Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Monday, January 18, 2010

June 1942

(Rosa was born February 13, 1881 in Disko, Indiana, Wabash County, Father Andrew Marion Hann was born in Fulton County, Indiana, and I believe her Mother Nancy was born in Disko, also.)

Monday, June 1, 1942
6 eggs. Unpacked boxes and baskets, Orby cut grass first time, Orby's back is hurting.
Tuesday, June 2, 1942
8 eggs. Orby still has it in his back. Today is sister Silva's 62 Birthday. Sure rained this forenoon, stopped man from planting corn. Orby wasn't able to go to work but he went.
Wednesday, June 3, 1942
6 eggs. Got letter from Frances said she took supper with Orpah Saturday 29th.
Thursday, June 4, 1942
7 eggs. Got my picture from Skrudland of Orby and I. Orpha, Bobby and all day. Finished planting corn today.
Friday, June 5, 1942
6 eggs. I did my wash, was very nice day and in evening we cleaned out the corn crib and cut down a few weeds.
Saturday, June 6, 1942
6 eggs. I cleaned the rooms upstairs and ironed, I am awful tired. Man here to see about land cultivation for wheat.
Sunday, June 7, 1942
7 eggs. Merle's was her for dinner had a good time but it rained and was bad.
Monday, June 8, 1942
7 eggs. Orby back still bad and 3 men come from Parchment to see him, Mr. McDowell and Mr. Perlick. We treated our potatoes today and white washed tree, had lettuce for supper.
Tuesday, June 9, 1942
4 eggs. Had lettuce for dinner. Orby went to Dr. Banabere, Orby drag potato ground.
Wednesday, June 10, 1942
6 eggs. We are planting potatoes today. Mr. Gilmore is helping, looks rainy. Got curtain for dining room from Spiegels and wire rack. Had lettuce and Radishes for dinner. Got flower ball, got letter from Lydia. It rained this afternoon and tonight.
Thursday, June 11, 1942
5 eggs. Orby fixing my clothes closet downstairs. Went to Allegan, I bought 2 new dresses.
Friday, June 12, 1942
3 eggs. Orby has my clothes closet nearly finished, he finished the closet tonight.
Saturday, June 13, 1942
4 eggs. Orby painted closet and Mr. Hill borrowed potato planter.
Sunday, June 14, 1942
3 eggs. Went to Orphas and had a swell time, took ride after dinner. Went to see some chickens. Their chickens look nice, we got 63 tomato plants and some hedge.
Monday, June 15, 1942
4 eggs. Went to Mendon, to Athens to Battle Creek to get cultivator. Then bought it at Athens $3.35. Then I came home did my wash. I am tired, Set out tomato plants and hedge.
Tuesday, June 16, 1942
5 eggs. It looks rainy all day but no rain. We have had a lot of rain. Orby planted sweet corn, beans and popcorn.
Wednesday, June 17, 1942
7 eggs. Did my ironing, Orby don't feel so good to day.
Thursday, June 18, 1942
4 eggs. Went to the auction sale of live stock at Kalamazoo, bought cabbage plants and set out in evening, 113.
Friday, June 19, 1942
3 eggs. Orby is fixing the sink. I wrote letter to Frances. Today is brother Willie's birthday, he is 59 to day. How I miss going to your house to find a hearty welcome or a note on the door telling where you were to come, he wanted to see us.
Saturday, June 20, 1942
6 eggs. Got willow slips. Went to Willard's last nite, he's making hay. It rained tonight and quite cold and damp.
Sunday, June 21, 1942
6 eggs. We went to Daisy and Merle's after dinner. Daisy's has her cleaning about done. Merle's are okay. He is coming tomorrow to help with cesspool digging. Herbert's, Earls, Willard's and Henry was here this afternoon but we were gone and did not see them, they left note. I am very sorry.
Monday, June 22, 1942
5 eggs. Merle come over to help us with septic tank. Joyce cleaned radish for our dinner.
Tuesday, June 23, 1942
4 eggs. I did my wash, Orby made 2 screens. It is quite cold, got curtain material today.
Wednesday, June 24, 1942
5 eggs. Took boat to lake.
Thursday, June 25, 1942
5 eggs. Nice day. Orby went to Dr. Bernard at Delton, stopped at Merle's, his chickens are growing fine. Orby went fishing on Hoag Lake, caught 13 fish.
Friday, June 26, 1942
6 eggs. Nice day, Orby went to Dr. again to day, his leg hurts bad. I planted zinnia seed that Daisy gave me. Something tried to get in the hen coop this morning.
Saturday, June 27, 1942
8 eggs. Went to sale at Centerville, bought drill and die, separator, spray, keg, scales, bought bench for separator. Mr. Bricker had the sale.
Sunday, June 28, 1942
8 eggs. Orby went to Dr. Bernard. Trying to rain.
Monday, June 29, 1942
5 eggs. Ike was over helped Orby get the die and drill bench home, stayed to dinner. Merle came in after noon, men went fishing a while. No luck, broke boat. They all stayed to supper, had good time. Joyce was to Ruth's house.
Tuesday, June 30, 1942
7 eggs. Orby cultivated the corn, potatoes, cabbage, and tomatoes. His leg still hurts. The men drawed us 2 loads of hay today, 1 for themselves. We sewed 3 rows of radish, this is the second sewing.

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