Saturday, July 1, 1961
I heat the honey today. It took me over 3 hours but it looks nice. We don't have too much to sell. Some air but awful hot today. Ike and Daisy was here, brought me a muskmelon, it was so good.
Sunday, July 2, 1961
Was home all day, had fish for dinner. Traffic is very heavy today, had a little sprinkle but did not last.
Monday, July 3, 1961
I did my wash, was done by 9 o'clock. I am tired. After dinner, I did my big ironing. Our washer with filter cover no. 1106002500 catalog no. 51655. We sent but did not get this. This is not the date we sent, I just don't know when we did send for it.
Tuesday, July 4, 1961
We stayed home today as we thought it best as the traffic was great. Ike and Daisy come over awhile and wanted Dad to go fishing, but tomorrow he was expecting a man to come here.
Wednesday, July 5, 1961
I fixed my 2 slips, also fixed my brown dress. It was a job. The man come and we are going to see what we can do about Summers breaking off the fence post. The men are going fishing tomorrow and Daisy is staying with me.
Thursday, July 6, 1961
Had a very nice day, started to pick sweet cherries. The man called and said the hearing would be at his house at 10 o'clock. Mr. Maude the justice of the piece between Summers and us.
Friday, July 7, 1961
Sold 32 qts. sweet cherries @ 40 ct. per qt. $12.80. Went to Orpha and they are planning on getting to the lake before supper tomorrow.
Saturday, July 8, 1961
Dad picked 4 qt. sour cherries. Daisy and Ike came over for a short visit, said Rosie had her large mural nearly ready to hang. the hearing did not amount to much.
Sunday, July 9, 1961
Today is Patty's birthday. (Patty McLaughlin, Betty's youngest daughter, Sandra's sister) Dad is picking sour cherries. I am making cake and noodles for dinner. We are having chicken, it is very nice day but Oh we need rain so bad, everything is drying up. Peg, Roy and their daughter Daisy was here for dinner today. Had a fair visit, Dad was picking cherries and i had been busy cleaning, my toe hurt too.
Monday, July 10, 1961
We will go to lake where Orpha and Bud has rented a cottage for 1 week. Daisy's, Ike and us will leave tomorrow morning. I want to make 2 cherry pies and Daisy will take some thing. Daisy called and said they were not going tomorrow.
Tuesday, July 11, 1961
Went to Bud and Orpha where they had a cottage at Crooked Lake (Delton, Michigan)and had a good time and dinner, got a few fish, but Bud gave us a big mess to bring home. We went out for a joy ride on the pontoon, it was grand. Bud sure has a nice Pontoon, blue trim. Bob took the girls for a ride in a lovely red covered boat. I did a wash, made 2 cherry pies and am tired out. Looks like rain.
Wednesday, July 12, 1961
I did wash, ironing, made 2 cherry pies. Dad bought me 2 bottles of C vitamins and rods for my kitchen curtains.
Thursday, July 13, 1961
Dad sold some raspberries today. sold 1 qt. honey 90 cts. Daisy and Ike was here, said they were going fishing. Dorothy's husband brought me over some papers.
Friday, July 14, 1961
I did some washing today, also ironed it. I am all tired out.
Saturday, July 15, 1961
I did another small wash. Mrs. Dennis wants us to come over tomorrow but I hardly think we can. Did not go.
Sunday, July 16, 1961
The sun shinning bright, had a little rain last night. Had 4 pickers in raspberries today but they only picked 6 quarts. Guess they just wanted them for dinner. The rain done, some good, but we need lot more.
Monday, July 17, 1961
Ike's birthday today, we was over Saturday and gave him money for his birthday. Was a very nice day. Orpha and girls was over. Orphas hand hurts a lot where she had it caught in wringer. I washed, ironed and am tired. Dad has been picking raspberries and he is about wore out.
Tuesday, July 18, 1961
I made my kitchen curtains and they look nice, I mopped my kitchen and cleaned the house all over and cleaned the refrigerator. I am tired.
Wednesday, July 19, 1961
Dad took fence post out and told the Summers boy to tell his Dad that he was going to get the fence off of our land. Daisy and Ike was here a while.
Thursday, July 20, 1961
Dad took some berries to Otsego and sold some to Deks store. Tomorrow is the day Orpha will fix my hair. Dad picked 40 pts. berries, before supper, then went out after supper and picked more.
Friday, July 21, 1961
Will go to Orphas to day to have my hair done. Got my hair fixed today and on our way home there was three wrecks, one car was turned over and one was crushed in the rear.
Saturday, July 22, 1961
It looks like rain. We are having our first mess of new string beans and some icicle radish from some I planted. Orpha just called and Bud was sick last night but went to work today.
Sunday, July 23, 1961
I called, Bud is better today. We stayed home. Dad picked raspberries, I did a little sewing, fixed one of my dresses smaller and fixed my brown dress. It is trying to rain. I read the pamphlet, clear thought, the one bessie send me. It started to rain at 4 oclock pm. It did not rain only a little.
Monday, July 24, 1961
Dad took 80 pt. raspberries to Plainwell and Otsego. Charley Rose was here, said he would come Saturday and help Summers move his fence. He acted a little mad. I did a small wash. Had a nice little shower, got the gift I will give for Claudia.
Tuesday, July 25,1961
Well, I did my ironing and cleaned the house. Summers did not come another liar or Rose, either, just big lies. Well Dad will move it some time when our crops is off.
Wednesday, July 26, 1961
I am crocheting a chair back and have it about done. Went over to see my neighbor's Mother, she is here from Ohio on a visit. Took over some raspberries.
Thursday, July 27, 1961
Merle's Birthday and Sandy's birthday, also was my Dad and Mothers wedding anniversary.
Dad called up Rose and Rose said he would let him know about coming Saturday to move the fence.
Friday, July 28, 1961
I dug some weeds and grass out from in front of garage. Dad cleaned out flower garden, it hurt me to dig but the weed got so high, I just had to pull them out.
Saturday, July 29, 1961
Dad is fixing car. I am cleaning the house and washed out my brown dress. I don't think Summers will come over to move his fence off of us. Rose has not called yet.
Sunday, July 30, 1961
It is a nice cool morning. We may go to Earl Fouts today. Daisy and Ike were here last night. Ike tried to fix my clock but could not. Went to Earls had a nice visit.
Monday, July 31, 1961
Did my washing but will not hang them out, only some few things. Orpha and children was over, the girls picked 8 qt. berries to take home. ( I don't remember that, I wish I could go back and help Grandpa pick berries and Grandma pull weeds....)
Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969
Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970
Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)
Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899
Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910
Merle Fouts 7/27/1915
Siblings: Lydia and William
(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)
Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897
Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897
Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.
Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy
Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896
Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937
Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)
Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899
Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910
Merle Fouts 7/27/1915
Siblings: Lydia and William
(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)
Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897
Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897
Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.
Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy
Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896
Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937
Saturday, January 30, 2010
June 1961
Thursday, June 1, 1961
Went to Allegan with Daisy and Ike. Daisy bought drapes for her front room and Daisy and I bought a hat, hers blue, mine pink. I had dinner there. Got letter from Merle.
Friday, June 2, 1961
Dad wen to Kalamazoo to sell asparagus and rhubarb and got new battery for our car, cost $12.95 difference. It rained a big shower around 6 pm. Joyce lost baby.
Saturday, June 3, 1961
Daisy and Ike come over, was here a while, when we looked out and saw around hundred old cars, there is a parade here in Kalamazoo this afternoon. They look awful nice, such old cars, a sight to see.
Sunday, June 4, 1961
Stayed home and had company, Mr. Frank Williams was here, she saw Dad to Parchment store so found out we lived on Douglas, so we had a very nice visit.
Monday, June 5, 1961
I did a big wash while Dad went to sell his asparagus, got a letter from Clare today, was glad to hear from him. Bee man was here today.
Tuesday, June 6, 1961
This morning I went out and put stone all around our large flower bed, and then come in and did my large ironing. Just heard President Kennedy's speech, he just come from seeing Cuba.
Wednesday, June 7, 1961
Went to Kalamazoo with Dorothy, left here around 4 o'clock, got home at 9 o'clock, bought new material for new drapes for front room, new gloves, 2 rose bushes, a pair of red shoes but they are pretty tight. I want to exchange them for larger. We had great time. Had something to eat for supper at the dime store. 1 yard drapes 99cts. 36 inches wide $26.84 tax $1.06, 2 spools of thread 58 cts.
Thursday, June 8, 1961
I just talked to Orpha she is coming over if it don't rain. She and Rosemary come, we had a nice visit and good dinner, had strawberries for the first time. We also had asparagus and rhubarb, Dad sold the first strawberries @ 40 ct. qt.
Friday, June 9, 1961
Dad took strawberries today and got 45 ct. a qt. for them. Dad bought me a new pair shears cost $4.68 with tax.
Saturday, June 10, 1961
Daisy and Ike were here a while, Dorothy took my shoes back and got $5.19 so Daisy brought that over. I gave her a big bunch of Iris, they were 10 colors in them. Sent Clare a letter today. Some man knocked our mail box down and bent the iron post. I did a little wash today, got a letter from Bessie, she is better. Bought Shears at Hoekstras cost $4.50.
Sunday, June 11, 1961
Today I am cutting out my drapes for front room. It is a very nice day.
Monday, June 12, 1961
Dad went to Kalamazoo with asparagus and strawberries. I am making my new drapes for front room. It is a job, real hot today. Got some flowers out, we got at green house, petunia, asters and border flowers.
Tuesday, June 13, 1961
Dad went to Kalamazoo and got the order from Aldens, 2 girdles and 2 bras, also got new 12 inch electric fan $27.70 with tax. A Kenmore. Orpha and Claudia was here, I gave them some peonies. The man come and put in new mail box.
Wednesday, June 14, 1961
Dad went with asparagus to Plainwell, I went to Daisy's, saw her drapes, they look nice.
Thursday, June 15, 1961
I finished my drapes today and they look real nice, I sure am glad as I got pretty tired sewing them.
Friday, June 16, 1961
Dad went to Kalamazoo and I sent some of the order back to exchange for different girdles.
Saturday, June 17, 1961
Daisy and Ike came over, she said she had her drapes all fixed. Rosie did it for her, I gave her onions an d1 box strawberries yesterday. Today I did my cleaning, am tired, my side hurts where I strained it. Sent $1.00 to get another year of Workbasket Magazine. Went to Dennis' this evening, she had bought 2 pair new shoes.
Sunday, June 18, 1961
Paid $1.00 for Otsego paper for 3 months. Father's Day, stayed home till after dinner, then went to look at a trailer off gull road, put corn plaster on my foot.
Monday, June 19, 1961
Today is brother Willie's birthday. Orpha and children come over with Dad's Fathers day gift, a pair of slippers. I did a big wash and ironing. Dad went to Kalamazoo with asparagus, I sent my two coats to get cleaned
Tuesday, June 20, 1961
Wrote to Bessie. Sent bee 75 permit, send $2.00 for mail box marker. It rained a round 1 inch of water yesterday. Mrs. Williams called up about strawberries.
Wednesday, June 21, 1961
Dad took asparagus to Kalamazoo and is going to pick up my order from Aldens, also get my 2 coats from laundry. Received 2 girdles size 40, two bra size 42.
Thursday, June 22, 1961
Stayed home, Dad replanted some corn and beans. I made my bed doll a new dress. It is trying to rain, had strawberries for dinner. We don't have many as it has been too dry.
Friday, June 23, 1961
It is a gloomy cold day, drizzling rain. Stayed home all day. Our cabbage is growing nice and the radishes, I sowed is coming up nice.
Saturday, June 24, 1961
Little warmer today. After dinner I went to Orphas and Dad went to sale, but did not stay long. Bud was home, had just finished mowing his yard, back and front. He looked tired, their garden looks nice. (Orpha and Bud live on West Michigan Avenue, Oshtemo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, also known as US12 and Red Arrow Highway.)
Ike and Daisy come over for a while, brought over papers. I gave her some roses and some bra which was too large for me.
Sunday, June 25, 1961
We had company. Mr. and Mrs. Born from Portage was here a while. She had been in Borgess Hospital for 10 days, she looked bad. Then when they went home, Daisy called up and we went with them for a long ride over by Banfield and around where Grandpa lived and several places they lived, saw fine lake, then come home, we had supper. Drove a 100 miles.
Monday, June 26, 1961
Dad went to Kalamazoo this morning, got a tea ball, and elastic for my short coat. Sold 10 bunches of asparagus, I hoed weeds 1 1/2 hours and put out 15 plants of poppies. Wrote letter to Earl Newman. (Rosa is 80)
Tuesday, June 27, 1961
Had short cake for dinner. Orpha said the men come Sunday and spray painted the house that Claudia and Dennis bought. It is a nice day but chilly.
Wednesday, June 28, 1961
Dad went to sell asparagus and buy groceries. Daisy, Ike, Jerry, and Rosie was over to show us their new car, a light green Chevrolet, it is nice.
Thursday, June 29, 1961
Did not do much, I made lemon pie for dinner. Got letter from Earl Newman, he had been in hospital. Nice day today, but little warm along toward 3 o'clock.
Friday, June 30, 1961We got up at 4 this morning and drove to Otsego, as Ike and Dad went to Crooked Lake to fish. They both got a good mess. Ike got a large bass, they got home around 1 o'clock. Rosie came over there, we had a good visit. I hemmed up a dress for Daisy. Summers pulled the stake that Dad put in, then Dad drove another.
Went to Allegan with Daisy and Ike. Daisy bought drapes for her front room and Daisy and I bought a hat, hers blue, mine pink. I had dinner there. Got letter from Merle.
Friday, June 2, 1961
Dad wen to Kalamazoo to sell asparagus and rhubarb and got new battery for our car, cost $12.95 difference. It rained a big shower around 6 pm. Joyce lost baby.
Saturday, June 3, 1961
Daisy and Ike come over, was here a while, when we looked out and saw around hundred old cars, there is a parade here in Kalamazoo this afternoon. They look awful nice, such old cars, a sight to see.
Sunday, June 4, 1961
Stayed home and had company, Mr. Frank Williams was here, she saw Dad to Parchment store so found out we lived on Douglas, so we had a very nice visit.
Monday, June 5, 1961
I did a big wash while Dad went to sell his asparagus, got a letter from Clare today, was glad to hear from him. Bee man was here today.
Tuesday, June 6, 1961
This morning I went out and put stone all around our large flower bed, and then come in and did my large ironing. Just heard President Kennedy's speech, he just come from seeing Cuba.
Wednesday, June 7, 1961
Went to Kalamazoo with Dorothy, left here around 4 o'clock, got home at 9 o'clock, bought new material for new drapes for front room, new gloves, 2 rose bushes, a pair of red shoes but they are pretty tight. I want to exchange them for larger. We had great time. Had something to eat for supper at the dime store. 1 yard drapes 99cts. 36 inches wide $26.84 tax $1.06, 2 spools of thread 58 cts.
Thursday, June 8, 1961
I just talked to Orpha she is coming over if it don't rain. She and Rosemary come, we had a nice visit and good dinner, had strawberries for the first time. We also had asparagus and rhubarb, Dad sold the first strawberries @ 40 ct. qt.
Friday, June 9, 1961
Dad took strawberries today and got 45 ct. a qt. for them. Dad bought me a new pair shears cost $4.68 with tax.
Saturday, June 10, 1961
Daisy and Ike were here a while, Dorothy took my shoes back and got $5.19 so Daisy brought that over. I gave her a big bunch of Iris, they were 10 colors in them. Sent Clare a letter today. Some man knocked our mail box down and bent the iron post. I did a little wash today, got a letter from Bessie, she is better. Bought Shears at Hoekstras cost $4.50.
Sunday, June 11, 1961
Today I am cutting out my drapes for front room. It is a very nice day.
Monday, June 12, 1961
Dad went to Kalamazoo with asparagus and strawberries. I am making my new drapes for front room. It is a job, real hot today. Got some flowers out, we got at green house, petunia, asters and border flowers.
Tuesday, June 13, 1961
Dad went to Kalamazoo and got the order from Aldens, 2 girdles and 2 bras, also got new 12 inch electric fan $27.70 with tax. A Kenmore. Orpha and Claudia was here, I gave them some peonies. The man come and put in new mail box.
Wednesday, June 14, 1961
Dad went with asparagus to Plainwell, I went to Daisy's, saw her drapes, they look nice.
Thursday, June 15, 1961
I finished my drapes today and they look real nice, I sure am glad as I got pretty tired sewing them.
Friday, June 16, 1961
Dad went to Kalamazoo and I sent some of the order back to exchange for different girdles.
Saturday, June 17, 1961
Daisy and Ike came over, she said she had her drapes all fixed. Rosie did it for her, I gave her onions an d1 box strawberries yesterday. Today I did my cleaning, am tired, my side hurts where I strained it. Sent $1.00 to get another year of Workbasket Magazine. Went to Dennis' this evening, she had bought 2 pair new shoes.
Sunday, June 18, 1961
Paid $1.00 for Otsego paper for 3 months. Father's Day, stayed home till after dinner, then went to look at a trailer off gull road, put corn plaster on my foot.
Monday, June 19, 1961
Today is brother Willie's birthday. Orpha and children come over with Dad's Fathers day gift, a pair of slippers. I did a big wash and ironing. Dad went to Kalamazoo with asparagus, I sent my two coats to get cleaned
Tuesday, June 20, 1961
Wrote to Bessie. Sent bee 75 permit, send $2.00 for mail box marker. It rained a round 1 inch of water yesterday. Mrs. Williams called up about strawberries.
Wednesday, June 21, 1961
Dad took asparagus to Kalamazoo and is going to pick up my order from Aldens, also get my 2 coats from laundry. Received 2 girdles size 40, two bra size 42.
Thursday, June 22, 1961
Stayed home, Dad replanted some corn and beans. I made my bed doll a new dress. It is trying to rain, had strawberries for dinner. We don't have many as it has been too dry.
Friday, June 23, 1961
It is a gloomy cold day, drizzling rain. Stayed home all day. Our cabbage is growing nice and the radishes, I sowed is coming up nice.
Saturday, June 24, 1961
Little warmer today. After dinner I went to Orphas and Dad went to sale, but did not stay long. Bud was home, had just finished mowing his yard, back and front. He looked tired, their garden looks nice. (Orpha and Bud live on West Michigan Avenue, Oshtemo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, also known as US12 and Red Arrow Highway.)
Ike and Daisy come over for a while, brought over papers. I gave her some roses and some bra which was too large for me.
Sunday, June 25, 1961
We had company. Mr. and Mrs. Born from Portage was here a while. She had been in Borgess Hospital for 10 days, she looked bad. Then when they went home, Daisy called up and we went with them for a long ride over by Banfield and around where Grandpa lived and several places they lived, saw fine lake, then come home, we had supper. Drove a 100 miles.
Monday, June 26, 1961
Dad went to Kalamazoo this morning, got a tea ball, and elastic for my short coat. Sold 10 bunches of asparagus, I hoed weeds 1 1/2 hours and put out 15 plants of poppies. Wrote letter to Earl Newman. (Rosa is 80)
Tuesday, June 27, 1961
Had short cake for dinner. Orpha said the men come Sunday and spray painted the house that Claudia and Dennis bought. It is a nice day but chilly.
Wednesday, June 28, 1961
Dad went to sell asparagus and buy groceries. Daisy, Ike, Jerry, and Rosie was over to show us their new car, a light green Chevrolet, it is nice.
Thursday, June 29, 1961
Did not do much, I made lemon pie for dinner. Got letter from Earl Newman, he had been in hospital. Nice day today, but little warm along toward 3 o'clock.
Friday, June 30, 1961We got up at 4 this morning and drove to Otsego, as Ike and Dad went to Crooked Lake to fish. They both got a good mess. Ike got a large bass, they got home around 1 o'clock. Rosie came over there, we had a good visit. I hemmed up a dress for Daisy. Summers pulled the stake that Dad put in, then Dad drove another.
May 1961
Monday, May 1, 1961
Today, Dad cultivated some till the tractor went hay wire. A man was supposed to go up in space but the weather was not fit.
Tuesday, May 2, 1961
The men come and cut down another tree, Dad went to Otsego, I stayed home as I have quite a cold. Bought 100 gal. oil today. I saw the man that is going up in space on TV today, nice looking. Little frost last night.
Wednesday, May 3, 1961
I still have my cold. Sold some asparagus today @25ct. a bunch.
Thursday, May 4, 1961
We went to Richland and Kalamazoo to see about a small tractor, is a nice day. Got letter from Merle.
Friday, May 5, 1961
Dad bought a new tractor today. $430.00, it looks real nice. I did a small wash today. Got letter from Joyce, she has moved around 10 miles from Mesa east (Arizona). I wrote a letter to Joyce. (Joyce married Fred Mullet)
Saturday, May 6, 1961
Today is is cold, rainy weather and Dad went to see about the tractor he bought.
Sunday, May 7, 1961
Was a nice day, Buds come over and took us a nice ride. Went to Crocked Lake Delton, they had put their Pontoon on lake and Bob and some others went fishing.
Monday, May 8, 1961
I caught a little more cold yesterday and nose all stopped up and I feel like a bum head aches. Was a wreck out in front of our house but I guess no one was hurt. Dad planted potatoes today.
Tuesday, May 9, 1961
Today was nice but cold. We had accident out by our house last night, damage one car around $300.00.
Wednesday, May 10, 1961
Dad planted potatoes this morning. I did a big wash, sold 1/2 gallon of honey.
Thursday, May 11, 1961
Went to Otsego, Daisy had strained her back and did not feel too good. I got letter from Lucille and Bessie is in hospital and is very ill. I expect Dennis' over for dinner Sunday, also I asked Claudia. I sent card to Bessie and letter to Lucille today.
Friday, May 12, 1961
I did my mopping and cleaned the rooms, had door and windows open today as it was a very nice day. Dad took asparagus to Kalamazoo and sold it in no time. Just put in the screen door, getting quite warm.
Saturday, May 13, 1961
Mother's Day tomorrow. Well, I cleaned my breezeway this morning. Dad went to Plainwell with some more asparagus. My flowers look beautiful, the tulips are about all gone. Sold two bunches of Daffodils, yellow white and mixed.
Sunday, May 14, 1961
Today is Mothers Day. Daisy come with a lovely Gloxema with 13 buds and 2 blossoms. Orpha brought me yellow mums, Claudia got me a lovely Geranium and Rosemary got me lovely blue flowers. I got 3 nice Mothers day cards.
Monday, May 15, 1961
Monday a cold day, Dad cultivated, I called up Mrs. Dennis, she said they were washing.
Tuesday, May 16, 1961
Effie and Pete come over first time. I say their new car it is a Buick, green, real good looking. Effie said she had a job at Jolly Kids. (Jolly Kids made kids clothes)
Wednesday, May 17, 1961
Went to Kalamazoo with asparagus, and I stayed home, bought two new pants. Daidy is having carpet laid today in front and dining rooms.
Thursday, May 18, 1961
I cleaned the breezeway and Orby wen to Leonidas to get wire, paid $15.00 for it. Daisy and Ike come over, brought some orange juice, real good. Dad bought him tow new shirts. I got a new nightie from Merle's, it is too large, I have to have it changed at Grants. A long way to Leonidas Michigan. Effie Stafflet, Box 74.
Friday, May 19, 1961
Daisy and Ike was here a while, said she wanted me to come over, saw her new carpet, it is nice and I am so glad she has it.
