Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Saturday, February 20, 2010

September 1961

Friday, September 1, 1961
Retha was born September 1, 1880. (Orby's sister) I canned from Mary Dumbar bred and butter pickles. I have 15 pints now. Dad sold 10 bushel corn. Daisy and Ike was over brought some papers, she was not too well, made a coffee cake, it was very good.
Saturday, September 2, 1961
Claudia will be married to Dennis today. (Claudia Gimbel and Dennis Westra) We had a very nice rain and we needed it. I hope it clears up for the wedding as they are going to have it at Orpha's home. Weather cleared up and Claudia was married and there was around 70 there, and she got lots of nice gifts, her cake was beautiful also her gown.
Sunday, September 3, 1961
We did not go any where this morning, we may go some place after dinner. We went and saw some trailers. Stopped saw Rosa and Jerry (McLaughlin) they were canning peaches.
Monday, September 4, 1961
Went over to Schoolcraft to Hardy's and to see some trailers. Stopped at Hardy's, my Elmer looks bad. He has been so sick. She gave me some beets. I canned 2 qt. Buds was over, brought us over some more of the wedding cake. It sure was good, I gave Orpha some bread and butter pickles.
Tuesday, September 5, 1961
Still canning up. Put up 2 qt. peaches and made some more bread and butter pickles. I have now 20 pints. I am tired and my head hurts.
Wednesday, September 6, 1961
Earl Founts Birthday, born September 6, 1886. (Records show 09-16-1886) Today is Letha 's birthday. I sent her a card and $2.00. Went to Plainwell and saw a very nice trailer, the price was very high it was a 20 foot one. I did a small wash.
Thursday, September 7, 1961
We are going to look at a used car today and get a dozen cans as I want to put up some pears at Otsego. We stopped and took Orpha when we went to look at a house trailer at Portage center, then stopped at drug store for a soda.
Friday, September 8, 1961
I did my ironing this morning and sorted out some pears. 2 bushel, when they ripen up I want to can them. Otsego had a fire, burned the Ford garage and some other buildings.
Saturday, September 9, 1961
Stayed home all day, did a little cleaning and cleaned up the jars I want to can in. Daisy and Ike was here brought over 3 orange color tomatoes, they tasted real good, not may seeds in them.
Sunday, September 10, 1961
We was home all day, I canned pickles, Orpha said she was over to Claudia's for dinner.
Monday, September 11, 1961
I have 2 bushel pears sorted out to can soon as they ripen up. I called Orpha and she said Claudia was over to her house doing a big wash as she has no washer yet.
Tuesday, September 12, 1961
I canned pears today, I want to put up at least 15 qt.
Wednesday, September 13, 1961
Orby went to Kalamazoo, I did my window wash. Orby went to sale at Montgomery Ward, but it don't amount to much.
Thursday, September 14, 1961
Orby went to Kalamazoo. I did my wash. They had a 89 anniversary sale but when Orby went to buy a door and iron, they said they did not have any. It rained last night, also some in forenoon. We sold our bees an equipment for $45.00. I canned 3 qts of pears.
Friday, September 15, 1961
We phoned to Summers, we was taking fence down. Saturday afternoon, the fence is on our farm. Orpha and Rosemary was here for dinner. Rosemary don't feel too good. Nice day. I washed and ironed 4 dresses, Oats $65.19, bees $45.00, Bud $100.00.
Saturday, September 16, 1961
I canned 5 qt. pears, nice cool day. Daisy and Ike come over brought over 2 papers for us to read, said they were to the parade at Allegan and it was very nice. Sandra was in it, was over to see one of the neighbors to day, Bastains, her mother is still there going back home in Ohio, the 15th of October. (Sandra McLaughlin, Miss Otsego)
Sunday, September 17, 1961
I canned 2 qt pears this morning, having corn on cob for dinner. Nice and cool today. The men come after the bee equipment.
Monday, September 18, 1961
Man come to look at the chicken picker. I canned 5 qt. plums.
Tuesday, September 19, 1961
Went to Vicksburg, paid for add, stopped at Leja's for a short visit, then went to Dennis' a short time. Went to see house trailer, come home at noon and will make some bread and butter pickles. Took back broken jars, they gave me new ones.
Wednesday, September 20, 1961
I cleaned the house and fixed my dress.
Thursday, September 21, 1961
Claudia broke a love vase today. Went for a long ride with Orpha and the girls, went to Dowagiac and stopped and saw the house Orpha was born in, then went and looked up Mrs. Hector and had a long visit with her and Mable, her daughter. She married and lived with him a long time, then divorced him and worked 20 years. She married a man and has lived with him 2 years. (I remember this trip, it made Gma Rosa happy to see these people again)
Friday, September 22, 1961
I did my ironing and stewed pears for our dinner, called Mrs. Dennis and she wants us to come there for dinner. She will give me some cans to can some pears. I called Claudia in her new home. (She says cans, but they are glass jars)
Saturday, September 23, 1961
Went to Otsego, to Daisy's and Dorothy called up while I was there and Dorothy is better. Daisy was washing. I gave her some bread and butter pickles.
Sunday, September 24, 1961
Spent today with Dennis', they will soon leave for Florida. We had a very nice visit and dinner. Then before we went home, we had ice cream, cake and muskmelon. Then went past Hardy's, she gave me some beets also dried corn and a jar to can in. Hardy looks awful bad.
Monday, September 25, 1961
It rained last night and been rainy bad all day. We went to Cooper, got a new oil filter and car grease. $8.70. Greased car and new filter.
Tuesday, September 26, 1961
I canned the beets today that Mrs. Hardy gave me. I got 10 pints and some I canned before.
Wednesday, September 27, 1961
Orby went to Otsego to get me 1 dozen fruit jars, paid. They were small mouth, I wanted the wide mouth, but I kept them any way.
Thursday, September 28, 1961
Went to Earl's as we were going after peaches. Edith don't look too good. Earl looks pretty good. I am sending a leaf (page) of Montgomery catalog for Vitamins I use, Edith wants to send and get her some. (Earl is Orby's brother, Edith, Earl's wife, Earl would be 74 in 1961)
Friday, September 29, 1961
I did some wash and canned 5 qt. peaches. talked to Orpha and to Mrs. Dennis, they sold the rest of their hens for 5 cents a pound, sold Mrs. Hardy 10 hens at 10 cents a pound. Got a letter from Merle. (Merle lives in Arizona now)
Saturday, September 30, 1961
I will clean house today, then can the peaches. I will have 9 qt. canned this year. I mopped floor and ironed, so will clean house tomorrow.

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