(Rosa's back is better, and Claudia and Dennis Westra have their first daughter)
Monday, October 1, 1962
went to Doctor, stopped at Daisy's, her new linoleum looks good. Sent Montgomery a letter about the clock and ordered capsules vitamins.
Tuesday, October 2, 1962
Daisy went to Doctor today. I called Dorothy, she is not very good, said she stopped here with Chucky and we was not at home and Butchy was awful disappointed.
Wednesday, October 3, 1962
Daisy and Ike was here a while yesterday. I cleaned front room and cleaned blinds. I feel tired and hurt some.
Thursday, October 4, 1962
Washed out a few clothes. It is a cloudy day. I called Claudia, then Orpha as Claudia was not at home. I told her I would not be able to attend Karla's baby shower on Saturday. I mopped my kitchen.
Friday, October 5, 1962
I cooked and canned 4 qt. beets. orpha called, she said Bob and Rosemary are lots better and bob went to work and Rosemary to school.
Saturday, October 6, 1962
I am sending for one pen fillers. Dad mopped my bathroom. Then went to Kalamazoo. Claudia is having a baby shower on Bob and Karla and hope they get some real nice gifts.
Sunday, October 7, 1962
Stayed home all day.
Monday, October 8, 1962
Dad went to take Ike's ladder home. Drizzled rain this morning. Karla Bob's wife called me.
Tuesday, October 9, 1962
Went to Hardy's, he is some better but she looked bad, then went to Dennis'. Dennis and Dad went to Schoolcraft to get our car fixed, cost $2.00. We got home around noon.
Wednesday, October 10, 1962
I am cleaning a little.
Thursday, October 11, 1962
I am making two pumpkin pies, got money from Joyce and Merle.
Friday, October 12, 1962
I am sending for Work Basket Magazine for 1 year $1.00. I made baked apple dumplings for dinner. (How I wish I had that recipe!) Mrs. Dennis just called and said they were going to Florida next Wednesday, they will come her for dinner Sunday. Dad set out raspberries today.
Saturday, October 13, 1962
I received $10.00 on what Bud owed on small trailer. Bought 1/2 bushel Cortlands and 1/2 bushel Macintosh yesterday. Sent letter to Arlene. Dad finished setting out berries.
Sunday, October 14, 1962
Dennis' were here for dinner. We had a nice visit and they did not want to go to Florida very bad but Dorothea, their daughter wanted them so they will start Wednesday the 17th. (Dorothea McCalla, Fort Lauderdale)
Monday, October 15, 1962
Dad went to Kalamazoo to see about washer and I stayed to Orpha's. Claudia was there, they are going to see Doctor this afternoon, she looks quite big, I don't think it will be much longer.
Tuesday, October 16, 1962
I did some wash, not much.
Wednesday, October 17, 1962
Dennis had breakfast at Austins. Orpha called, she was washing. Claudia is fine yet, Daisy called, she said Dorothy went to Ann Arbor, not very good.
Thursday, October 18, 1962
Orby got his hair cut. I did some ironing. It hurt my back.
Friday, October 19, 1962
Went to Daisy's, she was not feeling too good, said she wanted to go to Ann Arbor, but did not feel like it. We got a tax letter from the tax collector and Fencemaker has not paid any taxes since he bought place.
Saturday, October 20, 1962
Went to Orpha's this afternoon as there was a furniture sale across from her and Dad wanted to go. It was drizzling rain when we left Orpha's to come home. we went to 1023 Alcott to look at a 16 foot trailer.
Sunday, October 21, 1962
Went to Decatur to see Earl's, they were pretty good. Stopped to see trailer at Paw Paw.
Monday, October 22, 1962
Did not do much of anything. Washed out a few things.
Tuesday, October 23, 1962
I vacuumed all my floors and my back did not feel too good.
Wednesday,October 24, 1962
I feel pretty good today. I defrosted my refrigerator this morning. Listening to television about the crisis in Cuba.
Thursday, October 25, 1962
Flaking snow, by noon 2 inches fell. Claudia went to Hospital last night, it is 5 o'clock and she has not had the baby yet. Man to fix TV come fixed it and we paid $6.90. The baby was born around six o'clock. (Dennise Rose Westra) Daisy said Dorothy was coming home, Doctors there gave the case up, too bad.
Friday, October 26, 1962
We still have around 2 inches of snow but sun shining. Grandma Orpha sounds real proud of her grand daughter named Dennise Rose Westra.
Saturday, October 27, 1962
Went to Daisy's and Dorothy came, she said she was going to Ann Arbor again got some newspapers. Daisy did not feel too good. Snow all gone, nice day.
Sunday, October 28, 1962
Was home all forenoon.
Monday, October 29, 1962
I guess Russia is going to get his arms out of Cuba.
Tuesday, October 30, 1962
Still drizzling rain. Claudia come home this afternoon with baby.
Wednesday, October 31, 1962
Went and saw Claudia's baby. It's a big bouncing girl, 8 lb. 7 oz. Dennise Rose, it is a nice baby.
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