(Rosa and Orby have a little "difference of opinion". Hey, not bad for almost 2 years of peeking over their shoulders.)
Note: This Diary contains years 1941 and 1942.
Tuesday, December 1, 1942
53 eggs. Orby went to Kalamazoo to order doors and get gas made out. I did my wash, I feel stiff and sore. Bought our first 2 lb. coffee, getting our corner shelves and ironing board door made, still cold and ice.
Wednesday, December 2, 1942
53 eggs. Snowed last night and sure cold today. It was so cold Orby put little sows in barn, churned 1 lb. 11 oz. butter.
Thursday, December 3, 1942
52 eggs. We put up doors, I ironed and put up the lace curtains in dining room, 3 pair new curtains.
Friday, December 4, 1942
45 eggs. Orby said the little pigs was eating a little corn. Some what warmer to day, nice over head. Orby went to Vicksburg, pad light bill $6.78, and bought egg mash $5.60.
Saturday, December 5, 1942
53 eggs. Orby put door on the bathroom and left hole to plug up, would not listen to me, just bull head, he sure is a mean old shit and I know it to live in the house with one is the thing to do to find ones old mean ways.
Sunday, December 6, 1942
41 eggs. Went to Elmer's had a very nice dinner and good time. Roads were quite slippery.
Monday, December 7, 1942
48 eggs. Went to Otsego, sold 27 doz. eggs @ 46 ct. dozen, sold 55 ct. butter to Daisy and 45 ct. butter to Orpha. Merle has a new radio. Daisy has a bad cold, got home 12 o'clock tonight.
Tuesday, December 8, 1942
48 eggs. I went to Orpha to can chicken, we canned 4 qt. in pressure cooker 1 hour, and 4 qt. in cooker 1/2 hour. we canned 8 qts., we put in oven 3 hours.
Wednesday, December 9, 1942
49 eggs. I cleaned 10 more roosters to can tomorrow. Orby bought straw and 2 doz. gt. jars.
Thursday, December 10, 1942
46 eggs. Orpha and I cleaned 9 roosters, canned them and Bud come for supper. 4 qts. cook 20 minutes in Kerr tops cans.
Friday, December 11, 1942
46 eggs. Buds bought Dixie last night, she is contented here the way she acts. (dog)
I saw pigs today, they are cute. 4 weeks. Lots of snow on ground and trying to snow, very icy. Dad got rabbit today, hung it on line to freeze.
Saturday, December 12, 1942
49 eggs. I saw the pigs last night, they look pretty ragged but some are nice. We are giving them some pig feed and some eat a little. It was a very nice day today, not very cold but there is still lots of snow on ground.
Sunday, December 13, 1942
48 eggs. Orpha was here for supper, Bud went rabbit hunting and got 1 rabbit. Had a very nice time. Bobby brought my dash hound he made, it sure is a lovely sweet boy, how I love him.
Monday, December 14, 1942
51 eggs. Sold 17 doz. eggs. I did my wash and I am tired but we have to go to Otsego tonight after rent and take Daisy 45 ct. butter, 92 ct. eggs, Merle 50 ct. butter and 46 ct. eggs.
Tuesday, December 15, 1942
44 eggs. I cleaned up a little, my headaches, it is trying to snow but not bad, not so cold. Sent order $2.41 to Montgomery, $7.40 to Chicago mail order. The little pigs is starting to eat good.
Wednesday, December 16, 1942
47 eggs. Sure nice day, Orby is flailing out beans, so he can put car in barn. Snow quite deep am having my first rabbit for dinner. Man got stuck in snow, west of place, yesterday and one today.
Thursday, December 19, 1942
50 eggs. Merle and family was here a while this morning. Joyce had some breaking out on her body, don't know what. Its a nice day but we got lot of snow, got some of my Christmas orderes, got 3 more cards. (Notice a little problem with the dates, but I'm staying true to what Rosa has written, after all, it's her diary.)
Friday, December 20, 1942
28 eggs. We stayed home and Orby stained the quarter round for the front and dining room. It is a swell day today, Sun bright but lots of snow. Sold 2 doz eggs 92 ct. butter 50 ct. Took supper with Orpha, had rabbit for supper.
Monday, December 21, 1942
44 eggs. I churned 2 lb. 4 oz. butter, went to Otsego and to Merle's. took Letha 43 ct. butter, Daisy 2 doz. eggs 92 ct., Joyce has chicken pox and itches a lot.
Tuesday, December 22, 1942
43 eggs. We changed our dining room in to a living room for this winter, to save fuel. Was a nice day, thawed and snow settling. Little pig got killed.
Wednesday, December 23, 1942
41 eggs. Took pigs from sows today. It is a nice day but lot of snow. Orby went to Kalamazoo took Dorothy gift and bought gifts for Merle's children.
Thursday, December 24, 1942
34 eggs. Today it is nice out, only lot of snow. The old sows don't like giving up her pigs. Orby cleaned out hen house.
Friday, December 25, 1942
Today Merle is having Letha's folks and her sister's family to dinner. (Christmas Day)
Saturday, December 26, 1942
44 eggs. It was rainy all day, snow going fast.
Sunday, December 27, 1942
Had no lights last nite and went to Merle's. Buds went along, had a very nice time and Christmas dinner. I gave Joyce a nice little doll, she like it, then we went to Daisy's at Otsego.
Monday, December 28,1942
37 eggs. Took 18 doz. eggs to town, sold them @ 46 ct. dozen. I also churned butter, 2 lbs. Some for Daisy, some for Merle's. Bobby is here for a few days.
Tuesday, December 29, 1942
44 eggs. Went to Plainwell to Merle's for dinner. Dad went to Otsego and served papers on Hattens for to get rent or get out. Bobby exchanged the White Christmas for this is worth fighting for. The snow is nearly all gone and was a sure nice day, lot of people in town. Sold Letha 1 lb. butter, Daisy 1 lb.
Wednesday, December 30, 1942
38 eggs. Large sow will get pigs in 112 days. Bobby and Dad went to Vicksburg to get tractor fixed.
Thursday, December 31, 1942
39 eggs. Bobby went home today, Orpha and Bud came and got him. I sold Orpha 1 lb. 1 oz. butter and 2 doz. eggs. 92 ct.
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