Monday, July 1, 1963
Rosie and Jerry and Sharon was here, they look so nice and Sharon is a Darling. I feel shaky.
Tuesday, July 2, 1963
I am trying to do some work, I washed out some sheets and slips. Called Mrs. Dennis and Hardy got Mr. Dennis but not Mrs. Hardy. I am not too well.
Wednesday, July 3, 1963
I sewed my night dress. Dad went to Plainwell. I am dizzy but try to do a little to gain my strength. I talked to Mrs. Hardy and told her about the verse in Bible, Ezc 16 chap 6 verse to stop bleeding. I did Dad's wash this afternoon. I did mine this morning. I don't feel too good.
Thursday, July 4, 1963
Today is 4th of July. Cool and nice. I put some meat in oven to have for dinner. Mrs. Dennis called said she and Ernest would be over this afternoon.
Friday, July 5, 1963
Home, sold a few raspberries. Called Effie she said she did not know I was in hospital, said she was coming and would bring a mess of fish, hope she does.
Saturday, July 6, 1963
Went to Orpha after the gun to shoot gophers. We have lot in yard us and Frank Bastins next door, south from us.
Sunday, July 7, 1963
Stayed home all day, Dad went to Cooper store to get prune juice, peas and other groceries. Daisy called and said Shirley Temple was on, it was good. the prune juice I bought is real good.
Monday, July 8, 1963
Went to Dr. McDill. Sometimes I don't think he tries to do something for his patients. Went to Daisy's first, she has her house about all cleaned, it looked real nice. I slept fairly after I took a pill for my heart.
Tuesday, July 9, 1963
Well today I feel pretty good, only my back when I try to do a little work.
Wednesday, July 10, 1963
I did some wash I am not too good. I am so weak I try to help Orby but I can't hardly do anything and i think he don't like it but I just can't I am too weak. I got Letter form Merle with his picture and wasn't I glad to get it. It was good of him with other policemen.
Thursday, July 11, 1963
Orpha is coming over to fix my hair. Rosemary will come too. I think she is a Darling, well my girl is too. I could not get a long with out her. Orpha and Rosemary came and i had dinner all prepared in oven, we had a nice visit, also I gave Rosemary $2.00 for ironing 4 dresses and cleaning up dinner dishes. Silver curle was $1.93 including the tax before I paid $2.47 saved 54 cents. Orpha got it at her store. (Now I wish I would have done more for Gma and Gpa, I guess at 13 you don't think about much other than yourself)
Friday, July 12, 1963
I tried to clean my house a little, looked for Daisy but it rained in the afternoon so they did not come, sold 5 quarts of berries.
Saturday, July 13, 1963
Nice day but chilly after the rain. Pete and Effie came for a short visit. Pete don't feel too good, he is now wearing a corset for his back. Well Daisy and Ike came, stayed a while. Daisy's feet pretty bad, she now has a bunion on each side of 1 foot, poor kid, I feel sorry for her.
Sunday, July 14, 1963
Dad is out picking red raspberries.
Monday, July 15, 1963
Ike and Dad went fishing at Big Lake and stayed all day. I was over to Daisy's and she got pretty worried till they came home. they got lots of nice fish. Ike caught his limit, I guess we had about 4 inches of rainfall now all together.
Tuesday, July 16, 1963
Ike's Birthday, we had fish for breakfast, they were good. We have 12 more fish, will have them for dinner someday. A City Senior Insurance man was here, my they are high on insurance. It rained more last night.
Wednesday, July 17, 1963
We sold our last raspberries. We have sold $24.00 more than we expected. Hot today.
Saturday, July 20, 1963
Went to Dennis' around noon. She wanted us to come for dinner, had mixed vegetables, fired potatoes and pork chops and peach pie. Was a good dinner, then we went over to see Hardy's, he looks bad and she is wearing herself out.
Sunday, July 21, 1963
Stayed home all day, Dad sold $6.00 worth of raspberries now have sold over $30.00 worth. It is a nice day.
Monday, July 22, 1963
Started to sprinkle, looked like we are going to get more rain. Wrote a letter to Joyce, Mrs. Rus and 2 sons was here.
Tuesday, July 23, 1963
Went to Orpha's as Orby went to Kalamazoo to buy new shoes. Orpha took Rosemary over to the school to play golf and then Orpha stopped at Claudia's and then we went back to Orpha's. The baby is around 9 months, and as quiet as she can be, she is never afraid of anybody and plays so cute. (Dennise) My little Grand Daughter (Claudia) is going to get another baby in 8 months.
Wednesday, July 24, 1963
Sent Merle and Sandra a birthday card, went to Daisy's got my catalogs, then Dad went to Allegan to see about oil in Oklahoma. (He had stock in a couple of oil wells. Up through the ground came a...)
Thursday, July 25, 1963
Got letter from Merle and Letha. Got card, get well from Daisy. I did not do much today, just sat around. Ardith's baby is 3 months today.
Friday, July 26, 1963
Tonight Kennedy will speak.
Saturday, July 27, 1963
Merle's birthday and also Sandra's. I sure would love to see him, my dearie darling baby boy and a nice tall sone and he always wrties me tolet me know how he is in Mesa Arizona. Stayed home all day, called Daisy, asked her over for dinner Sunday. she refused as I was working on windows. Asked Orpah and they were going fishing Sunday, sold doz. corn at 50 cents per doz.
Sunday, July 28, 1963
Home all day to sell corn, did a wash.
Monday, July 29, 1963
Went to Dr. McDill cost medicine $8.60, cough medicine, high blood pressure. Sent order of $5.50 to Natue food Centres Cambridge Mass.
Tuesday, July 30, 1963
Called Orpha and she said they did not go fishing Sunday and Bud and her went Monday to the lake but Bud took a sick spell and they come back home. He went to work this morning. I did a wash this morning. I will wash anothe rbatch of clothes. I talked with Mrs. Hardy and she said Hardy was no better and she had a Birthday party given her by friends.
Wednesday, July 31, 1963
Had a little shower. Orby got new spark plug put on car at Cooper garage. I cleaned my front room, cleaned stove and ironed a few pieces, I feel tired out.
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