(Rosa is 81, Orby is soon to be 79, they both still work hard and are always busy)
Sunday, July 1, 1962
Stayed home all day. Effie and Pete came over awhile, they picked 2 boxes of cherries. I gave her a thimble, pin, needle and some goods to cover a pillow.
Monday, July 2, 1962
I paid for electric when we was to Arizona and groceries. Went to Daisy's, she gave us papers to read, it rained quite steady today and we needed it bad.
Tuesday, July 3, 1962
Orby went to Kalamazoo with our front blind and then he is now picking cherries. Got a summons from a man about the oil tank they blew up.
Wednesday, July 4, 1962
Stayed home, sold $12.00 of red raspberries. I did a big wash and also ironed them.
Thursday, July 5, 1962
Orby is picking red raspberries, selling 3 for $1.00. I have crochet a cover for my door stop, it looks nice. We need rain badly.
Friday, July 6, 1962
I mopped and cleaned house.
Saturday, July 7, 1962
I am crochet some lace for a pair of pillow cases.
Sunday, July 8, 1962
Daisy and Ike was here a while, bought 6 quarts of raspberries, 3 for them for Rosie and 3 for herself.
Monday, July 9, 1962
I canned 7 quarts of cherries and put 6 quarts in freezer.
Tuesday, July 10, 1962
I called up Mrs. Dennis, she says she was just out of bed, they are taking a trip to Indiana. First corn today.
Wednesday, July 11, 1962
Went to Orphas for the day. Rosemary got the dinner, she will be 13 August 6th. It was prepared nice. Had a nice visit. Claudia and Karla come over after dinner with Karla's wash and when she got nearly all hung up, it started to rain and it sure did rain. Dad come after me and on way home it rained so hard we could hardly see to drive but when we was 1/2 way home, the pavement was dry. It did rain in the evening some.
Thursday, July 12, 1962
I washed today a big one. Looked like rain but hung them out and they all dried nicely. Daisy and Ike come over, got some berries and brought over papers.
1947 Henry Ford died 83 years, son Edsel Ford died 50 years.
Friday, July 13, 1962
Measurement of the round table would take 30 inches in material. I ironed today.
Saturday, July 14, 1962
I did a big wash and finished crochet lace for my 2 pillow cases, changed my mind and made a round large doilies for my round table in front room and used the lace I made for pillow cases.
Sunday, July 15, 1962
Dennis' was here today for dinner, then before they went home we had ice cream and cake. Had a good visit. Sold 10 pints of red raspberries and 1/2 doz. sweet corn.
Monday, July 16, 1962
I did 1 batch of wash.
Tuesday, July 17, 1962
Today is Ike's birthday. We took him over a box of Wm. Penn Cigars $2.90. Daisy wanted us to stay for dinner but we had to get back for the corn and berries. Got letter from Merle and Joyce and Bessie. Merle had not been too well but God will heal him. I did my ironing.
Wednesday, July 18, 1962
I wrote letters to Merle and Joyce. Saw Shirley Temple today at 9 o'clock. It was good. Daisy called and told me it would come on. I sure am glad she did. Mrs. Emma Pierce bought 1 doz. corn.
Thursday, July 19, 1962
Rosemary and Orpha came and took dinner with us, then we drove to shop. Saw Bud and Bob and Bob Buck. Had a swell time. Orpha bought me 2 balls of crochet cotton.
(Bud, Bob and Orpha own Gimbel Body Shop at 517 West North Street, Kalamazoo, Michigan, phone 345-2660. I remember)
Friday, July 20, 1962
It is drizzling rain. I went out this morning, looked at tomatoes, got 2 large tomato worms, now I have killed 6.
Saturday, July 21, 1962
Went to Otsego, had dinner at Daisy's, sold our living room set $38.00. Daisy just called, said Patty won $20.00 from the doings at Otsego, Maxwell day. I got the 1/2 cent! (Patty McLaughlin is Sandra's little sister, Betty and Ken's daughters, Daisy's granddaughters.)
Sunday, July 22, 1962
I cleaned my breezeway and mopped and cleaned the furniture in it. It looks nice. Just came from Otsego, took Rosie over some 3 pints raspberries, saw Sharon, she sure is nice. (Sharon McLaughlin is Rosie and Jerry's daughter, Daisy's granddaughter, remember Daisy's daughter's Rosie and Betty married brothers Ken and Jerry McLaughlin. Age order, oldest first: Sandra, Sharon and Patty)
Monday, July 23, 1962
I did a very large wash, it looked so like ran but I hung out the clothes and I kept taking in what was dry till finally they all dried, then I turned in and ironed them all.
Tuesday, July 24, 1962
I cleaned the whole house, swept, dusted and it looks nice. I started a doily and have it about 1/4 done.
Wednesday, July 25, 1962
Daisy and Ike came over brought some papers to read. I have been out hunting tomato worms. Have killed six large ones. (Yes!)
Thursday, July 26, 1962
Daisy come over bought 2 pints raspberries for Rosie and Ike picked a quart for them. I finished my doily this morning. Orpha called and Claudia is helping paint Rosemary's bedroom, the wood work. (Bedroom was painted all light yellow, with everything else white, white furniture and white lace curtains..it was pretty. Thanks Mother and Dad, and Claudia)
Friday, July 27, 1962
Was home all day, I finished my round clothe. I now want to work it. Dad has nearly all his raspberries trimmed out. We have been selling corn. Charles D. Little 40, once lived in house at Comstock was charged $300.00 today or go to jail for support of his family, he has 5 children.
Saturday, July 28, 1962
Mrs. Hardy's birthday. We was there today. They both don't look too good. She gave me a violet plant. Then we went over to Dennis', then drove to Vicksburg to see what they had to sell at the Maxwell day. They did not have much and it stared to rain, we got home and we had here a little shower.
Sunday, July 29, 1962
After dinner, we drove to Orphas, they were gone and we drove over to Bobs, took them corn and cucumbers and then we went to Claudia's. Rosemary was there, Dennis was working, would not get home till 10 o'clock at night. We gave her corn and cucumbers then we drove over to Orphas. Had lunch and watermelon, also gave her corn and cucumbers.
Monday, July 30, 1962
Looks like rain. I finished my Dollie. Hope it does rain as everything is drying up.
Tuesday, July 31, 1962
I did a large wash, and I am not so good, my kidney hurts.
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