(Orby is selling lots of asparagus, Rosa is using her automatic washing machine, and they think they found where some of the relatives are buried.)
Tuesday, May 1, 1962
I washed one of my pillows in the automatic washer, it looked like a blown up balloon in the washer. I was afraid it would bust, but it did not.
Wednesday, May 2, 1962
Orpha and I went to Kalamazoo. it rained all day, I bought skillet $6.10. Claudia went with us. 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
Thursday, May 3, 1962
Today I stayed at home, did some crocheting. Dad put up electric clock in front room. The corn has started coming up. I cleaned my oven, I wanted Dad to help me but he just got mad and said lots of mean things. I always have to give up to him or he is mad.
Friday, May 4, 1962
Went to Orpha for dinner. Dad went to Kalamazoo, looked at Joyce Beds store, has moved, had chicken and jello. Then Rosemary came home from school, we all had a swell time.
Saturday, May 5, 1962
I finished my Dollie, white. Dad went back to Kalamazoo today, bought a lawn mower $159.00 plus tax, from Sears.
George and Bertha Overmire between Rochester on the Fiosa Road. We lived there when Daisy was 2 years old.
Sunday, May 6, 1962
Pete and Effie came over to spend the evening. Pete was not feeling too good, we had a nice visit.
Monday, May 7, 1962
Dad is taking asparagus to sell, I am washing. Nice day today, I also did the ironing. I have made over 3 of my dresses, they got too large as I am shrinking.
Tuesday, May 8, 1962
Went to Kalamazoo, bought bed frame $9.31, casters $1.00 and paid $5.00 on the head board. We looked at a nice Sylvania television.
Wednesday, May 9, 1962
I did a wash and am sending $14.92 to Sears for table cloth and other items. It is a very nice day, Dad cultivated his corn today.
Thursday, May 10, 1962
Received letter from Merle and Joyce and sorry but Joyce is not too good.
Friday, May 11, 1962
Orpha came over for the day, fixed my hair. I washed out a few things to show her how the automatic washer run. Bob and wife to be was here. (Karla Switzer) We had a very nice time, sent letter to Vira and sent $2.00 to Look magazine.
Saturday, May 12, 1962
Went over to Schoolcraft to see about getting sprayer parts. stopped at Hardy and Mr. Hardy was very poorly, had been in Vicksburg Hospital 3 days, looked bad. Then we stopped at Dennis' they were pretty good.
Sunday, May 13, 1962
Today is Mother's Day. I was very delighted as Merle called from Arizona to greet me and I was so thrilled I could hardly talk. Sounds lovely to hear my dear son. Dad was out getting fish worms and did not get to talk to him. Wrote letter to Joyce and Merle today.
Monday, May 14, 1962
Today I did some wash then they dried as it was a nice day, then I did my ironing. Dad went to Kalamazoo and did not get home till 3:30. He sold 53 lb. asparagus. It is really warm tonight. Bud, Orpha and Claudia was here a while tonight.
Tuesday, May 15, 1962
I washed drapes in breezeway, ironed them, cleaned breezeway, waxed the linoleum, looks nice.
Wednesday, May 16, 1962
Today I mopped kitchen and bathroom. Cleaned mess of dandelions for dinner. Sure tired. Donald's has another boy baby, that makes 5 boys and 2 girls and 1 girl died (Donna Mae died 3-24-1947 3 months old, Donald DeKilder, Daisy and Ike's son). Dad went to sell more asparagus. Its name is David, Birthday, 15th of May.
Thursday, May 17,1962
Orby went to Kalamazoo to sell asparagus, bought plastic I can use on my lamps. Called Dennis' and Hardy's. Orpha called me.
Friday, May 18, 1962
Dad went to Kalamazoo, got the head board for his bed, cost $19.00 plus tax. Got it at Joyce and the railings. Got order from Sears, a nice table cloth and some crochet cotton. I ordered 2-20-ply 4, 6-3-ply 3, I wanted 30 4 ply but I kept it all.
Saturday, May 19, 1962
Today is nice, cool this morning but probably be hot as there is not much air. Daisy and Ike was here yesterday afternoon, brought over papers.
Sunday, May 20, 1962
Went to Earl Fouts after dinner, had a nice drive. Went on different road. They were pretty well, come home stopped at Orpha but they were not at home. Bud has his small Pontoon finished and it looks nice.
Monday, May 21, 1962
Dad went to Kalamazoo with asparagus, I stayed home and making a chair back. Have it almost done, I have 4 blocks yet, I also made 2 large and a small pumpkin pie, it was a nice cool day.
Tuesday, May 22, 1962
I did some wash and ironing. I am also crocheting a Dollie, nice day.
Wednesday, May 23, 1962
I did my wash. Dad went to Kalamazoo. Daisy called and said that Dr. Keeler took a tumor from Dorothy's finger and it felt better.
Thursday, May 24, 1962
Dad went to sell asparagus and see about car. I did some ironing and mopped bath and kitchen floor and vacuum all the floors. Daisy said that Mr. McLaughlin's eyes are better.
Friday, May 25, 1962
My Fuller Brush man brought the order I gave him. I did ironing. Dad took asparagus to Kalamazoo.
Saturday, May 26, 1962
Sold 11 bunches asparagus today. I made some cooking, they were grand. Wrote Vira Clare a letter also sent $1.00 for the Work Basket magazine. I finished my doilie like the one I got pattern from Joyce's book. I made it in 2 days.
Sunday, May 27, 1962
We was home till after dinner, then Ike and Daisy come and took us for a long ride over around Crooked lake to cemetery where Ike's folks are buried and took us where Martha and Susan was buried. Had a joyful ride. Had a small rain, done a little good.
Monday, May 28, 1962
I am washing out a small wash, Orby is pulling weeds out of the asparagus. He sure had a mess. It takes 45 minutes to do a small wash in my automatic washer. Just ironed a white Dollie I made.
Tuesday, May 29, 1962
Dad took 20 bunches of asparagus to Kalamazoo. My order came from Sears.
Wednesday, May 30, 1962
Went to Courter cemetery also Peru, where Lydia is buried and to Dowagiac were
brother William is buried, also Silva. I guess I have found where my Dad and Mother lie, I think it is Lot 15. We put flowers on the graves also Dad put flowers on his Mother and Iva grave. Our folk lay near John Richerd (or Rickurd or Rickurt) large tomb, stone a red cast.
Thursday, May 31, 1962
Today we sold 3 large bunches of peonies. Orpha called she is going to Sandra's commencement tonight, Claudia and Rosemary, maybe Bud. (Graduation form Otsego High School, Sandra McLaughlin)
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