(World War II is happening, but so far Rosa doesn't write about it effecting their lives, yet. They don't seem to be rationing much.)
Tuesday, September 1, 1942
4 eggs. My arm hurts me and I would like to go to Doctor but Orby don't want me to. Orby still feeding corn to sows, I want him to get ground feed for them, he won't.
Wednesday, September 2, 1942
5 eggs. Orby paid me to this date. My calf is sick, Arlene washed today and ironed a few pieces. I want Orby to see Doctor but he wont do it. Dorothy married Roy Kennedy today. (Dorothy DeKilder Kennedy, Daisy's daughter)
Thursday, September 3, 1942
6 eggs. Elmer's came after Arlene, said they were going to Indiana to see Will Mcguire, we gave Arlene $5.00. My calf did last night, age 2 months. Orby is dragging wheat ground.
Friday, September 4, 1942
4 eggs. Quite cold today, wish it would warm up. Orby is dragging wheat ground, I commenced washing dishes and cooking. Orby meals yesterday. I hardly can do it.
Saturday, September 5, 1942
5 eggs. Orby went to Kalamazoo and sold calf hide at $2.16, he also got hog feed ground.
Sunday, September 6, 1942
4 eggs. Merle was here today, Letha cleaned up the house, brought me a nice marble cake and we had a very nice day. Merle drag for Dad and Joyce dusted for Grandma. Daisy and Ike was here, Daisy is not well.
Monday, September 7, 1942
5 eggs. Orby went to Otsego this morning to see about rent, rained some.
Tuesday, September 8, 1942
5 eggs. My arm some better. Orby put door on cellar way, rained tonight.
Wednesday, September 9, 1942
4 eggs. Orby is dragging ground, it is cold and damp. It rained so Orby did not drag, he put up lamps in bath and my closet and cleaned out corn crib.
Thursday, September 10, 1942
4 eggs.
Friday, September 11, 1942
4 eggs. Merle pullet laid 3 eggs today, they sure are nice.
Saturday, September 12, 1942
5 eggs. Wet, went to Merle's and Daisy and Williams, they are all pretty well. I met Rosie's Mother-in law, she seems nice.
Sunday, September 13,1942
6 eggs. Went to Orphas, Bud's dad was there, they both went fishing. I was going to stay with but changed my mind. Had a very nice time only my arm hurt bad.
Monday, September 14, 1942
2 eggs. Orby fixed fence and fixed mower. My arm pain me awful.
Tuesday, September 15, 1942
6 eggs. Went to Otsego to fix some sod in at place where Ellengers live.
Wednesday, September 16, 1942
2 eggs. Orby is trying out drill. Connon is going to make some hay for us. Arm hurts every time I ride, guess I will have to stay home a while.
Thursday, September 17, 1942
4 eggs. Orby went to see about seed wheat.
Friday, September 18, 1942
I am washing clothes but I hardly can. Baled hay, got 113 bales, 57 for us. Orby went to sale did not get much, got straw hook, cleavers and scraper. 35 cts.
Saturday, September 19, 1942
2 eggs. Orby went after seed wheat 25 bushel at $1.50 a bushel. White wheat.
Sunday, September 20, 1942
5 eggs. Willard was here, when they were about to go home, Williams and family came then Merle's come and we had our first ripe watermelons to eat. They were fine, I been sick all afternoon but I did not tell anyone.
Monday, September 21, 1942
2 eggs. Orby went and got drill. I was sick all last nite. Commenced sewing wheat at noon today, also fertilized. Paid $1.50 for wheat, and fertilizer $47.32.
Tuesday, September 22, 1942
4 eggs. Got through drilling wheat at 4:30 pm today. Drilled 25 bushel wheat, paid Cannons $5.50 for bailing hay. Quite cold today, sewed hundred lb. ferterlizer on west 15 acres near house. I commenced washing separator, myself today.
Wednesday, September 23, 1942
Orby sold clock for $1.00, he started hulling beans.
Thursday, September 24, 1942
3 eggs. Orby is finished pulling beans, I am washing. My back has hurt for a week, I think I will hae to see Doctor or get other medicine.
Friday, September 25, 1942
4 eggs. Snow. We went to Otsego, Orby started digging potatoes, Williams has moved.
Saturday, September 26, 1942
3 eggs. It snowed last nite but did not last long, as it is raining.
Sunday, September 27, 1942
5 eggs. Went to Otsego, took dinner with Daisy then went to Merle's, Letha gave me a pumpkin pie to take home for supper.
Monday, September 28, 1942
3 eggs. Hard frost last night. Went to Battle Creek to get papers served on Mrs. Warner, Orby gave me $6.00 today.
Tuesday, September 29, 1942
1 egg. Rented house on Morrell today, but rent starts Monday 5th of October to Chester Vander-Plog.
Wednesday, September 30, 1942
5 eggs. Orby finished digging potatoes, we only got 35 bushel from the 8 bushels we planted. It is a very nice day. 8 bushel Katotoins, 27 bushel Chippewa's. Daisy, Ike and Rosie was here today.
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