Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Mother and Father's Obituary

(Rosa has written this in the 1960, 1961, 1962 diary an February 9 and 10 pages.)

Nancy Louysia Sopher Hann born Feb. 25th, 1851 in the state of Ohio. Was married to Andrew Marion Hann, July 27, 1877.
To this union were bron 6 children: 4 boys and two daughters. 3 sons preceded her to the spirit land.
She died at LaFountain Indiana October 14th 1897 at 6 o'clock pm, age 46 years 7 months and 20 days. She leaves a husband, 3 children and many friends and relatives to mourn her departure.
And yet what comfort it is to know she reigns in heavenly bliss.
Funeral at the Courter Church, Cor 5, Chap 1 by Irvin Fisher.
Heaven now holds our treasure,
Earth her lonely casket keep and the sunbeams love to linger
Where our darling Mother sleeps.

Just 17 days later on Nov. 1st, 1897 at half past 8 o'colck am. in Denver Indiana, her husband Andrew Marion Hann died.
He was born April 15th, 1854 in Fulton Co. Indiana.
He united with the German Babtist Church June 1891. He lived a faithful life until death, age 43 years, 6 months and 27 days.
He leaves 3 children and many friends and relative tomourn his departure.

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