Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Thursday, March 11, 2010

June 1964

(Rosa is 83 and Orby will be 81 in August. They are still trying to sell their 5 acres and home on Douglas Avenue, and they are house hunting.)

Monday, June 1, 1964
Sent letter to Aldens to inquire about stainless silver that they had advertised quite awhile ago for $13.88, 60 piece set, number 39G2362. Dad went to sell asparagus. I finished my doily for Rosemary.
Tuesday, June 2, 1964
45 degrees. I am washing doily and some white clothes. It is a nice day, did not frost last night. I wanted to go to Effie's but Orby said after dinner.
Wednesday, June 3, 1964
Went to Cemetery and put some flowers in a pink pot on Arlene Joyce's grave, that's Orpha's baby. Then we went to Ike's, he has his chest about finished. He is going to keep some of Daisy's things in it. He got the glass flower container and ribbon for me. Dorothy came while we was there and said maybe her Butch and Ken would come over to our house on Parade of old Automobiles, they run pass our house. I am going to try and get them to stay for lunch.
Thursday, June 4, 1964
Orby took some asparagus and sold it in no time. I finished the ground of another doily and fixed one of my dresser scarves that is about worn out but I had such love for the work of embroidery and wanted to save it. Sold some flowers to one of our neighbors as she sells flowers. Our neighbor Frank Bastain is having his house painted.
Friday, June 5, 1964
Orby went to sell the asparagus. I finished using what crochet cotton I had, so quit for a while till I get more thread. I called Effie and told her we would not go over to Vicksburg to the meeting. I wanted to go so much but Orby said he did not to drive car in the night. Effie said Pete was tired out.
Saturday, June 6, 1964
I wrote letter to Merle and Letha today after I went out and picked me a nice bunch of flowers. It is chilly this morning. Bastain's are getting their house painted.
Sunday, June 7, 1964
Today will be a parade of old cars that go past our house on Douglas Drive. Ike, Ken, Dorothy, and Butchie came. There were a lot of real old cars. I think around 2 hundred that is what Dorothy said after the parade. We had lunch, ice cream and cookies, then they went home. We got a little more lunch, then drove to Henry Vandenburg's but no one was home., but Blanche and Edith. We had ice cream and cakes, then went to Hamilton to the cemetery that Earl's is buried. We also saw Minnie Parish's grave and Bell's. Earl has a lovely marker, the engraving is so large and plain, we got home around 6 o'clock.
Monday, June 8, 1964
I did a wash then Orpha came over and we had lunch. She brought over Brian and he sure is a sweet baby. He looked like Bob and real blue eyes, he is a bright little fellow.
Tuesday, June 9, 1964
I did my ironing, I am making Dorothy a chair set. It is white trimmed in metallic blue thread and heavy white. Dad went to sell more asparagus, he isn't long selling it and he can't get around to all the customers every time. It is awful windy but no rain and we need it bad. It is 2 months since Orpha fixed my hair.
Wednesday, June 10, 1964
I did my ironing and mopped kitchen. Dad went to Otsego and got groceries.
Thursday, June 11, 1964
Today I am still crocheting. I did a wash and ironing and went out to see the roses and flowers.
Friday, June 12, 1964
I went to Orpha's and she trimmed my hair and then we went after Rosemary and she had Dennise. She stopped and got some groceries and we had dinner at Claudia's. She is a nice house keeper and can fix a nice dinner. Orpha looks pretty good, getting thinner but I am afraid those darling children will wear her out.
Saturday, June 13, 1964
Well, at noon Mrs. Dennis called up and said they got home Friday. She said Dorothea was going back in a week. Orby is washing windows. I did a wash today and vacuumed my floors. Had fish that we bought for our dinner. I made 2 pumpkin pies today. Ike came over brought papers and when he went home took couple of slips of roses to put under glass to start them. Rosemary called and said she liked the doily I made for her, white trimmed in blue and red.
Sunday, June 14, 1964
Went to the Brethren Church on Drake Road, was a nice sermon about the Prodigal Son then we came home had dinner, took a nap. Orpha called and we had a nice chat. Dad lost his eye glasses, he is out trying to find them. It is a nice day. Mrs. Dennis called me yesterday, said they got home Friday and was tired, they went to see Junior yesterday.
Monday, June 15, 1964
I started to crochet edging on Claudia's doily as orpha and Rosemary came over with the thread.
Tuesday, June 16, 1964
