(Rosa and Orby are living in house in Parchment Michigan and World War II has commenced.)
Thursday, January 1, 1942
Took the children over to Mrs. Williams, they were bashful and did not play for quite a while. (Joyce and David, Merle's children). We got 5 eggs.
Friday, January 2, 1942
5 eggs. The children are having a great time. Mrs. William's children was over, Joyce went sliding, David did not want to go.
Saturday, January 3, 1942
3 eggs. Took children home then went to Otsego to do a little work.
Sunday, January 4, 1942
5 eggs. Orby killed sick hens. Staying home all day, I still have back ache.
Monday, January 5, 1942
4 eggs. It has been the coldest day this year so far and last night it froze in basement.
Tuesday, January 6, 1942
I am washing clothes. Orby went to Otsego to take out the stool up stairs. 5 eggs.
Wednesday, January 7, 1942
4 eggs. I did my ironing, went to Williams, sure is cold.
Thursday, January 8, 1942
7 eggs. Mrs. Williams sent me over cake she made, it was very good. Very cold.
Friday, January 9, 1942
I took over 1/2 doz. eggs to Mr. Williams. Orby went to farm, took door casings. 6 eggs. Very cold.
Saturday, January 10, 1942
9 eggs. Went to farm, put casing on two doors, it is awful cold.
Sunday, January 11, 1942
11 eggs. Went to farm, stayed all day, put on casing.
Monday, January 12, 1942
8 eggs. I did my wash. Minnie phoned me that Willie was bad off, not expected to live. Orby went to Otsego, I did not feel like going so stayed home. Bought weights for windows 4 cts. a pound.
Tuesday, January 13, 1942
8 eggs. I did my ironing, my back hurt badly.
Wednesday, January 14, 1942
13 and 1 broke. Surrounded by friends. I am lonesome. In the mist of my joys, I am blue with a smile on my face. I've a heartache, longing dear brother for you.
Thursday, January 15, 1942
Went to farm, put on mop boards. 11 eggs.
Friday, January 16, 1942
13 eggs, 2 broke. Orby bought 2 tires $9.00.
Saturday, January 17, 1942
8 eggs. Orby bought socks.
Sunday, January 18, 1942
Went to farm, put on casing and build one unit of cupboard.
Monday, January 19, 1942
11 eggs. Orby went to Otsego to get rent, took Daisy some pork.
Tuesday, January 20, 1942
15 eggs. Merle and David came over, Merle left two chicken books. Our dog Ranger ran away today.
Wednesday, January 21, 1942
9 eggs. I did my wash, Orby fixed 2 top cupboards.
Thursday, January 22, 1942
15 eggs. Orby finished cupboards and I have an awful headache. Got Montgomery catalog.
Friday, January 23, 1942
11 eggs. Went to farm, worked all day, nearly got stuck in mud at farm.
Saturday, January 24, 1942
15 eggs. Went to farm put on door casings, it sure is soft in yard. Got Sears catalog.
Sunday, January 25, 1942
13 eggs. Did wash as Orby wants to take waher over to Otsego to get it fixed tomorrow. We went for a little ride to see if we could find the dog Ranger.
Monday, January 26, 1942
15 eggs. Went to Otsego to have washer fixed. Daisy's are all pretty well.
Tuesday, January 27, 1942
14 eggs. Went to farm.
Wednesday, January 28, 1942
15 eggs. Went to Kalamazoo, bought 2 aluminum pans, dish towels and paring knives. Sent Dorothy a Birthday greeting.
Thursday, January 29, 1942
20 eggs. Got letter from Orpha and Letha. A man was here to see about trading for our car, for a Willies. Orby bought new milk pail and cream can.
Friday, January 30, 1942
18 eggs. Went to Kalamazoo, got band for farm home. Got free pan from gas station with tickets $1.65. Got double boiler.
Saturday, January 31, 1942
20 eggs. Went to farm to put on more base boards.
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