The Property of: Mrs. Rosa Fouts, this diary a gift from her husband Orby Fouts.
(She has written the above in this, the last diary I have, I do not know if there were more, but this is the last I have)
Saturday, January 1, 1966
It was 30 degrees this morning. Dad slept better, just got up once at 1 o'clock. Nice morning. Mrs. Louise Carver resigned her job the 31 of December 1965. Hellman dressing. I called Orpha, she seemed to be better. We saw the Orange Bowl Parade over again. It was nice. Aurthur Godfrey and Bess Myerson. Daisy passed away early November 21, Thursday 1963 around 2 in the morning.
Sunday, January 2, 1966
It seems to be a nice day. I haven't went out yet. Started to rain. Well I wrote Merle, January 2 my first letter in 1966. Labar, man across from Orpha house, he died.
Monday, January 3, 1966
I did some wash, it is a nice day. Ike brought paper over to see how we was. His cold is better. He said Sharon is working at Kalamazoo for 2 lawyers.
Tuesday, January 4, 1966
It is a very nice day. I vacuumed all my floors this morning and cleaned the blinds in front room and ducted all the furniture. Now some time today I have to do some ironing. Orby don't feel too good but slept better last night. Orpha called, said Bud had kitchen ceiling on but did not know when he would get at the side walls. Orpha came over for a while. We had dinner but she didn't eat much.
Wednesday, January 5, 1966
I did some ironing. Wrote to Nature Food today as they said I owed them $1.00 and I don't see how I owe them. Ellen in "The World Turns" (Soap) went to David's house to see Fanny and Fanny got angry at Ellen and threatened her about Dannie so Ellen threw something at her and killed her but she did not know it till David her Fiance examined her and found she was dead. (Great...)
Thursday, January 6, 1966
Temperature 34, I made me an apron out of the material I was going to make dress. They are at David's, questioning everyone but when they came to Ellen she did not deny it, don't know what they will do. (Great..more soaps)
Friday, January 7, 1966
Temp still 30 degrees. Just a little snow on ground. Dad bought 10 loaves of bread and some liver. Orpha and Bud was here a while, they drove Rosemary's car and it sure looks awful nice. (1961 Karman Ghia)
Saturday, January 8, 1966
Little colder this morning. Orpha and Bud came over awhile last night. Had a nice visit, always glad to see them. Dad is going to Otsego today. He went to Ike's but Ike was not a home. He got me medicine from Dr. Goddard $2.00. Wrote letter to Dennis'. Gleason is on the Honey Mooners, Gleason is Ralph and Audry Meadows is Alice. The school got a fire, Ike phoned and told us.
Sunday, January 9, 1966
Stayed home all day. Cooked chicken for dinner, it was pretty nice out today. Maude Peas passed away, she was Guy Peas' wife., and they had one girl Audry.
Monday, January 10, 1966
I did a wash and Ike came over with papers. He never stays long but we see him every week. He don't go too much. The school is closed for a week at least.
Tuesday, January 11, 1966
I did my ironing and cleaned up the house. The TV man came and fixed the TV, cost $6.30. Got a letter from Merle with some more pictures of the flood. The water sure was everywhere. Just called Orpha, she seems a lot better and I am so thankful for that. Dad is better today. I would like to see him go to see a specialist, maybe then he would know what to Doctor for. Clark Gable is on TV at 9 o'clock.
Wednesday, January 12, 1966
I am doing another wash, it is quite cold this morning. It sleeted some and little snow fell. President Johnson is on TV 9 pm tonight. The Rifleman was on at 6 pm tonight on channel 12. president Johnson made nearly 1 hours speech and it was good.
Thursday, January 13, 1966
Snowed last night, don't know yet how deep as we haven't been out. Orpha called and said they had snow too, but not too deep and Dennis was over and plowed out his driveway. I made apple jack for dinner.
