(Rosa's father: Andrew Marion Hann, her mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher Hann, her Sisters: Lydia Ellen Hann Newman, Silvia Hann, Brother: William Sylvester Hann.
William married Sylvia Dell McGuire had children: Elmer Earl, Roy Earl and Daisy Marie)
Friday, October 1,1943
7 eggs. Was nice today, Orby put the second roof on front porch.
Saturday, October 2,1943
9 eggs. Was nice today.
Sunday, October 3, 1943
8 eggs. Went to Orphas for dinner, Bud and Bob had went fishing with the neighbor. They caught 16. After dinner Dorothy and husband came, had a good time.
Monday, October 4, 1943
9 eggs. Nice day, went to Otsego to get rent, sold Letha $1.38 and Daisy $1.59 ct. butter. Our refrigerator went hay wire, cost $3.00 for the condenser. We got it at Comstock.
Tuesday, October 5, 1943
10 eggs. Bought two heifers today, one I think is part Jersy and I bet she will make a good cow, her tail is slim.
Wednesday, October 6, 1943
12 eggs. Went after heifers at Fulton, and got the two heifers, red one cost $68.00 the other $61.00. Bought water cooler 60 ct. stainer $1.60, water fountain $2.00. Dad thins both heifers are derm, I think one is part Jersey.
Thursday, October 7, 1943
9 eggs. I washed today. sold two sows and 7 shoats for $260.00. Shoats 11 months old. (shoats? Baby sheep?)
Friday, October 8, 1943
9 eggs. Dug potatoes got 40 bushel, nice day.
Saturday, October 9, 1943
7 eggs. We cut the pigs this morning, some were only 11 days old. Nice day. (not for the pigs!)
Sunday, October 10, 1943
11 eggs. Stayed home, Orby cleaned out hen coop.
Monday, October 11, 1943
9 eggs. Went to Otsego in evening to collect rent, sure nice day and evening.
Tuesday, October 12, 1943
7 eggs. Went to sale at Portage Center, bought sheep's trough.
Wednesday, October 13, 1943
11 eggs. I did the wash, it rained and turned colder. Bought Dr. Hess Special for the pigs $2.10, 15 lbs. Medicine.
Thursday, October 14, 1943
8 eggs. Orby cut some corn and fixed door on hen coop. I cleaned my bedroom today, sent Betty a card for her Birthday, she is 16 today. Rainy and bad.
Friday, October 15, 1943
Bought me bottle three S today, still rainy and bad, some colder. Today in 1897 my mother died in Lafontain, Indiana, she was brought to Courter Indiana for burial.
Saturday, October 16, 1943
I did my ironing, Orby is cutting some corn on west side field, It is cloudy and looks like more rain.
Sunday, October 17, 1943
9 eggs. We stayed home, Orby cut door in between the horse barn and cow barn.
Monday, October 18, 1943
5 eggs. Orby went to get tire inspected. The men put up snow fence today. The cat and her kittens went a way last night. Bobby got a gun for his Birthday.(15)
Tuesday, October 19, 1943
5 eggs. Orby put water in main barn today, I did some cleaning. Big frost last night.
Wednesday, October 20, 1943
4 eggs. Nice day but little cold, frost last night. I sold Orby my sweater today.
(got to love her)
Thursday, October 21, 1943
4 eggs. Husk corn and puddy holes in house to get ready to paint.
Friday, October 22, 1943
5 eggs. Went to sale 2 miles east of Vicksburg, bought side rake mower, separator, scythe, pulleys, mower. Our old cat came back.
Saturday, October 23, 1943
Went to sale bought wire for clothes line. Sold butter Orpha $1.50, Letha's friend $2.41. $2.91.
Sunday, October 24, 1943
5 eggs. Merle's was here to dinner then Ike, Daisy, Dorthy, Rog came. Ike bought corn. Orby went after rake and mower. Sold Letha $1.53.
Monday, October 25, 1943
6 eggs. Went to Otsego, rented little house on Orleans. Sold Letha friend $1.36, Orpha $1.05, Daisy $1.08, $3.39.
Tuesday, October 26, 1943
8 eggs. Went to look at 2 calves, bought elbow and pipe $1.71 for Parchment house.
Wednesday, October 27, 1943
11 eggs. Looked for Bobby today, I fixed cake, jello, chicken tomoorow is his birthday. (14) We went to sale after noon, bought stool $1.50, battery glass jar. Orby is husking corn.
Thursday, October 28, 1943
5 eggs. I did cleaning and ironing. Bud come and him and Dad went hunting, got 1 rabbit. He had two teeth pulled. Bought 60 gal gas.
Friday, October 29, 1943
8 eggs. Orby went to Kalamazoo bought coal, he brought home the radio, then he husked corn after dinner, it is quite cold.
Saturday, October 30, 1943
Orby is husking corn this forenoon.
Sunday, October 31, 1943
Stayed home, fixed place for our pigs to sleep. Roy Hann, wife and Silva came and stayed a while today. Silva eat dinner, but Roy and wife went to Vicksburg. (Roy is one of brother Williams son, Silva would be Williams widow, so Rosa had a blood sister named Silvia and a sister-in-law named Sylvia Dell McGuire Hann, I think)
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