Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Friday, January 22, 2010

December 1943

(Another year almost gone by. Rosa and Orby have been at the farm a time now, and I would expect they would be considering moving soon, maybe not. Orpha still has her secret or Rosa is just not writing about it)

Wednesday, December 1, 1943
3 Eggs. Today Merle brought me home, we went to show last night, Letha, the children and I and Letha's mother went with us. Letha come as far as Kalamazoo, she will get Clare's picture taken.
Thursday, December 2, 1943
4 eggs. Orby took boar to sale, got $25.00 for him.
Friday, December 3, 1943
6 eggs. Orby husked corn, got through then we went to Buds, they have been sick, Bobby has a big boil on his neck. We will butcher tomorrow. Want to get Bud but we did not insist as we knew he was not able.
Saturday, December 4, 1943
6 eggs. Ike and Daisy came to help butcher, one pig weight 208 lbs. one 219 lbs.
Gave 1/2 pig to Daisy, 1/2 to Orpha, 1/2 to Merle, kept 1/2. Butchered in increase of moon.
Sunday, December 5, 1943
3 eggs. Stayed home, cut our meat up.
Monday, December 6, 1943
6 eggs. I am sick but went to Otsego to collect rent.
Tuesday, December 7, 1943
5 eggs. Bud and Orpha was here a while, they don't look so well. Bud went hunting a while, I did the wash, but I have a very hard cold and sore throat.
Wednesday, December 8, 1943
9 eggs. Orpha and Bud was here a while, Bud seems a lot better. Dad and Bud gave pigs worm pills. Throat still sore and I sure feel bum. Bud gave us old rabbit he had it bred.
Thursday, December 9, 1943
5 eggs. Orby went to Parchment to fix pump in little house. I sure am sick.
Friday, December 10, 1943
6 eggs. My throat still sore.
Saturday, December 11, 1943
8 eggs.
Sunday, December 12, 1943
6 eggs. Orby went to Merle's to help put in dry well. I did not go, I am sick.
Monday, December 13, 1943
Tuesday, December 14, 1943
5 eggs. Orby went to Otsego to fix pipes.
Wednesday, December 15, 1943
6 eggs. Went to Otsego to fix pipes, still have a hard cold.
Thursday, December 16, 1943
4 eggs. bought coal 2100. The teacher was here a while today, I am a lot better of my cold.
Friday, December 17, 1943
10 eggs. Fix place for rabbit, sure windy and cold. I cleaned upstairs.
Saturday, December 18, 1943
4 eggs. Went to Orpha. Dad and Bud bought gas plate 50ct. Dad did not buy any thing, it was nice day, but cold. Bud gave us old Mother rabbit and one young rabbit, they sure are nice.
Sunday, December 19, 1943
6 eggs. The sun shining, nice not much snow on ground. Buds come today for dinner, had a lovely time. Bud got two rabbits, gave us one. Orpha did not feel so good, she got her butter.
Monday, December 20, 1943
3 eggs. Orby went to Otsego to collect rent. Left our car to get overhauled, took butter to Daisy 69cts. Letha 66 ct. I did my wash.
Tuesday, December 21, 1943
10 eggs. I ironed today.
Wednesday, December 22, 1943
4 eggs. Orby fixed cupboard doors and outside door.
Thursday, December 23, 1943
7 eggs. Orby went after the car. It coast $107.25, she is a lot to pay. Tonight our school will have its play.
Friday, December 24, 1943
5 eggs. Sure is cold today. Buds was here, gave us $4.00 a piece for Christmas gift.
Saturday, December 25, 1943
6 eggs. Christmas day. Nice day, went to Merle's for Christmas dinner, had a nice time and a good dinner. Merle gave me a Coty set, a cup and saucer, a glass canister set. The children gave me bath salts and dish cloths, Dad got gloves and socks.
Sunday, December 26, 1943
It seems like Monday, looks snowing out and is colder.
Monday, December 27, 1943
Went to Otsego to collect rent.
Tuesday, December 28, 1943
Stayed home.
Wednesday, December 29, 1943
Went to Otsego, brought Joyce and David to stay till Sunday and Merle is coming to get them if he is not sick, he don't feel so good.
Thursday, December 30, 1943
the children sure having a great time.
Friday, December 31, 1943
Went to Willard's, he had just taken Bessie to Doctor. Lucille was there.

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