Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

December 1964

(Rosa is 83 and Orby is 81, she has listed this on one of the back pages:
I have $17,000.00 September 3, 1964, in my own bank, I have $1,000.00 November 25, 1964 in Mesa bank and
In memory of our darling daughter. Wednesday night, November 20, 1963, Daisy went to heaven. Her life a beautiful memory. Her absence a silent grief. She sleeps in God's beautful garden. In the sunshine of perfect peace. Not dad to us who loved her so. Nor lost, but gone before. She lives with us in memory. And will for ever more. Mother and Dad)

Tuesday, December 1, 1964
Merle just called, said he got our letter but we told him Dad has been sick and we would call him the day we started to Arizona. Not too much snow on ground. Was so glad to hear Merle's voice, wish we could see him in person.
Wednesday, December 2, 1964
I did my wash. It snowed off and on all day but wasn't too cold. Orby went out and took tractor and made a track. Orpha called and said she would not come over today. Bud took the new car to work. Dad feels some better, I am going to make baking powder biscuits for supper.
Thursday, December 3, 1964
Today the time is up on Mrs. Parker's house. It has warmed up some and snowed a little last night but seems nice to have it warmer. I called Orpha, said Claudia was not feeling too good, but Dennis is back working. I got a letter from Rosa Myers and they are all excited as Faith gets married the 20th of December. We ordered oil for tomorrow.
Friday, December 4, 1964
I did my wash and ironed them, then vacuumed my house. talked to Orpha. It is snowing some. Orby mopped the kitchen, I mopped the bathrooms.
Saturday, December 5, 1964
Did Dad's washing and peeled apples for apple sauce. It is nice this morning. Orby went to Martin to see the Doctor, hope he says Orby is better for i dread it when any thin is the matter with him. He slept better last night. I got two Christmas cards from Dorothy. I am making 2 more doilys.
Sunday, December 6, 1964
Home all day, had several good sermons on. Nice we can be able to get so many on the radio. Flaked snow today. Ike called, he is not too good, bothered with his stomach.
Monday, December 7, 1964
Sent card to Merle so he would not worry too much as we won't start there to Arizona till the weather clears up. We got a litter and payment from George Drive, Tempe Arizona.
Tuesday, December 8, 1964
Orby is not too well, he said he did not sleep too good. Well I did not either after 3 o'clock. Orpha and Claudia came over this afternoon and we had a nice visit with my sweet grandchildren and darling daughter. Said they might come over tonight, well they came with Bud, Dennis and the sweet Rosemary. Claudia has two sweet babies, they showed movies, pictures of us on Thanksgiving saw pictures of Claudia and Bob's marriage. It was great to see them all again so happy and it was just gorgeous to be able to see it all over again. (Home movies)
Wednesday, December 9, 1964
Well, I think we will go over to see Ike and if everything goes well we will be on our way to Arizona tomorrow, pretty early. Ike came over with papers, he has been ill with a cold, looked a little peeked. I have my packing about all done and am tired.
Thursday, December 10, 1964
We are starting to Arizona this morning at 5:30 am o'clock with full tank of gas. We had pretty good luck, lots of snow but roads were good. Then when we got in Mo
it started to rain but after a while it let up, we are both tired. We got a room with bed for $6.18, pretty good.
Friday, December 11, 1964
Well today we drove all day, slept last night in Jefferson City paid $6.18 and got a fairly good bed, found roads pretty good but lots of snow on fields.
Saturday, December 12, 1964
Well, we got to Merle's today around 5 pm. Found them at home, got some supper, talked bible and they looked real good to us as it has been over a year since we saw them and it has been over a year since we saw Letha.
Sunday, December 13, 1964
We are all up and having a good time talking. Merle's seems fine only I think Letha is getting thinner but seems well. Just got a big wash to iron for a neighbor. Dad slept last night pretty good.
Monday, December 14, 1964
Well, we went to Willard's after dinner, stayed for supper, had a nice visit. Raymond came over, he don't feel too good. Willard has been changing his house a little. He has taken out the east bedroom and making a larger living room and taken his entrance room for a bedroom. I like it real well. Bessie don't look too good.
Tuesday, December 15, 1964
Today Letha went to work for all day. Dad is fixing the tank in bathroom, the wire is broke. Merle's gave us a nice 1 gallon steel pressure cooker. It is nice, bless him, they are so good to us.
Wednesday, December 16, 1964
Well, Letha went to work for a few hours and Dad and I will go to town. We may go to see Joyce. Nice sun shinny day, not too cold but chilly. Merle's place he lives is very nice, has patio on one side and car port on the other.
Thursday, December 17, 1964
We sat home all day. I did not feel too good and neither did Dad. Merle's is awful good to us.
Friday, December 18, 1964
It rained here last night, just a good steady rain. We were going to drive around but we may after dinner. Merle and Letha are both working. Letha don't work steady, just by the hour. We are invited over to Joyce's next Tuesday. I am making doiley for Letha, white and yellow.
Saturday, December 19, 1964
We took a ride and went and saw Letha's folks. Her Dad is not very good, had trouble then got a cold on top of that.
Sunday, December 20, 1964
We have been sitting around reading and talking. It sure is nice out doors.
Monday, December 21, 1964
Just sitting around all day.
Tuesday, December 22, 1964
Went to Joyce's for dinner, stayed all night, had a very nice time. Dad got his hair cut.
Wednesday, December 23, 1964
We came home from Joyce's.
Thursday, December 24, 1964
We are just sitting around, I washed my sweater.
Friday, December 25, 1964
Christmas. We are going to Willard's today for Christmas. I think Lucille will be there for dinner. Well, we went, had a very lovely time. Bessie was not too well. Lucille's family Nelson and wife and Donnie was all there, did not exchange gifts.
Saturday, December 26, 1964
Went to Phoenix to see Frances but she was sick in bed with (can't read). We did not stay long, saw her husband, he seems nice. My back don't feel too good.
Sunday, December 27, 1964
Did not go any place. I had backache, stayed home. Joyce came over here with Connie, Fred had to work. Merle and Letha, Joyce and Fred was baptized to day in Church of God.
Monday, December 28, 1964
Went to Lucille's as Bessie and Willard was there. Willard went with Dad to get car fixed and greased.
Tuesday, December 29, 1964
Today Dad took the wash down to wash, the white clothes. We went over to Lucille's and we went over across from Lucille to see a place that was for sale. 2 bedroom house. It was nice but dirty and needed a lot of repair.
Wednesday, December 30, 1964
Well, this morning I will do my ironing, then I don't know what we will do the rest of the day.
Thursday, December 31, 1964
Went and looked at a very nice 3 bedroom house near where Merle lives, it had a full bath and a shower and stool, very nice place.

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