Saturday, May 20, 1961
I went for a ride, saw a nice small trailer 21 foot long, then stopped a few minutes to Buds. They were okay. Sent Merle a letter today. I really want that trailer, it is so handy laid out, it is over by Paw Paw.
Sunday, May 21, 1961
Today is Sunday, but as I did not get my mopping done, I am going to do it today. Did not have company.
Monday, May 22, 1961
I did a big wash and am tired. I rested some then ironed all the flat pieces. I want to clean my two bedrooms tomorrow. Wrote Norman a card for his birthday, he will be 90 years. Sent for Fields catalog today. (Norman might be her cousin, Uncle James Alonzo Andrew's boy, the age would be right)
Tuesday, May 23, 1961
I cleaned the two bedrooms, sent Walter Fields a card for catalog. Dad was down to Kalamazoo, I had no help.
Wednesday, May 24, 1961
Went to Otsego and Ike has their house about all cleaned. Daisy looked real good and I believe her new carpet helped perk her up.
Thursday, May 25, 1961
Orby took the windows off and I will wash windows in front room tomorrow. I made the night dress that Merle's gave me, I made it 2 inches smaller, it is okay now.
Friday, May 26, 1961
Orby went to Kalamazoo, I cleaned front room and am I tired, got new sewing machine needles, I did all the cleaning by myself.
Saturday, May 27, 1961
Cold but sun shining, I been straightening my things and throwing away things I don't want. Had a big frost last night and froze the dahlias and some perennials. I washed a few pieces I dirtied in cleaning. Dad took a peonies and put on Grandpa's gave. (That would be his Father John Fouts, buried in Otsego)
Sunday, May 28, 1961
The Gloxema Daisy gave me Mothers day has 6 blossoms out and 7 buds, it is lovely dark red with light edges. Daisy and Ike was here last night, nice day today, but chilly. I make two gooseberry pies today, last I have.
Monday, May 29, 1961
Dad went to Kalamazoo and I went to Orphas, then Dad come and we went with Orpha to see some new houses, maybe Claudia will buy one. Then we had something to eat then Dennis come with his new car, took us for ride, it is trimmed in red, a 1956 Rambler.
Tuesday, May 30, 1961
Memorial Day and we are going over to Otsego to put flowers on Grandpa's gave. Was to Daisy's for dinner, Sandra was runner up in Miss Otsego. She looked real nice, visited Dorothy a while she is in quite bad shape. (Sandra McLaughlin, Betty's daughter)
Wednesday, May 31, 1961
Rained today, I made over my Dacron dress, it looks good.
Today, Dad cultivated some till the tractor went hay wire. A man was supposed to go up in space but the weather was not fit.
Tuesday, May 2, 1961
The men come and cut down another tree, Dad went to Otsego, I stayed home as I have quite a cold. Bought 100 gal. oil today. I saw the man that is going up in space on TV today, nice looking. Little frost last night.
Wednesday, May 3, 1961
I still have my cold. Sold some asparagus today @25ct. a bunch.
Thursday, May 4, 1961
We went to Richland and Kalamazoo to see about a small tractor, is a nice day. Got letter from Merle.
Friday, May 5, 1961
Dad bought a new tractor today. $430.00, it looks real nice. I did a small wash today. Got letter from Joyce, she has moved around 10 miles from Mesa east (Arizona). I wrote a letter to Joyce. (Joyce married Fred Mullet)
Saturday, May 6, 1961
Today is is cold, rainy weather and Dad went to see about the tractor he bought.
Sunday, May 7, 1961
Was a nice day, Buds come over and took us a nice ride. Went to Crocked Lake Delton, they had put their Pontoon on lake and Bob and some others went fishing.
Monday, May 8, 1961
I caught a little more cold yesterday and nose all stopped up and I feel like a bum head aches. Was a wreck out in front of our house but I guess no one was hurt. Dad planted potatoes today.
Tuesday, May 9, 1961
Today was nice but cold. We had accident out by our house last night, damage one car around $300.00.
Wednesday, May 10, 1961
Dad planted potatoes this morning. I did a big wash, sold 1/2 gallon of honey.
Thursday, May 11, 1961
Went to Otsego, Daisy had strained her back and did not feel too good. I got letter from Lucille and Bessie is in hospital and is very ill. I expect Dennis' over for dinner Sunday, also I asked Claudia. I sent card to Bessie and letter to Lucille today.
Friday, May 12, 1961
I did my mopping and cleaned the rooms, had door and windows open today as it was a very nice day. Dad took asparagus to Kalamazoo and sold it in no time. Just put in the screen door, getting quite warm.
Saturday, May 13, 1961
Mother's Day tomorrow. Well, I cleaned my breezeway this morning. Dad went to Plainwell with some more asparagus. My flowers look beautiful, the tulips are about all gone. Sold two bunches of Daffodils, yellow white and mixed.
Sunday, May 14, 1961
Today is Mothers Day. Daisy come with a lovely Gloxema with 13 buds and 2 blossoms. Orpha brought me yellow mums, Claudia got me a lovely Geranium and Rosemary got me lovely blue flowers. I got 3 nice Mothers day cards.
Monday, May 15, 1961
Monday a cold day, Dad cultivated, I called up Mrs. Dennis, she said they were washing.
Tuesday, May 16, 1961
Effie and Pete come over first time. I say their new car it is a Buick, green, real good looking. Effie said she had a job at Jolly Kids. (Jolly Kids made kids clothes)
Wednesday, May 17, 1961
Went to Kalamazoo with asparagus, and I stayed home, bought two new pants. Daidy is having carpet laid today in front and dining rooms.
Thursday, May 18, 1961
I cleaned the breezeway and Orby wen to Leonidas to get wire, paid $15.00 for it. Daisy and Ike come over, brought some orange juice, real good. Dad bought him tow new shirts. I got a new nightie from Merle's, it is too large, I have to have it changed at Grants. A long way to Leonidas Michigan. Effie Stafflet, Box 74.
Friday, May 19, 1961
Daisy and Ike was here a while, said she wanted me to come over, saw her new carpet, it is nice and I am so glad she has it.
Saturday, May 20, 1961
I went for a ride, saw a nice small trailer 21 foot long, then stopped a few minutes to Buds. They were okay. Sent Merle a letter today. I really want that trailer, it is so handy laid out, it is over by Paw Paw.
Sunday, May 21, 1961
Today is Sunday, but as I did not get my mopping done, I am going to do it today. Did not have company.
Monday, May 22, 1961
I did a big wash and am tired. I rested some then ironed all the flat pieces. I want to clean my two bedrooms tomorrow. Wrote Norman a card for his birthday, he will be 90 years. Sent for Fields catalog today. (Norman might be her cousin, Uncle James Alonzo Andrew's boy, the age would be right)
Tuesday, May 23, 1961
I cleaned the two bedrooms, sent Walter Fields a card for catalog. Dad was down to Kalamazoo, I had no help.
Wednesday, May 24, 1961
Went to Otsego and Ike has their house about all cleaned. Daisy looked real good and I believe her new carpet helped perk her up.
Thursday, May 25, 1961
Orby took the windows off and I will wash windows in front room tomorrow. I made the night dress that Merle's gave me, I made it 2 inches smaller, it is okay now.
Friday, May 26, 1961
Orby went to Kalamazoo, I cleaned front room and am I tired, got new sewing machine needles, I did all the cleaning by myself.
Saturday, May 27, 1961
Cold but sun shining, I been straightening my things and throwing away things I don't want. Had a big frost last night and froze the dahlias and some perennials. I washed a few pieces I dirtied in cleaning. Dad took a peonies and put on Grandpa's gave. (That would be his Father John Fouts, buried in Otsego)
Sunday, May 28, 1961
The Gloxema Daisy gave me Mothers day has 6 blossoms out and 7 buds, it is lovely dark red with light edges. Daisy and Ike was here last night, nice day today, but chilly. I make two gooseberry pies today, last I have.
Monday, May 29, 1961
Dad went to Kalamazoo and I went to Orphas, then Dad come and we went with Orpha to see some new houses, maybe Claudia will buy one. Then we had something to eat then Dennis come with his new car, took us for ride, it is trimmed in red, a 1956 Rambler.
Tuesday, May 30, 1961
Memorial Day and we are going over to Otsego to put flowers on Grandpa's gave. Was to Daisy's for dinner, Sandra was runner up in Miss Otsego. She looked real nice, visited Dorothy a while she is in quite bad shape. (Sandra McLaughlin, Betty's daughter)
Wednesday, May 31, 1961
Rained today, I made over my Dacron dress, it looks good.
April 1961
(Rosa is 80, and Orby will be 78 in August 1961, they live in Kalamazoo, Michigan on Douglas Avenue. They travel to Tempe Arizona to visit Merle and Letha Fouts in the winter. And Mr. Dennis' name is Ernest Dennis)
Saturday, April 1, 1961
I am at home, did not sleep too good last night. It is flaking a little snow. Dad went to sale, he likes to go, I felt to badly, headaches bad.
Sunday, April 2, 1961
Easter Sunday, stayed home, quite a lot of snow on the ground, Claudia and Dennis was here a while last night, brought over box of Easter candy for us. (Claudia Gimbel and Dennis Westra) Effie and Pete was here this evening took my doll home to make it a dress, today is my sisters birthday, she would be 82 years, born 1879. (Lydia Hann)
Monday, April 3, 1961
Dad went to Kalamazoo and ordered a cover for the washer with lint. I want to bake a cake but I dread to open any eggs as I have found 6 snakes in them in my life so far and I can't hardly go eggs. The last one I found was June, it was the smallest around, 5 inches the largest was a round 8 inches. (ewww)
Tuesday, April 4, 1961
Orpha and children come for a short visit in after noon, I did my mopping and I am tired.
Wednesday, April 5, 1961
I did a little wash, I still have my cold and headaches. Dad changing my clothesline post and it will give me more room to put up the wash.
Thursday, April 6, 1961
Dad put in corner post between us and Summers. Daisy and Ike was here, brought over some papers.
Friday, April 7, 1961
Mr. and Mrs. Hardy was here for dinner, we had a very good dinner, went to Mrs. Rose tonight.
Saturday, April 8, 1961
I mopped and cleaned, I don't feel too good.
Sunday, April 9, 1961
Went to Daisy this afternoon, Rosie and Jerry (McLaughlin) was there and Dorothy and husband, too. She looked pretty good. (Dorothy was always very pretty, had large dimples)
Monday, April 10, 1961
I did a big wash, dried it in basement, Will be glad when I hang them outdoors.
Tuesday, April 11, 1961
I did my ironing and mopped, Dad still working at his fence post.
Wednesday, April 12, 1961
Got order from Sears. Today Orpha and Claudia was here a while, had a swell visit.
Thursday, April 13, 1961
They read the electric meter today, it is cold, chilly day. I been cleaning, will buy 4 clothes line props. Will give Orpha two as she needs them.
Friday, April 14, 1961
Well, I got my 4 props, so when I go over to Orpha, I will surprise her. It looks like rain today.
Saturday, April 15, 1961
Today is my Dad's birthday, he would be 108 years. Went over to Leonidas and bought 16 iron post cost $4.80. Mrs. Stofflet. Daisy and Ike come over last night, brought over papers.
Sunday, April 16, 1961
Snow last night around 2 inches, had ground plowed yesterday, cost $17.00. One of the neighbors did the plowing.
Monday, April 17, 1961
It snowed and was pretty cold, we stayed home all day, we have a round 10 inches of snow on ground and still snowing. (April?)
Tuesday, April 18, 1961
Well it seems that the snowing is over, the sun is shining bright this morning. I am doing a little wash, I called Orpha and she said their pump was out of order and so is ours, but we have water yet.
Wednesday, April 19, 1961
It is a lovely day, sun shining bright, snow nearly all gone. We are thinking of going to town and to Orpha. I did not go, I was not too good, after I did my ironing. Dad put in post today between us and Summers.
Thursday, April 20, 1961
It looks little cloudy and drizzling rain. I did my ironing.
Friday, April 21, 1961
I cleaned my house and am tired, Dad is cleaning yard and putting in post.
Saturday, April 22, 1961
Went to Orphas, she did my hair but the liquid looked a little curtly and Orpha spoke about it looking so funny.
Sunday, April 23, 1961
Went over to the Dennis', had a good time, Ernest did not look too good.
Monday, April 24, 1961
Well it was so gloomy, I did not wash.
Tuesday, April 25, 1961
I did my wash but hung it inside as the weather was not too good. I had a large wash.
Wednesday, April 26, 1961
I did my ironing and made a blue dress for Daisy. She likes blue. Men cut down the large split tree between us and Summers.
Thursday, April 27, 1961
I mopped kitchen and bathroom today, also cleaned front room, Dad is picking up the limbs from the tree that men cut yesterday. I am making a crochet piece for my davenport back.
Friday, April 28, 1961
My tulips are out in blossom, I am crocheting today and Orby is out cleaning up brush the men made in cutting down the trees. It is nice but they say it is going to rain.
Saturday, April 29, 1961
We went and bought seed potatoes out on Silver Street, south of Vicksburg. Gave $1.75 for 100 lbs. they were small but look real nice, name Kalotans. We planted Kalotans before and they were real good. We stopped at Hardy's and they want us to come to their house for dinner but we did not go.
Sunday, April 30, 1961
Today we stayed home. I made cake and two pies. I look for company, they did not come.
Saturday, April 1, 1961
I am at home, did not sleep too good last night. It is flaking a little snow. Dad went to sale, he likes to go, I felt to badly, headaches bad.
Sunday, April 2, 1961
Easter Sunday, stayed home, quite a lot of snow on the ground, Claudia and Dennis was here a while last night, brought over box of Easter candy for us. (Claudia Gimbel and Dennis Westra) Effie and Pete was here this evening took my doll home to make it a dress, today is my sisters birthday, she would be 82 years, born 1879. (Lydia Hann)
Monday, April 3, 1961
Dad went to Kalamazoo and ordered a cover for the washer with lint. I want to bake a cake but I dread to open any eggs as I have found 6 snakes in them in my life so far and I can't hardly go eggs. The last one I found was June, it was the smallest around, 5 inches the largest was a round 8 inches. (ewww)
Tuesday, April 4, 1961
Orpha and children come for a short visit in after noon, I did my mopping and I am tired.
Wednesday, April 5, 1961
I did a little wash, I still have my cold and headaches. Dad changing my clothesline post and it will give me more room to put up the wash.
Thursday, April 6, 1961
Dad put in corner post between us and Summers. Daisy and Ike was here, brought over some papers.
Friday, April 7, 1961
Mr. and Mrs. Hardy was here for dinner, we had a very good dinner, went to Mrs. Rose tonight.
Saturday, April 8, 1961
I mopped and cleaned, I don't feel too good.
Sunday, April 9, 1961
Went to Daisy this afternoon, Rosie and Jerry (McLaughlin) was there and Dorothy and husband, too. She looked pretty good. (Dorothy was always very pretty, had large dimples)
Monday, April 10, 1961
I did a big wash, dried it in basement, Will be glad when I hang them outdoors.
Tuesday, April 11, 1961
I did my ironing and mopped, Dad still working at his fence post.
Wednesday, April 12, 1961
Got order from Sears. Today Orpha and Claudia was here a while, had a swell visit.
Thursday, April 13, 1961
They read the electric meter today, it is cold, chilly day. I been cleaning, will buy 4 clothes line props. Will give Orpha two as she needs them.
Friday, April 14, 1961
Well, I got my 4 props, so when I go over to Orpha, I will surprise her. It looks like rain today.
Saturday, April 15, 1961
Today is my Dad's birthday, he would be 108 years. Went over to Leonidas and bought 16 iron post cost $4.80. Mrs. Stofflet. Daisy and Ike come over last night, brought over papers.
Sunday, April 16, 1961
Snow last night around 2 inches, had ground plowed yesterday, cost $17.00. One of the neighbors did the plowing.
Monday, April 17, 1961
It snowed and was pretty cold, we stayed home all day, we have a round 10 inches of snow on ground and still snowing. (April?)
Tuesday, April 18, 1961
Well it seems that the snowing is over, the sun is shining bright this morning. I am doing a little wash, I called Orpha and she said their pump was out of order and so is ours, but we have water yet.
Wednesday, April 19, 1961
It is a lovely day, sun shining bright, snow nearly all gone. We are thinking of going to town and to Orpha. I did not go, I was not too good, after I did my ironing. Dad put in post today between us and Summers.
Thursday, April 20, 1961
It looks little cloudy and drizzling rain. I did my ironing.
Friday, April 21, 1961
I cleaned my house and am tired, Dad is cleaning yard and putting in post.
Saturday, April 22, 1961
Went to Orphas, she did my hair but the liquid looked a little curtly and Orpha spoke about it looking so funny.
Sunday, April 23, 1961
Went over to the Dennis', had a good time, Ernest did not look too good.
Monday, April 24, 1961
Well it was so gloomy, I did not wash.
Tuesday, April 25, 1961
I did my wash but hung it inside as the weather was not too good. I had a large wash.
Wednesday, April 26, 1961
I did my ironing and made a blue dress for Daisy. She likes blue. Men cut down the large split tree between us and Summers.
Thursday, April 27, 1961
I mopped kitchen and bathroom today, also cleaned front room, Dad is picking up the limbs from the tree that men cut yesterday. I am making a crochet piece for my davenport back.
Friday, April 28, 1961
My tulips are out in blossom, I am crocheting today and Orby is out cleaning up brush the men made in cutting down the trees. It is nice but they say it is going to rain.
Saturday, April 29, 1961
We went and bought seed potatoes out on Silver Street, south of Vicksburg. Gave $1.75 for 100 lbs. they were small but look real nice, name Kalotans. We planted Kalotans before and they were real good. We stopped at Hardy's and they want us to come to their house for dinner but we did not go.
Sunday, April 30, 1961
Today we stayed home. I made cake and two pies. I look for company, they did not come.
Friday, January 29, 2010
March 1961
(Rosa is 80, February 1961, Orby will be 78 in August 1961, they live on Douglas Avenue, Kalamazoo, Michigan. The home is on enough land to have some small farming for Orby, the two homes in Portage Michigan before this one, did not have land so Orby got bored).
Thursday, March 24, 1961
Started to make me 2 aprons, it is rainy and cold, my tulips are up, and looking nice, also the iris and other flowers, nice to see flowers blooming and they are so large, I believe they are the largest ones I ever saw.
Friday, March 25, 1961
I finished making 2 new aprons, the last feed bag cloth I had. today is Grandpas birthday. (Orby's dad, John Fouts)
Saturday, March 26, 1961
Ike and Daisy came over to day, Ike has been ailing but better. I baked 2 pumpkin pies, gave Daisy one. Today is Joyce's birthday.
Sunday, March 27, 1961
Went to Roy Hann, he was not at home but Peg's son Jon was thee, he went to Cemetery at Dowagiac and found were brother Willie and Silva was buried. He seems real nice, showed us pictures of the family also Silva in her casket. (Willie was Rosa's brother, Silva was the name of her sister, but also brother Willie married a Silvia McGuire, I don't know which she is talking about)
Monday, March 27, 1961
I did my big wash today, and i am very tired and don't feel too good.
Tuesday, March 28, 1961
I did my ironing and mended several dresses and aprons.
Wednesday, March 29, 1961
I feel pretty tough, I am going to Doctor. Well, I went and my blood pressure was 190 over something.
Thursday, March 30, 1961
Daisy and Ike were here to see how I was, Ike don't feel too good.
Friday, March 31, 1961
Dad took down the old clothes line post and going to put a new one up, then I can hang 3 lines of clothes which I need badly.
Thursday, March 24, 1961
Started to make me 2 aprons, it is rainy and cold, my tulips are up, and looking nice, also the iris and other flowers, nice to see flowers blooming and they are so large, I believe they are the largest ones I ever saw.
Friday, March 25, 1961
I finished making 2 new aprons, the last feed bag cloth I had. today is Grandpas birthday. (Orby's dad, John Fouts)
Saturday, March 26, 1961
Ike and Daisy came over to day, Ike has been ailing but better. I baked 2 pumpkin pies, gave Daisy one. Today is Joyce's birthday.
Sunday, March 27, 1961
Went to Roy Hann, he was not at home but Peg's son Jon was thee, he went to Cemetery at Dowagiac and found were brother Willie and Silva was buried. He seems real nice, showed us pictures of the family also Silva in her casket. (Willie was Rosa's brother, Silva was the name of her sister, but also brother Willie married a Silvia McGuire, I don't know which she is talking about)
Monday, March 27, 1961
I did my big wash today, and i am very tired and don't feel too good.
Tuesday, March 28, 1961
I did my ironing and mended several dresses and aprons.
Wednesday, March 29, 1961
I feel pretty tough, I am going to Doctor. Well, I went and my blood pressure was 190 over something.
Thursday, March 30, 1961
Daisy and Ike were here to see how I was, Ike don't feel too good.
Friday, March 31, 1961
Dad took down the old clothes line post and going to put a new one up, then I can hang 3 lines of clothes which I need badly.
December 1960
(Rosa and Orby have a home on Douglas Avenue, Cooper Township, Kalamazoo Michigan. They have had 2 homes in Portage Michigan since they lived on the farm in Vicksburg. I do not know how many homes they own and rent in 1960. Maybe we will find an answer in the diaries.)
Friday, December 16, 1960
Started home from Arizona, hated to leave Merle's but thought we would. Better get home.
Wednesday, December 21, 1960
Got home from Arizona at 4:30 o'clock, went to Daisy's after key and I stayed there while Dad and Ike come to start the furnace and found our house had been on fire, and we sure had a mess to clean up. We were on the road 5 nights. (It was a furnace backfire of sorts, it was not burnt, but oily smoke coated everything.)
Saturday, December 24, 1960
Was to Orphas and stayed for Christmas. Dennis was there. (Claudia's beau)
Sunday, December 25, 1960
Had Christmas dinner with Orpha and Bud. I was pretty down hearted as the trouble we had with the fire.
Friday, December 16, 1960
Started home from Arizona, hated to leave Merle's but thought we would. Better get home.
Wednesday, December 21, 1960
Got home from Arizona at 4:30 o'clock, went to Daisy's after key and I stayed there while Dad and Ike come to start the furnace and found our house had been on fire, and we sure had a mess to clean up. We were on the road 5 nights. (It was a furnace backfire of sorts, it was not burnt, but oily smoke coated everything.)
Saturday, December 24, 1960
Was to Orphas and stayed for Christmas. Dennis was there. (Claudia's beau)
Sunday, December 25, 1960
Had Christmas dinner with Orpha and Bud. I was pretty down hearted as the trouble we had with the fire.
November 1960
(Rosa has skipped a few years, if there were diaries of the missing years, I do not have them. I will stay true to the diaries that I have. In 1960, Rosa is 79 and Orby is 77. I don't know where their "home" is at this time, I do know that Merle moved to Arizona and they have been going there in the winter. As I read I will, hopefully, fill in those blanks, for all of us).
Monday, November 6, 1960
Had our first snow.
Monday, November 7, 1960
I think it will be a nice day, we stayed home all day. Daisy said they finished up putting in the furnace.
Tuesday, November 8, 1960
Today is Election Day, we went to the polls to vote for our next President, I and Dad voted for Kennedy, then went to Orpha's. We stayed up all night to watch votes come in.
