(Rosa and Orby are still living at the farm in Vicksburg, on the corner of W Avenue and Portage Road)
She has written in her Memorandum page: I am not healed of my might nor my strength but by the cleansing purifying holy spirit.
Tuesday, July 1, 1947
I got my hair fixed. Mrs. Burch gave me my curl $5.00 at Schoolcraft.
Wednesday, July 2, 1947
I did my wash, Dad took trailer of oats to Portage Center, got $1.00 per bushel.
Thursday, July 3, 1947
Killed our first chickens, dress for skillet 2#6oz.
Friday, July 4, 1947
Merle and dad and I went fishing. Got two nice messes. We gave him more as we had some before.
Saturday, July 5, 1947
Did my ironing.
Friday, July 11, 1947
Got letter that Lydia was sick, will leave tomorrow to visit her. Killed young rooster. Cut out an apron for me.
Saturday, July 12, 1947
Went to see Lydia, she had two light strokes but is lot better. (Lydia would be 68 years old.)
Sunday, July 13, 1947
I am still with my sister, she is gaining.
Monday, July 14, 1947
Lydia seems a lot better, I am sure glad. Bertha went to work, Rosa is staying home, caring for her Mother. Preacher was here. (Seems like Lydia named her daughter after her sister Rosa Dell Hann Fouts.)
Tuesday, July 15, 1947
I wrote Orby a letter today, Mrs. Peters was here, she will (can't read) minister.
Wednesday, July 16, 1947
I wrote Orby another letter to come after me Friday as I want to see about birth certificate while I am here. The preacher was her a few minutes.
Thursday, July 17, 1947
I think Lydia's a lot better. Mrs. Martha was here to see Lydia today.
Friday, July 18, 1947
We come home, went to North Manchester then to Wabash to get my birth certificate, but Doctor was busy but will write me.
Saturday, July 19, 1947
I cleaned the rooms. Orby is fixing the chicken coop wire higher so chickens won't fly over. Sold 3 hens $5.40, 4 roosters $7.08, $12.48.
Sunday, July 20, 1947
Sold Merle two roosters. $2.80.
Monday, July 21, 1947
Went to Otsego, got rent. Daisy looks better, I do pray she will bet better. Took radio over for Daisy and Ike birthday, I love them both, sure is nice to have children like mine. Sandy was there, she is a darling, so is my Daisy, darling girl, bless her.
Tuesday, July 22, 1947
I did my ironing, am very tired.
Wednesday, July 23, 1947
Made apron, canned beans, cooked 1/2 gal. cans. beans in over 5 1/2 hours, it made them too done, will cook after this only 4 1/2 hours.
Thursday, July 24, 1947
Friday, July 25, 1947
Out out my apron.
Saturday, July 26, 1947
Went to Hardy's, got dress pattern to make a dress. Went to the Gay 90's Parade, sure nice and quite long. We are combining wheat, I went with Dennis' as Orby was busy.
Sunday, July 27, 1947
Today Sunday, July 27 is my dear Son's birthday, he is 32 years old today, seems like yesterday, he was a mere baby. My I do love him, I gave him and Letha a vacuum for their car. (Merle)
Monday, July 28, 1947
I was not so good, we are combining our wheat, made my dress.
Tuesday, July 29, 1947
I washed clothes today.
Wednesday, July 30, 1947
Daisy, Ike, Dorothy, and Sandy was here for dinner. I canned beans also Daisy don't feel so good, she weights too much, poor dear. I fell so sorry for her.
Thursday, July 31, 1947
I canned 18 qt. beans, then went sold 14 roosters with Orby. Went to Merle's they had gone to show in Kalamazoo. Saw Joyce at the Merry go round at Long Lake, she was going to take in the free show.
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