From the Memoranda Page, she has written:
The Lord bless thee and keep thee. The Lord maketh his face shine on thee and be gracious unto thee. The Lord lifted up his conscious unto thee and give thee peace. In Jesus name, Amen.
Friday, January 1, 1943
46 eggs. It is a very nice day. Snow all gone, only where drifted. Bobby went home yesterday.
Saturday, January 2, 1943
41 eggs. Orby took 13 doz. eggs to Kalamazoo, sold for 46 ct. doz., bought 2 hundred lb. egg mash, Vitality Egg Producer.
Sunday, January 3, 1943
37 eggs. It is snowing today and quite cold.
Monday, January 4, 1943
36 eggs. Bought 1830 lbs. coal $7.10. Nice day but little cold, snow melting some. Churned butter for Merle and Daisy. 2 lb. 9 oz. 58 ct. Joyce is over the Chicken Pox but David and Clare has them.
Tuesday, January 5, 1943
39 eggs. Started painting cupboards white, quite nice out, snow all gone.
Wednesday, January 6, 1943
It snowed today, finished painting cupboards and I did the wash, also churned 1 lb. 10 oz. butter for Orpha and I. Breed my sow.
Thursday, January 7, 1943
40 eggs. We are painting the kitchen wall blue. It sure is nice. Sure cold and still snowing, snow quite deep.
Friday, January 8, 1943
31 eggs. Today the snow is melting and it is nice over head. Orby went and got more feed, cow and pigs at safeway. $4.20 hundred meddlings, $2.20. Orby paid tax on farm today.
Saturday, January 9, 1943
36 eggs. I was to Orpha this forenoon and Orby came to dinner also we had a good visit. Orby went to Stuck for a hearing of Hattens rent, sold Orpha 52 ct. 1#3 butter and 2 doz. eggs. 92 ct. Haywood's stopped in to look at hens.
Sunday, January 10, 1943
38 eggs. It was quite nice out today, changed little pigs to brooder house. Snow on ground and some what cold. I churned butter, Merle and Daisy, I kept 1# 7oz.
Monday, January 11, 1943
39 eggs. It looked cold out, we killed calf today. It dressed 125 lbs. cost $1.50 to get it dressed. I sold Letha and Daisy l lb. each of butter. I made 6 lb. 2 oz. The above calf was bought October 16, 1942 (Yep, cost $13.00)
Tuesday, January 12, 1943
29 eggs. Lots snow on ground and still snowing. Our drive is full of snow, Orby fixed over the table today, made the legs stand straight.
Wednesday, January 13, 1943
38 eggs. Orby painted doors, got oil cloth and dish covers today. Pigs born Nov. 13 today are 2 months old.
Thursday, January 14, 1943
41 eggs. I churned 3 lb. butter today. Put the shelf oil cloth in cupboards.
Friday,January 15, 1943
32 eggs. It snowed some today, we are still painting and fixing the upstairs. I got a letter from Lydia today. I went and saw the little pigs, they are growing fine.
Saturday, January 16, 1943
32 eggs. Went to Kalamazoo, got oil cloth for cupboards, sold 19 1/2 doz. eggs @46 per dozen. Bought first pellets, feed for hens.
Sunday, January 17, 1943
32 eggs. Merle's was here to dinner, had a very nice visit, he brought his records. He has a lot nice ones. The children sure are growing big, Clare acted so cute.
Monday, January 18, 1943
34 eggs. We went to Otsego to collect rent, went passed Orpah, sold her 1 lb. 5 oz. 58 ct. butter and 2 doz. eggs. $1.50 and Merle 80 and Daisy 83 ct. butter. Got some rent from Hattens, left at Stucks, Ike was sick with rupture.
Tuesday, January 19, 1943
37 eggs. I did the wash, Orby painted then 6 o'clock when Orby went to milk, I looked out and saw the neighbors house burning down, our nearest neighbor also our lights went out.
Wednesday, January 20, 1943
36 eggs. The light still out and we have no way to get water or to cook and it is 11 o'clock. Had light on at 2 o'clock.
Thursday, January 21, 1943
24 eggs. I did the ironing and Dad shoveled out driveway, got our dining and bedroom light from Spiegels. Got coal 2100 lbs. $8.90.
Friday, January 22, 1943
37 eggs. I churned 1 lb. 12 oz. butter for me and 1 lb. 5 oz for Orpha. Bought spark plugs for car today, a very nice day. I went with Orby to start the car, it would not run. I made 6#12oz butter from our May cow in one week.
Saturday, January 23, 1943
29 eggs. Orby went to Kalamazoo, he bought bread box $1.59, sure is a large one. It is a very nice day. Our smallest kitten got killed. I was very sorry. Sold 17 doz. eggs @46 ct. per dozen.
Sunday, January 24, 1943
Stayed home all day, looked for Buds but they did not come, then we cut and fit the linoleum for room upstairs.
Monday, January 25, 1943
29 eggs. It is some colder, I churned 3 lb. butter today, will take Daisy 1 lb. 8 oz. 67 ct., Merle 1 lb. 8 oz. 67 ct.. I also will take Orpha her l lbs. 5 oz butter 58 ct. Kept 1 lb. 13 oz. 1 week 6 lb. 2 oz.
Tuesday, January 26, 1943
35 egg. We sold 27 hens 151 1/2 lbs. @ 30 ct. per lb. $45.45. We now have 86 hens, 1 rooster.
Wednesday, January 27, 1943
29 eggs. It was very nice today, but we have quite lot of snow on ground. Orby is wiring up hen house.
Thursday, January 28, 1943
33 eggs. Nice day. I did the wash, Orby went to town and to Orphas, got the chicken pen from Buds, also bought 17 hundred lbs. coal $6.46. Also bought pullets, will get little rabbits.
Friday, January 29, 1943
31 eggs. nice day, little colder and snow some. Orby try to fix light in hen coop.
Saturday, January 30, 1943
34 eggs. Sold 16 doz. eggs @46 ct. $7.36. Was nice day. Laerke hauled corn, this is second load. Paul Hinkle got killed at New Guinea.
Sunday, January 31, 1943
33 eggs. Buds come for dinner, had a good time, it started to snow hard just before they started home. Orpha brought me 1 gt. tomatoes. The wind is blowing hard. Sold 1 lb. 5 oz. butter to Orpha also 2 doz eggs $1.53. I kept 1 lb. 9 oz.
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