Wednesday, November 9, 1960
I am very tired and sleepy as I did not go to bed last night but got the man I wished for our next President John F. Kennedy. I think he is great but the old republicans tries to make believe they are so much better, but just look, old Ike never did any thing to brag about. He is an old put on, big liar and every thing I can't think why they make so much fuss over nothing. (Okay, is this where I put in a political disclaimer?)
Thursday, November 10, 1960
It is snowing today. I am very tired, and sleepy as I watched the election votes come in.
Friday, November 11, 1960
I sure had a good night sleep and feel real good.
Saturday, November 12, 1960
The news still making over the election as the Republicans are sure down in the mouth as Kennedy got elected and I sure am glad.
Sunday, November 13, 1960
Bud family were all here today, also Dennis the beau of Claudia. (Dennis Westra)
Monday, November 14, 1960
I did my wash, had a large one, we are getting everything ready to go to Arizona.
Tuesday, November 15, 1960
I did my ironing, had a big one as I want everything left clean so when I come home i can rest and won't have to jump right in hard work.
Wednesday, November 16, 1960
Went to Orpha and she fixed my hair, we had nice visit. Rosemary was sick, we took their Christmas to them. (Rosemary is 11)
Thursday, November 17, 1960
We went to Daisy, took some gifts to them and Dorothy, Sharon, Sandy and Patty.
Friday, November 18, 1960
Looking forward to go to Arizona soon now. I want to have my house all cleaned so when we come back we will come to a nice clean home.
Saturday, November 19, 1960
Daisy and Ike come over, brought gifts from Sharon, Sandy and Patty. We was to Effie and Dennis' today.
Sunday, November 20, 1960
I want everything all cleaned up, so when I come back, I can rest over my trip.
Monday, November 21, 1960
Tomorrow we will start to Arizona, I sure am so glad to get to see Merle.
Tuesday, November 22, 1960
Started to Arizona, went through Peru Indiana, Saw Earl and Imogene, stayed all night.
Wednesday, November 23, 1960
We started at 6:30 this morning, had a good nights rest.
Thursday, November 24, 1960
Today is Thanksgiving, we had chicken and cake on the road, which I prepared at home. Having a nice trip.
Friday, November 24, 1960
Got to Merle's around 1:30, they were both to work, Letha come home first then Merle, sure glad to see them and they were glad to see up.
Saturday, November 25, 1960
Having a nice long talk and we are very happy to see the folks. Lucille tried to locate where Merle was so she could see us, but give it up, so we went there but they were not at home. (Merle and Letha Fouts, Lucille is Orby's niece, daughter of Willard and Bessie Fouts all live in Arizona now)
Sunday, November 26, 1960
Willard come over to Merle's brought a pan of meat, not quite done, so Bessie put it in Merle's stove to finish cooking. We then had our dinner together. Then we went home with Willard for all night had lots of fun.
Monday, November 27, 1960
Went back to Merle's they were both to work, they have a lovely house trailer and have it fixed real nice, nice grass and flowers.
Tuesday, November 28, 1960
Went to town to look around for place to buy. My corn sure hurts me, very bad, did not see any we wanted.
Wednesday, November 29, 1960
Tomorrow, last day of November.
Monday, November 6, 1960
Had our first snow.
Monday, November 7, 1960
I think it will be a nice day, we stayed home all day. Daisy said they finished up putting in the furnace.
Tuesday, November 8, 1960
Today is Election Day, we went to the polls to vote for our next President, I and Dad voted for Kennedy, then went to Orpha's. We stayed up all night to watch votes come in.
Wednesday, November 9, 1960
I am very tired and sleepy as I did not go to bed last night but got the man I wished for our next President John F. Kennedy. I think he is great but the old republicans tries to make believe they are so much better, but just look, old Ike never did any thing to brag about. He is an old put on, big liar and every thing I can't think why they make so much fuss over nothing. (Okay, is this where I put in a political disclaimer?)
Thursday, November 10, 1960
It is snowing today. I am very tired, and sleepy as I watched the election votes come in.
Friday, November 11, 1960
I sure had a good night sleep and feel real good.
Saturday, November 12, 1960
The news still making over the election as the Republicans are sure down in the mouth as Kennedy got elected and I sure am glad.
Sunday, November 13, 1960
Bud family were all here today, also Dennis the beau of Claudia. (Dennis Westra)
Monday, November 14, 1960
I did my wash, had a large one, we are getting everything ready to go to Arizona.
Tuesday, November 15, 1960
I did my ironing, had a big one as I want everything left clean so when I come home i can rest and won't have to jump right in hard work.
Wednesday, November 16, 1960
Went to Orpha and she fixed my hair, we had nice visit. Rosemary was sick, we took their Christmas to them. (Rosemary is 11)
Thursday, November 17, 1960
We went to Daisy, took some gifts to them and Dorothy, Sharon, Sandy and Patty.
Friday, November 18, 1960
Looking forward to go to Arizona soon now. I want to have my house all cleaned so when we come back we will come to a nice clean home.
Saturday, November 19, 1960
Daisy and Ike come over, brought gifts from Sharon, Sandy and Patty. We was to Effie and Dennis' today.
Sunday, November 20, 1960
I want everything all cleaned up, so when I come back, I can rest over my trip.
Monday, November 21, 1960
Tomorrow we will start to Arizona, I sure am so glad to get to see Merle.
Tuesday, November 22, 1960
Started to Arizona, went through Peru Indiana, Saw Earl and Imogene, stayed all night.
Wednesday, November 23, 1960
We started at 6:30 this morning, had a good nights rest.
Thursday, November 24, 1960
Today is Thanksgiving, we had chicken and cake on the road, which I prepared at home. Having a nice trip.
Friday, November 24, 1960
Got to Merle's around 1:30, they were both to work, Letha come home first then Merle, sure glad to see them and they were glad to see up.
Saturday, November 25, 1960
Having a nice long talk and we are very happy to see the folks. Lucille tried to locate where Merle was so she could see us, but give it up, so we went there but they were not at home. (Merle and Letha Fouts, Lucille is Orby's niece, daughter of Willard and Bessie Fouts all live in Arizona now)
Sunday, November 26, 1960
Willard come over to Merle's brought a pan of meat, not quite done, so Bessie put it in Merle's stove to finish cooking. We then had our dinner together. Then we went home with Willard for all night had lots of fun.
Monday, November 27, 1960
Went back to Merle's they were both to work, they have a lovely house trailer and have it fixed real nice, nice grass and flowers.
Tuesday, November 28, 1960
Went to town to look around for place to buy. My corn sure hurts me, very bad, did not see any we wanted.
Wednesday, November 29, 1960
Tomorrow, last day of November.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
February 1951
Sunday, February 4, 1951
Went to Orpha for dinner, had a swell time. Merle's come for a while after dinner. We also saw the house of Merle's on Roseland Street, in the evening we went to Dennis'.
Monday, February 5, 1951
Went to Otsego, Daisy told me for the first time, she had a lump in her breast. Lila's father will be buried tomorrow, he had cancer. Mr. Dennis brought the 3 cats as they leave tomorrow for Florida. (Donald Dekilder, Daisy's son married Lila)
Tuesday, February 6, 1951
Dennis' left for Florida this morning around 6.
Wednesday, February 7, 1951
Received letter from Bob, he was not so well has a cold. I started a chair set today. (Crochet)
Thursday, February 8, 1951
Still am making my chair set. Rosemary's measles have started to show, she sure was sick. (Isn't this cool, bet you don't know when you had the measles!)
Friday, February 9, 1951
Sent Bob a letter today and Orpha called that Rosemary still has them old measles and they itch so she washed her with soda water. Went to Merle's, saw television. Mama was on.
Saturday, February 10, 1951
Went to Orpha's, Rosemary is better and I am so glad for the sweet little girl. Bud had brought home a lot of rolls and cake, a Chicago truck had been demolished. Got a chair pattern from Mrs. Hardy. (Bud has a Body Shop, repairs vehicles)
Sunday, February 11, 1951
Was home all day. Merle come over for a short time, he had his papers on his place at Milwood.
Monday, February 12, 1951
Went to Otsego. Daisy looked good, she said Donnie was exposed to chickenpox.
(I think Donnie is one of Daisy's grandchildren)
Tuesday, February 13, 1951
Orby got me a lovely watch for my Birthday, I am 70.
(Missing pages and there are no more entries in this diary.)
Went to Orpha for dinner, had a swell time. Merle's come for a while after dinner. We also saw the house of Merle's on Roseland Street, in the evening we went to Dennis'.
Monday, February 5, 1951
Went to Otsego, Daisy told me for the first time, she had a lump in her breast. Lila's father will be buried tomorrow, he had cancer. Mr. Dennis brought the 3 cats as they leave tomorrow for Florida. (Donald Dekilder, Daisy's son married Lila)
Tuesday, February 6, 1951
Dennis' left for Florida this morning around 6.
Wednesday, February 7, 1951
Received letter from Bob, he was not so well has a cold. I started a chair set today. (Crochet)
Thursday, February 8, 1951
Still am making my chair set. Rosemary's measles have started to show, she sure was sick. (Isn't this cool, bet you don't know when you had the measles!)
Friday, February 9, 1951
Sent Bob a letter today and Orpha called that Rosemary still has them old measles and they itch so she washed her with soda water. Went to Merle's, saw television. Mama was on.
Saturday, February 10, 1951
Went to Orpha's, Rosemary is better and I am so glad for the sweet little girl. Bud had brought home a lot of rolls and cake, a Chicago truck had been demolished. Got a chair pattern from Mrs. Hardy. (Bud has a Body Shop, repairs vehicles)
Sunday, February 11, 1951
Was home all day. Merle come over for a short time, he had his papers on his place at Milwood.
Monday, February 12, 1951
Went to Otsego. Daisy looked good, she said Donnie was exposed to chickenpox.
(I think Donnie is one of Daisy's grandchildren)
Tuesday, February 13, 1951
Orby got me a lovely watch for my Birthday, I am 70.
(Missing pages and there are no more entries in this diary.)
January 1951
(Rosa's next diary, is 1951, I don't know if there were any for the years in between, but I don't have them. What you need to know, I, Rosemary was born August 6, 1949, my brother Bob was drafted in to the United States Army and I think Rosa and Orby still live on the farm in Vicksburg, at the corner of W Avenue and Portage Road, Southwest corner. Rosa will be 70 in February, and Orby will be 68 in August of 1951.)
(First pages are missing)
Tuesday, January 9, 1951
I was home all day, did some crochet work.
Wednesday, January 10, 1951
Was sick all day, then went to see place on Westnedge, Merle's was with us.
Thursday, January 11, 1951
Went to Dennis' while Orby wen tto show Merle's place to real estate.
Sunday, January 14, 1951
Was home.
Monday, January 15, 1951
Went to Otsego, Daisy had been sick but some better. Willard's was here.
Tuesday, January 16, 1951
Finished my doily looks real pretty with the 4 color pansies. Cleaned my 4 rooms this morning.
Wednesday, January 17, 1951
Realtor was here, Mr. Davis want to sell farm. Mrs. Weinbery was here, had a nice visit. Snow about all gone.
Thursday, January 18, 1951
Sent Bob a letter. I pray to God he will come home safe. Sun shining lovely this morning.
Friday, January 19, 1951
Sent for 5 pair stockings to Lexington N.C. $4.39 total price. Sun shining nice. Was to Leja to see television.
Saturday, January 20, 1951
Orpha called and said Bob called from Fort Lenard, MO. He was pretty homesick. I went to Dennis' today, also we went to Merle's tonight.
Sunday, January 21, 1951
Sun shining, nice but awful cold.
Monday, January 22, 1951
Went to Otsego, looked at a house on 131, but did not like it.
Tuesday, January 23, 1951
I washed the clothes today, had a large wash, did my white spread and I ironed a few.
Wednesday, January 24, 1951
Finished my ironing, sure am tired, nice day.
(Last pages of January 1951 gone)
(First pages are missing)
Tuesday, January 9, 1951
I was home all day, did some crochet work.
Wednesday, January 10, 1951
Was sick all day, then went to see place on Westnedge, Merle's was with us.
Thursday, January 11, 1951
Went to Dennis' while Orby wen tto show Merle's place to real estate.
Sunday, January 14, 1951
Was home.
Monday, January 15, 1951
Went to Otsego, Daisy had been sick but some better. Willard's was here.
Tuesday, January 16, 1951
Finished my doily looks real pretty with the 4 color pansies. Cleaned my 4 rooms this morning.
Wednesday, January 17, 1951
Realtor was here, Mr. Davis want to sell farm. Mrs. Weinbery was here, had a nice visit. Snow about all gone.
Thursday, January 18, 1951
Sent Bob a letter. I pray to God he will come home safe. Sun shining lovely this morning.
Friday, January 19, 1951
Sent for 5 pair stockings to Lexington N.C. $4.39 total price. Sun shining nice. Was to Leja to see television.
Saturday, January 20, 1951
Orpha called and said Bob called from Fort Lenard, MO. He was pretty homesick. I went to Dennis' today, also we went to Merle's tonight.
Sunday, January 21, 1951
Sun shining, nice but awful cold.
Monday, January 22, 1951
Went to Otsego, looked at a house on 131, but did not like it.
Tuesday, January 23, 1951
I washed the clothes today, had a large wash, did my white spread and I ironed a few.
Wednesday, January 24, 1951
Finished my ironing, sure am tired, nice day.
(Last pages of January 1951 gone)
December 1947
Wednesday, December 7, 1947
I mopped and waxed kitchen, bath and wash house.
Thursday, December 8, 1947
I did my wash, I am busy wrapping gifts.
Friday, December 9, 1947
The man that bought lots off us was here tonight, paid 2 months. I did ironing and washed kitchen windows.
Saturday, December 10, 1947
Orby went to Kalamazoo.
(And that finishes Diary Three and 1947.)
I mopped and waxed kitchen, bath and wash house.
Thursday, December 8, 1947
I did my wash, I am busy wrapping gifts.
Friday, December 9, 1947
The man that bought lots off us was here tonight, paid 2 months. I did ironing and washed kitchen windows.
Saturday, December 10, 1947
Orby went to Kalamazoo.
(And that finishes Diary Three and 1947.)
November 1947
Saturday, November 1, 1947
Bud was here, we went for a ride, finished setting out strawberries.
Sunday, November 2, 1947
Buds was here, Bud and Bobby went hunting got a duck. Dad is husking corn.
Monday, November 3, 1947
Tuesday, November 4, 1947
I canned pears and I am tired.
Wednesday, November 5, 1947
I canned pears, went to Merle's, Letha was washing.
Thursday, November 6, 1947
I did my wash, Merle brought over some Freezone for our car. Dennis' come home today.
Friday, November 7, 1947
I did my ironing.
Saturday, November 8, 1947
I got a Tribune paper and saw where Mr. W.W. Irwin won $2,500.00 for sending in name The Dailys, he lived at Syracuse Indiana. Dennis' pullets began laying today, 2 eggs.
Sunday, November 9, 1947
Had company.
Monday, November 10, 1947
Went to Otsego to get rent. Then I stayed all night with Orpha. Dennis' pullets lay first time Saturday.
Tuesday, November 11, 1947
Bobby brought me home, sold 6 doz. eggs @70cts per doz. Dad husked corn.
Wednesday, November 12, 1947
Cold and bad, Orby still at the corn.
Thursday, November 13, 1947
Orby is husking corn, it is a lovely day.
Friday, November 14, 1947
Dad got done husking corn today.
Saturday, November 15, 1947
I cleaned house, Dad went after coal.
Sunday, November 16, 1947
Rented March ground today $25.00. Went to Orpha to take vacuum home, then us and Bob come home, he went to Vicksburg to get his car. After supper we went to spend evening with Leja, had a good time. Popped corn and come home late. Mrs. Galbreatt was here today.
Monday, November 17, 1947
Went to Kalamazoo to Rosie's, her baby is growing and so cute. (Sharon)
Tuesday, Novebmer 18, 1947
I did my wash. Mrs. Dennis was here all afternoon. Her daughter came tonight on a visit. (Dorothea McCalla, she was a Palm Reader)
Monday, November 24, 1947
Went to Otsego, stayed at Daisy's, cut out Daisy a dress.
Tuesday, November 25, 1947
Started making dress.
Wednesday, November 26, 1947
Still at Daisy's, just finished her dress, it looks nice. Having a swell time, the children over a lot and I sure enjoy them. I took dinner with Betty and Kenneth (McLaughlin) sure had lovely dinner and swell time. Betty and I then went to Daisy's.
Thursday, November 27, 1947
I am still at Daisy's. Orby come for Thanksgiving dinner. Had swell dinner and an awful good time . Kenneth come got me.
Friday, November 28, 1947
Went to Donald's for dinner. Lila sure nice and had swell dinner and good time, then after dinner her and Betty, Sandy and I went to Daisy's. It is some icy. Ike took me to Donald's in morning. Ike has been sick all week.
Saturday, November 29, 1947
I came home today. Stopped to see Rosie, Kenneth brought me to Kalamazoo and Orby come got me at Rosie's. Rosa will move to Otsego soon, her baby sure is growing.
(Rosa/Rosie DeKilder McLaughlin is the daughter that Daisy named after Rosa Della Hann Fouts, most of the time she was called Rosie, but so was Rosa)
Sunday, November 30, 1947
Stayed home, Merle and Letha was over a while and want us over for Christmas but I want them here.
Bud was here, we went for a ride, finished setting out strawberries.
Sunday, November 2, 1947
Buds was here, Bud and Bobby went hunting got a duck. Dad is husking corn.
Monday, November 3, 1947
Tuesday, November 4, 1947
I canned pears and I am tired.
Wednesday, November 5, 1947
I canned pears, went to Merle's, Letha was washing.
Thursday, November 6, 1947
I did my wash, Merle brought over some Freezone for our car. Dennis' come home today.
Friday, November 7, 1947
I did my ironing.
Saturday, November 8, 1947
I got a Tribune paper and saw where Mr. W.W. Irwin won $2,500.00 for sending in name The Dailys, he lived at Syracuse Indiana. Dennis' pullets began laying today, 2 eggs.
Sunday, November 9, 1947
Had company.
Monday, November 10, 1947
Went to Otsego to get rent. Then I stayed all night with Orpha. Dennis' pullets lay first time Saturday.
Tuesday, November 11, 1947
Bobby brought me home, sold 6 doz. eggs @70cts per doz. Dad husked corn.
Wednesday, November 12, 1947
Cold and bad, Orby still at the corn.
Thursday, November 13, 1947
Orby is husking corn, it is a lovely day.
Friday, November 14, 1947
Dad got done husking corn today.
Saturday, November 15, 1947
I cleaned house, Dad went after coal.
Sunday, November 16, 1947
Rented March ground today $25.00. Went to Orpha to take vacuum home, then us and Bob come home, he went to Vicksburg to get his car. After supper we went to spend evening with Leja, had a good time. Popped corn and come home late. Mrs. Galbreatt was here today.
Monday, November 17, 1947
Went to Kalamazoo to Rosie's, her baby is growing and so cute. (Sharon)
Tuesday, Novebmer 18, 1947
I did my wash. Mrs. Dennis was here all afternoon. Her daughter came tonight on a visit. (Dorothea McCalla, she was a Palm Reader)
Monday, November 24, 1947
Went to Otsego, stayed at Daisy's, cut out Daisy a dress.
Tuesday, November 25, 1947
Started making dress.
Wednesday, November 26, 1947
Still at Daisy's, just finished her dress, it looks nice. Having a swell time, the children over a lot and I sure enjoy them. I took dinner with Betty and Kenneth (McLaughlin) sure had lovely dinner and swell time. Betty and I then went to Daisy's.
Thursday, November 27, 1947
I am still at Daisy's. Orby come for Thanksgiving dinner. Had swell dinner and an awful good time . Kenneth come got me.
Friday, November 28, 1947
Went to Donald's for dinner. Lila sure nice and had swell dinner and good time, then after dinner her and Betty, Sandy and I went to Daisy's. It is some icy. Ike took me to Donald's in morning. Ike has been sick all week.
Saturday, November 29, 1947
I came home today. Stopped to see Rosie, Kenneth brought me to Kalamazoo and Orby come got me at Rosie's. Rosa will move to Otsego soon, her baby sure is growing.
(Rosa/Rosie DeKilder McLaughlin is the daughter that Daisy named after Rosa Della Hann Fouts, most of the time she was called Rosie, but so was Rosa)
Sunday, November 30, 1947
Stayed home, Merle and Letha was over a while and want us over for Christmas but I want them here.
October 1947
Addresses from the 1947 Diary:
Daisy DeKilder, 314 E. Franklin, Otsego.
Orpha Gimbel, 3404 Lowden Street, Kalamazoo.
Merle Fouts, R5, Long Lake, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Rosa McLaughlin, 518 Village, Kalamazoo
Cora Harper Dawson, 5382 Hammond, Otsego.
(Rosa and Orby still live on the 2nd farm in Vicksburg, but are looking at homes for sale).
Wednesday, October 1, 1947
Went to Orphas, stayed all day. The day just slipped away, had a lovely time. Bud brought me home.
Friday, October 3, 1947
I did my ironing. Went to Shirley Temple show, also went to see the 6 acres over by Almo and the ranch type home in Parchment. $33,000.00 sure some price.
Saturday, October 4, 1947
We intend going to Hartford fair, but I had such cold, we stayed home all day.
Sunday, October 5, 1947
I was sick all day, took little ride in afternoon, but i sure felt tough. Dennis' come to spend evening , stayed till 11.
Monday, October 6, 1947
I still am sick, my throat and head, well in fact i hurt all over. Mrs. Dennis came, then Mrs. Mathias, I felt bad. In evening Buds was over a while, I felt so bad they told me of new medicine and they brought it from Vicksburg to me, Thantis Pink Lozenges.
Tuesday, October 7, 1947
I still am bum, my headaches bad today, first day of hunting ducks.
Wednesday, October 8, 1947
Merle came to help Dad take post up and roll wire. We had chicken for dinner, sure tasted swell.
Thursday, October 9, 1947
Dad is taking up wire today.
Monday, October 13, 1947
Went to Otsego, Daisy was looking better.
Tuesday, October 14, 1947
I washed today.
Wednesday, October 15, 1947
I did my ironing. Dad went to Merle's to help with his porch.
Thursday, October 16, 1947
I went to Dennis', Merle was over to help Dad with the fence.
Friday, October 17, 1947
Dad went to Doctor at Kalamazoo. I stayed at Orphas.
Saturday, October 18, 1947
Went to Rosa, her baby is very nice and Rosa looked good. Then went to Milwood, saw 2 places, then went to a Doctor's home out on US 12.
Sunday, October 19, 1947
Nice day, but little cool. Went to Merle's for dinner, Merle and dad took filter to Buds to have fixed.
Monday, October 20, 1947
Dad went to Doctor, I stayed home and cleaned two upstairs rooms, I am tired.
Tuesday, October 21, 1947
Went to sale, did not buy anything. My head surely aches so I can hardly see.
Wednesday, October 22, 1947
Today Dennis' is going to Ohio. Today I went to Orpha, Dad went to Doctor. Claudia has a cold.
Thursday, October 23, 1947
I did my wash, went to Hardy's, she is working sewing. We got Ford tractor today.
Friday, October 24, 1947
I ironed and put up the curtains in upstairs. Dad went to Kalamazoo to Doctor.
Saturday, October 25, 1947
Orby cleaned out by corn crib.
