Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

September 1964

(Rosa is 83 and Orby is 81, they live at 8712 Douglas Drive, Kalamazoo, Michigan and they are having a yard sale, still trying to sell their home)

Tuesday, September 1, 1964
Today is Retha's Birthday. I did a wash today and ironed my clothes and am a little tired.
Wednesday, September 2, 1964
I cleaned my front room and changed furniture. I guess Walley is going to pay us off on our place at Otsego and I am glad for them, also glad for ourselves.
Thursday, September 3, 1964
I sent Francis a card as Barbara gave me her address. Orpha, Claudia, Rosemary and I went to Sandy's with gifts for the baby. (Theresa K. Zantello) Then on our way home, Orpha got me a pineapple ice cream. Rosie, Betty, Sharon and Patty was there also. Then on our way home we stopped at Ike's for a while. Went to Curtis Holden to see if he had a Franklin trailer, they were not at home.
Friday, September 4, 1964
I sent Rosie and Sharon a Birthday card today. Went to Orpha's and she was not at home, so we went over to Claudia's and she was home sorting out cards. Dennise was lively as ever, Anita was I think getting some teeth but was good. Then we stopped at Bob's, saw the children. Bob's little Son (Brian) looks some like bob did when he was a baby. (Does now that he is grown up, too.)
Saturday, September 5, 1964
I am not doing much only house work. Dad is mopping floor for me. It is nice out but little chilly. We think we will go over to see that place by Robert Hall's today, then we may go see Mr. and Mrs. Dennis. Today is Brenda's Birthday, she will be 4 years. She is Bob's adopted girl. (Karla's daughter from first marriage) Ike came and brought the papers, he said that Mr. Peacock man settled on the tombstone mistake, he looked pretty good. We saw the place again. 421 Andy Street, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Sunday, September 6, 1964
Mr. Picket, agent for lots. We are going to Orpha's today. We went and had a nice visit, went over to see what Mr. Labar had to sell. Bob's came over to Orpha's and stayed a while and talked. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis and Dorothea (McCalla) was here while we were gone.
Monday, September 7, 1964
I started making my silk dress today. I want it made something like my lavender dress. Mrs. Dennis called, wanted to drive over, they were here Sunday and we was not at home, we went to Orpha's and had a nice dinner and nice visit. We went over to see the new home back of Orpha and also went over to see what Mr. LaBar had to sell. Orby put out some things to sell in front of our place. Sold 1 thing 25 cents.
Tuesday, September 8, 1964
I want to finish my dress today.
Wednesday, September 9, 1964
It is 5 months since Orpha fixed my hair.
Thursday, September 10, 1964
We sold quite a bit to day. Ike brought over his sudsaver, blankets and bird cage to sell also a folding chair and I bought it for $5.00. It is nice to take places.
Friday, September 11, 1964
Orpha came over today and fixed my hair with a Silver Curl and stayed for dinner. Then Ike came over with his dish, corningware to put out to sell but Orpha liked it and bought it for $2.00. It is nice. Then after dinner Mr. and Mrs. LaBar came for a few minutes, then a man and woman came that was related to Mr. White, a nephew. Hair all fixed.
Saturday, September 12, 1964
Orpha and Rosemary and Ike came for a while. We been selling quite a lot today. Orpha bought dishes, a few pieces 25 cents. Received letter with pictures of Merle and family, David and Suki was taken with Joyce and Connie. (David Fouts married Suki, his second wife)
Sunday, September 13, 1964
Sold our old TV for $25.00 and sold lots of other things. I put cover on the old springs. It looks looks nice. Ike came over with some other things. It was a very nice day. I think i will put up my vacuum to sell if I get my price.
Monday, September 14, 1964
Nice day, Rosa, Gerry and Ike came over, brought Ike's TV over to sell. Asking $60.00 for it but will take $50.00. I did a wash and washed a blanket also i vacuumed all my floors, will dust tomorrow and iron, if everything works out okay.
Tuesday, September 15, 1964
I finished my dress, made a belt for it, first belt I ever made. Brought our 2 barrels home so we could put them out to sell. We sold some more goods today.
Wednesday, September 16, 1964
Dad went to the new store, got coffee for me. I sold post digger $3.00 while he was gone. I did colored wash, wrote Francis a letter. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis and their daughter, Dorothea were on their way to Dorothea's son is Otsego for supper. Mrs. Dennis don't look too good, Ernest looks pretty good, they are thinking of going to Florida in 2 or three weeks. I hate to see them go as they are very dear friends of ours. I got a letter from Rosa Myers today and I sent a letter to Frances in Arizona.
Thursday, September 17, 1964
I am washing the sheets today, seems like it is nice out as yet, I have not been out but sun is shinning nice.
Friday, September 18, 1964
It rained last night. We went over to Orpha's after the programs were off (Soaps). Orpha don't feel too good, she and Bud went to Allegan to fair and saw Effie over there. Rosemary went with her boyfriend tonight. (Wonder which one?)
Saturday, September 19, 1964
Ike just drove in with Dad's barrel. I vacuumed my rooms this morning. I gave Ike a few cookies to take home. There was a young man and his mother, looked at our place, they liked it real well and said they would see if they could handle it to buy.
Sunday, September 20, 1964
Home all day waiting to sell the articles we have out in front. I had a casserole dinner today.
Monday, September 21, 1964
I did not do much. Ike was here brought over papers, I would like a new Kirby sweeper if I could find a good used one.
Tuesday, September 22, 1964
I vacuumed my floors and I made apple jack for dinner. Did not sell much today. Dad went and picked a bushel of apples at Sorells Orchard. That's where I got the cherries I liked so well. They were not to sour but was blasted some, but did not hurt them.
Wednesday, September 23, 1964
Sent letter to Mrs. (blank spot) that lives at Tempe Arizona, George Drive. Got package from Green, the $3.98 I sent $4.00 in letter, girdle pattern, I never ordered. I will write and tell them.
Thursday, September 24, 1964
It is raining this morning, if it don't rain long, we will go to Otsego. I did not go, but Orby went. Ike called up and said that Sears had a sale on dryers so we may go see them. I got letter form Merle and Bessie and Willard's is starting for Michigan the 26th. We sold Ike's TV today for $50.00.
Friday, September 25, 1964
Answered Merle's letter, the sun is shinning but it is chilly. Dennis' have gone back to Florida.
Saturday, September 26, 1964
Willard's start for Michigan today. Wrote Rosa a letter, sent a card to Mr. White a get well card. We will go to get check today for our 14 acres, we went so now have it all settled, sold for $6,300.00.
Sunday, September 27, 1964
We went to church on Nicholes road tonight. Orpha and Bud went and took us in their car. Then we came back and had lunch. We sure enjoyed the sermon on mark of the beast and that was keeping Sunday instead of God Sabbath. We each got a Lord prayer picture.
Monday, September 28, 1964
Have to go to Otsego bank today at 10:30 am. Well we went and sold our place in Otsego, the people who bought it was named Foster.
Tuesday, September 29, 1964
I canned 7 pints of tomatoes and 2 quarts. Was some folks here and looked at the 5 acres and liked it fine, don't know if they can handle it or not.
Wednesday, September 30, 1964
Last day of the month and seems like a very nice day. We put on the storm windows and doors yesterday. Willard and Bessie came today. We had dinner, then drove over to Otsego and Ike was not at home. Then we drove past Rosie's, Betty and Dorothy's then we looked at some house trailer. Then went back to Ike's after we went to cemetery. Bessie's will stay tonight, then tomorrow she goes back to Blanche to can some grapes.

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