Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Saturday, March 20, 2010

April 1965

Vinegar in iron. If you have hard water put 1/2 teaspoon of vinegar in iron as you fill it and it will prevent it from clogging and does no harm to clothes.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Myers, RR2, Box 185, Fairmount, Ind.
Mrs. Arthur G. White, 644 W. Main St., Lot 81, Mesa, Ariz. 85201
Mrs. Robert Giles, 429 Chapman, Phoenix Arizona
Earl Newman, Bertha RR5 112, Peru Indiana
Dennis Ernest, 4500 Ft. Lauderdale, Ravenwood Road, Florida.
Roy Newman, 5260 Harrison, Peru Ind.

Thursday, April 1, 1965
It is snowing today. I have an ironing to do. I have my afghan all pieced but now I intend to go over all seams with embroidery thread. Some one had an accident in front of Summer's, Dad April fooled me.
Friday, April 2, 1965
My sister's birthday. (Lydia) Sewed all seams on the quilted afghan. Nice day. Dad mopped kitchen. I had pancakes for dinner. Vacuumed the rooms. Mr. Elmer Hardy died today, will be buried at Marcellus.
Saturday, April 3, 1965
Well, we had a very nice day and after dinner we went to Pete and Effie's and Pet looks a lot better and Effie too. We also saw Donald, Effie's son. He has a new car, lavender Chevy. Effie gave me enough material to make me a dress. She gave it to me to line my pieced Afghan but I think I will make a dress.
Sunday, April 4, 1965
I cleaned all my blinds, it is a job. Still nice day.
Monday, April 5, 1965
I have my afghan all pieced no I want to put a back on it. Put sale sign out in front, got letter from Rosa Myers, she said Daniel joined the Navy.
Tuesday, April 6, 1965
I washed the goods I intend to use the old cloth I bought for a quilt. I have had quite a while but thought I would use it on my afghan. Sent the minister $5.00 today.
Wednesday, April 7, 1965
I finished my afghan today, it looks real nice and started to take the gathers out of my dress. I don't like the pleated or gathered in dresses. I cleaned blinds.
Thursday, April 8, 1965
Sent Mrs. Hardy a sympathy card. Dad went to Kalamazoo.
Friday, April 9, 1965
I did some wash and when it dried I ironed it. I am tried out today.
Saturday, April 10, 1965
We did not do much today. Ike came over with papers and Mrs. Hardy called and we talked with her. She feels pretty bad and gets so lonely.
Sunday, April 11, 1965
Went to Wall Lake with Realtor to look at 2 places at lake for sale. $8,900.00. Came home had dinner then phoned Orpha, and asked if she wanted to go look at the places and we all went and had an awful nice time. Enjoyed every minute. Had supper at Bud's.
Monday, April 12, 1965
I finished my red flowered dress. I took out the gathers and put in pleats.
Tuesday, April 13, 1965
The minister was here today, had a nice visit.
Wednesday, April 14, 1965
I did a wash. Ike was here, had a nice visit.
Thursday, April 15, 1965
My Dad's birthday, born 1834. Orpha and claudia came over, they bought us flowers and cars for Easter. Claudia bought tulips, yellow. Orpha bought Azalea and lovely cards from Orpha, Claudia and Rosemary. Did my ironing, then washed a batch of clothes.
Friday, April 16, 1965
I called Orpha and she and Bud is starting on a vacation. Rosemary will stay at Claudia's. Dad went to store. I washed colored clothes today. I am so lonesome I cried. I hardly know which way to turn.
Saturday, April 17, 1965
Got letter from Merle said Joyce was going to have another baby and they all are glad. Hope she has luck with this one. It is a cold day today, rained a little.
Sunday, April 18, 1965
Was home all day. Bob, Karla and children was here today. Bob gave us $20.00 due us, had a nice visit.
Monday, April 19, 1965
Went to Otsego to see the little evergreen trees Ike set out on Daisy's grave. (They are not there anymore, I don't know what happened to them) The high school girls were raking leaves, we also bought us 2 places for burial, cost $40.00 for both. (Right next to Daisy, Mountain Home Cemetery, Otsego, MI) Ike went with us.
Tuesday, April 20, 1965
Went to Orpha's for the day, had a swell time. Ate dinner in Milham Park, she brought me home, we went to Plainwell to get ice cream. We sure had a good time.
Wednesday, April 21, 1965
Today I wrote to Merle, sent some clippings of the tornado of Cooper Center. I called Orpha she is going to clean house today.
Thursday, April 22, 1965
Ike came over with papers, Dad washed window today. I vacuumed floors. Ike and Dad picked up some corn for Ike's squirrels.
Friday, April 23, 1965
We went to store after some groceries.
Saturday, April 24, 1965
Ike came over for dirt to put around Daisy's tombstone. Orpha came for a while, I washed my base boards.
Sunday, April 25, 1965
It is cold, gloomy day. I wanted to go to church but as things turned out we can't go. Rained some out today. 40 degrees.
Monday, April 26, 1965
Still rainy and cold. Sent card to Lane Bryant to tell them I received check for dress, nothing due at this date.
Tuesday, April 27, 1965
I went to Orpha's for the day, had an awful good time. Bought our dinner an ate out. Rosemary was with us, then Orpha brought me home.
Wednesday, April 28, 1965
I ironed today and washed. Ike came over and picked up some corn. Orby planted some garden stuff.
Thursday, April 29, 1965
Orpha came out today and was here for dinner. She is now talking to Claudia over phone. It is a cool day. Wrote a few lines on card to Daniel. Sent $2.00 to Look Magazine in money.
Friday, April 30, 1965
Had our first mess of asparagus for dinner and I made a date roll and did a wash. Then picked out 1 cup of walnut meats.

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