(Orby turns 60. Rosa doesn't know it yet, but Orpha has a secret)
Sunday, August 1, 1943
9 eggs. Went to Merle's after dinner, took 2#11oz. butter to him also took 2#11oz. to Daisy, we also took Merles gift, some shaving lotion.
Monday, August 2, 1943
5 eggs. I sure felt tired today, my headaches so. Got letter from Palma saying Minnie was going to be operated on for cancer of breast this week.
Tuesday, August 3, 1943
9 eggs. I cut out some apron patterns.
Wednesday, August 4, 1943
5 eggs. Mr.and Mrs. Graham was here to look at farm. I did wash and churned 3#8oz.
Thursday, August 5, 1943
7 eggs. Sold bushel wheat to day, mopped floor.
Friday, August 6, 1943
8 eggs. Nice day.
Saturday, August 7, 1943
8 eggs. i did ironing, Orby went to Kalamazoo. I did not go, I had headache, tomorrow is Orphas birthday.
Sunday, August 8, 1943
9 eggs. today is Orphas birthday,(33) bless her but Buds Dad is there so she has ot thoughts for her dear Mother and Dad who look so after her all these years. (violin music please)
Monday, August 9, 1943
9 eggs. We started to combine today commenced at 5 o'clock. Went to Orpha to take her gift, they were not at home.
Tuesday, August 10, 1943
8 eggs. Finished the combining today.
Wednesday, August 11, 1943
6 eggs. Today is orbys birthday. (60) We went to Otsego, Letha was to show with her children and mother.
Thursday, August 12, 1943
9 eggs. Went to Otsego, rented 1/2 of Orleans house. Stayed to Merle's for dinner, they gave dad a leave a note thing for his birthday, it is nice. Bought paper for the 1/2 of house on Orleans.
Friday, August 13, 1943
I sure feel bum, my heart is bad, it bothers me to stand.
Saturday, August 14, 1943
I still don't feel good.
Sunday, August 15,1943
11 eggs. We stayed home all day, Mr. and Mrs. Double was here in afternoon, then after supper, Mr. and Mrs. Williams was here.
Monday, August 16, 1943
9 eggs. Orby is putting new leather on the electric pump.
Tuesday, August 17, 1943
13 eggs. today I did the wash then we went to Orpah after supper, sold eggs 2 doz, butter 1#15oz.
Wednesday, August 18, 1943
Took 775 cockerels to town, 30 ct. a lb. $76.20
Thursday, August 19, 1943
Daisy and Ike were here all day, Ike helped Dad fix his car.
Friday, August 20, 1943
Took cow to red bull, May 20 will get calf.
Saturday, August 21, 1943
6 eggs.
Sunday, August 22, 1943
8 eggs. Merle's was here to dinner, then Daisy come to supper, had a good time.
Monday, August 23, 1943
3 eggs.
Tuesday, August 24, 1943
7 eggs. Went to Willard's, they are papering Lucille's house. Fredie was picking pickles, Willard was making hay, Bessie had Nelson there. (Willard is Orbys brother,)
Wednesday, August 25, 1943
7 eggs. It is trying to rain, took 64 chickens to Kalamazoo $54.28 plus old rooster $1.76, $56.04.
Thursday, August 26, 1943
5 eggs. Orby is cleaning out hen coop. Raining some, and we need it.
Friday, August 27, 1943
8 eggs. Went to Dr. today, I feel bad.
Saturday, August 28, 1943
7 eggs. Canned some beets.
Sunday, August 29, 1943
5 eggs. Stayed home all day.
Monday, August 30, 1943
4 eggs. I did the wash, Orby plowed wheat ground.
Tuesday, August 31, 1943
6 eggs. Orby went to Kalamazoo, sent order for shoes.
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