I just finished a doily for Claudia, white trimmed in pink. I have to make Karla one, it will be white trimmed in orange. We are going to Kalamazoo after dinner. I am going to Effie's and will take her 2 bunches of asparagus also some zips for dresses that I have taken from dresses of mince. Well we went had a lovely visit. She gave us some fish and a lot of pieces to make me a small pieced afghan.
Wednesday, June 17, 1964
Mrs. Dennis called I told her we might come over. Well, we went had a nice visit. She don't look too good, either does Earnest but she set lunch before we came home. Dorothea went back to Florida.
Thursday, June 18, 1964
We went to Dennis' Wednesday. Mrs. Dennis don't look too good and Ernie is pretty stiffened up but I was so glad to see them. We had lunch around 4 o'clock. Bill mowed their lawn (Dennis' neighbor) while we was there. Dorothea had gone home and is coming back in two or three months. The wheat on our 14 acres looks good, Dad said. (So they still owned land in Vicksburg?) I am doing a little wash. Oh how I miss my dear daughter today. It has been nearly 7 months since God took her home. It seems ages since I saw her. Today Warner and wife was here to see if we would sell the 5 acres. They came in evening. Cut out my apron that Effie gave me.
Friday, June 19, 1964
It is nice and cool this morning. We went house looking and Orpha went with us. they are going to have open house Sunday. The house is pretty nice, 3 bedrooms. Dad sold 11 bunches asparagus today.
Saturday, June 20, 1964
I finished the apron. Sure is a job to go house hunting especially when it is hot. I sent Mr. Warner a letter and told him we would not sell for less than $18,000.00. I finished making me a very nice apron from pieces Effie gave me. Started making it Thursday night, finished it Saturday, 2 days making it.
Sunday, June 21, 1964
Well, it looks lot like we was going to have some rain, the wind is blowing pretty hard. Dad is out cutting out some buck horn. Well it is now raining and we sure can use it. It is about dinner time. I am going to have asparagus and fish., some that Effie gave us. We was over to Orpha's yesterday, and went ot look at a house they made in Oshtemo. It will be open to buyers today. Well, Merle called from Arizona to wish Dad Happy Father's day. Sounded good to hear him. A woman called me and inquired for Merle and said she had written him in Kalamazoo and it came back to her, so I gave her his address in 530 s. Alma School Road, Mesa, Arizona.
Monday, June 22, 1964
Went to Claudia and Karla's, also looked at a place in Westfield (that was the subdivision that Claudia and Karla lived). I got my order from Montgomery , the dress was too large, I am going to reorder and get a size smaller.
Tuesday, June 23, 1964
I did my ironing, then I finished Karla's doily. Nice and cool today. Some people are coming to look at our place tonight. Well, they came and liked it fine, are going to see if they can get some one to handle. it.
Wednesday, June 24, 1964
I commenced a doily for Ardith and when I finished hers I want to make Lila one also. I will make Lila white trimmed in green.
Thursday, June 25, 1964
Well the man called up and said the man to look at the place, the appraiser will come Friday. I finished Ardith's doily and got it washed. Am waiting for it to dry, then I will iron it. My hand hurts a lot but hope my hand and finer will hold up till i get all my loved ones something to remember their old Grandma by. I am 83 but love to crochet and embroidery.
Friday, June 26, 1964
I did a wash and finished Lila's doily. I also ironed. A man came and took picture of our house to see what one could borrow on it, the picture sure is nice. Ike came over with the papers, he looks pretty good. It sure got warm today, but cooler tonight.
Saturday, June 27, 1964
Went and gave Rosie and Betty and Lila their doilys I made for them. Rosie and Betty's is white trimmed in green. They were pretty, made them when I was 83 years old.
Sunday, June 28, 1964
We are looking for Dennis' today for dinner. Well they came, we had a lovely time and a very nice meal, they stayed till around 5 o'clock.
Monday, June 29, 1964
Today I wrote a letter to Merle and Joyce. It is a nice day. I did not do too much, my back is bothering me a lot. I guess i caught cold and it went in my back. It sure hurts me bad. I started another doily, this morning as Orby was out getting wees out of the asparagus. He went to work at five o'clock before it got too hot. It sure is hot today. I am sitting here just with my slip and girdle on.
Tuesday, June 30, 1964
Last day of June. I got the white doily I started Monday done all but the trim at 2 pm today and I think I will trim it in blue. It is a very hot day, I got 2 thank me cards today, one from Claudia and one from Rosemary for the doily., I made them. Rosemary's is trimmed in red and blue, and Claudia's is trimmed in pink.

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