will soon go to church at Phoenix.
Sunday, March 6, 1966
We went over to Willard's Church to a singing concert at 1:30 it was sure great the singers were from Ohio.
Monday, March 7, 1966
We are having nice weather now, getting warmer. A neighbor Mr. Oley came over to talk to us a while. Letha washed and did an ironing today.
Tuesday, March 8, 1966
Well, We, Willard, Bessie, Letha and us went to a big store in Phoenix today. Bessie bought a vacuum I got me 4 small bowls for cereal, blue and yellow. They are real nice but I don't think they will last too long. I got Bessie and Joyce a flower, they each gave me a table cloth.
Wednesday, March 9, 1966
Suns out bright and real nice today. I made two doilies since I been here. Dad took wash to laundry. Letha is getting ready for work. I am here alone. I washed and starched two doilies I made. We want to visit 3 neighbors, we got acquainted with the month we been here.
Thursday, March 10, 1966
I got up with a sick headache and stomach hurt. I want to go to Joyce's for dinner today while Dad gets car greased. If I feel little better. I went to Joyce's, had a nice visit, the baby seems larger every time I see it.
Friday, March 11, 1966
Saturday, March 12, 1966
Took Willard's out for dinner.
Sunday, March 13, 1966
We went out driving to look for oranges but did not buy many.
Monday, March 14, 1966
Well this morning we are starting home, it is 6 o'clock am.
Tuesday, March 15, 1966
Started out from Vaughn at 6:15 a.m., gas at St. Rosa.
Wednesday, March 16, 1966
Started 4:30 o'clock a.m.
Thursday, March 17, 1966
Started from Kankakee at 6 a.m. gas at New Buffalo $2.00. Got to Orpha's and I stayed with her till time for Rosemary to get out from school. Then Orpha brought me home. I did not feel good, and did not rest good all night.
Friday, March 18, 1966
This morning I sure was sick, my back nearly killed me. I did not get up early and sat around all day. Dad rubbed some heat on it and it felt a little better.
Saturday, March 19, 1966
Back still aches, can't do very much only suffer the pain. did not get much rest day or night. Ike called.
Sunday, March 20, 1966
Not any better, my back still hurts. Bob and Karla was here today. They have 3 nice children, the baby is a darling, Bradley Robert, 4 months old. Brad weights 19 lb and looks a lot like Karla, got eyes like Bob's. (Bradley is grown and looks a lot like his Great Grandfather Otto Lewis Gimbel)
Monday, March 21, 1966
Ike called to see how we was. I don't feel good at all but still wait on myself and some times get 1/2 a meal.
Tuesday, March 22, 1966
Rosa and Betty came over a while this morning. They looked pretty good. They thoght I did but I told them if I did look good, I sure felt awful.
Wednesday, March 23, 1966
Dad went to Kalamazoo to get groceries, got Vicks cough drops and Vitamin C for me. Orpha called , she is not good.
Thursday, March 24, 1966
This morning Orpha called. I did not rest last night, going to take nerve medicine today. Snowed little last night. I am washing out some clothes today. Had to as every thing was getting dirty.
Friday, March 25, 1966
I had apple jack for dinner. Got a letter from Merle and Letha. They have a new Cadillac. Merle gave his old car to Fred, they now have only one car. It is snowing today but snow is not deep. It won't stay long this time of year.
Saturday, March 26, 1966
Sat around grunting. Seems it takes so long to feel good again. Orby mopped the bath and kitchen today.
Sunday, March 27, 1966
Yes it is still pretty chilly and still I am trying to do what I can. Still want to get so I won't have so much misery with my back.
Monday, March 28, 1966
Orby went to see Mr., Doster today. I did not do much. Sent a letter to Merle's today. Dad went to Otsego and saw Ike.
Tuesday, March 29, 1966
Dad went to Kalamazoo and got my laundry, 1 short coat, and my long spring coat. Cost $3.10 for both, two dresses, 1 black, 1 blue and 2 belts cost $3.50, both more than I ever paid before. I won't send again there, the Kalamazoo Laundry.
Wednesday, March 30, 1966
I owe Dad $1.00. Paid. Warner and wife was here around eleven o'clock. Still wants this place. I found my shears. I called Orpha she said Anita was cutting some back teeth.
Thursday, March 31, 1966
Ike was here brought over papers. I vacuumed the two bedrooms and front room. The minister came for a while today. He is a real nice man. Has a boy Mark and a girl Janet.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

February 1966

(Rosa will be 85 this month, Orby will be 83 in August. They are planning a trip to Arizona)

