Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Monday, March 1, 2010

April 1963

(More from the other pages in the 1963-1964 diary)

Emma, Mazy and Molly live in California at Beressa. We picked up prunes there. I was 12 years old and made $20.00 in one month. I loved Emma so very much. She used to sing "My Sweet is the man in the moon, I will marry him soon", I think her sweet heart's last name was moon.

Aunt Moll was Uncle Will Maslander's sister and Uncle Nelson Harsh. Emma, their daughter and Rosa Watson lived together at LaFountain Indiana. Rosa had a daughter Bernice Watson.

Uncle David Brower at Denver, we stayed a while with them, when we first moved to Denver, when we were small children.

Monday, April 1, 1963
Went over to Lucille's a while as Dad went to Mesa to see Lyle Moor. I gave Lucille a scarf. Then we came home had dinner, is a nice day.
Tuesday, April 2, 1963
Went to Willard's for dinner. We sure have a good time with them and we like to be with them. My sister Lydia's birthday, born in 1879. She passed away December 1958 in Peru Indiana.
Wednesday, April 3, 1963
Started home at 4:10 am with full tank of gas. Got at Salt River Cannon, got gas $2.00, Got bed at Dalhart $5.00. Total Gas all day and bed $23.80.
Thursday, April 4, 1963
Oil and Gas $16.28
Friday, April 5, 1963
Got home at 6:30 pm. Spent on trip home total $56.70, Gas $40.48.
Saturday, April 6, 1963
Found no snow. Unpacked and rested. Dad went right to work taking the weeds off of the asparagus. Daisy and Ike came over. Orpha and Bud has had the flu, just getting over it.
Sunday, April 7 1963
Sandy's Wedding Shower is today. I did not go, Claudia, Rosemary and Karla went and the men Bob and Dennis baby sat. Estes came after his grape fruit that Merle sent home with us for him.
Monday, April 8, 1963
Did some wash and mopped kitchen and cleaned my front room. Nice day.
Tuesday, April 9, 1963
Went to Orpha's for a short visit. She was not too well. Neither is bud, he went to work when we was there. Also Claudia came over with the baby (Dennise)and it sure is growing. I did a little vacuum in front and bedrooms. It is nice out today only little colder. Then Bob and Karla and baby (Brian) came over for a short visit, the baby is so cute. Brenda was not well, she slept all the time they were here. We gave Bob 12 grapefruit. We gave Orpha and Claudia 12 grapefruit also.
Wednesday, April 10, 1963
I washed 3 rugs and mopped kitchen, bathroom and cleaned breezeway. I did a lot of work today, so did Dad.
Thursday, April 11, 1963
Dad put fertilizer on Asparagus. I did 2 batches of wash today. I called Orpha and Rosemary said she was lying down. Dad brought me in a bunch of Daffodil flowers, they are yellow and so pretty.
Friday, April 12, 1963
Went to Otsego to get groceries, stopped at Daisy's. Ike made her a very nice small chest of drawers. They want us to come over for Easter and I guess we are going. Walling was here, paid on place $75.00 (George Walling is buying/or renting the house on Orleans Street, Otsego, Michigan)
Saturday, April 13, 1963
We both feel horrible, I caught more colds going to Daisy's yesterday. I ache all over and Dad might be a little better but not much. I talked to Daisy and Orpha. She is some better. Bud come paid us $200.00 on place. (Orby and Rosa lent Bud and Orpha money when they bought their business) Said my yellow flowers were daffodil's, they are beautiful yellow.
Sunday, April 14, 1963
Easter today. I made 2 pumpkin pies and talked to Orpha and Daisy, looked at catalogs, paid Dad $217.50 due him.
Monday, April 15, 1963
Went to Orpha's while Dad went to Kalamazoo. He sent order to Aldens for my dress shoes. My Dad's Birthday.
Tuesday, April 16, 1963
I started to clean house. I got the 2 bedrooms nearly cleaned. Now I want to begin on the front room tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 17, 1963
Well we started cleaning front room. Dad swept the walls and cleaned windows some, I went over the carpet 4 times. Tomorrow I want to wash the carpet and chairs. Cleaning house is for the younger women. I like it but it is too much for me. I sure am tired out. (Rosa is 82 and Orby will be 80 in August.)
Thursday, April 18, 1963
Well, I am at it again. I have the carpet done also the rockers and they look nice but I am so tired. I am washing a few pieces today. It is a nice day. Dad feels better and is cultivating his ground and put in some bulbs, and trim rose bushes. I ironed a few pieces, I did not sleep good last night.
Friday, April 19, 1963
I want to iron my dollies today and two dresses. I am tired but glad my house is getting cleaned.
Saturday, April 20, 1963
I did some mopping and cleaned bathroom. Frank Bastain's dog got killed. He was so lame but a big dog. I got all tired out today and when Orpha talked to me, I just could not talk but called her back when I got to feeling better. I called Daisy too, she was not too good, said she was going to Kalamazoo Monday for a thyroid test.
Sunday, April 21, 1963
Dad is cleaning up in basement as he wants to put our 5 acres up for sale. I like this house since we had it all done over and a bath tub put in and a shower in basement. We had our first mess of asparagus for dinner today.
Monday, April 22, 1963
My order is here, so Dad will go after it around 10 o'clock. I will do house cleaning while he is gone, it hailed today till ground was all covered.
Tuesday, April 23, 1963
I finished cleaning my kitchen, it looks nice but I am all tired out. It is chilly today. We have put our place up for sale. I love it here but Dad has too much work. He can't stand it. I wish he had listened to me, we never would of bought it. I sure hated it at first but now I hate to sell it.
Wednesday, April 24, 1963
I did some wash and grunted around all day. I was miserable. Phoned to Dr. Goddard to get appointment for Xray. He said it cost $45.00 too much for us to pay.
Thursday, April 25, 1963
Doing some more wash and sent a reorder to Aldens. I ordered larger shoes, a slip and 6 pair of stockings. Did not send the reorder today as I got real sick.
Friday, April 26, 1963
I did not do much today. this afternoon I took real sick and was sick all afternoon. Called for Dr. Goddard for an appointment 10:45 am Saturday. I think it is my heart. Dad brought in a nice bunch of daffodils, some yellow with deep orange center, some white with yellow centers, a different kind, some with Salmon color. Daisy and Ike come over a while tonight and while they were here Effie and Pete come. Pete is bad off with his back. I feel sorry for anyone sick. I had a hard spell today, long time getting over it. Effie and Pete stayed to nearly 9pm.
Saturday, April 27, 1963
Today I go to Dr. Goddard at Otsego. I went but did not get much out of him but he took $6.00 for his medicine. I hope he helps my back.
Sunday, April 28, 1963
Home all day, we have our place up for sale and some people came to look at house but they wanted 3 bedroom. Mr. Johnson came to look at the house.
Monday, April 29, 1963
It is drizzling rain. Dad planted beans, beets, radish. It drizzled rain just after Dad got his garden planted but did not last too long. A man Mr. Wilson came to look at our place, he has a place in Plainwell.
Tuesday, April 30, 1963
It is raining and chilly. It snowed some. We ar just sitting around. I put on some chicken for dinner then Dad took order back 1:30 pm and brought Miles Nervine.

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