Sunday, October 26, 1947
Leja was here today.
Monday, October 27, 1947
Went to Otsego. Did not see Dorothy. Daisy paid her rent, they are building house in front across the street from Daisy, it looks nice. Went to Doctor in Kalamazoo, he treated Orby and I. It rained.
Tuesday, October 28, 1947
We sold our wheat today. The weavel got into it. Mr. and Mr. Steinheart was here today, we gve them walnuts and pears. They are nice people.
Wednesday, October 29, 1947
I did my ironing.
Thursday, October 30, 1947
Man is supposed to come fix our stoker. Man dame to fix stoker.
Friday, October 31, 1947
Man came back to fix the stoker and found regulator broke. Dad is plowing up the garden space and we will transplant strawberries.
Daisy DeKilder, 314 E. Franklin, Otsego.
Orpha Gimbel, 3404 Lowden Street, Kalamazoo.
Merle Fouts, R5, Long Lake, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Rosa McLaughlin, 518 Village, Kalamazoo
Cora Harper Dawson, 5382 Hammond, Otsego.
(Rosa and Orby still live on the 2nd farm in Vicksburg, but are looking at homes for sale).
Wednesday, October 1, 1947
Went to Orphas, stayed all day. The day just slipped away, had a lovely time. Bud brought me home.
Friday, October 3, 1947
I did my ironing. Went to Shirley Temple show, also went to see the 6 acres over by Almo and the ranch type home in Parchment. $33,000.00 sure some price.
Saturday, October 4, 1947
We intend going to Hartford fair, but I had such cold, we stayed home all day.
Sunday, October 5, 1947
I was sick all day, took little ride in afternoon, but i sure felt tough. Dennis' come to spend evening , stayed till 11.
Monday, October 6, 1947
I still am sick, my throat and head, well in fact i hurt all over. Mrs. Dennis came, then Mrs. Mathias, I felt bad. In evening Buds was over a while, I felt so bad they told me of new medicine and they brought it from Vicksburg to me, Thantis Pink Lozenges.
Tuesday, October 7, 1947
I still am bum, my headaches bad today, first day of hunting ducks.
Wednesday, October 8, 1947
Merle came to help Dad take post up and roll wire. We had chicken for dinner, sure tasted swell.
Thursday, October 9, 1947
Dad is taking up wire today.
Monday, October 13, 1947
Went to Otsego, Daisy was looking better.
Tuesday, October 14, 1947
I washed today.
Wednesday, October 15, 1947
I did my ironing. Dad went to Merle's to help with his porch.
Thursday, October 16, 1947
I went to Dennis', Merle was over to help Dad with the fence.
Friday, October 17, 1947
Dad went to Doctor at Kalamazoo. I stayed at Orphas.
Saturday, October 18, 1947
Went to Rosa, her baby is very nice and Rosa looked good. Then went to Milwood, saw 2 places, then went to a Doctor's home out on US 12.
Sunday, October 19, 1947
Nice day, but little cool. Went to Merle's for dinner, Merle and dad took filter to Buds to have fixed.
Monday, October 20, 1947
Dad went to Doctor, I stayed home and cleaned two upstairs rooms, I am tired.
Tuesday, October 21, 1947
Went to sale, did not buy anything. My head surely aches so I can hardly see.
Wednesday, October 22, 1947
Today Dennis' is going to Ohio. Today I went to Orpha, Dad went to Doctor. Claudia has a cold.
Thursday, October 23, 1947
I did my wash, went to Hardy's, she is working sewing. We got Ford tractor today.
Friday, October 24, 1947
I ironed and put up the curtains in upstairs. Dad went to Kalamazoo to Doctor.
Saturday, October 25, 1947
Orby cleaned out by corn crib.
Sunday, October 26, 1947
Leja was here today.
Monday, October 27, 1947
Went to Otsego. Did not see Dorothy. Daisy paid her rent, they are building house in front across the street from Daisy, it looks nice. Went to Doctor in Kalamazoo, he treated Orby and I. It rained.
Tuesday, October 28, 1947
We sold our wheat today. The weavel got into it. Mr. and Mr. Steinheart was here today, we gve them walnuts and pears. They are nice people.
Wednesday, October 29, 1947
I did my ironing.
Thursday, October 30, 1947
Man is supposed to come fix our stoker. Man dame to fix stoker.
Friday, October 31, 1947
Man came back to fix the stoker and found regulator broke. Dad is plowing up the garden space and we will transplant strawberries.
September 1947
Date Pudding, 2 Eggs or yolks of 4, 1 cup powdered sugar, 1 cup chopped nuts, 1 cup chopped dates, Rind of 1 lemon. 2 scant tablespoonfuls flour, Scant teaspoon McNess baking powder. Beat eggs and sugar, add nuts, dates, flour, baking powder and flavor. Place in moderated oven about three quarters of an hour. Serve with whipped cream. Will serve 9 or 12 people and makes fine company desert.
(Rosa cut the above recipe out of a magazine, I don't know if she ever served it, but it sounds pretty good)
Monday, September 1, 1947
Went to Otsego to get rent.
Thursday, September 4, 1947
I did my wash.
Monday, September 8, 1947
Went to Otsego to get rent.
Tuesday, September 9, 1947
I did my wash.
Wednesday, September 10, 1947
I did ironing today.
Friday, September 12, 1947
Merle's was here, they said they went to Peru Sunday before Labor Day.
Saturday, September 13, 1947
I am looking for Willard tomorrow.
Sunday, September 14, 1947
Willard's, Lucille's and Willard's boy was here for dinner, had a lovely time.
Monday, September 15, 1947
Went to see a farm on Westnedge, sure nice house, land poor.
Tuesday, September 16, 1947
I want to wash but Orby wanted to wait as he was trimming brush.
Wednesday, September 17, 1947
Went to Orphas, she sure had a sore cheek as she had her tooth pulled out Monday.
They were fixing their pump.
Thursday, September 18, 1947
I did my washing. Scholton is drilling wheat today. Dennis' was here, gave us some pears. I gave her some peaches. (Mr. & Mrs. Dennis were their friends and neighbors, they lived 1 mile north on Portage Road.)
Friday, September 19, 1947
I did my ironing. I am tired.
Saturday, September 20, 1947
Went to sale at Almo, went past Orphas, they had pump fixed.
Sunday, September 21, 1947
My young pullets started laying, 4 months 17 days old. Merle and Letha was here tonight.
Monday, September 22, 1947
Went to Otsego, stayed to Daisy's for dinner.
Tuesday, September 23, 1947
Went to fair, Dennis' went along.
Wednesday, September 24, 1947
I canned 14 pt. tomato juice. Man came to fix the refrigerator.
Thursday, September 25, 1947
I made 4 new dish towels. Merle got new oil stove, we went tonight to see it. It sure is a large one.
Friday, September 26, 1947
The man come to finish the refrigerator, cost $18..81 plus $1.40, $20.21.
Saturday, September 27, 1947
Sunday, September 28, 1947
Stayed home all day.
Monday, September 29, 1947
Went to Otsego, Merle was here, Dad and him fixed some (can't read) to shingle Merle's house.
Tuesday, September 30, 1947
I did my wash. Orby went to help Merle put on roof. Went to see place in Milwood, sure is nice 1026 Homecrest, 6 rooms. $11,500.00 (Getting the itch to move again)
(Rosa cut the above recipe out of a magazine, I don't know if she ever served it, but it sounds pretty good)
Monday, September 1, 1947
Went to Otsego to get rent.
Thursday, September 4, 1947
I did my wash.
Monday, September 8, 1947
Went to Otsego to get rent.
Tuesday, September 9, 1947
I did my wash.
Wednesday, September 10, 1947
I did ironing today.
Friday, September 12, 1947
Merle's was here, they said they went to Peru Sunday before Labor Day.
Saturday, September 13, 1947
I am looking for Willard tomorrow.
Sunday, September 14, 1947
Willard's, Lucille's and Willard's boy was here for dinner, had a lovely time.
Monday, September 15, 1947
Went to see a farm on Westnedge, sure nice house, land poor.
Tuesday, September 16, 1947
I want to wash but Orby wanted to wait as he was trimming brush.
Wednesday, September 17, 1947
Went to Orphas, she sure had a sore cheek as she had her tooth pulled out Monday.
They were fixing their pump.
Thursday, September 18, 1947
I did my washing. Scholton is drilling wheat today. Dennis' was here, gave us some pears. I gave her some peaches. (Mr. & Mrs. Dennis were their friends and neighbors, they lived 1 mile north on Portage Road.)
Friday, September 19, 1947
I did my ironing. I am tired.
Saturday, September 20, 1947
Went to sale at Almo, went past Orphas, they had pump fixed.
Sunday, September 21, 1947
My young pullets started laying, 4 months 17 days old. Merle and Letha was here tonight.
Monday, September 22, 1947
Went to Otsego, stayed to Daisy's for dinner.
Tuesday, September 23, 1947
Went to fair, Dennis' went along.
Wednesday, September 24, 1947
I canned 14 pt. tomato juice. Man came to fix the refrigerator.
Thursday, September 25, 1947
I made 4 new dish towels. Merle got new oil stove, we went tonight to see it. It sure is a large one.
Friday, September 26, 1947
The man come to finish the refrigerator, cost $18..81 plus $1.40, $20.21.
Saturday, September 27, 1947
Sunday, September 28, 1947
Stayed home all day.
Monday, September 29, 1947
Went to Otsego, Merle was here, Dad and him fixed some (can't read) to shingle Merle's house.
Tuesday, September 30, 1947
I did my wash. Orby went to help Merle put on roof. Went to see place in Milwood, sure is nice 1026 Homecrest, 6 rooms. $11,500.00 (Getting the itch to move again)
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
August 1947
Friday, August 1, 1947
Sold roosters @40ct. lb. Buds was here said they would come to our house Tuesday, Claudia is sweet.
Saturday, August 2, 1947
Sold roosters today, Dennis' were here.
Sunday, August 3, 1947
I dressed rooster for our dinner. My but sure warm today. Dad is fixing the fence around the chicken yard.
Monday, August 4, 1947
Went to Otsego, I collected rent. The folks was real nice, was at Daisy's and she said she lost 2 lbs. hope she get down to normal. Saw Roy and Dorothy.
Tuesday, August 5, 1947
Orpha, Bud and Claudia was here all day, had a lovely time but it was sure hot. Orpha fixed the zipper on my dress and ironed some of her clothes, the men went to lake awhile.
Wednesday, August 6, 1947
Sure hot today. 1 year today I was operated on. I washed a big wash today, and canned 18 qt. beans, I am so tired and I had company 3 hours. I know I did too much but who would do it besides me? I cooked my 1/2 gal. can beans 5 hours. I now have 57 qts. beans. (Rosa's beans that she canned were really good..little fried bacon pieces..I remember)
Thursday, August 7, 1947
Orby took rooster to sell.
Friday, August 8, 1947
To day is my dear Daughter Orpha's 37th birthday, she is a darling girl. I gave her and Bud the vacuum for their Birthdays, as I knew she like it and needed it badly.
Saturday, August 9, 1947
Sunday, August 10, 1947
Mr. and Mrs. Hardy's drove in for a few minutes, they would of stayed but we was all ready to go to Orphas as she was having a party for Dad and her birthday. Orby is 64, she is 37, had a lovely time. Merle's family was there also. Letha's grandma, she is 82 years old.
Monday, August 11, 1947
This is my dear Husband's Birthday, he is 64 today. Born 1883 at Denver Indiana. I gave him 2 pair of very nice socks. Daisy gave him trim for wheels, buds gave him electric lantern. Dorothy rented the little house.
Monday, August 25, 1947
Went to Otsego to collect rent, Dennis' pullets began laying today.
Tuesday August 26, 1947
I and Dad went to see about tractor.
Wednesday, August 27, 1947
I washed clothes, went to sale at Kalamazoo, then come home and canned 7 qt. peaches.
Thursday, August 28, 1947
I canned 5 more peaches and did my ironing, we got doz. ears corn off Dennis' cost 40ct. per doz.
Friday, August 29, 1947
Dad started to drive new well in basement. Mrs. Dennis was here today. Merle come this evening, they are talking of going to Earl Newmans, to Peru Indiana for labor day, don't know yet.
Saturday, August 30, 1947
Will it seems hot today but some cooler than it has been. Rosa McLaughlin's baby was born today, her name is Sharon Lee. (She also becomes Miss Otsego a few years later).
Sunday, August 31, 1947
We went to Willard's, had a lovely time.
Sold roosters @40ct. lb. Buds was here said they would come to our house Tuesday, Claudia is sweet.
Saturday, August 2, 1947
Sold roosters today, Dennis' were here.
Sunday, August 3, 1947
I dressed rooster for our dinner. My but sure warm today. Dad is fixing the fence around the chicken yard.
Monday, August 4, 1947
Went to Otsego, I collected rent. The folks was real nice, was at Daisy's and she said she lost 2 lbs. hope she get down to normal. Saw Roy and Dorothy.
Tuesday, August 5, 1947
Orpha, Bud and Claudia was here all day, had a lovely time but it was sure hot. Orpha fixed the zipper on my dress and ironed some of her clothes, the men went to lake awhile.
Wednesday, August 6, 1947
Sure hot today. 1 year today I was operated on. I washed a big wash today, and canned 18 qt. beans, I am so tired and I had company 3 hours. I know I did too much but who would do it besides me? I cooked my 1/2 gal. can beans 5 hours. I now have 57 qts. beans. (Rosa's beans that she canned were really good..little fried bacon pieces..I remember)
Thursday, August 7, 1947
Orby took rooster to sell.
Friday, August 8, 1947
To day is my dear Daughter Orpha's 37th birthday, she is a darling girl. I gave her and Bud the vacuum for their Birthdays, as I knew she like it and needed it badly.
Saturday, August 9, 1947
Sunday, August 10, 1947
Mr. and Mrs. Hardy's drove in for a few minutes, they would of stayed but we was all ready to go to Orphas as she was having a party for Dad and her birthday. Orby is 64, she is 37, had a lovely time. Merle's family was there also. Letha's grandma, she is 82 years old.
Monday, August 11, 1947
This is my dear Husband's Birthday, he is 64 today. Born 1883 at Denver Indiana. I gave him 2 pair of very nice socks. Daisy gave him trim for wheels, buds gave him electric lantern. Dorothy rented the little house.
Monday, August 25, 1947
Went to Otsego to collect rent, Dennis' pullets began laying today.
Tuesday August 26, 1947
I and Dad went to see about tractor.
Wednesday, August 27, 1947
I washed clothes, went to sale at Kalamazoo, then come home and canned 7 qt. peaches.
Thursday, August 28, 1947
I canned 5 more peaches and did my ironing, we got doz. ears corn off Dennis' cost 40ct. per doz.
Friday, August 29, 1947
Dad started to drive new well in basement. Mrs. Dennis was here today. Merle come this evening, they are talking of going to Earl Newmans, to Peru Indiana for labor day, don't know yet.
Saturday, August 30, 1947
Will it seems hot today but some cooler than it has been. Rosa McLaughlin's baby was born today, her name is Sharon Lee. (She also becomes Miss Otsego a few years later).
Sunday, August 31, 1947
We went to Willard's, had a lovely time.
July 1947
(Rosa and Orby are still living at the farm in Vicksburg, on the corner of W Avenue and Portage Road)
She has written in her Memorandum page: I am not healed of my might nor my strength but by the cleansing purifying holy spirit.
Tuesday, July 1, 1947
I got my hair fixed. Mrs. Burch gave me my curl $5.00 at Schoolcraft.
Wednesday, July 2, 1947
I did my wash, Dad took trailer of oats to Portage Center, got $1.00 per bushel.
Thursday, July 3, 1947
Killed our first chickens, dress for skillet 2#6oz.
Friday, July 4, 1947
Merle and dad and I went fishing. Got two nice messes. We gave him more as we had some before.
Saturday, July 5, 1947
Did my ironing.
Friday, July 11, 1947
Got letter that Lydia was sick, will leave tomorrow to visit her. Killed young rooster. Cut out an apron for me.
Saturday, July 12, 1947
Went to see Lydia, she had two light strokes but is lot better. (Lydia would be 68 years old.)
Sunday, July 13, 1947
I am still with my sister, she is gaining.
Monday, July 14, 1947
Lydia seems a lot better, I am sure glad. Bertha went to work, Rosa is staying home, caring for her Mother. Preacher was here. (Seems like Lydia named her daughter after her sister Rosa Dell Hann Fouts.)
Tuesday, July 15, 1947
I wrote Orby a letter today, Mrs. Peters was here, she will (can't read) minister.
Wednesday, July 16, 1947
I wrote Orby another letter to come after me Friday as I want to see about birth certificate while I am here. The preacher was her a few minutes.
Thursday, July 17, 1947
I think Lydia's a lot better. Mrs. Martha was here to see Lydia today.
Friday, July 18, 1947
We come home, went to North Manchester then to Wabash to get my birth certificate, but Doctor was busy but will write me.
Saturday, July 19, 1947
I cleaned the rooms. Orby is fixing the chicken coop wire higher so chickens won't fly over. Sold 3 hens $5.40, 4 roosters $7.08, $12.48.
Sunday, July 20, 1947
Sold Merle two roosters. $2.80.
Monday, July 21, 1947
Went to Otsego, got rent. Daisy looks better, I do pray she will bet better. Took radio over for Daisy and Ike birthday, I love them both, sure is nice to have children like mine. Sandy was there, she is a darling, so is my Daisy, darling girl, bless her.
Tuesday, July 22, 1947
I did my ironing, am very tired.
Wednesday, July 23, 1947
Made apron, canned beans, cooked 1/2 gal. cans. beans in over 5 1/2 hours, it made them too done, will cook after this only 4 1/2 hours.
Thursday, July 24, 1947
Friday, July 25, 1947
Out out my apron.
Saturday, July 26, 1947
Went to Hardy's, got dress pattern to make a dress. Went to the Gay 90's Parade, sure nice and quite long. We are combining wheat, I went with Dennis' as Orby was busy.
Sunday, July 27, 1947
Today Sunday, July 27 is my dear Son's birthday, he is 32 years old today, seems like yesterday, he was a mere baby. My I do love him, I gave him and Letha a vacuum for their car. (Merle)
Monday, July 28, 1947
I was not so good, we are combining our wheat, made my dress.
Tuesday, July 29, 1947
I washed clothes today.
Wednesday, July 30, 1947
Daisy, Ike, Dorothy, and Sandy was here for dinner. I canned beans also Daisy don't feel so good, she weights too much, poor dear. I fell so sorry for her.
Thursday, July 31, 1947
I canned 18 qt. beans, then went sold 14 roosters with Orby. Went to Merle's they had gone to show in Kalamazoo. Saw Joyce at the Merry go round at Long Lake, she was going to take in the free show.
She has written in her Memorandum page: I am not healed of my might nor my strength but by the cleansing purifying holy spirit.
Tuesday, July 1, 1947
I got my hair fixed. Mrs. Burch gave me my curl $5.00 at Schoolcraft.
Wednesday, July 2, 1947
I did my wash, Dad took trailer of oats to Portage Center, got $1.00 per bushel.
Thursday, July 3, 1947
Killed our first chickens, dress for skillet 2#6oz.
Friday, July 4, 1947
Merle and dad and I went fishing. Got two nice messes. We gave him more as we had some before.
Saturday, July 5, 1947
Did my ironing.
Friday, July 11, 1947
Got letter that Lydia was sick, will leave tomorrow to visit her. Killed young rooster. Cut out an apron for me.
Saturday, July 12, 1947
Went to see Lydia, she had two light strokes but is lot better. (Lydia would be 68 years old.)
Sunday, July 13, 1947
I am still with my sister, she is gaining.
Monday, July 14, 1947
Lydia seems a lot better, I am sure glad. Bertha went to work, Rosa is staying home, caring for her Mother. Preacher was here. (Seems like Lydia named her daughter after her sister Rosa Dell Hann Fouts.)
Tuesday, July 15, 1947
I wrote Orby a letter today, Mrs. Peters was here, she will (can't read) minister.
Wednesday, July 16, 1947
I wrote Orby another letter to come after me Friday as I want to see about birth certificate while I am here. The preacher was her a few minutes.
Thursday, July 17, 1947
I think Lydia's a lot better. Mrs. Martha was here to see Lydia today.
Friday, July 18, 1947
We come home, went to North Manchester then to Wabash to get my birth certificate, but Doctor was busy but will write me.
Saturday, July 19, 1947
I cleaned the rooms. Orby is fixing the chicken coop wire higher so chickens won't fly over. Sold 3 hens $5.40, 4 roosters $7.08, $12.48.
Sunday, July 20, 1947
Sold Merle two roosters. $2.80.
Monday, July 21, 1947
Went to Otsego, got rent. Daisy looks better, I do pray she will bet better. Took radio over for Daisy and Ike birthday, I love them both, sure is nice to have children like mine. Sandy was there, she is a darling, so is my Daisy, darling girl, bless her.
Tuesday, July 22, 1947
I did my ironing, am very tired.
Wednesday, July 23, 1947
Made apron, canned beans, cooked 1/2 gal. cans. beans in over 5 1/2 hours, it made them too done, will cook after this only 4 1/2 hours.
Thursday, July 24, 1947
Friday, July 25, 1947
Out out my apron.
Saturday, July 26, 1947
Went to Hardy's, got dress pattern to make a dress. Went to the Gay 90's Parade, sure nice and quite long. We are combining wheat, I went with Dennis' as Orby was busy.
Sunday, July 27, 1947
Today Sunday, July 27 is my dear Son's birthday, he is 32 years old today, seems like yesterday, he was a mere baby. My I do love him, I gave him and Letha a vacuum for their car. (Merle)
Monday, July 28, 1947
I was not so good, we are combining our wheat, made my dress.
Tuesday, July 29, 1947
I washed clothes today.
Wednesday, July 30, 1947
Daisy, Ike, Dorothy, and Sandy was here for dinner. I canned beans also Daisy don't feel so good, she weights too much, poor dear. I fell so sorry for her.
Thursday, July 31, 1947
I canned 18 qt. beans, then went sold 14 roosters with Orby. Went to Merle's they had gone to show in Kalamazoo. Saw Joyce at the Merry go round at Long Lake, she was going to take in the free show.
June 1947
Sunday, June 1, 1947
Went to Merle's and he was not at home, then we went to Orpha, had dinner, then went for a ride in our new car.
Monday, June 2, 1947
Went to Kalamazoo, I stayed at Orphas while did went to get muffler for our Studebaker.
Tuesday, June 3, 1947
Orby is taking a load of oats to Kalamazoo on trailer. Mr. Aston is hauling a load, we are getting $100.00 for them.
Wednesday, June 4, 1947
Orby went to Kalamazoo, I stayed home and washed clothes. Mr. Dennis was here to bring back the dies, Dennis has company from Ohio a woman, widow.
Thursday, June 5, 1947
Sent order to Aldens for hammock, shoes and panties.
Friday, June 6, 1947
Got delayed order from Sears and we got grass cutter. My 3 pairs stockings $1.35. Mrs. Hardy gave me lovely apron pattern and 10 yards toweling for dishes. Went to Buds for chickens and came home early.
Saturday, June 7, 1947
It is raining and damp. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis was here a while today and we went to town, got 4 bags of feed 100 lb. each.
Sunday, June 8, 1947
Took brooder away from chickens and let them out for first time.