Tuesday, February 1, 1966
Herod smoked wieners all cooked. I did a big wash and want to pack a few things in our suit cases as we may go to Arizona on Monday the 7th. Orpha and Claudia were here.
Wednesday, February 2, 1966
Nice day, sun is shinning bright. I am washing out some clothes to take a long when we go to Arizona. Road seems good, no snow on them but we have some in yard. I did some ironing. Ike came over, brought papers.
Thursday, February 3, 1966
I did some ironing. Dad went to drive in bank and Ike's. It flaked snow today, but I don't think it will get too deep. Effie called me and Pete and her are going to the hospital soon. Pete will get another operation. I feel so sorry for him also Effie. She don't feel too good. Dad got parts for the sprayer $4.16. I paid out $2.00 for stomach medicine today from Dr. Goddard.
Friday, February 4, 1966
I washed tow blankets today to take along with us to Arizona and getting things straightened around so I won't have too much to do the last minute.
Saturday, February 5, 1966
Today was 18 degrees this morning. Orpha wants us to come to their house for dinner tomorrow. I did not do much but read some in the bible.
Sunday, February 6, 1966
We went to Orpha's for dinner today. Rosemary prepared all the meal even baked a delicious custard pie, had chicken, gravy and mashed potatoes, peaches. She was a darling to get the dinner as Orpha had a cold and was not too well. We had on TV the last sermon of DeHahn. His sermon was written on tape as he died several weeks ago. I always loved to hear his sermons they were good.
Monday, February 7, 1966
Well, starting to pack the things we want to take to Arizona as we will start tomorrow early. I baked pie, made salad and going to make meat sandwiches and egg sandwiches, apples, bananas. Nice day.
Tuesday, February 8, 1966
Well today at 6 am we are starting on our trip to Arizona and pray we will stay well and hope God keeps us safe from all rouble and we stay well. We stayed at Jefferson City today, cost $7.21 for bed. Our headlight broke, cost enough, was awful tired. Left snow in Michigan and did not see much again till we got in Mexico.
Wednesday, February 9, 1966
Started out on our journey at 7:05 am. Stayed at Delhart all night. Bed was very clean $5.15. This is our 4th time staying there. It rained some in night and rained a lot today, tonight we did not sleep very good.
Thursday, February 10, 1966
Started on our trip at 7:30 am from Delhart. It was a nice day but when we got to Springerville, we stopped as it was flaking snow and my you aught to seen our car. It was covered. We did not go any further but got a hotel for the night.
Friday, February 11, 1966
Started to Merle's this morning at 9 am Arizona time. Went though Canons, did not have any trouble and found no snow on roads through canons. Made good time got to Merle's at 1:05 the door was unlocked so we went in and Letha and Suki soon came, then Merle soon got home. (I drove there in 1967, I have a hard time thinking of Grandpa driving there at age 82, especially through Salt River Canon)
Saturday, February 12, 1966
We went over to Bessie's for the night. Sat up and talked till 10 o'clock then went to bed. Had a nice visit. Good bed.
Sunday, February 13, 1966
Today is my 85th birthday. We started to Merle's from Willard's. Stopped to see Joyce and baby and Connie. The baby is a darling, born September 11, 1965. She looks like Joyce when she was a baby. We are going over to Lucille's tonight to stay all night.
Monday, February 14, 1966
Well, we stayed at Lucille's. She is not too good. Slept in the bedroom Donnie had. In the morning I helped Ray get breakfast, he goes at it like a woman and fast. We had sausage, eggs and cookies. Had an awful nice visit, then we went to Merle's.
Tuesday, February 15, 1966
Merle got a place nearer his work and will sell his trailer if he can. Now he will bring it on his lot, as it is large. We will stay with them as we won't be here too long. Suki will stay with Merle till David sends for her. (David Fouts was Military Man, so was his brother Clare)
Wednesday, February 16, 1966
Today it is very chilly. In the morning we want to get our car washed and we are going to Willard's and Joyce's. We was visited this morning by the sister-in-law of the lady Merle got his place from.
Thursday, February 17, 1966
This afternoon we are going over to Willard's a while after we get our car washed, then will eat supper with Joyce as Fred will be at home then and will see him. It is cold here in Arizona and houses are not built for cold weather. Suki went to town, bought me a nice dish.
Friday, February 18, 1966
Well, I guess we will have company tomorrow. It is somewhat warmer and it feels good, been pretty chilly. We always have a good time at Willard's. We saw Donnie and Nelson.
Saturday, February 19, 1966
Willard's came today for dinner. We had chicken, dumplings, potatoes, tomatoes, peaches, date nut bread. Had a nice visit but they could not stay long as they had to get back to help with Lucille. Merle's and Fred's family came to see us tonight. Their baby is a great big girl. I guess she weighs around 25 lb.
Sunday, February 20, 1966
Today is sun shiny but cold. I have been chilly most of the time. Wrote to Orpha, Ike, Betty, and Bob.
Monday, February 21, 1966
Dad went to Mesa to change his shirt he bought short sleeves. I am washing out my panties and sweater. Sun is shining and seems nice. I hung out some clothes. I wash and did not need any wrap. Love to see you all. I wrote 5 cards and 1 letter today. Letha gave me some crochet thread and I am going to make me a doily like the one she has.
Tuesday, February 22, 1966
Letha came over with some dishes and brought over the things she took home to wash for me. She was so good to do it for me and I thank her a lot, No mail today.
Wednesday, February 23, 1966
Merle stopped, he is going to move his trailer tomorrow. We are going gadding today, but it is quite chilly. I wrote Dennis' a card also Bastin's.
Thursday, February 24, 1966
Merle sold his trailer and is going to move in a house. We sat around all day. I wrote a letter to Orpha bless her she did not get the other letter I wrote as I was in a hurry and directed it wrong.
Friday, February 25, 1966
My Mother's Birthday. Today Letha and Suki came over with some pans, dishes. We went to Mesa as Dad wanted to get some more shirts like the two he already bought and they did not have his size. He bought me a ball of crochet cotton but I don't like the color so Letha said she would exchange it for me next week. Letha and Merle bought a new box springs and mattress and chair, swivel rocker.
Saturday, February 26, 1966
Merle went to Phoenix church and we stayed home all day then Merle and Fred came over in evening but did not move his davenport so he will move it tomorrow.
Sunday, February 27, 1966
Nice day today. Merle will move over his davenport and the rest of his things out of his house trailer tonight. Letha and Suki brought over lot of their small things today but Merle will get a man to bring over the large pieces.
Monday, February 28, 1966
Chilly this morning but the sun is bright. Merle will move the rest of his things out of the trailer this morning. We are going over to Willard's after 9 today. Spend dinner with them. Merle sold their trailer for 2700.00 and awnings $125.00. He like his place here, it is 2 bedrooms, bath, kitchen and large front room. A very large fire place, stone, great large lot.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

January 1966

The Property of: Mrs. Rosa Fouts, this diary a gift from her husband Orby Fouts.

