(Rosa tells about the death of her Daddy, these little gems are the reason I am transcribing these diaries)
Wednesday, November 1, 1961
Today in l897, my Daddy died at Denver Indiana. We were moving a cross the railroad, he was carrying boxes of goods from Depot and he died of heart trouble just 17 days after my Mother died. Ike and Daisy come over and Orby and Ike put up wire fence between us and Summers.
Thursday, November 2, 1961
Daisy called me last night and said her and Ike went to Kalamazoo and ordered their new furnace and was going to put it in Monday the 6th. We went on trip to see trailers and some of them were real nice. We left home around 8 got back home at 5 o'clock.
Friday, November 3, 1961
Bad rainy day, stayed home. Did my ironing.
Saturday, November 4, 1961
Went to look at trailer and get order to Aldens sent. Burket Trailer Sales a wagon trailer. Paid insurance.
Sunday, November 5, 1961
The fence deal is up to day, 30 days. We stayed home all day, it was a cloudy drizzling day. I wrote Merle a letter.
Monday, November 6, 1961
We went to Elkart to look at some trailers, stared 7:30 got home around 2 o'clock. Ike got his furnace today, finishes up tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 7, 1961
Election day. I was sick last night and still feel awful, I did not vote but Orby did.
Wednesday, November 8, 1961
Had our first little snow, all gone by one o'clock. Flaked snow off and on all day but melted soon as it fell. Mrs. Auston said that Mr. Dennie's son-in-law died Sunday the 4th of November. Mrs. Roosevelt pasted away.
Thursday, November 9, 1961
I paid Orby $40.00 of Oakwood (can't read all). Nice day, I did my wash. Orpha and Claudia was here a while. Dad went to Kalamazoo to see about tires for car.
Friday, November 10, 1961
Did my ironing. Orpha called, she was here yesterday. We thought she might get worse with her cold but she says she felt pretty good. Its a nice day. We got payment from Walling $65.00. Paid out for 2 tires and 4 plastic covers for the furniture.
Saturday, November 11, 1961
Went to see a Franklin trailer in trailer park across from implement store. Then went to store on Kilgore Road, bought hand gag $2.62 and candy 55ct. $3.29 paid $10.83 for dresses. Orpha and Rosemary was to our place for supper and stayed till 8:00 had a nice visit.
Sunday, November 12, 1961
Have gathered up the things I will take to Arizona. Dorothy, Ken and Bushie was here today, brought over our Christmas for us. I want to get to town to get there before we leave for Arizona. I received from Dorothy and Ken a large swan with flowers, from Bushie a donkey with fruit and Dad got a real nice flash light.
Monday, November 13, 1961
I sold Orby wool blanket for $5.00. (Have no idea how they divided their money) I am washing 2 light green blankets for Orby today. Orpha and girls was over, paid $100.00. I did lot of packing, getting ready to leave next week. Mrs. Roosevelt was buried.
Tuesday, November 14, 1961
I did some packing and sorted out some things to take to Arizona, when we go.
Wednesday, November 15, 1961
Got my clock from Aldens. $14.98. Daisy and Ike was here a while. Ike and Dad went to the new store there were lots of bargains. Bananas 5 ct. a dozen. Bread 2 loafs for 29 cents. Lots of things were on sale. The new manager name is Thompson sold out store to Bill Meonrrell, Town and Country Store.
Thursday, November 16, 1961
We were home all day. Dad went to Plainwell and bought me a Silver curl for Orpha to put my hair up tomorrow. It was drizzling off and on all day.
Friday, November 17, 1961
I am going to Orphas to get my hair fixed. Went and got hair fixed also stopped at Dr. and he gave me flood pressure med. He will soon be 85 years old. They may go to Florida after Christmas. I paid Orby for red flash light $2.42.
Saturday, November 18, 1961
Sunday, November 19, 1961
I paid Orby $10.00 today.
Tuesday, November 20, 1961
We may start to Arizona, well we did and had a nice day for it and trip was just fine. We paid $5.00 to stay all night.
Wednesday, November 21, 1961
Started out at day light and it was a little cloudy. We paid $4.00 besides tax last night, we stayed to a place we had stayed 3 times before.
Thursday, November 22, 1961
Thanksgiving. We had chicken on the road, cake and had a very nice Thanksgiving. stayed all night, paid $5.00 plus tax at Las Cruses, Mexico.
Friday, November 23, 1961
Got to Merle's around noon and i sure was glas as Merle was home waiting for us. We come through Tucson.
Saturday, November 24, 1961
We shopped around looking at trailers. Merle and us did not buy.
Sunday, November 25, 1961
Joyce come over to Merles, we had a turkey dinner, it was a nice day, but I had a headache so bad.
Monday, November 26, 1961
Went to look at trailers and took supper with Bessie, she don't look too well. I have stomach burn. She gave me some Med, it sure helped.
Tuesday, November 27, 1961
Rented Motel the 28th, paid $15.00 per week. Willards come over in the evening. Merle and Letha was over. Ole West Motel, Johnny cole owner.
Wednesday, November 28, 1961
Went to Joyce, gave Connie a doll. We will go over to Merles to iron my dresses. I paid Orby $11.69 in full to date, all I owe him.
Thursday, November 29, 1961
Tomorrow is last day of November. Sent $10.22 to Consumers Power Co. and a letter to George Wallace about the payment.
Friday, November 30, 1961
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