Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Friday, March 19, 2010

February 1965

(Rosa is 84 and Orby will be 82 in August 1965)

Monday, February 1, 1965
It is snowing, I wrote letter to Bessie. Made pancakes for our dinner.
Tuesday, February 2, 1965
I did two wash loads. It is flaking snow.
Wednesday, February 3, 1965
Orpah called, said Rosemary was better but did not go to school I did my ironing. I had quite a large one. Wrote to Look magazine and cancelled my subscription.
Thursday, February 4, 1965
Today is quite nice. Dad shoveled out driveway. Glad it was done as our minister, Mr. John Tomlonson came for a short visit. We gave him some grapefruit, we bought in Arizona. Ike is feeling some better, said he is keeping his driveway shoveled out.
Friday, February 5, 1965
Sun shinning, nice but quite a lot of wind. I vacuumed my 4 rooms. Dad is thinking of going to Kalamazoo, I may go along, don't know yet. Dad trimmed my toenails. I think my corn is healing.
Saturday, February 6, 1965
Well, we went to Otsego to see Ike. Took him grapefruit and some dates. He gave me some plastic refrigerator dishes and a large coffee can. He looks pretty good. Dad mopped my floor, bless his heart. It nearly kills me to do it.
Sunday, February 7, 1965
Spent 3 hours reading bible and listening to radio preaching. Orpha and Bud came over for a while. The roads are pretty good. I gave Bud a piece of my date nut bread.
Monday, February 8, 1965
I started to clean my bedroom will finish tomorrow, if God's will. Got a letter from Merle and a payment from George Drive, Tempe, AZ.
Tuesday, February 9, 1965
Orpha and Bob came over, Bud is acting up again. I can't see why he can't behave. I hope they get things straightened up. I am starting on cleaning my house,have my bedroom about cleaned.
Wednesday, February 10, 1965
Well, I ironed curtains and helped put them up and sorted out some papers, now I really am gave out. I don't want to move to do another lick till I am plum rested. I have now my bedroom cleaned but it took me 2 1/2 days. Ike came over with a box of candy for my Birthday. A man was here for us to sign papers about a sewer.
Thursday, February 11, 1965
Sat around all day. Orpha came around but said she had her dinner. We just sat down to eat, we had beef stew, bought it had peas, potatoes, gravy and beef.
Friday, February 12, 1965
It started to snow. Dad went to Kalamazoo to exchange vitamins for me. He is going to see Montgomery about a stove they have in the paper for sale. I did a wash today. Dad ordered a cook electric stove from Montgomery $164.00 plus $6.56 tax, freight $5.62. I ordered vitamins from New York. Did not get the stove they did not have it, that's what they said.
Saturday, February 13, 1965
My 84th Birthday. Bud and Orpha came over a while, brought me a Birthday cake and lovely card. Rosemary got me a small plant. I got 12 cards on my birthday, they were all beautiful.
Sunday, February 14, 1965
Claudia's birthday (21) Orpha, Rosemary, Claudia, Dennis and children came today. Orpha and Rosemary had supper with us.
Monday, February 15, 1965
I did a wash and then ironed the wash. I did before Orpha got me some embroidery thread so now I want to finish my dresser scarf, then I will have two nearly a like. I hope I get them done.
Tuesday, February 16, 1965
Dad cleaned the asparagus bed today and piled up some brush. I did not do much, had headache all day. Called Orpha, she still in down hearted.
Wednesday, February 17, 1965
I cleaned the floor in living room. Went to Ike's. Talked to Orpha some better. Montgomery called said they get stove in 2 weeks.
Thursday, February 18, 1965
Dad is out trying to clean up the yard. I have 3 letters to answer today if i can get at it. Mrs. Dennis, Bessie, and Joyce. I wrote to Bessie but did not get Joyce and Dennis' answered.
Friday, February 19, 1965
Well, today Peter Workentine is going to have an operation at the Saint Mary Hospital, Mayo Rochester, Minnesota. I nearly finished the dresser scarf. I've been working. It is nice. Dad went to Kalamazoo and bought new shoes.
Saturday, February 20, 1965
Today seems nice but quite chilly. I finished the dresser scarf, got a letter from my dear son. I always am so glad to hear from my dear children.
Sunday, February 21, 1965
Seems like a nice day but of course a little chilly. I took a bath and feel okay. I hope I don't catch more cold. Seems it is one cold right after the other. Wrote to Dennis' and Joyce and Merle.
Monday, February 22, 1965
Sent 3 letters off. It snowed a little last night. been all day. Did not snow much and it is about all off the road.
Tuesday, February 23, 1965
Had a tough day, did not do much. I started another doily, seems I have to keep doing something with my hands. Got medicine from Food Centers. 3 kind of vitamins, E,C and B.
Wednesday, February 24, 1965
It is snowing this morning. I wrote Effie a letter. Hope Peter is better. It stopped snowing and is nice. I did a wash to day.
Thursday, February 25, 1965
My Mother's Birthday, if living would be 114. She was nearly 30 when I was born. I was born 13th of February. She the 25th of February. It snowed today and snow now in drive way is quite deep. I did my ironing. Bessie called said Pete had another operation Wednesday and was full of cancers. Don't know when he will be home, too bad for Effie. I feel sorry for both of them.
Friday, February 26, 1965
Well, Orby went to doctor at Plainwell today. I sent letter to Effie at the Hospital as I got Pete's card. I sent him back as I failed to put his name on it. We had our drive way cleaned out today, cost $3.00.
Saturday, February 27, 1965
We kept today and i enjoyed reading the bible, which I do at all times, gets plainer
every time I read it. I sent the card to Pete and Effie and expect they will get it Monday.
Sunday, February 28, 1965
It is awful foggy out this morning, can't hardly see the cars on the road.

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