(She has written the above in this, the last diary I have, I do not know if there were more, but this is the last I have)

Saturday, January 1, 1966
It was 30 degrees this morning. Dad slept better, just got up once at 1 o'clock. Nice morning. Mrs. Louise Carver resigned her job the 31 of December 1965. Hellman dressing. I called Orpha, she seemed to be better. We saw the Orange Bowl Parade over again. It was nice. Aurthur Godfrey and Bess Myerson. Daisy passed away early November 21, Thursday 1963 around 2 in the morning.
Sunday, January 2, 1966
It seems to be a nice day. I haven't went out yet. Started to rain. Well I wrote Merle, January 2 my first letter in 1966. Labar, man across from Orpha house, he died.
Monday, January 3, 1966
I did some wash, it is a nice day. Ike brought paper over to see how we was. His cold is better. He said Sharon is working at Kalamazoo for 2 lawyers.
Tuesday, January 4, 1966
It is a very nice day. I vacuumed all my floors this morning and cleaned the blinds in front room and ducted all the furniture. Now some time today I have to do some ironing. Orby don't feel too good but slept better last night. Orpha called, said Bud had kitchen ceiling on but did not know when he would get at the side walls. Orpha came over for a while. We had dinner but she didn't eat much.
Wednesday, January 5, 1966
I did some ironing. Wrote to Nature Food today as they said I owed them $1.00 and I don't see how I owe them. Ellen in "The World Turns" (Soap) went to David's house to see Fanny and Fanny got angry at Ellen and threatened her about Dannie so Ellen threw something at her and killed her but she did not know it till David her Fiance examined her and found she was dead. (Great...)
Thursday, January 6, 1966
Temperature 34, I made me an apron out of the material I was going to make dress. They are at David's, questioning everyone but when they came to Ellen she did not deny it, don't know what they will do. (Great..more soaps)
Friday, January 7, 1966
Temp still 30 degrees. Just a little snow on ground. Dad bought 10 loaves of bread and some liver. Orpha and Bud was here a while, they drove Rosemary's car and it sure looks awful nice. (1961 Karman Ghia)
Saturday, January 8, 1966
Little colder this morning. Orpha and Bud came over awhile last night. Had a nice visit, always glad to see them. Dad is going to Otsego today. He went to Ike's but Ike was not a home. He got me medicine from Dr. Goddard $2.00. Wrote letter to Dennis'. Gleason is on the Honey Mooners, Gleason is Ralph and Audry Meadows is Alice. The school got a fire, Ike phoned and told us.
Sunday, January 9, 1966
Stayed home all day. Cooked chicken for dinner, it was pretty nice out today. Maude Peas passed away, she was Guy Peas' wife., and they had one girl Audry.
Monday, January 10, 1966
I did a wash and Ike came over with papers. He never stays long but we see him every week. He don't go too much. The school is closed for a week at least.
Tuesday, January 11, 1966
I did my ironing and cleaned up the house. The TV man came and fixed the TV, cost $6.30. Got a letter from Merle with some more pictures of the flood. The water sure was everywhere. Just called Orpha, she seems a lot better and I am so thankful for that. Dad is better today. I would like to see him go to see a specialist, maybe then he would know what to Doctor for. Clark Gable is on TV at 9 o'clock.
Wednesday, January 12, 1966
I am doing another wash, it is quite cold this morning. It sleeted some and little snow fell. President Johnson is on TV 9 pm tonight. The Rifleman was on at 6 pm tonight on channel 12. president Johnson made nearly 1 hours speech and it was good.
Thursday, January 13, 1966
Snowed last night, don't know yet how deep as we haven't been out. Orpha called and said they had snow too, but not too deep and Dennis was over and plowed out his driveway. I made apple jack for dinner.
Friday, January 14, 1966
I cut out an ironing board pattern. I cleaned house and it did not snow much. I made me another apron, all but the trim. I made one trimmed in lavender now his one I will trim in rose, they will be real nice.
