Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

November 1964

Sunday, November 1, 1964
We stayed home till around 2 o'clock. Went over to Ike's and Kenneth McLaughlin was there putting different springs on his old car. Ike said he was not bothered much for trick or treat as he went to bed but they did mark his windows. We were not bothered as we were over to Orpha's.
Monday, November 2, 1964
I made my black dress shorter. It is a nice day. Our minister, Mr. John D. Tomlonson from the Brethren Church was here a while today and he had prayer before he left. It sprinkled some rain today. I started on my bedroom chair today, I want to recover it. Got letter from Merle today.
Tuesday, November 3, 1964
Election Day. Stayed home all day and this evening, watched the votes come in from all over and Johnson won by a landslide, got all but 6 states and the Democratic people were very happy. Humphrey.
Wednesday, November 4, 1964
I did a wash and cleaned up some and started on the chair. I am covering it, it will be nice when I get it done. Orpha and Rosemary were over a while, Bud is ornery again.
Thursday, November 5, 1964
I did more washing, I washed my doilys I had used and also ironed them. Sent 25 cents to Montgomery for some more goods as I was a little short. I needed 2 yards 9 inches. I sent for 9 inches. Also wrote Merle a letter.
Friday, November 6, 1964
Well, I will do a little more on my chair. I have to wait now till I get goods from Montgomery to finish my chair. Orby bought car license today, number 0292-NN. I called Mrs. Parker, she has not sold out yet and said she was going to stay in her house till after December 3.
Saturday, November 7, 1964
Radio Bible Class DeHahn, had preaching on today for 6 hours. Just nice we can have such good minister and good sermons.
Sunday, November 8, 1964
Today is Sunday and i sure would be glad to go to the Brethren but Orby don't care to go. We will have Tucker from California and DeHann from Grand Rapids Christian Science Church.
Monday, November 9, 1964
Stayed home then in evening I got really sick in my stomach and head ached. Orpha called and wanted us to take a ride in their new car. She came and we saw it in the morning. It is nice, just what she wanted a white convertible. (It was a 1959 White Cadillac convertible, black top and red leather inside, and yes, I wish I had it now, but I did get to drive it then!)
Tuesday, November 10, 1964
I did a wash and sewed some on the chair I am covering. Ike brought the papers over today. Dorothy called me and talked for a good half hour, she feels a lot better. Rosie don't feel too good.
Wednesday, November 11, 1964
Just 2 months ago Orpha fixed my hair. I did sheets, pillow cases and Dad's light clothes, hung them out. They dried real quick. Well I did also my light clothes and sheets yesterday, ironed them today and did some sewing on my chair. Sure is a lovely day. Man came to look this place over, he liked it but he has lots of children so he probably won't buy it.
Thursday, November 12, 1964
Well, I did a small wash then i finished the chair I was covering. It looks nice. I am awful tired. Orpha and Bud came last night with Orpha's new Cadillac and took us for a nice ride in it, she goes nice, just like floating on air.
Friday, November 13, 1964
I vacuumed my floors, did some ironing, then dusted all furniture and went over it with some polish the man gave me when we had that fire.
Saturday, November 14, 1964
Was home all day, did not do much work. I have headache so much.
Sunday, November 15, 1964
Radio church.
Monday, November 16, 1964
We are thinking of going over to Mrs. Parker's across from Orpha's. It rained last night and still drizzling rain. 2 men came to look at the pipe we have to sell. They bought $10.16 cents. We went over to Mrs. Parker's across from Orpha and she said she was going to lock her home and go to Chicago for the winter. Well Bud heard from a brother Eugene that he has not seen for a good many years. They had his picture in the paper and I think him and Bud look a lot a like.
Tuesday, November 17, 1964
A very nice day, sun is shinning and don't seem very cold. Crochet a doily for Faith Myers, she is to be married the 10th of December.
Wednesday, November 18, 1964
Went to Orpha's and stayed all day, had a nice visit. Then Orpha went to the store, got apricots and different things, had a nice dinner. then we did a lot of talking and went to get Rosemary from school. She had an other girl friend with her. Orpha took me home, my we had a good visit.
Thursday, November 19, 1964
Went to Ike's today and Dad is trying to get our car insured. We will make a trip to Arizona soon. I get a box packed to give Faith and will take it to Barbara so she can take it to the wedding for Faith. It snowed some today.
Friday, November 20, 1964
My dear daughter has been away now for a year and it has been so dreadfully lonely year. I just can't get over the loss of my first darling.
Saturday, November 21, 1964
Snow on the ground and quite windy. I did a small wash. I am making a pot holder. Flaked snow today and seems cold. I made much today, we like fried mush.
Sunday, November 22, 1964
We sit around all day, it is clearing up some and Sun shinning. 1 year ago my darling daughter was lying up at Otsego funeral home. I feel it so greatly. I never will forget her. She was so good. It is thawing and snow going fast. Tonight Orpha and Bud came over for a short visit but rosemary did not come but I sent some cookies home with them for her.
Monday, November 23, 1964
Today has been 1 year since my darling daughter Daisy was laid to rest with the Lord at Otsego Cemetery.
Tuesday, November 24, 1964
Today I fixed box to send Faith and did some sorting out of things to take to Arizona. We think we will start Monday coming. Ike was here brought over the papers.
Wednesday, November 25, 1964
I did some sorting what I wanted to take, like my Christmas cards Dad bought 50 4 cent stamps, some cough drops. I had Orby take my house plants to basement. Hope they don't die. I am going to take some pictures to Orpha while I am gone.
Thursday, November 26, 1964
Today is Thanksgiving. We will go to Orpha's at 3 o'clock for Thanksgiving dinner. Bob's family and Karla's Mother and Dad, Claudia's family and Dad and I. I think around 15 will be there. Sent Merle a card saying we would not start next Monday or Tuesday, as Dad is not feeling too good.
Friday, November 27, 1964
Home all day. It was nice day, was rainy, snow all gone. Still filled up on my big Thanksgiving dinner at Orpha's.
Saturday, November 28, 1964
Rosie, Gerry, Betty, Kenneth were here for a short visit. I sure was surprised to see them. Then Dorothy called, said she was going to Kalamazoo to send order of over 1 hundred dollars to Alden's for things she needed. Claudia called said she could not get Orpha and baby was so sick, had high fever. I told her I would pray for her, her fever left and she was so glad, poor girl. I know just how she felt.
(Rosa used to have special prayers to say to cure different things, like fevers and burns)
Sunday, November 29, 1964
Was home all day, flaking some snow. We have had preaching on so far today. Now it is nearly one. Have had our dinner. The ministers we had are real good and one gets a lot of good to listen to them. Anita was sick last night but better today, Claudia worried about her and said her fever was so high she even did not know Claudia and that worried her. The Lutheran hour is on now 1 o'clock.
Monday, November 30, 1964
Think we will start to Arizona, we changed our plan as Orby was not good enough to start that long trip. Orby went to Doctor Tone at Martin, he said he had a bad tonsil.

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