Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

January 1947

(Rosa and Orby are living on a farm in Vicksburg Michigan on the corner of W Avenue and Portage Road, their friends The Dennis' live just north on Portage Road, about a mile away. They are still working on the house and farming. Rosa will be 66 in February and Orby will be 64 in August 1947)

Wednesday, January 1, 1947
Went to Dennis' had waffle supper.
Thursday, January 2, 1947
Stayed home all day.
Friday, January 3, 1947
Orby went to Vicksburg after some groceries.
Saturday, January 4, 1947
Orby went to Vicksburg. We killed hen, baked 2 cakes, 2 pies. Scholton got 50 baskets oats. Bought 1/2 doz eggs off Mrs. Lega cost 25cts.
Sunday, January 5, 1947
Orpha, Bud, Bob and Claudia was here to dinner. Bob got a live rabbit.
Monday, January 6, 1947
Washed clothes today.
Tuesday, January 7, 1947
Went to Kalamazoo, saw Palma in 10 cent store. We bought white enamel for to paint bathroom.
Wednesday, January 8, 1947
Mr. Hardy was here this morning. Orby is taking 2 yearling cows to sales. Mr. Dennis is going with him. Mrs. Dennis will stay with me. Nice day, quite icy. The heifer 745 lb. at $14.75 a lb., 730 lb. steer at $15.50 a lb. Got $113.15 and $109.89. Dennis' stayed for supper, paid out $6.69 to sell cows.
Thursday, January 9, 1947
It is snowing hard this morning. Orby went to Sale, where they had shingles to sell but did not stay, I made over a dress in to an apron.
Friday, January 10, 1947
Orby took 6 1/2 month old calf to butcher. Rosie called up, she is a darling, bless her.
Saturday, January 11, 1947
Orby went to Sale over by Climax. I stayed home, had mess of liver from calf we butchered for dinner. The snow is leaving fast.
Sunday, January 12, 1947
Merles was here for dinner. They brought cream for coffee. Had a nice time. Roy Hann come too, he was here dinner and supper. Letha done all the dishes after dinner. She is a darling to help me when i so needed it as i was so tired.
Monday, January 13, 1947
Went to Otsego, Daisy gave me an old dress for a pattern. I saw Betty, but she did not give a present to me for Christmas.
Tuesday, January 14, 1947
Orby is enameling the bathroom today.
Wednesday, January 15, 1947
Putting on rose in bathroom, sure nice day. Sun shinning and not too cold.
Thursday, January 16, 1947
Friday, January 17, 1947
Saturday, January 18, 1947
Orpha and Bud came to get some meat.
Sunday, January 19, 1947
We canned meat today, but I was not well. Leja was here a while today.
Monday, January 20, 1947
Had Doctor last night but am better this morning and canned meat.
Tuesday, January 21, 1947
Orby went after paint.
Wednesday, January 22, 1947
Orby went to exchange paint for rooms.
Thursday, January 23, 1947
I am not so good if I don't get better, I will have the Doctor again. Sent 4 orders today, Aldens, Spiegel, Montgomery and Sears.
Friday, January 24, 1947
Dr. Rasmussen come to see me today. Dad took Merles over a mess of beef. Mrs. Dennis was here, nice day.
Saturday, January 25, 1947
Merle and Letha was here, Letha has a new permanent.
Sunday, January 26, 1947
Monday, January 27, 1947
We to Otsego, took Daisy some meat and 1 doz. eggs. Bought glass skillet.
Tuesday, January 28, 1947
Started painting after we come back from seeing brooder.
Wednesday, January 29, 1947
Broke glass skillet. Still painting, will finish diningroom today, then will paint front room.
Thursday, January 30, 1947
Painted frontroom
Friday, January 31, 1947
Still painting. Painted my bedroom.

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