Monday, June 9, 1947
Tuesday, June 10, 1947
Wednesday, June 11, 1947
I washed today, the wind started blowing and blew sand right through the house. Went to Merle's, he was not at home. Then went to Hardy's, stayed to 11 o'clock, they have their house fixed pretty nice.
Thursday, June 12, 1947
Cleaned my kitchen, Orby helped me. It sure a dreadful job as the sand blew all over house.
Friday, June 13, 1947
I am cleaning house today, got new shoes from Aldens $3.89 and good ones. Merle was here a while this evening. He sure is a dear boy. I put up my new curtain in dining room, looks nice.
Saturday, June 14, 1947
Done now house cleaning. Today got hammock. Today is cold and rainy. Sent back to Sears two pair nylon stockings and two pair. The nylons was too dark and the others was no good, I ordered 8 table cloths and one quart wax.
Sunday, June 15, 1947
Fathers Day. Went to Willard's after dinner, then went our way home through Paw Paw to Orphas. Merle's gave Dad side light for car. Ike's gave him $2.00, I gave him $2.00, he got lovely card from Daisy.
Monday, June 16, 1947
Nice day. I did my wash and washed and stretched my dining room and front room curtains.
Tuesday, June 17, 1947
It is rainy. Mr. Dennis gave us a quart of nice strawberries. They went to Kalamazoo. I am cleaning my bathroom and bedroom. Got lawn mower today but not handle.
Wednesday, June 18, 1947
I did more wash. I did my bedroom curtains, washed quilt, blankets and rug.
Thursday, June 19, 1947
Orby went to sale at stock yards. Sold 5 bushel potatoes $1.40 a bushel, sold cultivator $1.50. I stayed home worked and I sure am worn to a frazzle.
Friday, June 20, 1947
Nice day. Lucille called, said Nelson was operated on yesterday and was coming fine. I am still cleaning. Orby is making gate for chicken yard.
Saturday, June 21, 1947
Nice day. Orby is fixing the Studebaker, he wants to grind the valves. Jun helped him take out the valves and he is going to help put them in.
Sunday, June 22, 1947
Went to Orphas and Bobby was going with us fishing the 25th. Claudia was asleep so we did not wake her. Bud gave me tape and paint to paint my wheels. Mr. and Mrs. Leja was here today.
Monday, June 23, 1947
Orby still working on car. Went to Daisy and we took Ike, Daisy and Sandy for a ride in our new car to Allegan.
Tuesday, June 24, 1947
I made pink apron. Frank Fouts was here, he is the boy that Uncle Eli Fouts raised
his name was Frank Overholtzer. (Eli Fouts born 1846 was a brother of John Fouts, Orbys dad.)
Wednesday, June 25, 1947
Went to Orpha this morning at 5 o'clock. Bob and Dad went fishing. I stayed to Orphas and went ovr to dress makers to get coat and dress fixed. They got their limit in fish, we had fish for supper.
Thursday, June 26, 1947
Orby is still fixing car, I canned 8 pts. strawberry jam with sure jell.
Friday, June 27, 1947
I did my wash, then in evening I ironed about 2/3 of it. Jun come over helped Orby fix valve in car. Put up hammock and stand, I bought of Aldens, sure nice. I paid $10.50 the $1.03 freight on it.
Saturday, June 28, 1947
Nice day, I finished ironing. Dad is still fixing car. He sold our garden tractor $130.00, he made $5.00 on it, he sure is a cracker jack. Went to Orpha, they was not at home, they went to Chicago.
Sunday, June 29, 1947
Went to Birds, they were fishing. They got new car a Desoto.
Monday, June 30, 1947
Went to Comstock for feed. On way bought me a slip of Mrs. Marts mother, then bought me 2 pair panties and vest. Panties cost 50cts. each, vest 75cts. at Hepps.
Went to Merle's and he was not at home, then we went to Orpha, had dinner, then went for a ride in our new car.
Monday, June 2, 1947
Went to Kalamazoo, I stayed at Orphas while did went to get muffler for our Studebaker.
Tuesday, June 3, 1947
Orby is taking a load of oats to Kalamazoo on trailer. Mr. Aston is hauling a load, we are getting $100.00 for them.
Wednesday, June 4, 1947
Orby went to Kalamazoo, I stayed home and washed clothes. Mr. Dennis was here to bring back the dies, Dennis has company from Ohio a woman, widow.
Thursday, June 5, 1947
Sent order to Aldens for hammock, shoes and panties.
Friday, June 6, 1947
Got delayed order from Sears and we got grass cutter. My 3 pairs stockings $1.35. Mrs. Hardy gave me lovely apron pattern and 10 yards toweling for dishes. Went to Buds for chickens and came home early.
Saturday, June 7, 1947
It is raining and damp. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis was here a while today and we went to town, got 4 bags of feed 100 lb. each.
Sunday, June 8, 1947
Took brooder away from chickens and let them out for first time.
Monday, June 9, 1947
Tuesday, June 10, 1947
Wednesday, June 11, 1947
I washed today, the wind started blowing and blew sand right through the house. Went to Merle's, he was not at home. Then went to Hardy's, stayed to 11 o'clock, they have their house fixed pretty nice.
Thursday, June 12, 1947
Cleaned my kitchen, Orby helped me. It sure a dreadful job as the sand blew all over house.
Friday, June 13, 1947
I am cleaning house today, got new shoes from Aldens $3.89 and good ones. Merle was here a while this evening. He sure is a dear boy. I put up my new curtain in dining room, looks nice.
Saturday, June 14, 1947
Done now house cleaning. Today got hammock. Today is cold and rainy. Sent back to Sears two pair nylon stockings and two pair. The nylons was too dark and the others was no good, I ordered 8 table cloths and one quart wax.
Sunday, June 15, 1947
Fathers Day. Went to Willard's after dinner, then went our way home through Paw Paw to Orphas. Merle's gave Dad side light for car. Ike's gave him $2.00, I gave him $2.00, he got lovely card from Daisy.
Monday, June 16, 1947
Nice day. I did my wash and washed and stretched my dining room and front room curtains.
Tuesday, June 17, 1947
It is rainy. Mr. Dennis gave us a quart of nice strawberries. They went to Kalamazoo. I am cleaning my bathroom and bedroom. Got lawn mower today but not handle.
Wednesday, June 18, 1947
I did more wash. I did my bedroom curtains, washed quilt, blankets and rug.
Thursday, June 19, 1947
Orby went to sale at stock yards. Sold 5 bushel potatoes $1.40 a bushel, sold cultivator $1.50. I stayed home worked and I sure am worn to a frazzle.
Friday, June 20, 1947
Nice day. Lucille called, said Nelson was operated on yesterday and was coming fine. I am still cleaning. Orby is making gate for chicken yard.
Saturday, June 21, 1947
Nice day. Orby is fixing the Studebaker, he wants to grind the valves. Jun helped him take out the valves and he is going to help put them in.
Sunday, June 22, 1947
Went to Orphas and Bobby was going with us fishing the 25th. Claudia was asleep so we did not wake her. Bud gave me tape and paint to paint my wheels. Mr. and Mrs. Leja was here today.
Monday, June 23, 1947
Orby still working on car. Went to Daisy and we took Ike, Daisy and Sandy for a ride in our new car to Allegan.
Tuesday, June 24, 1947
I made pink apron. Frank Fouts was here, he is the boy that Uncle Eli Fouts raised
his name was Frank Overholtzer. (Eli Fouts born 1846 was a brother of John Fouts, Orbys dad.)
Wednesday, June 25, 1947
Went to Orpha this morning at 5 o'clock. Bob and Dad went fishing. I stayed to Orphas and went ovr to dress makers to get coat and dress fixed. They got their limit in fish, we had fish for supper.
Thursday, June 26, 1947
Orby is still fixing car, I canned 8 pts. strawberry jam with sure jell.
Friday, June 27, 1947
I did my wash, then in evening I ironed about 2/3 of it. Jun come over helped Orby fix valve in car. Put up hammock and stand, I bought of Aldens, sure nice. I paid $10.50 the $1.03 freight on it.
Saturday, June 28, 1947
Nice day, I finished ironing. Dad is still fixing car. He sold our garden tractor $130.00, he made $5.00 on it, he sure is a cracker jack. Went to Orpha, they was not at home, they went to Chicago.
Sunday, June 29, 1947
Went to Birds, they were fishing. They got new car a Desoto.
Monday, June 30, 1947
Went to Comstock for feed. On way bought me a slip of Mrs. Marts mother, then bought me 2 pair panties and vest. Panties cost 50cts. each, vest 75cts. at Hepps.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
May 1947
Thursday, May 1, 1947
Friday, May 2, 1947
Went to Bud's and Claudia (3) sat on my lap, patted my double chin, and said, "When I get big I will get me one like that". She surely is cute. Bob brought me home, then to Yates dentist to see about his teeth. I asked Claudia if she liked the double chin, she said yes. (Claudia died at age 58, and no, Claudia, you didn't get a chin like Gma).
Saturday, May 3, 1947
Went to sale at Richland, bought electric brooder $3.00 also plastic clothes line, and pans. Bud was going but I guess he changed his mind.
Sunday, May 4, 1947
Monday, May 5, 1947
But 3 caves on pasture, tonight plowing for oats. Selling corn at $1.60 bushel to Little brothers.
Tuesday, May 6, 1947
Washed today, ironed and picked mess of greens, I am pretty tired. Got our oats in today, sure glad.
Wednesday, May 7, 1947
Sold cream today, got not enough.. Sent order to Sears $21.63. Went to Dr. Rassmussen, charged $5.50.
Thursday, May 8, 1947
Friday, May 9, 1947
Saturday, May 10, 1947
Sunday, May 11, 1947
Buds was here, brought me lovely pansys. They sure are sweet dear children and Claudia is so sweet, so is Bobby dear. Letha gave me lovely large rose bath towel.
Monday, May 12, 1947
Bud and Orpha was here few minutes, they left Claudia here while Bud and Orpha went to the dentist.
Tuesday, May 13, 1947
Got bag of feed for chickens.
Wednesday, May 14, 1947
I did my wash.
Thursday, May 15, 1947
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis was here to dinner, he was helping reset brooder house. Mrs. Hardy come, had a nice visit, she took my catalogs to look at.
Friday, May 16, 1947
Orby is finishing the brooder house. I mopped kitchen and washroom. got a lovely towel for Mothers day from Letha and Merle.
Saturday, May 17, 1947
It is cold and rainy. I did my ironing. I feel very tired. Orby is still at the brooder fixing windows.
Sunday, May 18, 1947
We stayed home, Mr. and Mrs. Hary was here a while.
Monday, May 19, 1947
Merle and children was here, he took us and Dennis' to vote on school.
Tuesday, May 20, 1947
We went to Otsego, Ike and Daisy gave me for Mothers day a very lovely pair of pillow cases and perfume tissues. Dorothy and Roy gave me handkerchief. Betty and Ken gave me box of candy. My how I love all my children and grandchildren.
Wednesday, May 21, 1947
Orby finished the brooder house, he put boards around bottom and wire on windows. Mr. Dennis was up here a while, Orby planted 1/2 bushel of Bliss trumph and 1/2 bushel sweet corn dark moon.
Thursday, May 22, 1947
Orby planted beans. Bliss Trumph Potatoes.
Friday, May 23, 1947
Saturday, May 24, 1947
Sunday, May 25, 1947
Stayed home all day.
Monday, May 26, 1947
I did my wash.
Tuesday, May 27, 1947
I ironed today.
Wednesday, May 28, 1947
Thursday, May 29, 1947
Friday, May 30, 1947
Saturday, May 31, 1947
Bought a 1942 Chrysler car, gave $1,850 for it.
Friday, May 2, 1947
Went to Bud's and Claudia (3) sat on my lap, patted my double chin, and said, "When I get big I will get me one like that". She surely is cute. Bob brought me home, then to Yates dentist to see about his teeth. I asked Claudia if she liked the double chin, she said yes. (Claudia died at age 58, and no, Claudia, you didn't get a chin like Gma).
Saturday, May 3, 1947
Went to sale at Richland, bought electric brooder $3.00 also plastic clothes line, and pans. Bud was going but I guess he changed his mind.
Sunday, May 4, 1947
Monday, May 5, 1947
But 3 caves on pasture, tonight plowing for oats. Selling corn at $1.60 bushel to Little brothers.
Tuesday, May 6, 1947
Washed today, ironed and picked mess of greens, I am pretty tired. Got our oats in today, sure glad.
Wednesday, May 7, 1947
Sold cream today, got not enough.. Sent order to Sears $21.63. Went to Dr. Rassmussen, charged $5.50.
Thursday, May 8, 1947
Friday, May 9, 1947
Saturday, May 10, 1947
Sunday, May 11, 1947
Buds was here, brought me lovely pansys. They sure are sweet dear children and Claudia is so sweet, so is Bobby dear. Letha gave me lovely large rose bath towel.
Monday, May 12, 1947
Bud and Orpha was here few minutes, they left Claudia here while Bud and Orpha went to the dentist.
Tuesday, May 13, 1947
Got bag of feed for chickens.
Wednesday, May 14, 1947
I did my wash.
Thursday, May 15, 1947
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis was here to dinner, he was helping reset brooder house. Mrs. Hardy come, had a nice visit, she took my catalogs to look at.
Friday, May 16, 1947
Orby is finishing the brooder house. I mopped kitchen and washroom. got a lovely towel for Mothers day from Letha and Merle.
Saturday, May 17, 1947
It is cold and rainy. I did my ironing. I feel very tired. Orby is still at the brooder fixing windows.
Sunday, May 18, 1947
We stayed home, Mr. and Mrs. Hary was here a while.
Monday, May 19, 1947
Merle and children was here, he took us and Dennis' to vote on school.
Tuesday, May 20, 1947
We went to Otsego, Ike and Daisy gave me for Mothers day a very lovely pair of pillow cases and perfume tissues. Dorothy and Roy gave me handkerchief. Betty and Ken gave me box of candy. My how I love all my children and grandchildren.
Wednesday, May 21, 1947
Orby finished the brooder house, he put boards around bottom and wire on windows. Mr. Dennis was up here a while, Orby planted 1/2 bushel of Bliss trumph and 1/2 bushel sweet corn dark moon.
Thursday, May 22, 1947
Orby planted beans. Bliss Trumph Potatoes.
Friday, May 23, 1947
Saturday, May 24, 1947
Sunday, May 25, 1947
Stayed home all day.
Monday, May 26, 1947
I did my wash.
Tuesday, May 27, 1947
I ironed today.
Wednesday, May 28, 1947
Thursday, May 29, 1947
Friday, May 30, 1947
Saturday, May 31, 1947
Bought a 1942 Chrysler car, gave $1,850 for it.
April 1947
Tuesday, April 1, 1947
My sisters Birthday tomorrow, I sent card and crochet sister for pillow top.
Thursday, April 3, 1947
Nice day, I cleaned today, sent gift to Lydia, went to show tonight, it was Dagwood and Blondie.
Friday, April 4, 1947
Nice day, Orby is sowing clover seed, and I worried as he did not come in when he should and I got Mrs. Dennis to go see but he was okay.
Saturday, April 5, 1947
It was a cold damp day. I finished the neck on my blue dress, went to Bishop sale.
Sunday, April 6, 1947
Easter Sunday, nice warm day, home all day.
Monday, April 7, 1947
Was home all day, Orby was not well. Did my wash in evening. Went to Dennis' they have their rooms all painted.
Tuesday, April 8, 1947
I did my cleaning, Orby took out some fence post and then this afternoon we went to Otsego then tonight i did my ironing.
Wednesday, April 9, 1947
Nice day but cloudy.
Thursday, April 10, 1947
Friday, April 11, 1947
Went to Three Rivers, Dennis' went with us, they bought tire for their trailer.
Saturday, April 12, 1947
We went to Three Rivers, I bought dress $10.20 tax and all. It is blue. Merle's children went with us, they will stay till tomorrow as Merle is painting floor.
Sunday, April 13, 1947
Merle and Letha came after children tonight.
Monday, April 14, 1947
Went to Orphas while Bud went to Kalamazoo.
Tuesday, April 15, 1947
Wednesday, April 16, 1947
Thursday, April 17, 1947
Did my wash, put add in Broadcast to sell tractor.
Friday, April 18, 1947
I ironed, Orby helped vacuum rooms.
Saturday, April 19, 1947
Merle and children was here to spend the evening, had a swell time.
Sunday, April 20, 1947
Dreary day.
Monday, April 21, 1947
Mrs. Dennis was here today, the man come after the tractor. He bought Saturday, we got $1400.00 for it, plow cultivator, it was brand new, never used. (not sure on that price, hard to read)
Tuesday, April 22, 1947
Windy and cold, went to sale, bought chicken house and ironing board.
Wednesday, April 23, 1947
Looks little rainy, went to take strips from the hexagon brooder house 16x20, nearly $200.00, bought garden tractor $170.00.
Thursday, April 24, 1947
Our neighbor across the road has the field plowed for oats.
Orby and Dennis went after our Hexagon brooder house, took all day, as the tire on Scholtens wagon blew out. I come home at 3 o'clock but we was at Dennis for dinner. I took a qt. meat and 2 qt. tomatoes to them.
Friday, April 25, 1947
I was to see Mr. Hardy, they are fixing their home. I will send for corset from Lane Bryant today. (I did not put her size, I think that is private, you're welcome Gma)
Saturday, April 26, 1947
Went to Orphas, she was not at home as Bud was sick and was to see Dr. William Klerk. Then we come home, went to Vicksburg and bought platform rocker, paid $61.02 tax included. (Note: Dr. Klerk was the doctor that delivered me, he was our family doctor until he retired)
Sunday, April 27, 1947
Went to Buds in evening, then Leon and wife, Nephew and wife and Mother of Leon's wife came. Sure a happy bunch. (Leon and Laura Remmelle, Leon was Bud's best man when he and Orpha married, they always called him Dud and we called them Uncle Dud and Aunt Laura, but they are not related)
Monday, April 28, 1947
Went to Otsego to get rent. Merle was here this evening and the man delivered the chair we bought at Hedges hardware, Vicksburg, cost $61.02 tax and all.
Tuesday, April 29, 1947
I did my wash, but it rained some, they are plowing field for oats.
My sisters Birthday tomorrow, I sent card and crochet sister for pillow top.
Thursday, April 3, 1947
Nice day, I cleaned today, sent gift to Lydia, went to show tonight, it was Dagwood and Blondie.
Friday, April 4, 1947
Nice day, Orby is sowing clover seed, and I worried as he did not come in when he should and I got Mrs. Dennis to go see but he was okay.
Saturday, April 5, 1947
It was a cold damp day. I finished the neck on my blue dress, went to Bishop sale.
Sunday, April 6, 1947
Easter Sunday, nice warm day, home all day.
Monday, April 7, 1947
Was home all day, Orby was not well. Did my wash in evening. Went to Dennis' they have their rooms all painted.
Tuesday, April 8, 1947
I did my cleaning, Orby took out some fence post and then this afternoon we went to Otsego then tonight i did my ironing.
Wednesday, April 9, 1947
Nice day but cloudy.
Thursday, April 10, 1947
Friday, April 11, 1947
Went to Three Rivers, Dennis' went with us, they bought tire for their trailer.
Saturday, April 12, 1947
We went to Three Rivers, I bought dress $10.20 tax and all. It is blue. Merle's children went with us, they will stay till tomorrow as Merle is painting floor.
Sunday, April 13, 1947
Merle and Letha came after children tonight.
Monday, April 14, 1947
Went to Orphas while Bud went to Kalamazoo.
Tuesday, April 15, 1947
Wednesday, April 16, 1947
Thursday, April 17, 1947
Did my wash, put add in Broadcast to sell tractor.
Friday, April 18, 1947
I ironed, Orby helped vacuum rooms.
Saturday, April 19, 1947
Merle and children was here to spend the evening, had a swell time.
Sunday, April 20, 1947
Dreary day.
Monday, April 21, 1947
Mrs. Dennis was here today, the man come after the tractor. He bought Saturday, we got $1400.00 for it, plow cultivator, it was brand new, never used. (not sure on that price, hard to read)
Tuesday, April 22, 1947
Windy and cold, went to sale, bought chicken house and ironing board.
Wednesday, April 23, 1947
Looks little rainy, went to take strips from the hexagon brooder house 16x20, nearly $200.00, bought garden tractor $170.00.
Thursday, April 24, 1947
Our neighbor across the road has the field plowed for oats.
Orby and Dennis went after our Hexagon brooder house, took all day, as the tire on Scholtens wagon blew out. I come home at 3 o'clock but we was at Dennis for dinner. I took a qt. meat and 2 qt. tomatoes to them.
Friday, April 25, 1947
I was to see Mr. Hardy, they are fixing their home. I will send for corset from Lane Bryant today. (I did not put her size, I think that is private, you're welcome Gma)
Saturday, April 26, 1947
Went to Orphas, she was not at home as Bud was sick and was to see Dr. William Klerk. Then we come home, went to Vicksburg and bought platform rocker, paid $61.02 tax included. (Note: Dr. Klerk was the doctor that delivered me, he was our family doctor until he retired)
Sunday, April 27, 1947
Went to Buds in evening, then Leon and wife, Nephew and wife and Mother of Leon's wife came. Sure a happy bunch. (Leon and Laura Remmelle, Leon was Bud's best man when he and Orpha married, they always called him Dud and we called them Uncle Dud and Aunt Laura, but they are not related)
Monday, April 28, 1947
Went to Otsego to get rent. Merle was here this evening and the man delivered the chair we bought at Hedges hardware, Vicksburg, cost $61.02 tax and all.
Tuesday, April 29, 1947
I did my wash, but it rained some, they are plowing field for oats.
March 1947
(Rosa and Orby loose a Great Granddaughter, Donna Mae, daughter of Dorothy)
Saturday, March 1, 1947
I made me 2 pot holders and crochet lace on one of my towels.
Sunday, March 2, 1947
Went to Daisy's, had a lovely time and dinner. Dorthy, her man, and Betty and her man was there. I think Daisy is some better. Daisy and Ike gave me $3.00 for my Birthday, bless them, they are so good to us.
Monday, March 3, 1947
Bad day, we stayed home and I cut out dress for myself.
Tuesday, March 4, 1947
Went to Merle's to see if he wanted to sell his radio as Dorothy wanted it. Was to Orpha, was was sick, I vacuumed and washed dishes, she felt a little better when I left. Bless her dear heart, I love her so.
Wednesday, March 5, 1947
Thursday, March 6, 1947
Friday, March 7, 1947
Saturday, March 8, 1947
We went to Sale on South Park Street (Kalamazoo) bought 2 pictures at $1.10.
Sunday, March 9, 1947
Monday, March 10, 1947
Went to Orphas, she was still sick, on our way home we stopped at Merle's with his eggs. Orpha took 2 doz. eggs.
Tuesday, March 11, 1947
Orby went to Kalamazoo to make out his income. Orby went to school meeting last might, I stayed with Mrs. Dennis, she was not so well.
Wednesday, March 12, 1947
Bud called up, said Orpha was ill. I went and stayed with her. How I do pity my own dear little girl.
Thursday, March 13, 1947
Come home from Orphas tonight. Was awful tired, went to bed early. Bobby brought me home.
Friday, March 14, 1947
Still tired, I did my big ironing.
Saturday, March 15, 1947
Cleaned house.