Saturday, January 15, 1966
Will have chicken for dinner. We went to Ike's had to turn off heat so if nothing happens will have our chicken tomorrow. The roads are good, lots of snow in fields. Mr. Burrs has been in hospital now nearly 5 weeks. Today is real nice, it is my Sabbath.
Sunday, January 16, 1966
Nice morning this morning but cold. Sun shining bright.
Monday, January 17, 1966
Degree 16. Nice day. I finished my apron, made a fancy pocket in it, now I have 2 new aprons made a like out of the material I started a dress, miss cut it so made 2 aprons. Effie called, said she had a strained back from shoveling snow.
Tuesday, January 18, 1966
Today Dad went to a Doctor at Plainwell for an adjustment. He said he done a thorough job and thought he would be better. The sun is shining nice. I sent a letter out to Ester Waite at Lawton today.
Wednesday, January 19, 1966
I vacuumed all my floors. It has been a very nice day. Orpha called and I think she has a little cold. Bud has not been too well. I will be glad when spring comes as the weather I
hope will then be more settled. Got a letter from Rosa Myers and she three days ago said she was going to be Grandma in May.
Thursday, January 20, 1966
I called Effie, she is better with her back. We had a very nice day over head. I did some washing. Dad mopped the floors. Ike was here. He seems pretty good, brought over papers. Claudia called, thought her mother was here and i told her if Orpha came here, I would have her call her.
Friday, January 21, 1966
I ironed my dresses and remodeled over two bras. Went to Parchment. Dad went to Plainwell to get an adjustment. Nice day.
Saturday, January 22, 1966
Sat around and read God's word. I sure love to learn all I can from the bible and good Christian books and literature. Orpha and Rosemary came over for a short visit. I was so glad to see them, Rosemary has a medium short hair cut, looks nice. I got a letter from Merle today.
Sunday, January 23, 1966
Nice day, started to flake little snow. Well, it did not snow much. Dad went to Plainwell and Otsego. Sharon will be married in February 18, 1966. I talked to Orpha and she said little Dennise is better from her cold. Got payment from Espinoga today. (Arizona property) (Sharon McLaughlin to marry Watson) (Dennise Rose Westra)
Monday, January 24, 1966
Nice morning but flaking snow some. Did not snow. I don't think it will snow too much. Guess I will make apple jack for our supper, it was good.
Tuesday, January 25, 1966
Sent letter to Merle this morning. Merle called at 8:45 this morning. It was so nice to hear their voices. I also talked to Letha. They are pretty well. Said it is quite chilly there. Dad is going to Doctor in Plainwell this afternoon.
Wednesday, January 26, 1966
Dad went to town and took me to Orpha's. We had dinner and a real good time. Orpha gave me some nice paper to wrap a gift for Sharon.
Thursday, January 27, 1966
Wind is high and snow blowing, flaking a little snow. today bought 242 8/10 gallons of oil at $37.63. Seems we burned a lot of oil this month. We had a boiled meat dinner today. Cost 70 cents per day for heat. Was $34.90 last time we got oil, December 6th.
Friday, January 28, 1966
Sent $1.00 for 16 months of Workbasket Magazine. Dad went to Kalamazoo this afternoon to have car looked over and points fixed for we may go to Arizona the 7th of February.
Saturday, January 29, 1966
Nice day, but cold. Read bible and love it always seems planer every time we read it.
Sunday, January 30, 1966
I wrapped the gift for Sharon. Got dinner then got my dress and slip on as I thought I would wear my black slip and dress. Orpha is coming after me around 1:30 pm to go to Betty's, where the bridal shower will be.
Monday, January 31, 1966
Snow coming down pretty hard. It is some what warmer. We had a nice time at Betty's. Sharon wedding shower, she got a lot of nice things. I gave her a 5 piece towel set and a doily, white trimmed in rose.