Friday, January 14, 1966
I cut out an ironing board pattern. I cleaned house and it did not snow much. I made me another apron, all but the trim. I made one trimmed in lavender now his one I will trim in rose, they will be real nice.
Saturday, January 15, 1966
Will have chicken for dinner. We went to Ike's had to turn off heat so if nothing happens will have our chicken tomorrow. The roads are good, lots of snow in fields. Mr. Burrs has been in hospital now nearly 5 weeks. Today is real nice, it is my Sabbath.
Sunday, January 16, 1966
Nice morning this morning but cold. Sun shining bright.
Monday, January 17, 1966
Degree 16. Nice day. I finished my apron, made a fancy pocket in it, now I have 2 new aprons made a like out of the material I started a dress, miss cut it so made 2 aprons. Effie called, said she had a strained back from shoveling snow.
Tuesday, January 18, 1966
Today Dad went to a Doctor at Plainwell for an adjustment. He said he done a thorough job and thought he would be better. The sun is shining nice. I sent a letter out to Ester Waite at Lawton today.
Wednesday, January 19, 1966
I vacuumed all my floors. It has been a very nice day. Orpha called and I think she has a little cold. Bud has not been too well. I will be glad when spring comes as the weather I
hope will then be more settled. Got a letter from Rosa Myers and she three days ago said she was going to be Grandma in May.
Thursday, January 20, 1966
I called Effie, she is better with her back. We had a very nice day over head. I did some washing. Dad mopped the floors. Ike was here. He seems pretty good, brought over papers. Claudia called, thought her mother was here and i told her if Orpha came here, I would have her call her.
Friday, January 21, 1966
I ironed my dresses and remodeled over two bras. Went to Parchment. Dad went to Plainwell to get an adjustment. Nice day.
Saturday, January 22, 1966
Sat around and read God's word. I sure love to learn all I can from the bible and good Christian books and literature. Orpha and Rosemary came over for a short visit. I was so glad to see them, Rosemary has a medium short hair cut, looks nice. I got a letter from Merle today.
Sunday, January 23, 1966
Nice day, started to flake little snow. Well, it did not snow much. Dad went to Plainwell and Otsego. Sharon will be married in February 18, 1966. I talked to Orpha and she said little Dennise is better from her cold. Got payment from Espinoga today. (Arizona property) (Sharon McLaughlin to marry Watson) (Dennise Rose Westra)
Monday, January 24, 1966
Nice morning but flaking snow some. Did not snow. I don't think it will snow too much. Guess I will make apple jack for our supper, it was good.
Tuesday, January 25, 1966
Sent letter to Merle this morning. Merle called at 8:45 this morning. It was so nice to hear their voices. I also talked to Letha. They are pretty well. Said it is quite chilly there. Dad is going to Doctor in Plainwell this afternoon.
Wednesday, January 26, 1966
Dad went to town and took me to Orpha's. We had dinner and a real good time. Orpha gave me some nice paper to wrap a gift for Sharon.
Thursday, January 27, 1966
Wind is high and snow blowing, flaking a little snow. today bought 242 8/10 gallons of oil at $37.63. Seems we burned a lot of oil this month. We had a boiled meat dinner today. Cost 70 cents per day for heat. Was $34.90 last time we got oil, December 6th.
Friday, January 28, 1966
Sent $1.00 for 16 months of Workbasket Magazine. Dad went to Kalamazoo this afternoon to have car looked over and points fixed for we may go to Arizona the 7th of February.
Saturday, January 29, 1966
Nice day, but cold. Read bible and love it always seems planer every time we read it.
Sunday, January 30, 1966
I wrapped the gift for Sharon. Got dinner then got my dress and slip on as I thought I would wear my black slip and dress. Orpha is coming after me around 1:30 pm to go to Betty's, where the bridal shower will be.
Monday, January 31, 1966
Snow coming down pretty hard. It is some what warmer. We had a nice time at Betty's. Sharon wedding shower, she got a lot of nice things. I gave her a 5 piece towel set and a doily, white trimmed in rose.
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