Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Saturday, January 30, 2010

July 1961

Saturday, July 1, 1961
I heat the honey today. It took me over 3 hours but it looks nice. We don't have too much to sell. Some air but awful hot today. Ike and Daisy was here, brought me a muskmelon, it was so good.
Sunday, July 2, 1961
Was home all day, had fish for dinner. Traffic is very heavy today, had a little sprinkle but did not last.
Monday, July 3, 1961
I did my wash, was done by 9 o'clock. I am tired. After dinner, I did my big ironing. Our washer with filter cover no. 1106002500 catalog no. 51655. We sent but did not get this. This is not the date we sent, I just don't know when we did send for it.
Tuesday, July 4, 1961
We stayed home today as we thought it best as the traffic was great. Ike and Daisy come over awhile and wanted Dad to go fishing, but tomorrow he was expecting a man to come here.
Wednesday, July 5, 1961
I fixed my 2 slips, also fixed my brown dress. It was a job. The man come and we are going to see what we can do about Summers breaking off the fence post. The men are going fishing tomorrow and Daisy is staying with me.
Thursday, July 6, 1961
Had a very nice day, started to pick sweet cherries. The man called and said the hearing would be at his house at 10 o'clock. Mr. Maude the justice of the piece between Summers and us.
Friday, July 7, 1961
Sold 32 qts. sweet cherries @ 40 ct. per qt. $12.80. Went to Orpha and they are planning on getting to the lake before supper tomorrow.
Saturday, July 8, 1961
Dad picked 4 qt. sour cherries. Daisy and Ike came over for a short visit, said Rosie had her large mural nearly ready to hang. the hearing did not amount to much.
Sunday, July 9, 1961
Today is Patty's birthday. (Patty McLaughlin, Betty's youngest daughter, Sandra's sister) Dad is picking sour cherries. I am making cake and noodles for dinner. We are having chicken, it is very nice day but Oh we need rain so bad, everything is drying up. Peg, Roy and their daughter Daisy was here for dinner today. Had a fair visit, Dad was picking cherries and i had been busy cleaning, my toe hurt too.
Monday, July 10, 1961
We will go to lake where Orpha and Bud has rented a cottage for 1 week. Daisy's, Ike and us will leave tomorrow morning. I want to make 2 cherry pies and Daisy will take some thing. Daisy called and said they were not going tomorrow.
Tuesday, July 11, 1961
Went to Bud and Orpha where they had a cottage at Crooked Lake (Delton, Michigan)and had a good time and dinner, got a few fish, but Bud gave us a big mess to bring home. We went out for a joy ride on the pontoon, it was grand. Bud sure has a nice Pontoon, blue trim. Bob took the girls for a ride in a lovely red covered boat. I did a wash, made 2 cherry pies and am tired out. Looks like rain.
Wednesday, July 12, 1961
I did wash, ironing, made 2 cherry pies. Dad bought me 2 bottles of C vitamins and rods for my kitchen curtains.
Thursday, July 13, 1961
Dad sold some raspberries today. sold 1 qt. honey 90 cts. Daisy and Ike was here, said they were going fishing. Dorothy's husband brought me over some papers.
Friday, July 14, 1961
I did some washing today, also ironed it. I am all tired out.
Saturday, July 15, 1961
I did another small wash. Mrs. Dennis wants us to come over tomorrow but I hardly think we can. Did not go.
Sunday, July 16, 1961
The sun shinning bright, had a little rain last night. Had 4 pickers in raspberries today but they only picked 6 quarts. Guess they just wanted them for dinner. The rain done, some good, but we need lot more.
Monday, July 17, 1961
Ike's birthday today, we was over Saturday and gave him money for his birthday. Was a very nice day. Orpha and girls was over. Orphas hand hurts a lot where she had it caught in wringer. I washed, ironed and am tired. Dad has been picking raspberries and he is about wore out.
Tuesday, July 18, 1961
I made my kitchen curtains and they look nice, I mopped my kitchen and cleaned the house all over and cleaned the refrigerator. I am tired.
Wednesday, July 19, 1961
Dad took fence post out and told the Summers boy to tell his Dad that he was going to get the fence off of our land. Daisy and Ike was here a while.
Thursday, July 20, 1961
Dad took some berries to Otsego and sold some to Deks store. Tomorrow is the day Orpha will fix my hair. Dad picked 40 pts. berries, before supper, then went out after supper and picked more.
Friday, July 21, 1961
Will go to Orphas to day to have my hair done. Got my hair fixed today and on our way home there was three wrecks, one car was turned over and one was crushed in the rear.
Saturday, July 22, 1961
It looks like rain. We are having our first mess of new string beans and some icicle radish from some I planted. Orpha just called and Bud was sick last night but went to work today.
Sunday, July 23, 1961
I called, Bud is better today. We stayed home. Dad picked raspberries, I did a little sewing, fixed one of my dresses smaller and fixed my brown dress. It is trying to rain. I read the pamphlet, clear thought, the one bessie send me. It started to rain at 4 oclock pm. It did not rain only a little.
Monday, July 24, 1961
Dad took 80 pt. raspberries to Plainwell and Otsego. Charley Rose was here, said he would come Saturday and help Summers move his fence. He acted a little mad. I did a small wash. Had a nice little shower, got the gift I will give for Claudia.
Tuesday, July 25,1961
Well, I did my ironing and cleaned the house. Summers did not come another liar or Rose, either, just big lies. Well Dad will move it some time when our crops is off.
Wednesday, July 26, 1961
I am crocheting a chair back and have it about done. Went over to see my neighbor's Mother, she is here from Ohio on a visit. Took over some raspberries.
Thursday, July 27, 1961
Merle's Birthday and Sandy's birthday, also was my Dad and Mothers wedding anniversary.
Dad called up Rose and Rose said he would let him know about coming Saturday to move the fence.
Friday, July 28, 1961
I dug some weeds and grass out from in front of garage. Dad cleaned out flower garden, it hurt me to dig but the weed got so high, I just had to pull them out.
Saturday, July 29, 1961
Dad is fixing car. I am cleaning the house and washed out my brown dress. I don't think Summers will come over to move his fence off of us. Rose has not called yet.
Sunday, July 30, 1961
It is a nice cool morning. We may go to Earl Fouts today. Daisy and Ike were here last night. Ike tried to fix my clock but could not. Went to Earls had a nice visit.
Monday, July 31, 1961
Did my washing but will not hang them out, only some few things. Orpha and children was over, the girls picked 8 qt. berries to take home. ( I don't remember that, I wish I could go back and help Grandpa pick berries and Grandma pull weeds....)

1 comment:

  1. My great uncle and aunt are Merle Fouts and Letha White.