December 1965

(Rosa is 84 and Orby is 82.)
1 Tablespoon of unflavored gelatin in 1/4 cup of cold liquid. Heat 1 cup liquid, sweeten and season.
We bought Fanny the horse from Clemins, Rochester Indiana.
Bohart or Borman, upstairs we lived in rooming house in Grand Rapids.
Erma Ennis at muck farm.

Wednesday, December 1, 1965
Orpha came over today and fixed my hair, had dinner with us. It was Nice day and roads were good.
Thursday, December 2, 1965
Well, I did my ironing. Ike came over a while and brought the papers. Bastain's came home tonight and came after papers and mail.
Friday, December 3, 1965
I did a wash and guess Dad is going to Kalamazoo. Wrote letter to Merle. Snow is gone but looks like rain.
Saturday, December 4, 1965
Sat around looking at each other as we don't do much talking. I've been reading some in the pamphlets of Osborn.
Sunday, December 5, 1965
2 months since Orpha went to the hospital. Edith and Blanche were here for two hours. We had a very nice visit and hope to go see them soon. We had a nice day.
Monday, December 6, 1965
Nice day, and bought 225 2/10 gallons of oil $34.90. I have 14 Christmas cards ready to send out.
Tuesday, December 7, 1965
Got Christmas card from Dorothy and Butch. Orby went to Otsego after papers. I was cleaning house, Ike said Rosie was washing his curtains. I sent out 14 Christmas cards today. I sure get tired getting them read. Called orpha and Claudia. Could not get either one, Orpha, Rosemary and Claudia and two children are sick with hard colds.
Wednesday, December 8, 1965
Did washing today and got several Christmas cards. We got the gift for Ike and jeep for Brian 23 1/2 inches.
Thursday, December 9, 1965
The minister was here today. Dad was to Kalamazoo.
Friday, December 10, 1965
Got hat and dress from Lane Bryant and 2 Christmas cards.
Saturday, December 11, 1965
Did not do much of anything.
Sunday, December 1w, 1965
Been raining all day and chilly. Heard several programs of Church music, and preaching. Got Ike's and Brian's gift all wrapped. Dad got his name. (Must have drawn names for Christmas gifts) Just talked with Orpha, she is in bad shape, has to cough a lot. I guess they all had touch of flu. My legs hurt yesterday but better today.
Monday, December 13, 1965
Was rainy all day and I started to shorten my dress. I made an Apple jack for supper. orpha is some better but bad yet, Rosemary went to school.
Tuesday, December 14, 1965
Still at my dress. Ike came over, Orpha called me, she is pretty good. Didn't cough so much. Rosemary went to school. Sent my 2 slips back, they were too small.
Wednesday, December 15, 1965
I got 5 Christmas cards today. I have now 17. Got my dress done except the sleeves and I have to get white bios binding before I can finish it. Sifting a little snow.
Thursday, December 16, 1965
Got 4 Christmas cards today. It started to flake snow and we made appointment to see Dr. Goddard at 5:30, hope it don't snow too much. We went, got some medicine $4.00. Dad got a prescription $3.00 now he has to get medicine.
Friday, December 17, 1965
Sun shining, did some wash and ironing, got 3 cards. My mouth is just a little better. Mitch Miller is on at 8:30 pm. It is really good, channel 8.
Saturday, December 18, 1965
I called Orpha, she said her cold was better but Bud is now sick. Went to Dr. Klerk and got a shot. Orpha did too. Dad bought a picnic ham and sweet potatoes. I did not go to Doctor today. Goddard gave me medicine Friday but it did not help but today I feel little better.
Sunday, December 19, 1965
Week from today is Christmas. It is flaking a little snow this morning but I don't think it will last long. Well, the snow did not last and it is quite nice out.
Monday, December 20, 1965
Sent Christmas card to Ron Meiser and family. Sent $5.00 to minister. Snowing this morning. Got my red dress finished. did not snow much. We got Ike, our dear son-in-law walnut pipe rack with his name IKE engraved on it.
Tuesday, December 21, 1965
3 weeks since I've seen Orpha. Dad went to Kalamazoo and got my two slips. We gave Ike a pipe rack and he gave us $4.00 a piece. We will give Brian a 23 inch jeep. Dad got his name. I got my dear daughter's name. Nice day today. Little snow on ground.
Wednesday, December 22, 1965
Seems nice, sun bright. We just sit around and did not do much. Got 3 Christmas cards. I love to see Ike come here ass I know he gets awful lonely without Daisy.
Thursday, December 23, 1965
It was windy and cold today. Dad went to Otsego. Dorothy and Ken got us the Otsego paper for a year for our Christmas. We gave them $6.00. Got 2 cards today. Our TV went out, Orby is trying to fix it.
Friday, December 24, 1965
I did not do much but it is a nice day. I should but just don't feel too good. I read in my Bible and love to as you seem closer to our Saviour.
Saturday, December 25, 1965
Today is Christmas. Snowed last night. Went to Orpha's as we planned. The snow was so deep in our driveway that Bud came after us, then the children came over and we exchanged our gifts. then the children went home. Then we had dinner, had a lovely dinner and time. Orpha was not too well.
Sunday, December 26, 1965
We slept little late. Snow is quite deep. Had a lot of ministers on radio today. I sure love to hear them all as we are all working for the same place, our heavenly home.
Monday, December 27, 1965
I did a wash. It is nice out today. I called Orpha and she still has her cough.
Tuesday, December 28, 1965
I did some wash and ironed the clothes I washed Monday. Dad is trying to pack the pump. Ike called said he had Christmas dinner with Betty and Ken. Cleaned out his driveway. I hope this snow goes off.
Wednesday, December 29, 1965
Looks like it was going to be a nice day but we have a lot of snow yet. Orpha called, she is better. I am so glad as she has felt bad so long. I am glad she has Rosemary to help as I know how it feels to be sick with no help.
Thursday, December 30, 1965
Temperature is 42 this morning. It is a nice day. We went to Otsego and Ike has a cold. Told us Sharon quit school and had an engagement ring from Watson and would be married some time next year. (Quit college)
Friday, December 31, 1965
Well it seems nice out and we are going to Orpha's then Dad will go to town. Dad don't sleep good at night and I feel so bad as I know he should sleep to feel good.
Louise Carver will turn over her TV program today after 12 years.
Dad went to Kalamazoo today, I went to Orpha's stayed over 2 hours, Orpha did not feel too good.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

November 1965

(Rosa is 84 and Orby is 82. Rosa is bothered with high blood pressure and I'm not sure the doctor's she went to, did much for her)

