Thursday, September 1, 1966
Retha's Birthday born 1880. (Orby's sister) Went to Otsego, put water on all grave flowers of our folks. Then stopped at Ike's. Dad made me out a liar when i was talking and it was him, not me and he knew better . It is warm today. Dad took pears to sell to Kalamazoo, sold some pears at $2.00 a bushel.
Friday, September 2, 1966
I canned 7 quarts of peaches today. I am tired, will go to bed early, haven't heard from Orpha for a few days. I get worried when I don't hear form them. Had some rain tonight. Sold some pears, now they are all gone.
Saturday, September 3, 1966
Sat around, got early dinner so Dad could go to Kalamazoo. Kenneth McLaughlin was here a few minutes to see if Dad had any pipe. Ken said Ike was not feeling good yesterday but better today. We had fish that Bud gave us for dinner. They were delicious. We sold Ike's gate today 50 cents.
Sunday, September 4, 1966
It was a nice day. Our clothes dried very quick. I canned pears all day after I did the wash. I will have around 20 quarts of pears when I get them all canned. I talked with Orpha, she is coming along fine with her Avon.
Monday, September 5, 1966
I finished canning my pears and talked to Dorothy, Orpha and Ike. His arm hurts pretty bad, can't drive car good. I think maybe Orpha may come over if Bud feels like it.
Tuesday, September 6, 1966
Letha and Earl's birthday. I went over to Orpha's today and we went out to dinner, then went to see Bud at the shop. He has lots of work. Rosemary did not have school all day. (Probably was skipping)
Wednesday, September 7, 1966
Today, we went to Vicksburg and stopped at the house that was for sale on Andy Street.
Thursday, September 8, 1966
Today I did a wash, mopped my kitchen and ironed some clothes. Will send an order to Lane Bryant for dress and shoes tomorrow.
Friday, September 9, 1966
I sent check of $12.49 for dresses July 28, 1966, for dresses and it was returned, so now I am sending today Sept 9 for dress and pair of shoes. The check of $12.40
to Lane Bryant my order came to $11.42, due me 98 cents. (Ordered different dress, less money) I vacuumed all rooms, did a little wash, dusted and worked over tow girdles. Dad sold some tomatoes.
Saturday, September 10, 1966
Today I never do much, read bible and christian papers. I am now reading Lesson in Truth, I read it before. It is a nice book to read. Got a letter from Merle and Effie. Merle sent some pictures of his house and cactus.
Sunday, September 11, 1966
Mr. Oley, a neighbor of Merle's in Arizona. Well, I did a wash and went over to Dennis and Claudia Westra's for dinner. Had a nice time and a bountiful dinner. The children were so nice, their doggie was not at home.
Monday, September 12, 1966
We went to Hartford today. I called up Orpha to go along but she had to canvas to day. We took Orby's watch and our 8 day clock to have fixed. We know a man, Jim Ogerly, he is Peg's son. We also visited Atterberry while we was there, then we drove to Decatur to Edith's, saw Edith and Blanche. Jim Odgely, Peg's son in Hartford, Michian.
Tuesday, September 13, 1966
I did my ironing and fixed my gown. Wrote Merle a letter and talked to Effie. Pete will be to Minn 10 days. Orpha did not call today. Effie said she was going to try to get over here this week. Dorothea Dennis called today, said she was coming over sometime this week.
Wednesday, September 14, 1966
Orby went to Kalamazoo to get groceries and paint. I mopped the kitchen, it sure gets dirty.
Thursday, September 15, 1966
Sent my shoes and dress back to Lane Bryant. I vacuumed my 4 rooms today while orby was to Otsego.
Friday, September 16, 1966
Orpha, my sweet girl, brought over my order $4.33. Will put some on my face tonight to make me pretty. Orpha wants to see me beautiful. She is so sweet, so is Rosemary and Claudia and Orby.
Saturday, September 17, 1966
Bra 38D, but 38 dress too big. Iva Belcher married McFerrson. Iva had a sister Leliah, she stayed with us a while when she was a little girl. Orby is finishing door. Belcher Shiela Iva
Sunday, September 18, 1966
I am washing clothes it is chilly today. We are expecting Dennis' over today, sometime they come, we had ice cream and cookies for lunch.
Monday, September 19, 1966
Got Orby's watch and my clock today and Orby paid out groceries and gas $7.99. I did my ironing. A lady came to look at house, she liked it.
Tuesday, September 20, 1966
Orpha just called. Bud got his little finger cut real bad yesterday and doctor sewed it up but he went to work but shouldn't as I guess it is real bad. I am fixing the corners of my fitted sheet. The minister Mr. John Tomlonson was here on a short visit. I like him, he seems so nice. (His finger healed fine)
Wednesday, September 21, 1966
Rosemary and Orpha was here for dinner and Orpha said maybe her and Bud was going to the show about Christ from cradle to grave.
Thursday, September 22, 1966
We went to Ike's and he seems better but arm is sore yet. Got papers then came home I ironed.
Friday, September 23, 1966
I vacuumed all floors , fixed my dress, fixed clock so we could adjust it slow or fast. Dad cut the lawn today.
Saturday, September 24, 1966
Sat home all day. A man came from Grand Rapids taking orders for a hearing aid but I don't think it amounts to much. Had scalloped potatoes, meat, pears, cookies and pickles. It is a cold windy day. Got letter from Merle.
Sunday, September 25, 1966
I did a wash. Dad went to sale at Otsego. I think at Vern Pike's, he is moving to Florida. Effie is at home. Pete isn't too good. I want to visit her sometime this week.
Monday, September 26, 1966
I did another wash and too I washed my chair bottom, it zips out. I called Orpha, she was not at home. I was going there if she would have been home as Orby went to pick some apples. Where he got those good apples one year and we all got some real nice cherries. They were dark red. I ironed today also. Summers is putting up a garage. I don't know if he has building permit or not. Paid $2.00 for a bushel and u pick.
Tuesday, September 27, 1966
I vacuumed the 3 rooms. Tried to get Effie 4 times in morning and at 10 o'clock, then around 5, then I called Beda, then I got serious and called Lawrence Minegar at Otsego and he said Effie was not to hospital in Minn. Then I called Effie, got her, she said she had been home all day and Beda was there ironing. Orby bought tow muskmelons.
Wednesday, September 28, 1966
Got letter from Lucille yesterday. Willard and Bessie are not too good. Doctor said Willard had Diabetes and Bessie is not too good. Ike came over with papers. I am patching my blanket. Orby put them around furniture so the furniture would not get scratched up but aught to see the blankets.
Thursday, September 29, 1966
Orpha and Claudia and children was here a while but looked like rain and Orpha left her windows open so had to get home to shut them. so did not stay long.
Friday, September 30, 1966
Last day of month. Wrote Lucille letter. Orby is putting storm windows up. I patched a wool blanket yesterday. Ike was here awhile, his arm is better.
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