Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Thursday, February 25, 2010

June 1962

(Robert Gimbel marries Karla Switzer)

Friday, June 1, 1962
I cleaned my house, did crocheting, got a letter from Merle saying Joyce lost her baby. She was a very sick girl, she was around 3 months, she wanted it so bad, so Connie would have a sister or brother.
Saturday, June 2, 1962
I did some of my spreads and 1 blanket. They washed real good, I also did dresses and shirts. I also ironed them.
Sunday, June 3, 1962
Dennis' are coming over for dinner. Well, they came and we had a very nice time, Daisy and Ike came in afternoon.
Monday, June 4, 1962
I did a wash and got my first batch dried then we had a lovely rain. I will hang the dark clothes out tomorrow. Dad took strawberries and asparagus, sold strawberries for 40 cents a quart. First he sold for that, others were 45 cents.
Tuesday, June 5, 1962
I went to Orphas, stayed all day. Dad come after me, Claudia was there a while then Rosemary got home from school before I came home. (Guess I didn't skip school all the time)
Wednesday, June 6, 1962
Wallace paid payment. Dad took berries to Plainwell, sold them 35 cents a quart, asparagus 25 cents a pound. I finished my davenport back it has 25 blocks in it. (Crochet) Got an invitation at Barnie's for Bob's wedding shower. (Bob Gimbel is going to marry Karla Switzer, the wedding shower was at Bob's best friend's home)
Thursday, June 7, 1962
Went to look at a Motorola, where they were going to have auction sale, they had some real nice things to sell. I am washing in basement today, it is nice out but chilly.
Friday, June 8, 1962
I did a wash and ironing today, did some yesterday also.
Saturday, June 9, 1962
Daisy and Ike was over today, the boys went to the sale and I fixed 2 dresses for Daisy.
Sunday, June 10, 1962
Went to Orphas, had a picnic dinner. Bob has his girl friend (Karla) over, also Claudia and her man (Dennis) was there and Dad and I. We went over to where Bob intends to live. They have a nice place near Claudia. They have it fixed up real nice. Bob bought my bedroom set.
Monday, June 11, 1962
Went to Effie's. She was washing, her sister was there. Effie has her house fixed so nice. (I think Effie is Rosa's cousin, Uncle Daniel's daughter)
Tuesday, June 12, 1962
My knee hurts so bad today, I guess we will have more rain. I got a letter from little Nancy, she is Earl Newman's little girl.
Wednesday, June 13, 1962
Daisy and Ike was here, Ike picked some berries, they are not too good as it did not rain for so long but I think raspberries will be a lot better. Hope so.
Thursday, June 14, 1962
Went to Kalamazoo today, got a gift for Bob. Dad was not able to stay in store, he was very pale and we come out before we hardly got there.
Friday, June 15, 1962
Going to a shower for Bob and wife to be tonight. I did a small wash and iron today. I'm tired. I crochet 2 pot holders in 1 1/2 days, finished at noon today.
Saturday, June 16, 1962
Went to Daisy's after dinner then Ike and Dad went to a sale over near Gun Lake. They are coming tomorrow and Bud, Ike and Dad is going fishing on the pontoon. Orpha and Daisy will stay with me.
Sunday, June 17, 1962
Daisy, Ike, Bud, Orpha, and Rosemary was here for Father's Day dinner. The boys went fishing at Crooked Lake on Bud's pontoon, didn't have much luck.
Monday, June 18, 1962
Seems nice out this morning. I've been winding my crochet cotton thread I bought from Sears. It says 400 yards but I only counted 350 yards, some cheat.
Tuesday, June 19, 1962
My brother's birthday, he was 79. I crochet and fixed 3 dresses smaller. Had our first new beans today, they were delicious.
Wednesday, June 20, 1962
Dad went to Kalamazoo to have his mower fixed. I did a big wash and iron today. Dad picked some sweet cherries and asparagus.
Thursday, June 21, 1962
I went to Daisy's for the day. Sandy was coming to stay a week with her.
Friday, June 22, 1962
Dad took TV to Kalamazoo to have it looked over and left it all night. He bought some skin medicine for legs $5.00.
Saturday, June 23, 1962
Sandy is staying a week with Daisy while Betty and Ken goes to farm to look after Ken's father. (McLaughlin)
Sunday, June 24, 1962
Went to Dennis' had a lovely visit and nice dinner. Then before we came home they treated us to ice cream.
Monday, June 25, 1962
I cleaned all my blinds today. Fixed over my girdle. Dorothy said she had pneumonia and throat was sore. Dad sold sour cherries for 30 cents a quart and asparagus for 25 cents.
Tuesday, June 26, 1962
Dad sold sour cherries and asparagus. I did some sewing and cleaned the house, washed front door, back and garage door, that leaves the breezeway.
Wednesday, June 27, 1962
Orby raked over asparagus and sold asparagus. Bought Bob and Karla's wedding card, did my wash. Canned 4 quarts beans.
Thursday, June 28, 1962
Today Orpha, Claudia and Rosemary was here for dinner. I had potatoes, gravy, fried chicken and new beans. We all ate to much, we was filled to over neck. Dad went to Kalamazoo after dinner. They left for home at 2 o'clock.
Friday, June 29, 1962
Getting ready for the Wedding tomorrow.
Saturday, June 30, 1962
Bob will be married today at 3 o'clock. We was to Bob and Karla's wedding was very nice. We went with Buds they received a lot of nice gifts. Ken, Jerry, Betty, Rosa and Sharon was there. After they were married we went to Karla's folks and had the reception. they are going north on their honeymoon trip. Karla is a June bride.

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