Monday, November 1, 1965
My Dad died at Denver Indiana Nov 1, 1897, buried at Courter Indiana with our Mother who died October 14 in Lafountain Indiana, just 17 days we lost Dad. This morning Karla had a 8 lb. boy. (Bradley Robert Gimbel)
Tuesday, November 2, 1965
Went to Delton to get parts to fix the snow plow on tractor but they did not have any parts. Orpha just called said bob told her the baby was a big boy. Weighted around 8 lbs. She said Bob's 2 children stayed with her and loved her up a lot. She don't have them too often. Got letter from David and Suki.
Wednesday, November 3, 1965
Washed colored clothes, it was a nice day. I have 3 letters to answer.
Thursday, November 4, 1965
Went to Orpha's stayed all day and Orpha took me every place and got our dinner to Swartz' Drive in (On Westnedge Avenue, Portage Michigan) Had a good time. Sure had a nice ride then she brought me home. She is so good to us and always thinking of us.
Friday, November 5, 1965
5 months since Orpha fixed my hair. I am not doing much today, had too big a day yesterday. i felt pretty tired today. I guess gadded too much. Ike came over with papers and some snow apples. He always thinks of us and is good to us.
Saturday, November 6, 1965
Has looked like rain all day. It probably will rain tonight. Sat around did nothing.
Sunday, November 7, 1965
Sat around till after dinner then we went to cemetery where my dear daughter is buried. Stopped at Ike's bu the was not at home.
Monday, November 8, 1965
Orpha came over a while this evening. She feels pretty good only she hurts some.
Tuesday, November 9, 1965
Today I got dinner, Kraft Dinner. Crochet some, feel pretty good. Got letter from Merle. I want to call Orpha today after Rosemary gets home from school.
Wednesday, November 10, 1965
Dad went to Kalamazoo to exhange his sweater and get a few groceries. Man caming to put register in breezeway.
Thursday, November 11, 1965
Orpha called me, she is going back to bed a while. She is some better, I am about the same. The man did not come to fix in register last night. Ike was over, brought papers said Rosie and Gerry had flu.
Friday, November 12, 1965
It rained some today. I did not do much today.
Saturday, November 13, 1965
Did no work and read in bible and pamphlets. Orpha called said she tried 3 times to get us, she said she did a big washing. I burned my hand pretty bad but put ungentine on it.
Sunday, November 14, 1965
It flaked a little snow. My hand where I burned it is a bout all healed. Went to Ike's he showed us his new vacuum, a Hoover. It is nice but heavy. I would not want it. We had a nice visit.
Monday, November 15, 1965
Chilly today. I cleaned the venetian blinds in front room. Got Look magazine.
Tuesday, November 16, 1965
I did a wash and crochet a little. I called Orpha they are okay. Got two sale slips, it was cloudy and it rained some.
Wednesday, November 17, 1965
It snowed a shift snow. We just nocticed it on the saw dust we brought from mill. I will iron today. Went to Orpha around 10 o'clock had a nice visit. Also dinner and Claudia and the two babies came over after dinner and we sure had a rompying old time with Dennise and Anita. It was great to visit Orpha.
Thursday, November 18, 1965
Some warmer today, the sun is out nice and bright.
Friday, November 19, 1965
Ike was over, brought over some papers, he said he was going to McLaughlin's after some corn. He always feeds the squirrels and birds.
Saturday, November 20, 1965
I did a small wash and some housework, not much.
Sunday, November 21, 1965
Sat around all day. Bob and Karla and children were here after noon, the baby is nice and big, looks like Bob. Dad is getting ready to put register in breezeway. (Bradley Robert Gimbel is grown now and looks very much like Otto Gimbel, Bud's father)
Monday, November 22, 1965
It is a cold and drizzly day. Orpha called and wanted to know how I felt with my comapny, bob and family. I got along grand, they did not stay long. She also wanted to know if I was thinking of going to Claudia's Thanksgiving. I said I was but couldn't tell 3 days ahead anything might happen.
Tuesday, November 23, 1965
Dad and Ike fixed the register in breezeway. They had to go to town to Portage after the register. then Ike took dinner with us and I was so glad as he never wants to eat here since Daisy passed away.
Wednesday, November 24, 1965
I did not do much today as I cleaned yesterday. My mouth is awful sore. Dad went to Cooper after mil and cakes, cream curls.
Thursday, November 25, 1965
Thanksgiving. Went to Claudia and Dennis Westra's for dinner. Had a bountiful dinner and a jovial good time. there was 5 small children and 9 adults. Had 25 lb. turkey. We sure had a nice day. The younest was 25 days, (Bradley) oldest was my self 84.
Friday, November 26, 1965
I mopped bath and kitchen. It sure is hard on me but Orby don't feel too good either. So it was so dirty I went after it. Effie called said Pete is going to the hospital soon and she would try to get over to spend a day with us.
Saturday, November 27, 1965
Just sitting around. It was awful windy last night.
Sunday, November 28, 1965
It snowed just a little last night but today we are getting quite a lot. Dad wanted to go after some Dristan but said he would wait till tomorrow. I hope snow don't get too deep as Dad is getting too old to shovel snow.
Monday, November 29, 1965
I did a wash. Orby went to Kalamazoo. Bastians is going to Kalamazoo for a few days tomorrow. We have quite a bit of snow on ground. Got a letter from Merle.
Tuesday, November 30, 1965
I did my ironing this morning. got a nice letter from one of our favorite friends, said it was nice weather in Florida (must be the Dennis') and Bill Austin's was there to see them. (Austin's are Dennis' neighbors on Portage Road)