Sunday, March 16, 1947
Went over to see how Orpha was, she was better.
Monday, March 17, 1947
Tuesday, March 18, 1947
Went to Kalamazoo with Dennis' and bought Joyce a ring. Went to show, then had our suppers.
Wednesday, March 19, 1947
Orby went to sale, bought corn planter.
Thursday, March 20, 1947
Orby and Dennis' went after corn planter today and was here for dinner. I churned.
Friday, March 21, 1947
I made my blue dress.
Saturday, March 22, 1947
Orby went to sale at Mendon, I stayed home, it is a nice day.
Sunday, March 23, 1947
We went to Merle's after dinner, it sure was a bad rainy day.
Monday, March 24, 1947
We was over to Otsego, took dinner with Daisy and little Donna Mae was at Bronson Hospital. Dorothy called and told me the baby died at 4 this afternoon. Too bad as they thought so much of her. She was a sweet baby. My dear Daisy how I love her.
(Daisy's daughter Dorothy's baby Donna Mae)
Tuesday, March 25, 1947
Sure is a very bad cold day and we can't have much fire as we have no electric to pump water and our water would get too hot. I called Donald, he said baby would be buried at 4 Thursday. She was 3 months old.
Wednesday, March 26, 1947
I did my wash and ironing.
Thursday, March 27, 1947
Went to the funeral with Merle, then we drove past where Letha works and had lunch.
Friday, March 28, 1947
We vacuumed the rooms and i am very tired. Tabby had 1 kitten today, It is yellow.
Saturday, March 29, 1947
I mopped and waxed kitchen, washrooms and bathroom. Went to sale, bought milk stool.
Sunday, March 30, 1947
Nice day. We stayed home, then in evening, Willard's come had a very nice visit.
Monday, March 31, 1947
Went to Kalamazoo to Orpha's, her and Claudia are feeling a lot better. They have their kitchen painted yellow.
Saturday, March 1, 1947
I made me 2 pot holders and crochet lace on one of my towels.
Sunday, March 2, 1947
Went to Daisy's, had a lovely time and dinner. Dorthy, her man, and Betty and her man was there. I think Daisy is some better. Daisy and Ike gave me $3.00 for my Birthday, bless them, they are so good to us.
Monday, March 3, 1947
Bad day, we stayed home and I cut out dress for myself.
Tuesday, March 4, 1947
Went to Merle's to see if he wanted to sell his radio as Dorothy wanted it. Was to Orpha, was was sick, I vacuumed and washed dishes, she felt a little better when I left. Bless her dear heart, I love her so.
Wednesday, March 5, 1947
Thursday, March 6, 1947
Friday, March 7, 1947
Saturday, March 8, 1947
We went to Sale on South Park Street (Kalamazoo) bought 2 pictures at $1.10.
Sunday, March 9, 1947
Monday, March 10, 1947
Went to Orphas, she was still sick, on our way home we stopped at Merle's with his eggs. Orpha took 2 doz. eggs.
Tuesday, March 11, 1947
Orby went to Kalamazoo to make out his income. Orby went to school meeting last might, I stayed with Mrs. Dennis, she was not so well.
Wednesday, March 12, 1947
Bud called up, said Orpha was ill. I went and stayed with her. How I do pity my own dear little girl.
Thursday, March 13, 1947
Come home from Orphas tonight. Was awful tired, went to bed early. Bobby brought me home.
Friday, March 14, 1947
Still tired, I did my big ironing.
Saturday, March 15, 1947
Cleaned house.
Sunday, March 16, 1947
Went over to see how Orpha was, she was better.
Monday, March 17, 1947
Tuesday, March 18, 1947
Went to Kalamazoo with Dennis' and bought Joyce a ring. Went to show, then had our suppers.
Wednesday, March 19, 1947
Orby went to sale, bought corn planter.
Thursday, March 20, 1947
Orby and Dennis' went after corn planter today and was here for dinner. I churned.
Friday, March 21, 1947
I made my blue dress.
Saturday, March 22, 1947
Orby went to sale at Mendon, I stayed home, it is a nice day.
Sunday, March 23, 1947
We went to Merle's after dinner, it sure was a bad rainy day.
Monday, March 24, 1947
We was over to Otsego, took dinner with Daisy and little Donna Mae was at Bronson Hospital. Dorothy called and told me the baby died at 4 this afternoon. Too bad as they thought so much of her. She was a sweet baby. My dear Daisy how I love her.
(Daisy's daughter Dorothy's baby Donna Mae)
Tuesday, March 25, 1947
Sure is a very bad cold day and we can't have much fire as we have no electric to pump water and our water would get too hot. I called Donald, he said baby would be buried at 4 Thursday. She was 3 months old.
Wednesday, March 26, 1947
I did my wash and ironing.
Thursday, March 27, 1947
Went to the funeral with Merle, then we drove past where Letha works and had lunch.
Friday, March 28, 1947
We vacuumed the rooms and i am very tired. Tabby had 1 kitten today, It is yellow.
Saturday, March 29, 1947
I mopped and waxed kitchen, washrooms and bathroom. Went to sale, bought milk stool.
Sunday, March 30, 1947
Nice day. We stayed home, then in evening, Willard's come had a very nice visit.
Monday, March 31, 1947
Went to Kalamazoo to Orpha's, her and Claudia are feeling a lot better. They have their kitchen painted yellow.
February 1947
(Lots of snow this month, and because of the weather, they didn't run the school buses...and Rosa is writing everyday again...I'm glad, I missed her in 1945)
Saturday, February 1, 1947
Finished painting today. Merle's came over tonight, stayed to 11:30, brought over records, had a lovely time. Bought hen #2.45 at 35 ct. a lb.
Sunday, February 2, 1947
Dennis' was here this afternoon, then Bud came awhile.
Monday, February 3, 1947
Washed clothes, am tired.
Tuesday, February 4, 1947
I did ironing, am very tired. I ironed with my new iron, washed and stretches lace table cloth.
Wednesday, February 5, 1947
Orby went to Kalamazoo, bought tube for old Philco radio. Sent order to Aldens also Leja sent for 2 pair overshoes. I sent back skillet and Orby got another glass skillet for the one I broke.
Thursday, February 6, 1947
It is still cold and stormy, make 3 days. I sure will be glad when it is over. I made me a pillow cover from goods left from curtains.
Friday, February 7, 1947
Little warmer this morning, but wind changed around noon and it is still awful cold and windy.
Saturday, February 8, 1947
Still windy and cold, snow nearly 4 foot high, where snow plow has been. Worse snow we had since we moved here. I have not been out of the house for a week and five days. I did not feel so good and we did painting, the first week and the last week it has been so awful bad. We have 4 doz. eggs.
Sunday, February 9, 1947
Our young pullets laid 9 eggs yesterday, we have only 13 pullets.
Monday, February 10, 1947
Still windy but not so cold, Orby went to Vicksburg.
Tuesday, February 11, 1947
Some warmer, wind laid snow deep. School buses in and around Kalamazoo won't run today. Merle's was over, he bought a new Chevrolet, sure nice. He took us for a ride. He told us he was stalled on railroad track and was very frightened. May God keep him from all danger pray.
Wednesday, February 12, 1947
Dad is going to Sale, I will go to Merle's. I was to Merle's, Letha fixed my hair, it looks nice. Mr. Dennis bought brooder at sale. Oh yes, I was at Letha's for dinner then Dad and I stayed to supper. Boy, I love my kiddies and pray for them each morning.
Thursday, February 13, 1947
My birthday. Letha gave me a very nice embroidery dresser scarf, sure very pretty and dolly. Got lovely cards from Daisy, Dorothy, Lydia, Orpha, Bobby and Merels children. God bless them all.
Friday, February 14, 1947
Claudia's birthday (3 years old)(Valentine's Day)We went over to Orpha's had a lovely birthday dinner for Claudia and I, the cake was the largest cake I ever seen. I ate so much, I nearly busted. got home at 11:30. I got corsage to pin on coat from Bud and Letha and Merle gave scarf and dollie. Lovely cards from my children.
Saturday, February 15, 1947
Nice day, Scholten came today.
Sunday, February 16, 1947
Stayed home all day, it was a nice day.
Monday, February 17, 1947
We went to Three Rivers, bought a new washer, Duchess and when we got home we got dinner and I did our washing. Sure nice washer, we also received package from Aldens with pans and curtains and overshoes for Mr. Lega. We took them over tonight.
Tuesday, February 18, 1947
Another nice day. Orby went to Kalamazoo, I am fixing my curtains. bought cultivator and seeder and belts, oil pail, lantern, pulleys. I sent order to Lane Bryant.
Wednesday, February 19, 1947
Another nice day, went to Kalamazoo to see about buying chair but every thing was so high. We did not buy. Took Letha 2 doz. eggs, sold @40 ct. doz. Merle was not home yet, but we passed him on our way to Kalamazoo. Bless him my dear son.
Thursday, February 20, 1947
Very nice day. Orby went to Web Coal Co. and bought coal.
Friday, February 21, 1947
Very nice day. I went to call on Dennis', he is not so well. She put my hair in pin curls. We sold my Norge washer for $50.00.
Saturday, February 22, 1947
Bad day, tried to snow. Orby and I went to Graham Sale, west of Schoolcraft, di dnot buy anything. Phoned to Rosie and told her to tell Daisy we would be there tomorrow dinner. Merle and children was over tonight. We popped corn, Letha is working.
Sunday, February 23, 1947
We stayed home, it sure is a bad, windy, snowy day and cold. did not go to Daisy's. Orby enameled the cupboards, Super Val-Spar enamel white.
Monday, February 24, 1947
Finished enameling cupboards, got order from Lane Bryant and will send coat back, way too large.
Tuesday, February 25, 1947
My mothers birthday, she would be 95 years old, if she had lived.
Wednesday, February 26, 1947
Nice day, I did my wash, I sure like my new washer. Orby went to Dr. Rasmussen at Vicksburg.
Thursday, February 27, 1947
Very nice day.
Friday, February 28, 1947
Nice day.
Saturday, February 1, 1947
Finished painting today. Merle's came over tonight, stayed to 11:30, brought over records, had a lovely time. Bought hen #2.45 at 35 ct. a lb.
Sunday, February 2, 1947
Dennis' was here this afternoon, then Bud came awhile.
Monday, February 3, 1947
Washed clothes, am tired.
Tuesday, February 4, 1947
I did ironing, am very tired. I ironed with my new iron, washed and stretches lace table cloth.
Wednesday, February 5, 1947
Orby went to Kalamazoo, bought tube for old Philco radio. Sent order to Aldens also Leja sent for 2 pair overshoes. I sent back skillet and Orby got another glass skillet for the one I broke.
Thursday, February 6, 1947
It is still cold and stormy, make 3 days. I sure will be glad when it is over. I made me a pillow cover from goods left from curtains.
Friday, February 7, 1947
Little warmer this morning, but wind changed around noon and it is still awful cold and windy.
Saturday, February 8, 1947
Still windy and cold, snow nearly 4 foot high, where snow plow has been. Worse snow we had since we moved here. I have not been out of the house for a week and five days. I did not feel so good and we did painting, the first week and the last week it has been so awful bad. We have 4 doz. eggs.
Sunday, February 9, 1947
Our young pullets laid 9 eggs yesterday, we have only 13 pullets.
Monday, February 10, 1947
Still windy but not so cold, Orby went to Vicksburg.
Tuesday, February 11, 1947
Some warmer, wind laid snow deep. School buses in and around Kalamazoo won't run today. Merle's was over, he bought a new Chevrolet, sure nice. He took us for a ride. He told us he was stalled on railroad track and was very frightened. May God keep him from all danger pray.
Wednesday, February 12, 1947
Dad is going to Sale, I will go to Merle's. I was to Merle's, Letha fixed my hair, it looks nice. Mr. Dennis bought brooder at sale. Oh yes, I was at Letha's for dinner then Dad and I stayed to supper. Boy, I love my kiddies and pray for them each morning.
Thursday, February 13, 1947
My birthday. Letha gave me a very nice embroidery dresser scarf, sure very pretty and dolly. Got lovely cards from Daisy, Dorothy, Lydia, Orpha, Bobby and Merels children. God bless them all.
Friday, February 14, 1947
Claudia's birthday (3 years old)(Valentine's Day)We went over to Orpha's had a lovely birthday dinner for Claudia and I, the cake was the largest cake I ever seen. I ate so much, I nearly busted. got home at 11:30. I got corsage to pin on coat from Bud and Letha and Merle gave scarf and dollie. Lovely cards from my children.
Saturday, February 15, 1947
Nice day, Scholten came today.
Sunday, February 16, 1947
Stayed home all day, it was a nice day.
Monday, February 17, 1947
We went to Three Rivers, bought a new washer, Duchess and when we got home we got dinner and I did our washing. Sure nice washer, we also received package from Aldens with pans and curtains and overshoes for Mr. Lega. We took them over tonight.
Tuesday, February 18, 1947
Another nice day. Orby went to Kalamazoo, I am fixing my curtains. bought cultivator and seeder and belts, oil pail, lantern, pulleys. I sent order to Lane Bryant.
Wednesday, February 19, 1947
Another nice day, went to Kalamazoo to see about buying chair but every thing was so high. We did not buy. Took Letha 2 doz. eggs, sold @40 ct. doz. Merle was not home yet, but we passed him on our way to Kalamazoo. Bless him my dear son.
Thursday, February 20, 1947
Very nice day. Orby went to Web Coal Co. and bought coal.
Friday, February 21, 1947
Very nice day. I went to call on Dennis', he is not so well. She put my hair in pin curls. We sold my Norge washer for $50.00.
Saturday, February 22, 1947
Bad day, tried to snow. Orby and I went to Graham Sale, west of Schoolcraft, di dnot buy anything. Phoned to Rosie and told her to tell Daisy we would be there tomorrow dinner. Merle and children was over tonight. We popped corn, Letha is working.
Sunday, February 23, 1947
We stayed home, it sure is a bad, windy, snowy day and cold. did not go to Daisy's. Orby enameled the cupboards, Super Val-Spar enamel white.
Monday, February 24, 1947
Finished enameling cupboards, got order from Lane Bryant and will send coat back, way too large.
Tuesday, February 25, 1947
My mothers birthday, she would be 95 years old, if she had lived.
Wednesday, February 26, 1947
Nice day, I did my wash, I sure like my new washer. Orby went to Dr. Rasmussen at Vicksburg.
Thursday, February 27, 1947
Very nice day.
Friday, February 28, 1947
Nice day.
January 1947
(Rosa and Orby are living on a farm in Vicksburg Michigan on the corner of W Avenue and Portage Road, their friends The Dennis' live just north on Portage Road, about a mile away. They are still working on the house and farming. Rosa will be 66 in February and Orby will be 64 in August 1947)
Wednesday, January 1, 1947
Went to Dennis' had waffle supper.
Thursday, January 2, 1947
Stayed home all day.
Friday, January 3, 1947
Orby went to Vicksburg after some groceries.
Saturday, January 4, 1947
Orby went to Vicksburg. We killed hen, baked 2 cakes, 2 pies. Scholton got 50 baskets oats. Bought 1/2 doz eggs off Mrs. Lega cost 25cts.
Sunday, January 5, 1947
Orpha, Bud, Bob and Claudia was here to dinner. Bob got a live rabbit.
Monday, January 6, 1947
Washed clothes today.
Tuesday, January 7, 1947
Went to Kalamazoo, saw Palma in 10 cent store. We bought white enamel for to paint bathroom.
Wednesday, January 8, 1947
Mr. Hardy was here this morning. Orby is taking 2 yearling cows to sales. Mr. Dennis is going with him. Mrs. Dennis will stay with me. Nice day, quite icy. The heifer 745 lb. at $14.75 a lb., 730 lb. steer at $15.50 a lb. Got $113.15 and $109.89. Dennis' stayed for supper, paid out $6.69 to sell cows.
Thursday, January 9, 1947
It is snowing hard this morning. Orby went to Sale, where they had shingles to sell but did not stay, I made over a dress in to an apron.
Friday, January 10, 1947
Orby took 6 1/2 month old calf to butcher. Rosie called up, she is a darling, bless her.
Saturday, January 11, 1947
Orby went to Sale over by Climax. I stayed home, had mess of liver from calf we butchered for dinner. The snow is leaving fast.
Sunday, January 12, 1947
Merles was here for dinner. They brought cream for coffee. Had a nice time. Roy Hann come too, he was here dinner and supper. Letha done all the dishes after dinner. She is a darling to help me when i so needed it as i was so tired.
Monday, January 13, 1947
Went to Otsego, Daisy gave me an old dress for a pattern. I saw Betty, but she did not give a present to me for Christmas.
Tuesday, January 14, 1947
Orby is enameling the bathroom today.
Wednesday, January 15, 1947
Putting on rose in bathroom, sure nice day. Sun shinning and not too cold.
Thursday, January 16, 1947
Friday, January 17, 1947
Saturday, January 18, 1947
Orpha and Bud came to get some meat.
Sunday, January 19, 1947
We canned meat today, but I was not well. Leja was here a while today.
Monday, January 20, 1947
Had Doctor last night but am better this morning and canned meat.
Tuesday, January 21, 1947
Orby went after paint.
Wednesday, January 22, 1947
Orby went to exchange paint for rooms.
Thursday, January 23, 1947
I am not so good if I don't get better, I will have the Doctor again. Sent 4 orders today, Aldens, Spiegel, Montgomery and Sears.
Friday, January 24, 1947
Dr. Rasmussen come to see me today. Dad took Merles over a mess of beef. Mrs. Dennis was here, nice day.
Saturday, January 25, 1947
Merle and Letha was here, Letha has a new permanent.
Sunday, January 26, 1947
Monday, January 27, 1947
We to Otsego, took Daisy some meat and 1 doz. eggs. Bought glass skillet.
Tuesday, January 28, 1947
Started painting after we come back from seeing brooder.
Wednesday, January 29, 1947
Broke glass skillet. Still painting, will finish diningroom today, then will paint front room.
Thursday, January 30, 1947
Painted frontroom
Friday, January 31, 1947
Still painting. Painted my bedroom.
Wednesday, January 1, 1947
Went to Dennis' had waffle supper.
Thursday, January 2, 1947
Stayed home all day.
Friday, January 3, 1947
Orby went to Vicksburg after some groceries.
Saturday, January 4, 1947
Orby went to Vicksburg. We killed hen, baked 2 cakes, 2 pies. Scholton got 50 baskets oats. Bought 1/2 doz eggs off Mrs. Lega cost 25cts.
Sunday, January 5, 1947
Orpha, Bud, Bob and Claudia was here to dinner. Bob got a live rabbit.
Monday, January 6, 1947
Washed clothes today.
Tuesday, January 7, 1947
Went to Kalamazoo, saw Palma in 10 cent store. We bought white enamel for to paint bathroom.
Wednesday, January 8, 1947
Mr. Hardy was here this morning. Orby is taking 2 yearling cows to sales. Mr. Dennis is going with him. Mrs. Dennis will stay with me. Nice day, quite icy. The heifer 745 lb. at $14.75 a lb., 730 lb. steer at $15.50 a lb. Got $113.15 and $109.89. Dennis' stayed for supper, paid out $6.69 to sell cows.
Thursday, January 9, 1947
It is snowing hard this morning. Orby went to Sale, where they had shingles to sell but did not stay, I made over a dress in to an apron.
Friday, January 10, 1947
Orby took 6 1/2 month old calf to butcher. Rosie called up, she is a darling, bless her.
Saturday, January 11, 1947
Orby went to Sale over by Climax. I stayed home, had mess of liver from calf we butchered for dinner. The snow is leaving fast.
Sunday, January 12, 1947
Merles was here for dinner. They brought cream for coffee. Had a nice time. Roy Hann come too, he was here dinner and supper. Letha done all the dishes after dinner. She is a darling to help me when i so needed it as i was so tired.
Monday, January 13, 1947
Went to Otsego, Daisy gave me an old dress for a pattern. I saw Betty, but she did not give a present to me for Christmas.
Tuesday, January 14, 1947
Orby is enameling the bathroom today.
Wednesday, January 15, 1947
Putting on rose in bathroom, sure nice day. Sun shinning and not too cold.
Thursday, January 16, 1947
Friday, January 17, 1947
Saturday, January 18, 1947
Orpha and Bud came to get some meat.
Sunday, January 19, 1947
We canned meat today, but I was not well. Leja was here a while today.
Monday, January 20, 1947
Had Doctor last night but am better this morning and canned meat.
Tuesday, January 21, 1947
Orby went after paint.
Wednesday, January 22, 1947
Orby went to exchange paint for rooms.
Thursday, January 23, 1947
I am not so good if I don't get better, I will have the Doctor again. Sent 4 orders today, Aldens, Spiegel, Montgomery and Sears.
Friday, January 24, 1947
Dr. Rasmussen come to see me today. Dad took Merles over a mess of beef. Mrs. Dennis was here, nice day.
Saturday, January 25, 1947
Merle and Letha was here, Letha has a new permanent.
Sunday, January 26, 1947
Monday, January 27, 1947
We to Otsego, took Daisy some meat and 1 doz. eggs. Bought glass skillet.
Tuesday, January 28, 1947
Started painting after we come back from seeing brooder.
Wednesday, January 29, 1947
Broke glass skillet. Still painting, will finish diningroom today, then will paint front room.
Thursday, January 30, 1947
Painted frontroom
Friday, January 31, 1947
Still painting. Painted my bedroom.
Daisy, Orpha and Merle's birth
(In 1946 Rosa added a pretty complete account of her children's birth, for record I am posting it again separated from the year of 1946)
July 27, 1946
My dear Son, Merle was born in 1915, July 27. 10 1/2 pounds. Dr. Singleton was the doctor. We lived on Mrs. Martha Pennock's farm. Born 15 minutes till two in the morning. Susan washed and dressed him. Her name was Willison then, but later she married John Fouts (Orby's father).
August 8, 1946
My dear Daughter Orpha was born in country near Dowagiac Michigan in 1910, August 8.
Dr. Parker was the doctor. We lived on Old Mr. Allen's farm and he lived in one room with us. He was a nice man. He had been a school teacher. Born 10 minutes to 8 in the morning. 9 1/4 pounds.
August 24, 1946
Today is my dear Daughter Daisy's birthday. She was born in Denver, Indiana, August 24, at 6:30. Weighed 8 1/2 pounds. Dr. Wright was the doctor. Old Mrs. Ledy washed and dressed her first time. It was Corwin Ledy's mother. His wife's name was Linda. I made Daisy dresses over little Linda's dress pattern.
July 27, 1946
My dear Son, Merle was born in 1915, July 27. 10 1/2 pounds. Dr. Singleton was the doctor. We lived on Mrs. Martha Pennock's farm. Born 15 minutes till two in the morning. Susan washed and dressed him. Her name was Willison then, but later she married John Fouts (Orby's father).
August 8, 1946
My dear Daughter Orpha was born in country near Dowagiac Michigan in 1910, August 8.
Dr. Parker was the doctor. We lived on Old Mr. Allen's farm and he lived in one room with us. He was a nice man. He had been a school teacher. Born 10 minutes to 8 in the morning. 9 1/4 pounds.
August 24, 1946
Today is my dear Daughter Daisy's birthday. She was born in Denver, Indiana, August 24, at 6:30. Weighed 8 1/2 pounds. Dr. Wright was the doctor. Old Mrs. Ledy washed and dressed her first time. It was Corwin Ledy's mother. His wife's name was Linda. I made Daisy dresses over little Linda's dress pattern.
