Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Saturday, January 30, 2010

June 1961

Thursday, June 1, 1961
Went to Allegan with Daisy and Ike. Daisy bought drapes for her front room and Daisy and I bought a hat, hers blue, mine pink. I had dinner there. Got letter from Merle.
Friday, June 2, 1961
Dad wen to Kalamazoo to sell asparagus and rhubarb and got new battery for our car, cost $12.95 difference. It rained a big shower around 6 pm. Joyce lost baby.
Saturday, June 3, 1961
Daisy and Ike come over, was here a while, when we looked out and saw around hundred old cars, there is a parade here in Kalamazoo this afternoon. They look awful nice, such old cars, a sight to see.
Sunday, June 4, 1961
Stayed home and had company, Mr. Frank Williams was here, she saw Dad to Parchment store so found out we lived on Douglas, so we had a very nice visit.
Monday, June 5, 1961
I did a big wash while Dad went to sell his asparagus, got a letter from Clare today, was glad to hear from him. Bee man was here today.
Tuesday, June 6, 1961
This morning I went out and put stone all around our large flower bed, and then come in and did my large ironing. Just heard President Kennedy's speech, he just come from seeing Cuba.
Wednesday, June 7, 1961
Went to Kalamazoo with Dorothy, left here around 4 o'clock, got home at 9 o'clock, bought new material for new drapes for front room, new gloves, 2 rose bushes, a pair of red shoes but they are pretty tight. I want to exchange them for larger. We had great time. Had something to eat for supper at the dime store. 1 yard drapes 99cts. 36 inches wide $26.84 tax $1.06, 2 spools of thread 58 cts.
Thursday, June 8, 1961
I just talked to Orpha she is coming over if it don't rain. She and Rosemary come, we had a nice visit and good dinner, had strawberries for the first time. We also had asparagus and rhubarb, Dad sold the first strawberries @ 40 ct. qt.
Friday, June 9, 1961
Dad took strawberries today and got 45 ct. a qt. for them. Dad bought me a new pair shears cost $4.68 with tax.
Saturday, June 10, 1961
Daisy and Ike were here a while, Dorothy took my shoes back and got $5.19 so Daisy brought that over. I gave her a big bunch of Iris, they were 10 colors in them. Sent Clare a letter today. Some man knocked our mail box down and bent the iron post. I did a little wash today, got a letter from Bessie, she is better. Bought Shears at Hoekstras cost $4.50.
Sunday, June 11, 1961
Today I am cutting out my drapes for front room. It is a very nice day.
Monday, June 12, 1961
Dad went to Kalamazoo with asparagus and strawberries. I am making my new drapes for front room. It is a job, real hot today. Got some flowers out, we got at green house, petunia, asters and border flowers.
Tuesday, June 13, 1961
Dad went to Kalamazoo and got the order from Aldens, 2 girdles and 2 bras, also got new 12 inch electric fan $27.70 with tax. A Kenmore. Orpha and Claudia was here, I gave them some peonies. The man come and put in new mail box.
Wednesday, June 14, 1961
Dad went with asparagus to Plainwell, I went to Daisy's, saw her drapes, they look nice.
Thursday, June 15, 1961
I finished my drapes today and they look real nice, I sure am glad as I got pretty tired sewing them.
Friday, June 16, 1961
Dad went to Kalamazoo and I sent some of the order back to exchange for different girdles.
Saturday, June 17, 1961
Daisy and Ike came over, she said she had her drapes all fixed. Rosie did it for her, I gave her onions an d1 box strawberries yesterday. Today I did my cleaning, am tired, my side hurts where I strained it. Sent $1.00 to get another year of Workbasket Magazine. Went to Dennis' this evening, she had bought 2 pair new shoes.
Sunday, June 18, 1961
Paid $1.00 for Otsego paper for 3 months. Father's Day, stayed home till after dinner, then went to look at a trailer off gull road, put corn plaster on my foot.
Monday, June 19, 1961
Today is brother Willie's birthday. Orpha and children come over with Dad's Fathers day gift, a pair of slippers. I did a big wash and ironing. Dad went to Kalamazoo with asparagus, I sent my two coats to get cleaned
Tuesday, June 20, 1961
Wrote to Bessie. Sent bee 75 permit, send $2.00 for mail box marker. It rained a round 1 inch of water yesterday. Mrs. Williams called up about strawberries.
Wednesday, June 21, 1961
Dad took asparagus to Kalamazoo and is going to pick up my order from Aldens, also get my 2 coats from laundry. Received 2 girdles size 40, two bra size 42.
Thursday, June 22, 1961
Stayed home, Dad replanted some corn and beans. I made my bed doll a new dress. It is trying to rain, had strawberries for dinner. We don't have many as it has been too dry.
Friday, June 23, 1961
It is a gloomy cold day, drizzling rain. Stayed home all day. Our cabbage is growing nice and the radishes, I sowed is coming up nice.
Saturday, June 24, 1961
Little warmer today. After dinner I went to Orphas and Dad went to sale, but did not stay long. Bud was home, had just finished mowing his yard, back and front. He looked tired, their garden looks nice. (Orpha and Bud live on West Michigan Avenue, Oshtemo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, also known as US12 and Red Arrow Highway.)
Ike and Daisy come over for a while, brought over papers. I gave her some roses and some bra which was too large for me.
Sunday, June 25, 1961
We had company. Mr. and Mrs. Born from Portage was here a while. She had been in Borgess Hospital for 10 days, she looked bad. Then when they went home, Daisy called up and we went with them for a long ride over by Banfield and around where Grandpa lived and several places they lived, saw fine lake, then come home, we had supper. Drove a 100 miles.
Monday, June 26, 1961
Dad went to Kalamazoo this morning, got a tea ball, and elastic for my short coat. Sold 10 bunches of asparagus, I hoed weeds 1 1/2 hours and put out 15 plants of poppies. Wrote letter to Earl Newman. (Rosa is 80)
Tuesday, June 27, 1961
Had short cake for dinner. Orpha said the men come Sunday and spray painted the house that Claudia and Dennis bought. It is a nice day but chilly.
Wednesday, June 28, 1961
Dad went to sell asparagus and buy groceries. Daisy, Ike, Jerry, and Rosie was over to show us their new car, a light green Chevrolet, it is nice.
Thursday, June 29, 1961
Did not do much, I made lemon pie for dinner. Got letter from Earl Newman, he had been in hospital. Nice day today, but little warm along toward 3 o'clock.
Friday, June 30, 1961We got up at 4 this morning and drove to Otsego, as Ike and Dad went to Crooked Lake to fish. They both got a good mess. Ike got a large bass, they got home around 1 o'clock. Rosie came over there, we had a good visit. I hemmed up a dress for Daisy. Summers pulled the stake that Dad put in, then Dad drove another.

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