October 1965

Friday, October 1, 1965
I sewed some on my dress put in zipper. I need thread and Dad went to Plainwell to get groceries and will get thread. I washed out some clothes and made 2 cherry pies.
Saturday, October 2, 1965
Orpha came over for a short visit, I wanted her to stay for dinner but she said no, she took the front of my new dress home with her so Rosemary could sew in zipper as I can't on my machine. (I didn't know I could sew in zippers!)
Sunday, October 3, 1965
Four months since my hair was fixed. We are waiting for a call from Orpha if she wants to come for dinner. I hope she comes here. Well, we first went to Ike's then to Orpha's, had a
nice visit, then Bob, Karla and children came. She is expecting her new baby around the 22 of September. I sure dread Orpha's operation as I know she don't like to be away from home.
Monday, October 4, 1965
Orpha is going to the hospital today. Well, she phoned me then they went to Hospital. She or someone will let me know whether she got a phone in her room. I am trusting my dear daughter in Jesus hands for he does everything and I pray she will be okay.
Tuesday, October 5, 1965
Orpha goes to be operated on today. She is now in hospital. She was operated on at 10 o'clock and came along good, only she could not mover her legs and toes, but that's the way spinals work but Dad went there 3 times and she was gaining. Bud and Rosemary was there too last night.
Wednesday, October 6, 1965
I called Claudia around noon and she said Orpha was moving her feet more and am I glad. Dad is going back around 7 o'clock to see Orpha, wish I could go too but I better take care of myself. Claudia said she wanted to go tonight as Bud and Rosemary are going. Effie called up twice, Rosie twice, Ike too. Wants me to call him. Mrs. Rus was here with her baby girl, 2 months old.
Thursday, October 7, 1965
Wrote Merle about Orpha's operation. Just sat around having dizzy spells. I want to go see Orpha tomorrow night or around 3 o'clock we can start at 2:30 and be with her over an hours.
Friday, October 8, 1965
I hope to go see Orpha in afternoon. Well, we went past Bud's and we three went to see Orpha. She really looks good, said at first she was awful sore but now was better. She got lots of flowers and felt pretty happy about it.
Saturday, October 9, 1965
Willard's Birthday. I sent Orpha letter and card. It is raining all night an dit is after nine o'clock a.m., and still raining.
Sunday, October 10, 1965
Well we stayed home all day, excepting a little ride we took after dinner.
Monday, October 11, 1965
We went down near Mendon to buy a bushel of potatoes $1.44 and stopped going down and coming back to Mrs.Hardy's and she was not at home. They did not have Chippewas so we bought Katahatin.
Tuesday, October 12, 1965
Orpha called from me from her home this morning and I sure was surprised and happy to talk to my darling girl. I know she would tell me all. Oh you can't tell the feeling that came over me. I was so happy. Nice day to day. I don't get much done as I am so sick with my dizziness. I am doctoring my kidneys now maybe I can get better, hop so anyway. Orpha feels pretty good at 7:30 pm.
Wednesday, October 13, 1965
Dad went to Kalamazoo and we went past Orpha's and stayed about 2 1/2 hours with her. Seemed natural to have her home, she seems pretty good. I am happy it is all over with! Got letter from Merle.
Thursday, October 14, 1965
Well, Orpah phoned me and I told her I was not too good and I would call later. Well, I put off calling Orpha and here she come out. I was surprised and Dad went to Cooper store, got me Doans Kidney pills. I have a dreadful headache. Orpah looks good, and I am so thankful.
Friday, October 15, 1965
My dear daughter phoned and is coming over. I am very happy, bless her heart, she is so sweet. I am some better. I am not so dizzy. Dad is fixing the faucets on kitchen sink.
Saturday, October 16, 1965
I did not feel too good this morning and went back to bed. Our heat was out last night and Dad called up man at Martin and he came and fixed it $4.00. Dad mowed lawn, it is 1:30 pm, I feel little better.
Sunday, October 17, 1965
I am starting a letter to Merle. I may not get it finished today but will send it first of week.
Monday, October 18, 1965
I did a wash and Orpha called, said she was going to have tube taken out today. I did not feel too good and stayed home as i was going to Otsego to see about tombstones. Got card from Merle and Joyce around 6:30 David called said he was coming to stay all night but it is 8:30 pm and he is not here yet. I sent Merle letter.
Tuesday, October 19, 1965
David and Suki just went to Kalamazoo, will be back tonight. they came last night. (David Fouts, Merle's son with 2nd wife Suki.)
Wednesday, October 20, 1965
David and Suki are here and David went a hunting with Estes boy Bruce. Suki stayed here. Dad went to Kalamazoo. Dad bought 10 lb. sugar.
Thursday, October 21, 1965
I did my ironing. It is a gloomy day. David and Suki went away this morning and was gone all day.
Friday, October 22, 1965
Rainy. David and Suki are here, they stayed her all night but are invited over to Orpha's for supper and will stay all night here tonight.
Saturday, October 23, 1965
Well, today is Saturday. I won't do too much today. Took it pretty easy. Ike came over with papers. David and Suki stayed all night with Orpha. Bud came after some more irises flowers today.
Sunday, October 24, 1965
This morning went on Ira Street to see a covered wagon house trailer $1,850.00, it was nice but small 18 ft. 6 in. 1961 model.
Monday, October 25, 1965
I am washing a few clothes, trying to do a little work. Nice day today. Started to shorten my heavy winter coat. I also ironed my clothes I washed.
Tuesday, October 26, 1965
Well, it is nice out but chilly. I finished my coat after dinner. Now I will rest a while.
Wednesday, October 27, 1965
Wrote and sent 3 letters. It is cold this morning, haven't heard form Orpha since Sunday we was there.
Thursday, October 28, 1965
I called Orpha twice and Claudia once and got no answer, probably were gone together. I washed my rugs today.
Friday, October 29, 1965
Nice day. I feel some better. I had beans, potatoes, and pears for dinner. I guess I will make apple jack for supper.
Saturday, October 30, 1965
Tonight is Halloween night. Called Orpha at 8 o'clock but no answer. She probably in bed. I got up little early as my head aches so terrible, just 25 days since Orpha's operation, at noon today.
Sunday, October 31, 1965
Nice day. I finished Merl's letter and will send it out tomorrow.