Monday, January 25, 2010
December 1946
Wednesday, December 26, 1946
Went to Merles for Christmas dinner. Had a swell time. Orpha, Bud, Bobby and Claudia was there. I got from Bud a bathroom rug and stool cover. I gae Letha and Merle a tea kettle. Merle a finger nail cutter, David a gun, Clare a gun, Joyce a book and ring. I gave Buds a toaster, belt for Bobby and doll for Claudia.
Went to Merles for Christmas dinner. Had a swell time. Orpha, Bud, Bobby and Claudia was there. I got from Bud a bathroom rug and stool cover. I gae Letha and Merle a tea kettle. Merle a finger nail cutter, David a gun, Clare a gun, Joyce a book and ring. I gave Buds a toaster, belt for Bobby and doll for Claudia.
October 1946
(Rosa is not keeping up with her daily entries, so we go to October 1946)
(Here is something she wrote in the Memoranda, I do not recommend it.)
For Rheumatism, Mix 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon Cream of Tartar in 1/2 glass of water, take 2 Tablespoons 3 times daily, morning, noon and night. Dr. Shellow.
Tuesday, October 8, 1946
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis went on visit to Ohio, will stay a week.
Wednesday, October 9, 1946
Thursday, October 10, 1946
Merles was here today and he went to Bus at 5 and stayed 5:30 to meet Silva but she did not come.
Friday, October 11, 1946
Orby went to Bus to meet Silva but she did not come.
Saturday, October 12, 1946
Silva came today and she did not get lost, Orby went to sale. It rained a little.
(Here is something she wrote in the Memoranda, I do not recommend it.)
For Rheumatism, Mix 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon Cream of Tartar in 1/2 glass of water, take 2 Tablespoons 3 times daily, morning, noon and night. Dr. Shellow.
Tuesday, October 8, 1946
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis went on visit to Ohio, will stay a week.
Wednesday, October 9, 1946
Thursday, October 10, 1946
Merles was here today and he went to Bus at 5 and stayed 5:30 to meet Silva but she did not come.
Friday, October 11, 1946
Orby went to Bus to meet Silva but she did not come.
Saturday, October 12, 1946
Silva came today and she did not get lost, Orby went to sale. It rained a little.
August 1946
(Rosa did not write any entries for July 1946)
Sunday, August 4, 1946
Will go to Plainwell Hospital today for operation. Mr. Everetts field caught on fire and we notified the neighbors, we were on the way to the Hosptial when we saw it.
Monday, August 5, 1946
I am in Hospital.
Tuesday, August 6, 1946
Went to Orphas from Hospital today, will stay till Saturday, then go home.
Had my operation today.
Wednesday, August 7, 1946
Thursday, August 8, 1946
My dear daughter Orpha was born in country near Dowagiac in 1910, August 8. Dr. Parker was the Doctor. We lived on old Mr. Allen's farm and he lived in one room with us, he was a nice man. He had been a school teacher. Born 10 minutes to 8 in the morning. 9 1/4 pounds.
Friday, August 9, 1946
I will go home tomorrow, Dad says he will take good care of me.
Saturday, August 10, 1946
Bud brought me home in his car, my I sure was glad to see home again, but Orpha was awful good to me while I was there, used me like a baby.
Monday, August 12, 1946
Orby went to see Sholten, I went along, the baby is growing, she is 15 months old, can walk, was not a lot afraid. Ann is lovely, she was ironing, it is a very hot dry day. We will combine oat I think tomorrow.
Tuesday, August 13, 1946
Commenced combining, we have nice heavy oats. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis was here a while.
Wednesday, August 14, 1946
We combined oats, I cook meals for the men, we had nearly 400 bushel oats, Mrs. Dennis got me some Salitair face cream, I paid 31cts for it.
Thursday, August 15, 1946
Got some feed ground for laying mash today.
Friday, August 16, 1946
Saturday, August 17, 1946
We drove over to Orphas then looked at place on Adams for $7,900.00.
Sunday, August 18, 1946
We drove over to Gobles to see Doctors home $9,000.00, did not like the location, rained a little tonight, cooled off some.
Monday, August 19, 1946
Sure hot to day, went to Otsego, Dorothy said she had her house cleaned and wanted to paper it. We also went to Bettys then when we come through Kalamazoo, we stopped at Rosa. She showed us her baby things, but she looks fine. Jerry was at work, I sent order to Lane Bryant for sun suit, Sears for shoes.
Tuesday, August 20, 1946
Another hot day, Orby went to sale over by Delton. I made me new pink apron, Orby did not buy anything at sale.
Wednesday, August 21, 1946
I did my wash today, and it sure was a warm day.
Thursday, August 22, 1946
I did my ironing, then went to Orphas as she was sick, but I got her to come home with me. She stayed all night and will do her washing but blankets. I will wash them next week. She felt better, but sure hot. Claudia is having a good time.
Friday, August 23, 1946
Orpha went home today after we did her wash, she felt so much better.
Saturday, August 24, 1946
Today is my dear daughter Daisys birthday. She was born in Denver Indiana, at 6:30 weighted 8 1/2 lbs. Dr. Wright the Doctor. Old Mrs. Ledy washed and dressed her first time, it was Corwin Ledy's Mother. His wife name Lilly, their baby name was Linda. I made Daisy dresses over little Linda dress pattern.
Sunday, August 25, 1946
Sunday, August 4, 1946
Will go to Plainwell Hospital today for operation. Mr. Everetts field caught on fire and we notified the neighbors, we were on the way to the Hosptial when we saw it.
Monday, August 5, 1946
I am in Hospital.
Tuesday, August 6, 1946
Went to Orphas from Hospital today, will stay till Saturday, then go home.
Had my operation today.
Wednesday, August 7, 1946
Thursday, August 8, 1946
My dear daughter Orpha was born in country near Dowagiac in 1910, August 8. Dr. Parker was the Doctor. We lived on old Mr. Allen's farm and he lived in one room with us, he was a nice man. He had been a school teacher. Born 10 minutes to 8 in the morning. 9 1/4 pounds.
Friday, August 9, 1946
I will go home tomorrow, Dad says he will take good care of me.
Saturday, August 10, 1946
Bud brought me home in his car, my I sure was glad to see home again, but Orpha was awful good to me while I was there, used me like a baby.
Monday, August 12, 1946
Orby went to see Sholten, I went along, the baby is growing, she is 15 months old, can walk, was not a lot afraid. Ann is lovely, she was ironing, it is a very hot dry day. We will combine oat I think tomorrow.
Tuesday, August 13, 1946
Commenced combining, we have nice heavy oats. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis was here a while.
Wednesday, August 14, 1946
We combined oats, I cook meals for the men, we had nearly 400 bushel oats, Mrs. Dennis got me some Salitair face cream, I paid 31cts for it.
Thursday, August 15, 1946
Got some feed ground for laying mash today.
Friday, August 16, 1946
Saturday, August 17, 1946
We drove over to Orphas then looked at place on Adams for $7,900.00.
Sunday, August 18, 1946
We drove over to Gobles to see Doctors home $9,000.00, did not like the location, rained a little tonight, cooled off some.
Monday, August 19, 1946
Sure hot to day, went to Otsego, Dorothy said she had her house cleaned and wanted to paper it. We also went to Bettys then when we come through Kalamazoo, we stopped at Rosa. She showed us her baby things, but she looks fine. Jerry was at work, I sent order to Lane Bryant for sun suit, Sears for shoes.
Tuesday, August 20, 1946
Another hot day, Orby went to sale over by Delton. I made me new pink apron, Orby did not buy anything at sale.
Wednesday, August 21, 1946
I did my wash today, and it sure was a warm day.
Thursday, August 22, 1946
I did my ironing, then went to Orphas as she was sick, but I got her to come home with me. She stayed all night and will do her washing but blankets. I will wash them next week. She felt better, but sure hot. Claudia is having a good time.
Friday, August 23, 1946
Orpha went home today after we did her wash, she felt so much better.
Saturday, August 24, 1946
Today is my dear daughter Daisys birthday. She was born in Denver Indiana, at 6:30 weighted 8 1/2 lbs. Dr. Wright the Doctor. Old Mrs. Ledy washed and dressed her first time, it was Corwin Ledy's Mother. His wife name Lilly, their baby name was Linda. I made Daisy dresses over little Linda dress pattern.
Sunday, August 25, 1946
June 1946
Saturday, June 1, 1946
Did my ironing, got hair curled today. Silvia's Birthday, born 1880.
Sunday, June 2, 1946
Ike, Daisy, Roy, Dorothy, Betty and Sandy was here today. The men took off tin from fence. (Hard to read, I think it is tin).
Monday, June 3, 1946
Went to Orpha, she fixed my hair.
Tuesday, June 4, 1946
Orby is working on the fence.
Wednesday, June 5, 1946
Thursday, June 6, 1946
Went away and when we got back, we had a letter that Vern was buried. (I don't know Vern)
Friday, June 7, 1946
Saturday, June 8, 1946
Sunday, June 9, 1946
Monday, June 10, 1946
Orpha and Bud paid dad $196.50 in full for the debt they owed us.
Tuesday, June 11, 1946
Was to Orpha, she was not feeling so good and it rained when we started home.
Wednesday, June 12, 1946
I am washing, looks like rain.
Wednesday, June 19, 1946
Today is brother Willies birthday, he was born in the year 1883.
Did my ironing, got hair curled today. Silvia's Birthday, born 1880.
Sunday, June 2, 1946
Ike, Daisy, Roy, Dorothy, Betty and Sandy was here today. The men took off tin from fence. (Hard to read, I think it is tin).
Monday, June 3, 1946
Went to Orpha, she fixed my hair.
Tuesday, June 4, 1946
Orby is working on the fence.
Wednesday, June 5, 1946
Thursday, June 6, 1946
Went away and when we got back, we had a letter that Vern was buried. (I don't know Vern)
Friday, June 7, 1946
Saturday, June 8, 1946
Sunday, June 9, 1946
Monday, June 10, 1946
Orpha and Bud paid dad $196.50 in full for the debt they owed us.
Tuesday, June 11, 1946
Was to Orpha, she was not feeling so good and it rained when we started home.
Wednesday, June 12, 1946
I am washing, looks like rain.
Wednesday, June 19, 1946
Today is brother Willies birthday, he was born in the year 1883.
May 1946
(Rosa is planning on an operation soon. Rosa and Orby are spending time with their good friends and neighbors the Dennis')
Wednesday, May 1, 1946
I washed today but I sure felt miserable. Man was here from Kalamazoo to list our farm, but we did not list.
Thursday, May 2, 1946
Orby took calf we got off Scholten to the Kalamazoo sales.
Friday, May 3, 1946
I did not do much today, but I am a lot better but Orby is not so well.
Saturday, May 4, 1946
Dennis brought 2 bushel oats, it is raining. We commenced planting corn last year - June 5, 1945.
Sunday, May 5, 1946
Nice day. Daisy, Ike, Roy and Dorothy was here in afternoon. Daisy is some better, Dorothy is okay.
Monday, May 6, 1946
Went to Orphas then to Dr. and came back to Daisy's to get peach trees that Ike gave us.
Tuesday, May 7, 1946
Wednesday, May 8, 1946
Did my wash, nice day.
Thursday, May 9, 1946
I did my ironing, the old cat had two kittens, one died.
Friday, May 10, 1946
Mrs. Dennis was here today.
Saturday, May 11, 1946
Went to Legas, they are going to sell one cow.
Sunday, May 12, 1946
Mother's Day. Merle's was here, had a nice time. I got flower from Orpha, Merle's gave me sweet smelling toilet soap, they all gave me cards and my darling Dorothy gave me card, for her Grandmothers day. Rosie gave nylons, they are darling girls.
Monday, May 13, 1946
Went to Orphas, she was not so well, Claudia sure is sweet. Orpha gave me a very lovely potted plant.
Tuesday, May 14, 1946
I moped around home all day, went to Dennis' this evening.
Wednesday, May 15, 1946
Dad went to Kalamazoo to get car fixed. Cost $17.13. I stayed home and washed. My washer went hay wire and Mr. Dennis' son-in-law come to fix it, but it broke again.
Thursday, May 16, 1946
Went to Otsego, Daisy gave me for Mothers Day a lovely set of glasses and carrier. A swell box of candy. We got 2 doz. tomatoes and 2 doz. cabbage plants.
Friday, May 17, 1946
Did my ironing.
Saturday, May 18, 1946
Sunday, May 19, 1946
Look for Daisy but they did not come, but Dennis' came and Orphas also, was nice.
Monday, May 20, 1946
Went to Otsego to Daisy and took eggs to Oakwood. Claudia cried to go with us. She is sure sweet and we saw Clare, he is getting to be great big boy. Ike was sick.
Tuesday, May 21, 1946
Went to Willard's and we stayed to dinner, had a good time but Lucille looked bad, poor dear, I feel so sorry for her. (She has rheumatoid arthritis)
Wednesday, May 22, 1946
Thursday,May, 23, 1946
Friday, May 24, 1946
Saturday, May 26, 1946
sold 8 hens @31 1/2 ct. a lb. and calf 208 lbs, 180 lb $37.44.
Sunday, May 27, 1946
Stayed home, Dennis' was here so was Legas.
Tuesday, May 28, 1946
Went to Otsego, the folks well. Merle has put brick siding on house, look nice.
Wednesday, May 29, 1946
Went to look for a ride.
Thursday, May 30, 1946
Wash today, in tented to go to Vicksburg to celebration, but my washer went haywire, so stayed home.
Friday, May 31, 1946
Washed out some pieces today. Bought coat and hat. Orpha was with me.
Wednesday, May 1, 1946
I washed today but I sure felt miserable. Man was here from Kalamazoo to list our farm, but we did not list.
Thursday, May 2, 1946
Orby took calf we got off Scholten to the Kalamazoo sales.
Friday, May 3, 1946
I did not do much today, but I am a lot better but Orby is not so well.
Saturday, May 4, 1946
Dennis brought 2 bushel oats, it is raining. We commenced planting corn last year - June 5, 1945.
Sunday, May 5, 1946
Nice day. Daisy, Ike, Roy and Dorothy was here in afternoon. Daisy is some better, Dorothy is okay.
Monday, May 6, 1946
Went to Orphas then to Dr. and came back to Daisy's to get peach trees that Ike gave us.
Tuesday, May 7, 1946
Wednesday, May 8, 1946
Did my wash, nice day.
Thursday, May 9, 1946
I did my ironing, the old cat had two kittens, one died.
Friday, May 10, 1946
Mrs. Dennis was here today.
Saturday, May 11, 1946
Went to Legas, they are going to sell one cow.
Sunday, May 12, 1946
Mother's Day. Merle's was here, had a nice time. I got flower from Orpha, Merle's gave me sweet smelling toilet soap, they all gave me cards and my darling Dorothy gave me card, for her Grandmothers day. Rosie gave nylons, they are darling girls.
Monday, May 13, 1946
Went to Orphas, she was not so well, Claudia sure is sweet. Orpha gave me a very lovely potted plant.
Tuesday, May 14, 1946
I moped around home all day, went to Dennis' this evening.
Wednesday, May 15, 1946
Dad went to Kalamazoo to get car fixed. Cost $17.13. I stayed home and washed. My washer went hay wire and Mr. Dennis' son-in-law come to fix it, but it broke again.
Thursday, May 16, 1946
Went to Otsego, Daisy gave me for Mothers Day a lovely set of glasses and carrier. A swell box of candy. We got 2 doz. tomatoes and 2 doz. cabbage plants.
Friday, May 17, 1946
Did my ironing.
Saturday, May 18, 1946
Sunday, May 19, 1946
Look for Daisy but they did not come, but Dennis' came and Orphas also, was nice.
Monday, May 20, 1946
Went to Otsego to Daisy and took eggs to Oakwood. Claudia cried to go with us. She is sure sweet and we saw Clare, he is getting to be great big boy. Ike was sick.
Tuesday, May 21, 1946
Went to Willard's and we stayed to dinner, had a good time but Lucille looked bad, poor dear, I feel so sorry for her. (She has rheumatoid arthritis)
Wednesday, May 22, 1946
Thursday,May, 23, 1946
Friday, May 24, 1946
Saturday, May 26, 1946
sold 8 hens @31 1/2 ct. a lb. and calf 208 lbs, 180 lb $37.44.
Sunday, May 27, 1946
Stayed home, Dennis' was here so was Legas.
Tuesday, May 28, 1946
Went to Otsego, the folks well. Merle has put brick siding on house, look nice.
Wednesday, May 29, 1946
Went to look for a ride.
Thursday, May 30, 1946
Wash today, in tented to go to Vicksburg to celebration, but my washer went haywire, so stayed home.
Friday, May 31, 1946
Washed out some pieces today. Bought coat and hat. Orpha was with me.
April 1946
Monday, April 1, 1946
Orby sold eggs, I and Silva stayed home. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis were here. Cold and windy.
Tuesday, April 2, 1946
Orby went to Otsego to make deed for 3 lots. Got $200.00 for them. My sisters birthday, she was born in 1879, is 67 years.
Wednesday, April 3, 1946
Stayed home, it is cold and windy.
Thursday, April 4, 1946
Sallys milk is good now.
Friday, April 5, 1946
Mrs. Dennis was here today.
Saturday, April 6, 1946
Orby took Silva to Kalamazoo to catch the 12:55 bus $1.15 to Dowagiac.
Sunday, April 7, 1946
Stayed home.
Monday, April 8, 1946
Went to Orphas, Dad sold eggs. Sold Dennis' 2 qts. milk.
Tuesday, April 9, 1946
Went to Otsego, took supper with Merle's had a nice time. Joyce dress that I got her for her birthday was too large.
Wednesday, April 10, 1946
I will wash today, went to Dr. Bates at Schoolcraft, he charge $2.50. I am not so well, my head is hurting me, also my bladder. Sold Dennis 2 qts. milk.
Thursday, April 11, 1946
I cleaned the furniture to day and I am pretty tired. Mrs. Dennis said her daughter Dorothy was coming to spend some time with them. (Dorthea)
Friday, April 12, 1946
Went to Kalamazoo today to see about I don't feel so good, went to Dennis' tonight to spend evening.
Saturday, April 13, 1946
It is cloudy and trying to rain. Dad is cutting some limbs and old post.
Sunday, April 14, 1946
Stayed home, Willard, Bessie, Lucille, Raymond and children was here this afternoon. Lucille is sure in bad shape.
Monday, April 15, 1946
Went to Orphas, sold eggs. My daddy's birthday is today, was born April 15, 1855.
Tuesday, April 16, 1946
Orpha was here for dinner. Her and Bud went to Kalamazoo, left Claudia with us, she is a darling.
Wednesday, April 17, 1946
Went to Doctor at Schoolcraft, he sure hurt my head.
Thursday, April 18, 1946
Mrs. Dennis was here after milk but we can't sell no more as the calves take it all. Her daughter from Florida is spending a few weeks with them. Had dandelion for supper.
Friday, April 19, 1946
I did my wash, I don't feel so good but have to work, will be glad when I won't have to do anything unless I want to.
Saturday, April 20, 1946
Orby is washing off front porch, the sun is shinning nice this morning.
Sunday, April 21, 1946
Stayed home.
Monday, April 22, 1946
Went to Orphas then to Dr.Stuck at Otsego, he thinks i might have to be operated on.
Tuesday, April 23, 1946
I'm not so good today.
Wednesday, April 24, 1946
I washed today, am tired. Orby went to Kalamazoo bought me apron and stockings. Received $5.00 from Lane Bryant.
Thursday, April 25, 1946
Mr. Dennis has their phone in today.
Friday, April 26, 1946
I did my ironing.
Saturday, April 27, 1946
Went to Otsego to see Dr. Stuck. I sure was sick. Saw Daisy, Letha, and Joyce. Dennis' was here to spend evening.
Sunday, April 28, 1946
Stayed home all day. Look for some of the children but none came. Cliff come and mowed their lawn today, my head is some better.
Monday, April 29, 1946
Scolten plowed garden and potato patch. I went to Orphas for dinner. Claudia sure is sweet, Merle's came while we was there, my but Clare is growing.
Tuesday, April 30, 1946
It was cold all day.
Orby sold eggs, I and Silva stayed home. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis were here. Cold and windy.
Tuesday, April 2, 1946
Orby went to Otsego to make deed for 3 lots. Got $200.00 for them. My sisters birthday, she was born in 1879, is 67 years.
Wednesday, April 3, 1946
Stayed home, it is cold and windy.
Thursday, April 4, 1946
Sallys milk is good now.
Friday, April 5, 1946
Mrs. Dennis was here today.
Saturday, April 6, 1946
Orby took Silva to Kalamazoo to catch the 12:55 bus $1.15 to Dowagiac.
Sunday, April 7, 1946
Stayed home.
Monday, April 8, 1946
Went to Orphas, Dad sold eggs. Sold Dennis' 2 qts. milk.
Tuesday, April 9, 1946
Went to Otsego, took supper with Merle's had a nice time. Joyce dress that I got her for her birthday was too large.
Wednesday, April 10, 1946
I will wash today, went to Dr. Bates at Schoolcraft, he charge $2.50. I am not so well, my head is hurting me, also my bladder. Sold Dennis 2 qts. milk.
Thursday, April 11, 1946
I cleaned the furniture to day and I am pretty tired. Mrs. Dennis said her daughter Dorothy was coming to spend some time with them. (Dorthea)
Friday, April 12, 1946
Went to Kalamazoo today to see about I don't feel so good, went to Dennis' tonight to spend evening.
Saturday, April 13, 1946
It is cloudy and trying to rain. Dad is cutting some limbs and old post.
Sunday, April 14, 1946
Stayed home, Willard, Bessie, Lucille, Raymond and children was here this afternoon. Lucille is sure in bad shape.
Monday, April 15, 1946
Went to Orphas, sold eggs. My daddy's birthday is today, was born April 15, 1855.
Tuesday, April 16, 1946
Orpha was here for dinner. Her and Bud went to Kalamazoo, left Claudia with us, she is a darling.
Wednesday, April 17, 1946
Went to Doctor at Schoolcraft, he sure hurt my head.
Thursday, April 18, 1946
Mrs. Dennis was here after milk but we can't sell no more as the calves take it all. Her daughter from Florida is spending a few weeks with them. Had dandelion for supper.
Friday, April 19, 1946
I did my wash, I don't feel so good but have to work, will be glad when I won't have to do anything unless I want to.
Saturday, April 20, 1946
Orby is washing off front porch, the sun is shinning nice this morning.
Sunday, April 21, 1946
Stayed home.
Monday, April 22, 1946
Went to Orphas then to Dr.Stuck at Otsego, he thinks i might have to be operated on.
Tuesday, April 23, 1946
I'm not so good today.
Wednesday, April 24, 1946
I washed today, am tired. Orby went to Kalamazoo bought me apron and stockings. Received $5.00 from Lane Bryant.
Thursday, April 25, 1946
Mr. Dennis has their phone in today.
Friday, April 26, 1946
I did my ironing.
Saturday, April 27, 1946
Went to Otsego to see Dr. Stuck. I sure was sick. Saw Daisy, Letha, and Joyce. Dennis' was here to spend evening.
Sunday, April 28, 1946
Stayed home all day. Look for some of the children but none came. Cliff come and mowed their lawn today, my head is some better.
