(Rosa wrote this in diary:
Cost for iron wheel wagon, running gears $7.00, dump boards $1.25, bolster $.50, bolster board $.62, Total $9.37
Cost to make trailer, tie wheels $2.50, irons $2.80, sharp drills - drilling holes $.50, cost of welding $4.00, lumber and bolts $3.99.
(Rosa will be 62 in 1943, Orby 60, Daisy 44, Orpha 33, and Merle 28.)
Monday, February 1, 1943
39 Eggs. Just got the light fixed okay in hen house, the line wire was not right, that was the our trouble. Sold Merle 1#13 oz. butter 81 ct. and Daisy 1#12 oz. 78 ct. Bought pellets $3.05. I made last week 6#7 oz. butter.
Tuesday, February 2, 1943
34 eggs. It is sure a nice day, haven't done much of anything only sit and read some. Just heard over radio the president Roosevelt traveled on his trip 17 thousand miles.
Wednesday, February 3, 1943
34 eggs. It was rainy and awful slippery and little colder, Orby is putting light in barn.
Thursday, February 4, 1943
34 eggs. We cut up the meat tonight will can it tomorrow, Orby went to Schoolcraft and car went hay wire. Cost $3.88. It sure is icy on roads.
Friday, February 5, 1943
28 eggs. Mr. Lerke has hauled 5 load corn, sure nice day. I canned our meat and will make vegetable soup. 27 pint and I canned 30 qt. beef.
Saturday, February 6, 1943
38 eggs. Eggs now 40 ct. doz. Orby went to Kalamazoo, sold 15 doz eggs @40 ct. Sold Orpha 1#14oz. butter and 2 doz eggs. It sure is windy tonight, snow drifting, quite cold. Orpha has 50 New Hampshire chickens 1 week old.
Sunday, February 7, 1943
28 eggs. The wind still blowing. Dad put the muffler on car. Today painted stairway.
Monday, February 8, 1943
29 eggs. Went to Otsego, I stayed to Letha while dad went to get rent. Merle had some new records, the children was glad to get the valentines. Letha gave me can pickles and glass jelly. We did not get all rent. Churned Letha 1#3oz, Daisy 1#5oz, Orpha 1#14 oz. I kept 1#15 oz. 6 lb. 5 oz. in 1 week.
Tuesday, February 9, 1943
31 eggs. I did my wash and hung part outdoors. First time this winter it was a very nice day, but some cold. We also put the stair carpet down.
Wednesday, February 10, 1943
35 eggs. Ordered hybrid AA non-sexed Clover Valley $13.45 N. Hampshire Baned Rocks and from Helms, I ordered AA Golden Buff Orpingtons $14.90 non-sexed. Paid for Orpingtons $14.20 and Hamshirerocks $13.00, discount off COD added.
Thursday, February 11, 1943
27 eggs. I cleaned upstairs, it was very cold today.
Friday, February 12, 1943
37 eggs. It is still cold.
Saturday, February 13, 1943
29 eggs. Went to Orpahs had a nice time, she has her kitchen painted yellow. Sure pretty, their chickens are nice, haven't lost any of the 50.
Sunday, February 14, 1943
29 eggs. Merle was here to dinner, had a good time and Orphas came in afternoon. I got for my Birthday, 3 records from Merle's and $1.00 from Orphas.
Monday, February 15, 1943
30 eggs. Got word that chicks soon be here. Went to Otsego, put ad in paper to rent house on Morrell Street. Letha gave me box for my chicks, Betty gave me card. Letha 1#, Daisy 1#6oz. I kept 1#2.
Tuesday, February 16, 1943
27 eggs. Got my chicks from Helms, Illinois today, 104 Buff Orpinstons, 1 dead, cost $14.20 with COD charges.
Wednesday, February 17, 1943
28 eggs. We are making another place to keep my New Hampshire rocks, they will be here a round the 22nd. Paid chick feed and 1.00 checkerboard rolled oats 10 lb.
Thursday, February 18, 1943
25 eggs. Sold 30 hens at 30 ct. a lb. got $55.20 for them, I have 56 hens left, 48 reds and 8 white. I got 2 new white slips to day 79cts a piece, and I also got Kreml hair tonic and acetone.
Friday, February 19, 1943
26 eggs. Took ride to see about saw mill lumber, then cleaned upstairs to get ready for my chicks that are coming. Nice day.
Saturday, February 20, 1943
23 eggs. Went to Orpha, her chickens look nice, they are in their basement. Sold Orpha 1#14oz. butter, 2 doz. eggs, butter 85 Cts, eggs 80 cts, $1.65.
Sunday, February 21, 1943
27 eggs. Stayed home all day, made another coop for my baby new Hampshire rocks, a very nice day out but awful muddy.
Monday, February 22, 1943
23 eggs. Orby went to Otsego, I stayed home, I was not well. I sold Daisy 1#13oz. 80 ct. Lether 1#3oz. 53 ct. I kept 7 oz.
Tuesday, February 23, 1943
27 eggs. Got my New Hampshire rocks today from Clover Valley Ramsey Indiana. Cost $13.00 with COD charges, 102 chicks, 2 dead.
Wednesday, February 24, 1943
25 eggs. Sure nice day and ground drying up fast.
Thursday, February 25, 1943
36 eggs. It sure is a nice day, Orby finished husking corn in the south field and hauled out chicken manure and bought up some apple limbs. Churned today 3 lb. 5 oz. butter. Orpah 2 lb, I kept 1#5oz. Mother's birthday, if living would be 91 today.
Friday, February 26, 1943
28 eggs. It turned cold, snowed a little last night, but it is blowing hard today. Orby is going to Vicksburg today for the can ration cards. Sure windy.
Saturday, February 27, 1943
Quite cold and windy.
Sunday, February 28, 1943
27 eggs. Buds was here a while this afternoon, they sold their car and bought a model A ford. Nice day. (Way to go daddy)
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