Monday, March 22, 2010

September 1965

(Rosa is 84 and Orby is 82, they finished painting the house and took the for sale sign down. Rosa has been canning vegetables and fruit)

Wednesday, September 1, 1965
Retha Fouts' birthday. I canned 5 qt. pears. Orpha, Claudia, Rosemary and babies were here. Did not stay too long. Orpha don't look too good and I know she feels tired. I pity her so much, makes me sick to think of her. Wish it was me. She is so young and I well am getting old. I sent out 3 letters today.
Thursday, September 2, 1965
Dad painted till noon and some in afternoon. Then went to Otsego after my medicine at Dr. Brown's. I ironed then mopped kitchen and bath.
Friday, September 3, 1965
I canned pears all day, was so tired, mopped up kitchen. Had some peaches so I mixed 1/2 peaches 1/2 apples and made a spread, was good. I have now 19 qts. peaches.
Saturday, September 4, 1965
I did not do much. Dad went after some more paint, hope we have enough now. I don't do too much on Saturdays.
Sunday, September 5, 1965
Mrs. Dennis called, she said that they were going to Otsego and would stop a few minutes with us. I am always glad to see them. Have known them since 1941 near Vicksburg. Dorothea is coming also.
Monday, September 6, 1965
Earl Fouts' birthday. Letha's Birthday, my Daughter-in-law. She is a darling. Well, Orpha and Bud and Rosemary came out this afternoon for a plant. Told him he could have. I can't name it, I don't know. Orpha still feels low. I did not do much today, vacuumed rooms and made a banana bread for dinner.
Tuesday, September 7, 1965
Orby is putting up the trim on our Citron house, aqua it looks nice with aqua.
Wednesday, September 8, 1965
I did a wash and vacuum floors. Clothes won't dry too well as it is gloomy and looks like rain any minute. Well clothes got dry.
Thursday, September 9, 1965
Well, I just got through ironing 5 dresses, a nightie, 2 slips, 2 towels, 2 kerchief and I am going to Orpha's. she is coming after me. Mr and Mrs. Fennelmaker was her a while this evening.
Friday, September 10, 1965
Well, Orby is scraping the tool house, getting it ready to paint. Orpha called said the doctor set October for her operation. I sure pray to our good Lord to take care of her as he is the only one who can and will. I had headache all afternoon. I mopped floor in kitchen and bath.
Saturday, September 11, 1965
I did not do much. Read bible and Dad is cleaning off old paint on the shed, getting it ready to paint. Dennis' are coming over for dinner tomorrow.
Sunday, September 12, 1965
Legs 4, thigh 5, breast 2. I cut breast in 4 pieces. 13 pieces. We had 8 pieces left. We had 3 hear to dinner. Dorothea brought 2 pies. I gave her 1 qt. of pickles. Had a swell time. Merle called from Arizona, said Joyce had a baby girl and got along fine. Sue nice to hear his voice.
Monday, September 13, 1965
Orpha came over then after dinner, we went over to Otsego to Rosie's and she was not at home, so we went to Ike's. Stayed to nearly 5 o'clock.
Tuesday, September 14, 1965
Dad went to Kalamazoo to get more paint. Cost $5.18 per gallon. I wrote letter to Merle. Dad is nearly done painting. We took our for sale sign down.
Wednesday, September 15, 1965
I did a wash but was not too good. If it clears up I will wash more after dinner. Dorothea Dennis called, wants us to come over for dinner Thursday, if it is a nice day we may go. Mrs. Dennis is not too well.
Thursday, September 16, 1965
Went to Dennis', they are leaving soon for Florida. Dorothea prepared the dinner. It was good. Mrs. Dennis was sick but said she was some better. I took her some asparagus.
Friday, September 17, 1965
Well, I got up with a dreadful headache, was sick all forenoon but better this afternoon. Canned 2 qt. pears, got dinner and supper but was not too good.
Saturday, September 18, 1965
I canned 2 qts. pears yesterday then canned 2 pt. bread and butter pickles, last I have today. Ike was here with papers and Orby is scraping of the paint from windows. Orpha said she don't feel too good.
Sunday, September 19, 1965
We took a ride, stopped at Warner's then at Ike's then in Plainwell we visited Rose's awhile, they are the ones we bought 5 acres from.
Monday, September 20, 1965
Went to Orpha's. Dad went and paid Sears for the paint.
Tuesday, September 21, 1965
I did not do much work as I was so dizzy and thought I better take care of myself. 1 year and 10 months since Daisy left this world. My how I miss you darling and always on this earth I will remember thee.
Wednesday, September 22, 1965
Baked 2 pumpkin pies. It is rainy. I want to clean my china ornaments, Merle bought me for center of table.It is nice but the fire we had about ruined it. I sorted out papers and books. I hope I can get that center piece clean with out breaking it.
Thursday, September 23, 1965
Mopped kitchen and bathroom. Went to Dr. Brown he said my blood pressure is better but ordered me to get medicine for my ears. Said it was nervous condition, I had that's why I don't hear good. I cleaned all my blinds then vacuumed all the floors. I am tired but getting dinner.
Friday, September 24, 1965
Saturday, September 25, 1965
Orpha and I went to Rosie's at Otsego, had a good visit. We did not stop at Ike's.
Sunday, September 26, 1965
Today it is drizzling a little rain. Went to Bud's and Rosemary was fixing Orpha's hair. We did not stay too long. Bud had been fishing. We took over corn, beans and asparagus as we was getting tired of it, they gave us egg plant. I cooked it. It was pretty good.
Monday, September 27, 1965
I washed 2 batches of clothes and was tired. I get tired out so easy.
Tuesday, September 28, 1965
I did my ironing. Dad ironed his shirts and went after some Macintosh apples, wind falls $1.00 a bushel.
Wednesday, September 29, 1965
Dad went after saw dust and I am washing out his overalls and socks. Nice day, I called Orpha around 9 o'clock and no answer. The mail carrier came. I don't know if he left me any letter but Orby is here now so will wait and see.
Thursday, September 30, 1965
I am dizzy this morning. Orby is going to paint trailer red on finders. He said paint was no good so did not paint it. I was busy with my pattern to make a straight dress like Effie and Dorothy's.