Monday, April 29, 1946
Scolten plowed garden and potato patch. I went to Orphas for dinner. Claudia sure is sweet, Merle's came while we was there, my but Clare is growing.
Tuesday, April 30, 1946
It was cold all day.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
March 1946
(Rosa is 65 and Orby is 62)
Friday, March 1, 1946
Dorothy, Roy, Rosie and Jerry was here tonight, we popped corn.
Saturday, March 2, 1946
Sunday, March 3, 1946
Merle was here for dinner. I was surprised as I did not expect them.
Monday, March 4, 1946
Went to Orphas, they are all pretty well. I went to Doctor tonight.
Tuesday, March 5, 1946
Went to Otsego to get rent. Little Sandy was not so well, Daisy is some better.
Wednesday, March 6, 1946
I did my wash, Orby fixed wringer. I had been without it 1 year. Scholten got heifer calf today.
Thursday, March 7, 1946
Orby is trimming trees, I did my ironing and mopped. Mr. Dennis was over.
Friday, March 8, 1946
Orby is trimming apple trees. It rained hard for awhile today, I sent 2 orders, Sears and Mail order.
Saturday, March 9, 1946
Went to see about clover seed at Mendon.
Sunday, March 10, 1946
Went to Willard then to Lucille's, then to Blanche, they were all there, then we stopped at Minnie's on the way home, they are okay.
Monday, March 11, 1946
Went to Orphas, stayed all day and Orpha and Bob brought me home, had a good time. Claudia is sweet. bought 2 1/2 bushel clover seed @$22.00 bushel.
Tuesday, March 12, 1946
We killed 5 roosters to get them ready to can tomorrow. Dennis' was here.
Wednesday, March 13, 1946
I canned 13 qt. chicken, my regulator on oven went hay wire. I was worried for fear my chicken will spoil, got order from Sears.
Thursday, March 14, 1946
Orby is taking 17 roosters to town to sell. $23.10. Sowing clover seed today.
Friday, March 15, 1946
Finished sowing clover seed. Got my curtain stretchers today.
Saturday, March 16, 1946
Orby trimmed my flowers. Bud & Orpha came this evening, they will connect up there stool tomorrow. Orpha looked awful sweet, Mrs. Dennis was here today.
Sunday, March 17, 1946
Stayed home, it rained and bad.
Monday, March 18, 1946
Went to Orpha, then Orpha and Claudia went with us to Daisy's, had dinner at Merle's.
We did not see Donald, I only saw him once since he come home for the army. Went to Dr. Sellow tonight. Our cow is expecting calf tonight.
Tuesday, March 19, 1946
Orby is getting feed ground. We went to Dr. Rasmussen. I paid out $6.67 for my Medicine, Orby paid out $2.50. He said my blood pressure 180 and I have bladder infection.(I censored this a little) He said normal blood pressure and bad blood.
Wednesday, March 20, 1946
The Jehovah witnesses was here. I ordered a bible and watch tower and consolations papers $2.50. Was to see Mrs. Lega about calf.
Thursday, March 21, 1946
I washed today, wrote Lydia and Mrs. Williams. My back sure hurts. Orby an d Dennis
went to sale, Orby bought potato and corn planner. Mrs. Dennis stayed with me.
Friday, March 22, 1946
I did ironing and Orby trimmed spirea bushes.
Saturday, March 23, 1946
I just hurt my back, can hardly move. got calf off Scholten put pigs in orchard, went to Dr. Shelow.
Sunday, March 24, 1946
Monday, March 25, 1946
Went to Orphas, stayed till Dad sold eggs. They have their stool hooked up now. They are well. (Orpha and Bud have indoor plumbing now!)
Tuesday, March 26, 1946
I did my wash today.
Wednesday, March 27, 1946
Went to Dowagaic, saw Aunt Minerva and when we come home, Silva came with us. Went to Dr. Rasmussen.
Thursday, March 28, 1946
I was so awful bad today, could hardly mover for my bladder.
Friday, March 29, 1946
Changed Dr. and I feel much better. Dr. Bates is doctoring me now. Orpha, Bob and Claudia was here awhile tonight. The men finished plowing west field for oats today.
Saturday, March 30, 1946
Silva don't feel vry good today, she may go home Monday, don't know. Sally had her calf today.
Sunday, March 31, 1946
Friday, March 1, 1946
Dorothy, Roy, Rosie and Jerry was here tonight, we popped corn.
Saturday, March 2, 1946
Sunday, March 3, 1946
Merle was here for dinner. I was surprised as I did not expect them.
Monday, March 4, 1946
Went to Orphas, they are all pretty well. I went to Doctor tonight.
Tuesday, March 5, 1946
Went to Otsego to get rent. Little Sandy was not so well, Daisy is some better.
Wednesday, March 6, 1946
I did my wash, Orby fixed wringer. I had been without it 1 year. Scholten got heifer calf today.
Thursday, March 7, 1946
Orby is trimming trees, I did my ironing and mopped. Mr. Dennis was over.
Friday, March 8, 1946
Orby is trimming apple trees. It rained hard for awhile today, I sent 2 orders, Sears and Mail order.
Saturday, March 9, 1946
Went to see about clover seed at Mendon.
Sunday, March 10, 1946
Went to Willard then to Lucille's, then to Blanche, they were all there, then we stopped at Minnie's on the way home, they are okay.
Monday, March 11, 1946
Went to Orphas, stayed all day and Orpha and Bob brought me home, had a good time. Claudia is sweet. bought 2 1/2 bushel clover seed @$22.00 bushel.
Tuesday, March 12, 1946
We killed 5 roosters to get them ready to can tomorrow. Dennis' was here.
Wednesday, March 13, 1946
I canned 13 qt. chicken, my regulator on oven went hay wire. I was worried for fear my chicken will spoil, got order from Sears.
Thursday, March 14, 1946
Orby is taking 17 roosters to town to sell. $23.10. Sowing clover seed today.
Friday, March 15, 1946
Finished sowing clover seed. Got my curtain stretchers today.
Saturday, March 16, 1946
Orby trimmed my flowers. Bud & Orpha came this evening, they will connect up there stool tomorrow. Orpha looked awful sweet, Mrs. Dennis was here today.
Sunday, March 17, 1946
Stayed home, it rained and bad.
Monday, March 18, 1946
Went to Orpha, then Orpha and Claudia went with us to Daisy's, had dinner at Merle's.
We did not see Donald, I only saw him once since he come home for the army. Went to Dr. Sellow tonight. Our cow is expecting calf tonight.
Tuesday, March 19, 1946
Orby is getting feed ground. We went to Dr. Rasmussen. I paid out $6.67 for my Medicine, Orby paid out $2.50. He said my blood pressure 180 and I have bladder infection.(I censored this a little) He said normal blood pressure and bad blood.
Wednesday, March 20, 1946
The Jehovah witnesses was here. I ordered a bible and watch tower and consolations papers $2.50. Was to see Mrs. Lega about calf.
Thursday, March 21, 1946
I washed today, wrote Lydia and Mrs. Williams. My back sure hurts. Orby an d Dennis
went to sale, Orby bought potato and corn planner. Mrs. Dennis stayed with me.
Friday, March 22, 1946
I did ironing and Orby trimmed spirea bushes.
Saturday, March 23, 1946
I just hurt my back, can hardly move. got calf off Scholten put pigs in orchard, went to Dr. Shelow.
Sunday, March 24, 1946
Monday, March 25, 1946
Went to Orphas, stayed till Dad sold eggs. They have their stool hooked up now. They are well. (Orpha and Bud have indoor plumbing now!)
Tuesday, March 26, 1946
I did my wash today.
Wednesday, March 27, 1946
Went to Dowagaic, saw Aunt Minerva and when we come home, Silva came with us. Went to Dr. Rasmussen.
Thursday, March 28, 1946
I was so awful bad today, could hardly mover for my bladder.
Friday, March 29, 1946
Changed Dr. and I feel much better. Dr. Bates is doctoring me now. Orpha, Bob and Claudia was here awhile tonight. The men finished plowing west field for oats today.
Saturday, March 30, 1946
Silva don't feel vry good today, she may go home Monday, don't know. Sally had her calf today.
Sunday, March 31, 1946
February 1946
Monday, February 4, 1946
Orby went to sell eggs, Mrs. Dennis stayed with me, I am sick in bed.
Monday, February 5, 1946
Orby went to sell eggs, I stayed alone.
Wednesday, February 13, 1946
Got Birthday card from Merle. I am sick in bed 1/2 the time, Orby got me perfume.
Sunday, February 17, 1946
Willard's was her today.
Monday, February 18, 1946
Went to Orphas, I was not well could hardly stay up but lots better.
Sunday, February 24, 1946
Mrs. Lega was here today.
Monday, February 25, 1946
My Mother's Birthday, she was born 1852, if living she would be 94 years.
Tuesday, February 26, 1946
Cost of Medicine $4.16.
Thursday, February 28, 1946
Last day of month.
Orby went to sell eggs, Mrs. Dennis stayed with me, I am sick in bed.
Monday, February 5, 1946
Orby went to sell eggs, I stayed alone.
Wednesday, February 13, 1946
Got Birthday card from Merle. I am sick in bed 1/2 the time, Orby got me perfume.
Sunday, February 17, 1946
Willard's was her today.
Monday, February 18, 1946
Went to Orphas, I was not well could hardly stay up but lots better.
Sunday, February 24, 1946
Mrs. Lega was here today.
Monday, February 25, 1946
My Mother's Birthday, she was born 1852, if living she would be 94 years.
Tuesday, February 26, 1946
Cost of Medicine $4.16.
Thursday, February 28, 1946
Last day of month.
January 1946
(Rosa and Orby live on a farm on the corner of W Avenue and Portage Road, Rosa has not been keeping a diary daily, but is starting again with a new book)
(Note: If the dates are blank, I am skipping them)
Tuesday, January 1, 1946
Stayed home all day, had chicken for dinner.
Wednesday January 2, 1946
Dennis' was here, real estate man was here, some cold.(Dennis' last name of friends, they lived just a few houses away on Portage Road)
Thursday, January 3, 1946
Washed today, was very nice day.
Friday, January 4, 1946
Did my ironing, Dennis' was here.
Saturday, January 5, 1946
Went to Dennis' stayed till 12, had ice cream.
Sunday, January 6, 1946
Went out to see our hens, they are nice.
Monday, January 7, 1946
Went to Orphas, they all have been sick, but little better, Bob was in school. Went to Otsego, Donald is in Indiana, will soon be home.
Tuesday, January 8, 1946
I churned butter today, Ann come after milk, nice day, little cold.
Wednesday, January 9, 1946
Nice warm day, but damp. Swan was just here after 1 doz. eggs.
Monday, January 14, 1946
Went to Orphas and Daisy's, I am not so well.
Tuesday, January 15, 1946
Got sick had Doctor.
Friday, January 18, 1946
Went to Doctor but I feel awful, I think I caught cold, head hurt terrible.
Saturday, January 19, 1946
I am in bed.
Tuesday, January 29, 1946
Went to Otsego, little Sandy was sick, I did not see Donald.
(Note: If the dates are blank, I am skipping them)
Tuesday, January 1, 1946
Stayed home all day, had chicken for dinner.
Wednesday January 2, 1946
Dennis' was here, real estate man was here, some cold.(Dennis' last name of friends, they lived just a few houses away on Portage Road)
Thursday, January 3, 1946
Washed today, was very nice day.
Friday, January 4, 1946
Did my ironing, Dennis' was here.
Saturday, January 5, 1946
Went to Dennis' stayed till 12, had ice cream.
Sunday, January 6, 1946
Went out to see our hens, they are nice.
Monday, January 7, 1946
Went to Orphas, they all have been sick, but little better, Bob was in school. Went to Otsego, Donald is in Indiana, will soon be home.
Tuesday, January 8, 1946
I churned butter today, Ann come after milk, nice day, little cold.
Wednesday, January 9, 1946
Nice warm day, but damp. Swan was just here after 1 doz. eggs.
Monday, January 14, 1946
Went to Orphas and Daisy's, I am not so well.
Tuesday, January 15, 1946
Got sick had Doctor.
Friday, January 18, 1946
Went to Doctor but I feel awful, I think I caught cold, head hurt terrible.
Saturday, January 19, 1946
I am in bed.
Tuesday, January 29, 1946
Went to Otsego, little Sandy was sick, I did not see Donald.
January, April and June 1945
(Rosa starts where she left off in September 1944, but has not switched to January 1945, they have moved to the farm on the corner of V Avenue and Portage Road, Vicksburg, Michigan.)
Sunday, January 21, 1945
Today is January 21, 1945, nice day. I was too busy, I could not keep up in my diary so I may now commence again, we bought carpet for our room and dining room, they brought it Wednesday, January 17, and we have it laid.
Friday, April 6, 1945
Had car fixed $23.99.
Tuesday, June 5, 1945
Sold Red for $175.00 dollars and bought calf Lucky from Dorsey Smith.
Sunday, January 21, 1945
Today is January 21, 1945, nice day. I was too busy, I could not keep up in my diary so I may now commence again, we bought carpet for our room and dining room, they brought it Wednesday, January 17, and we have it laid.
Friday, April 6, 1945
Had car fixed $23.99.
Tuesday, June 5, 1945
Sold Red for $175.00 dollars and bought calf Lucky from Dorsey Smith.
October 1944
Sunday, October 1, 1944
My, I think this house is a joner right, I loved the house we sold.
Monday, October 2, 1944
We washed today.
Tuesday, October 3, 1944
Wednesday, October 4, 1944
Thursday, October 5, 1944
Silva is thinking of going home.
Friday, October 6, 1944
I cleaned, went to Orphas, Silva went home today, she gave me $2.00 for my Christmas, I bought with the 2 dollars a Buffet set, blue.
Saturday, October 7, 1944
I was here today and Betty.
Sunday, October 8, 1944
Orpha was here.
Monday, October 9, 1944
Went to Otsego to collect rent. I churned to day, Letha bought it $1.30.
Tuesday, October 10, 1944
Went to sale at Prairiesville bought 2 jacks $12.00, draw 25ct. post hole digger $2.10 and pipe $1.10.
Wednesday, October 11, 1944
I did my wash, but it is cold, cloudy and damp.
Thursday, October 12, 1944
Went to sale near Fulton. Bought piano scarf $1.75, quilt top $2.25, 3 art 30ct., stand top 10ct. and paid 75ct. for goods I never got.
Friday, October 13, 1944
Stayed home and worked.
Saturday, October 14, 1944
Sunday, October 15, 1944
Stayed home.
Monday, October 16, 1944
Went to Otsego, Joyce was sick with a cold, brought a rabbit home with us from Merle's.
Tuesday, October 17, 1944
Wednesday, October 18, 1944
Bobby came today, says he wanted to go hunting.
Thursday, October 18, 1944
Bobby got a rabbit, was not out very long, had it for dinner.
Friday, October 19, 1944
Bobby is playing horseshoes, Dad and I are fixing the cellar. Bobby went home tonight, Bud and Orpha come after him, Claudia sure is sweet.
(Last entry for 1944.)
My, I think this house is a joner right, I loved the house we sold.
Monday, October 2, 1944
We washed today.
Tuesday, October 3, 1944
Wednesday, October 4, 1944
Thursday, October 5, 1944
Silva is thinking of going home.
Friday, October 6, 1944
I cleaned, went to Orphas, Silva went home today, she gave me $2.00 for my Christmas, I bought with the 2 dollars a Buffet set, blue.
Saturday, October 7, 1944
I was here today and Betty.
Sunday, October 8, 1944
Orpha was here.
Monday, October 9, 1944
Went to Otsego to collect rent. I churned to day, Letha bought it $1.30.
Tuesday, October 10, 1944
Went to sale at Prairiesville bought 2 jacks $12.00, draw 25ct. post hole digger $2.10 and pipe $1.10.
Wednesday, October 11, 1944
I did my wash, but it is cold, cloudy and damp.
Thursday, October 12, 1944
Went to sale near Fulton. Bought piano scarf $1.75, quilt top $2.25, 3 art 30ct., stand top 10ct. and paid 75ct. for goods I never got.
Friday, October 13, 1944
Stayed home and worked.
Saturday, October 14, 1944
Sunday, October 15, 1944
Stayed home.
Monday, October 16, 1944
Went to Otsego, Joyce was sick with a cold, brought a rabbit home with us from Merle's.
Tuesday, October 17, 1944
Wednesday, October 18, 1944
Bobby came today, says he wanted to go hunting.
Thursday, October 18, 1944
Bobby got a rabbit, was not out very long, had it for dinner.
Friday, October 19, 1944
Bobby is playing horseshoes, Dad and I are fixing the cellar. Bobby went home tonight, Bud and Orpha come after him, Claudia sure is sweet.
(Last entry for 1944.)
September 1944
(Rosa and Orby sell the farm on V Avenue to Matthew Scholten for $10,000.00 and then purchased the farm on W Avenue from Jewel Sherman, 1 mile separates the two farms. Currently the house on W Avenue is not there, it was damaged by a truck a few years ago and it was torn down)
Friday, September 1, 1944
Went to look for a place, then went to Otsego, saw Betty's baby. It sure is skinny and small. (Side note: Betty's baby Sandra becomes Miss. Otsego a few years later).
Saturday, September 2, 1944
Mother to gray rabbits had babies last night. 2 dead.
Sunday, September 3, 1944
This day 1944. Orby said in 8 years one could re buy this home for $5,000.00, I say no. The Waite farm. The party that bought this farm is done plowing for wheat.
Monday, September 4, 1944
Went to Otsego, Daisy was taking care of the baby while Betty and Rosie was gadding around and she is sick too.
Tuesday, September 5, 1944
Looks rainy, went to look for a lake cottage. Scholton plowed for Legas today, $3.50 per acre.
Wednesday, September 6, 1944
My pretty rabbit and the white mother below had babies last night. It is trying to rain. It rained quite a bit this forenoon. Mr. Sherman and wife was to see us about buying their farm.
Thursday, September 7, 1944
A very nice day, but little cold. The white rabbit in top cage had her babies last night, now all mothers have babies but two, the black one and the one Bud gave me.
Went to Crooked Lake to see about cottages.
Friday, September 8, 1944
Stayed home all day waiting for Scholton. Got letter from Lydia, said Earl baby boy died in May 3, 1944, age 10 months. The soldier man 36 years old never got his box the folks sent as he died and Orby said his folks would never get it back, I say yes they could)
Saturday, September 9, 1944
Killed 2 rabbits, one young buck and 1 small rabbit, we bought in July.
Sunday, September 10, 1944
Stayed home, thought Ike would be over, they did not come. We took a little drive, we was gone from home 1 1/2 hours.
Monday, September 11, 1944
Went to Otsego then went to look at places around Kalamazoo.
Tuesday, September 12, 1944
Look for places.
Wednesday, September 13, 1944
Still looking for places, a real estate man took us to look at a farm near Almo.
Thursday, September 14, 1944
A real estate man was here this morning, rained some but I washed then went to Kalamazoo.
Friday, September 15, 1944
Stayed home and sorted out some things in barn, we want to keep.
Saturday, September 16, 1944
Sunday, September 17, 1944
Merle was here bought my rabbits for $20.00, coops and rabbits.
Monday, September 18, 1944
We are getting ready for sale on Saturday.
Tuesday, September 19, 1944
Wednesday, September 20, 1944
Getting ready for sale.
Thursday, September 21, 1944
I churned today.
Friday, September 22, 1944
Silva came this evening, a lady brought her as she got lost.
Saturday, September 23, 1944
Had our sale today, Daisy bought my table and Bud got the victrola. Merle got some dishes.
Sunday, September 24, 1944
Stayed home to collect from sale.
Monday, September 25, 1944
Stayed home to collect from sales.
Tuesday, September 26, 1944
I did my wash, did some cleaning.
Wednesday, September 27, 1944
Sold rabbits to Scholten $10.00 for rabbits and cages. Cleaned mattress.
September 28, 1944
Bought farm off Jewel Sherman.
September 29, 1944
We are moving to the farm, we got off Sherman's.
September 30, 1944
Moved to the farm just 1 mile from my other farm. Our dog Bush got killed today, he never would mind. (This is the farm that is on the Southwest corner of W Avenue)
Friday, September 1, 1944
Went to look for a place, then went to Otsego, saw Betty's baby. It sure is skinny and small. (Side note: Betty's baby Sandra becomes Miss. Otsego a few years later).
Saturday, September 2, 1944
Mother to gray rabbits had babies last night. 2 dead.
Sunday, September 3, 1944
This day 1944. Orby said in 8 years one could re buy this home for $5,000.00, I say no. The Waite farm. The party that bought this farm is done plowing for wheat.
Monday, September 4, 1944
Went to Otsego, Daisy was taking care of the baby while Betty and Rosie was gadding around and she is sick too.
Tuesday, September 5, 1944
Looks rainy, went to look for a lake cottage. Scholton plowed for Legas today, $3.50 per acre.
Wednesday, September 6, 1944
My pretty rabbit and the white mother below had babies last night. It is trying to rain. It rained quite a bit this forenoon. Mr. Sherman and wife was to see us about buying their farm.
Thursday, September 7, 1944
A very nice day, but little cold. The white rabbit in top cage had her babies last night, now all mothers have babies but two, the black one and the one Bud gave me.
Went to Crooked Lake to see about cottages.
Friday, September 8, 1944
Stayed home all day waiting for Scholton. Got letter from Lydia, said Earl baby boy died in May 3, 1944, age 10 months. The soldier man 36 years old never got his box the folks sent as he died and Orby said his folks would never get it back, I say yes they could)
Saturday, September 9, 1944
Killed 2 rabbits, one young buck and 1 small rabbit, we bought in July.
Sunday, September 10, 1944
Stayed home, thought Ike would be over, they did not come. We took a little drive, we was gone from home 1 1/2 hours.
Monday, September 11, 1944
Went to Otsego then went to look at places around Kalamazoo.
Tuesday, September 12, 1944
Look for places.
Wednesday, September 13, 1944
Still looking for places, a real estate man took us to look at a farm near Almo.
Thursday, September 14, 1944
A real estate man was here this morning, rained some but I washed then went to Kalamazoo.
Friday, September 15, 1944
Stayed home and sorted out some things in barn, we want to keep.
Saturday, September 16, 1944
Sunday, September 17, 1944
Merle was here bought my rabbits for $20.00, coops and rabbits.
Monday, September 18, 1944
We are getting ready for sale on Saturday.
Tuesday, September 19, 1944
Wednesday, September 20, 1944
Getting ready for sale.
Thursday, September 21, 1944
I churned today.
Friday, September 22, 1944
Silva came this evening, a lady brought her as she got lost.
Saturday, September 23, 1944
Had our sale today, Daisy bought my table and Bud got the victrola. Merle got some dishes.
Sunday, September 24, 1944
Stayed home to collect from sale.
Monday, September 25, 1944
Stayed home to collect from sales.
Tuesday, September 26, 1944
I did my wash, did some cleaning.
Wednesday, September 27, 1944
Sold rabbits to Scholten $10.00 for rabbits and cages. Cleaned mattress.
September 28, 1944
Bought farm off Jewel Sherman.
September 29, 1944
We are moving to the farm, we got off Sherman's.
September 30, 1944
Moved to the farm just 1 mile from my other farm. Our dog Bush got killed today, he never would mind. (This is the farm that is on the Southwest corner of W Avenue)
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