(Rosa continues to have headaches..and high blood pressure, but still does an amazing amount of work for an 80 year old. Orby keeps the "Gentleman's farm" going and seems to have worked out some peace between the neighbor and himself)
Sunday, October 1, 1961
Stayed home, I fixed one of my dresses smaller, it is the one Daisy gave me.
Monday, October 2, 1961
Went to Orphas, she was over to Claudia's. I went there, and we all went back to Orphas to wash. Claudia does her wash to Buds. Bought me cold tablet to day, got letter from Bessie.
Tuesday, October 3, 1961
I did my washing and also ironed today. Make a pie, I washed 2 quilts.
Wednesday, October 4, 1961
I fixed over a dress and we went to Daisy's after supper. My head hurts so we did not stay long, got papers to read.
Thursday, October 5, 1961
Dad went to Kalamazoo, I washed out 3 dresses. Called Dennis and she was over to Mr. Austins, so I talked to him. They leave tomorrow for Florida.
Friday, October 6, 1961
Mrs. Dennis just called, they were ready to start on their journey, it is 1:30 o'clock, they go through Kokomo Indiana, will stay there all night, maybe over Sunday. I made one of my dresses smaller, washed windows in front room.
Saturday, October 7, 1961
Summer just told us he was going to take his cattle out in 30 days and we could put a fence east and he would put one west on line.
Sunday, October 8, 1961
Stayed home, it is a lovely day, sun shining and not too cold, just right. Last night we sat up till eleven o'clock. We saw the Titanic on Wood TV, it was a very sad show, little over 700 was saved. The ice berg was so large, it came on TV at 9:30pm.
Monday, October 9, 1961
Willard Fouts birthday to day, 71 years old, born 1890. (Orby's brother) I vacuumed the whole house today, and cleaned the kitchen.
Tuesday, October 10, 1961
Went to Dr. Goddard and he said blood pressure 224, gave me 2 week medicine. Mr. Walling paid on place today. It is raining today.
Wednesday, October 11, 1961
Bought oil 210 8/10 cost $33.45 today from Web Coal Company. It started to rain this morning, then turned out to be nice day. I got my rubber corset and 2 pair of slippers from Bryant.
Thursday, October 12, 1961
I am little better, I did not go to sleep last night till after 12. Then woke up before 6 this morning, with a bad headache, it is a nice day, wrote Merle a letter.
Friday, October 13, 1961
Got new iron from Montgomery Ward today, hope it turns out to be good. $8.93 tax and shipping.
Saturday, October 14, 1961
Bob was just here, made payment on shop. He was on way to Grand Rapids and we are looking for David and Carolyn for dinner. (David is Merle and Letha's son, his first wife is Carolyn, she was beautiful and was a great at sewing) I ironed with new iron, it seemed to be good. Our pump went haywire, so Orby fixed it.
Sunday, October 15, 1961
Earl and Edith came today. Edith looks some better, she has been sick. Earl is as usual.
Monday, October 16, 1961
Orpha called and said she did not feel too good. I did not answer phone as I was in the bathtub, Orby did.
Tuesday, October 17, 1961
Orpha not much better, I made a banana cake.
Wednesday, October 18, 1961
Imperial butter is good. Orpha called and she is still all stuffed up with a hard cold. I did a small wash and made two pumpkin pies. Daisy and Ike were here a few minutes tonight.
Thursday, October 19, 1961
I did a little ironing and canceled my appointment with doctor.
Friday, October 20, 1961
I washed Orby's pants, shirts and socks today. Made 2 pies, 1 pumpkin and 1 peach.
Saturday, October 21, 1961
My arm is better, I can use it more it sure has been awful sore. Am looking for the Fuller man. I ordered fluff cream and both room deodorizer $4.24. Daisy and Ike was here while this evening.
Sunday, October 22, 1961
It is boggy this morning. Went to Dorothy Boerman for dinner. Had a good time. Dorothy looks a lot better. (One of Daisy's daughters)
Monday, October 23, 1961
Dad put in one fence post between us and Summers, wrote 3 letters to Edith, Merle and Dennis'.
Tuesday, October 24, 1961
Did my wash, hung some outdoors and some in basement. Talked to Orpha she has had a hard cold but is some better. Dad just shot a rooster pheasant. My it is pretty.
Wednesday, October 25, 1961
I went to Orphas, come home at noon, did my ironing, it rained some in afternoon.
Thursday, October 26, 1961
Was going to Wacrusa to see about a Franklin house trailer tomorrow, but around 12 o'clock I took sick so did not go.
Friday, October 27, 1961
Stayed home, Dad went to see trailer at Kalamazoo.
Saturday, October 28, 1961
Today it looks much like rain. Summers took his fence off of us this morning. Drizzling rain.
Sunday, October 29, 1961
It is raining. Daisy just called and wanted us to come over for dinner so we are going. Well here I am again, had a good time and dinner. Then we went over and saw a 21 foot house trailer for $800.00.
Monday, October 30, 1961
I am sending my two bras back to Sears for an exchange. David just called, they are starting to California this forenoon. Said he was to Orpha's twice and no one was at home. It is drizzling rain.
Tuesday, October 31, 1961
Halloween. It is a very nice day. Orby is fixing fence between us and Summers. Went to Daisy's, had a good time. 93 called for trick or treat.
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