Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Saturday, March 27, 2010

March 1966

(Rosa is 85 and Orby will be 83 in August. They are in Arizona but come home before the month is over)

Tuesday, March 1, 1966
Suki went to Texas tonight on buss and paid (blank) dollars. She phoned Merle's when she got there. I am crocheting two doilies.
Wednesday, March 2, 1966
Merle and Letha have gone to work. It is chilly today but sun real bright. It don't seem to warm up like it should. Merle and Letha got us a nice 8 piece stainless steel knives, forks and spoons. They are lovely, bless them. I think it was nice of them to get them for us.
Thursday, March 3, 1966
It is little warmer today, sun bright. I am making two doilies, I got the small one done and will soon have the larger one done. It hailed here one day and the mountain near Merle's was shite with hail. It did not last too long as the sun came out.
Friday, March 4, 1966
Willard and Bessie came over this evening to bring Dad two pant suits that Dad had legs cut shorter. Willard has a cold yet, Bessie looks pretty good.
Saturday, March 5, 1966
Wrote Orpha a letter. The weather is windy and chilly. Merle and Letha will soon go to church at Phoenix.
Sunday, March 6, 1966
We went over to Willard's Church to a singing concert at 1:30 it was sure great the singers were from Ohio.
Monday, March 7, 1966
We are having nice weather now, getting warmer. A neighbor Mr. Oley came over to talk to us a while. Letha washed and did an ironing today.
Tuesday, March 8, 1966
Well, We, Willard, Bessie, Letha and us went to a big store in Phoenix today. Bessie bought a vacuum I got me 4 small bowls for cereal, blue and yellow. They are real nice but I don't think they will last too long. I got Bessie and Joyce a flower, they each gave me a table cloth.
Wednesday, March 9, 1966
Suns out bright and real nice today. I made two doilies since I been here. Dad took wash to laundry. Letha is getting ready for work. I am here alone. I washed and starched two doilies I made. We want to visit 3 neighbors, we got acquainted with the month we been here.
Thursday, March 10, 1966
I got up with a sick headache and stomach hurt. I want to go to Joyce's for dinner today while Dad gets car greased. If I feel little better. I went to Joyce's, had a nice visit, the baby seems larger every time I see it.
Friday, March 11, 1966
Saturday, March 12, 1966
Took Willard's out for dinner.
Sunday, March 13, 1966
We went out driving to look for oranges but did not buy many.
Monday, March 14, 1966
Well this morning we are starting home, it is 6 o'clock am.
Tuesday, March 15, 1966
Started out from Vaughn at 6:15 a.m., gas at St. Rosa.
Wednesday, March 16, 1966
Started 4:30 o'clock a.m.
Thursday, March 17, 1966
Started from Kankakee at 6 a.m. gas at New Buffalo $2.00. Got to Orpha's and I stayed with her till time for Rosemary to get out from school. Then Orpha brought me home. I did not feel good, and did not rest good all night.
Friday, March 18, 1966
This morning I sure was sick, my back nearly killed me. I did not get up early and sat around all day. Dad rubbed some heat on it and it felt a little better.
Saturday, March 19, 1966
Back still aches, can't do very much only suffer the pain. did not get much rest day or night. Ike called.
Sunday, March 20, 1966
Not any better, my back still hurts. Bob and Karla was here today. They have 3 nice children, the baby is a darling, Bradley Robert, 4 months old. Brad weights 19 lb and looks a lot like Karla, got eyes like Bob's. (Bradley is grown and looks a lot like his Great Grandfather Otto Lewis Gimbel)
Monday, March 21, 1966
Ike called to see how we was. I don't feel good at all but still wait on myself and some times get 1/2 a meal.
Tuesday, March 22, 1966
Rosa and Betty came over a while this morning. They looked pretty good. They thoght I did but I told them if I did look good, I sure felt awful.
Wednesday, March 23, 1966
Dad went to Kalamazoo to get groceries, got Vicks cough drops and Vitamin C for me. Orpha called , she is not good.
Thursday, March 24, 1966
This morning Orpha called. I did not rest last night, going to take nerve medicine today. Snowed little last night. I am washing out some clothes today. Had to as every thing was getting dirty.
Friday, March 25, 1966
I had apple jack for dinner. Got a letter from Merle and Letha. They have a new Cadillac. Merle gave his old car to Fred, they now have only one car. It is snowing today but snow is not deep. It won't stay long this time of year.
Saturday, March 26, 1966
Sat around grunting. Seems it takes so long to feel good again. Orby mopped the bath and kitchen today.
Sunday, March 27, 1966
Yes it is still pretty chilly and still I am trying to do what I can. Still want to get so I won't have so much misery with my back.
Monday, March 28, 1966
Orby went to see Mr., Doster today. I did not do much. Sent a letter to Merle's today. Dad went to Otsego and saw Ike.
Tuesday, March 29, 1966
Dad went to Kalamazoo and got my laundry, 1 short coat, and my long spring coat. Cost $3.10 for both, two dresses, 1 black, 1 blue and 2 belts cost $3.50, both more than I ever paid before. I won't send again there, the Kalamazoo Laundry.
Wednesday, March 30, 1966
I owe Dad $1.00. Paid. Warner and wife was here around eleven o'clock. Still wants this place. I found my shears. I called Orpha she said Anita was cutting some back teeth.
Thursday, March 31, 1966
Ike was here brought over papers. I vacuumed the two bedrooms and front room. The minister came for a while today. He is a real nice man. Has a boy Mark and a girl Janet.

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