Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

October 1965

Friday, October 1, 1965
I sewed some on my dress put in zipper. I need thread and Dad went to Plainwell to get groceries and will get thread. I washed out some clothes and made 2 cherry pies.
Saturday, October 2, 1965
Orpha came over for a short visit, I wanted her to stay for dinner but she said no, she took the front of my new dress home with her so Rosemary could sew in zipper as I can't on my machine. (I didn't know I could sew in zippers!)
Sunday, October 3, 1965
Four months since my hair was fixed. We are waiting for a call from Orpha if she wants to come for dinner. I hope she comes here. Well, we first went to Ike's then to Orpha's, had a
nice visit, then Bob, Karla and children came. She is expecting her new baby around the 22 of September. I sure dread Orpha's operation as I know she don't like to be away from home.
Monday, October 4, 1965
Orpha is going to the hospital today. Well, she phoned me then they went to Hospital. She or someone will let me know whether she got a phone in her room. I am trusting my dear daughter in Jesus hands for he does everything and I pray she will be okay.
Tuesday, October 5, 1965
Orpha goes to be operated on today. She is now in hospital. She was operated on at 10 o'clock and came along good, only she could not mover her legs and toes, but that's the way spinals work but Dad went there 3 times and she was gaining. Bud and Rosemary was there too last night.
Wednesday, October 6, 1965
I called Claudia around noon and she said Orpha was moving her feet more and am I glad. Dad is going back around 7 o'clock to see Orpha, wish I could go too but I better take care of myself. Claudia said she wanted to go tonight as Bud and Rosemary are going. Effie called up twice, Rosie twice, Ike too. Wants me to call him. Mrs. Rus was here with her baby girl, 2 months old.
Thursday, October 7, 1965
Wrote Merle about Orpha's operation. Just sat around having dizzy spells. I want to go see Orpha tomorrow night or around 3 o'clock we can start at 2:30 and be with her over an hours.
Friday, October 8, 1965
I hope to go see Orpha in afternoon. Well, we went past Bud's and we three went to see Orpha. She really looks good, said at first she was awful sore but now was better. She got lots of flowers and felt pretty happy about it.
Saturday, October 9, 1965
Willard's Birthday. I sent Orpha letter and card. It is raining all night an dit is after nine o'clock a.m., and still raining.
Sunday, October 10, 1965
Well we stayed home all day, excepting a little ride we took after dinner.
Monday, October 11, 1965
We went down near Mendon to buy a bushel of potatoes $1.44 and stopped going down and coming back to Mrs.Hardy's and she was not at home. They did not have Chippewas so we bought Katahatin.
Tuesday, October 12, 1965
Orpha called from me from her home this morning and I sure was surprised and happy to talk to my darling girl. I know she would tell me all. Oh you can't tell the feeling that came over me. I was so happy. Nice day to day. I don't get much done as I am so sick with my dizziness. I am doctoring my kidneys now maybe I can get better, hop so anyway. Orpha feels pretty good at 7:30 pm.
Wednesday, October 13, 1965
Dad went to Kalamazoo and we went past Orpha's and stayed about 2 1/2 hours with her. Seemed natural to have her home, she seems pretty good. I am happy it is all over with! Got letter from Merle.
Thursday, October 14, 1965
Well, Orpah phoned me and I told her I was not too good and I would call later. Well, I put off calling Orpha and here she come out. I was surprised and Dad went to Cooper store, got me Doans Kidney pills. I have a dreadful headache. Orpah looks good, and I am so thankful.
Friday, October 15, 1965
My dear daughter phoned and is coming over. I am very happy, bless her heart, she is so sweet. I am some better. I am not so dizzy. Dad is fixing the faucets on kitchen sink.
Saturday, October 16, 1965
I did not feel too good this morning and went back to bed. Our heat was out last night and Dad called up man at Martin and he came and fixed it $4.00. Dad mowed lawn, it is 1:30 pm, I feel little better.
Sunday, October 17, 1965
I am starting a letter to Merle. I may not get it finished today but will send it first of week.
Monday, October 18, 1965
I did a wash and Orpha called, said she was going to have tube taken out today. I did not feel too good and stayed home as i was going to Otsego to see about tombstones. Got card from Merle and Joyce around 6:30 David called said he was coming to stay all night but it is 8:30 pm and he is not here yet. I sent Merle letter.
Tuesday, October 19, 1965
David and Suki just went to Kalamazoo, will be back tonight. they came last night. (David Fouts, Merle's son with 2nd wife Suki.)
Wednesday, October 20, 1965
David and Suki are here and David went a hunting with Estes boy Bruce. Suki stayed here. Dad went to Kalamazoo. Dad bought 10 lb. sugar.
Thursday, October 21, 1965
I did my ironing. It is a gloomy day. David and Suki went away this morning and was gone all day.
Friday, October 22, 1965
Rainy. David and Suki are here, they stayed her all night but are invited over to Orpha's for supper and will stay all night here tonight.
Saturday, October 23, 1965
Well, today is Saturday. I won't do too much today. Took it pretty easy. Ike came over with papers. David and Suki stayed all night with Orpha. Bud came after some more irises flowers today.
Sunday, October 24, 1965
This morning went on Ira Street to see a covered wagon house trailer $1,850.00, it was nice but small 18 ft. 6 in. 1961 model.
Monday, October 25, 1965
I am washing a few clothes, trying to do a little work. Nice day today. Started to shorten my heavy winter coat. I also ironed my clothes I washed.
Tuesday, October 26, 1965
Well, it is nice out but chilly. I finished my coat after dinner. Now I will rest a while.
Wednesday, October 27, 1965
Wrote and sent 3 letters. It is cold this morning, haven't heard form Orpha since Sunday we was there.
Thursday, October 28, 1965
I called Orpha twice and Claudia once and got no answer, probably were gone together. I washed my rugs today.
Friday, October 29, 1965
Nice day. I feel some better. I had beans, potatoes, and pears for dinner. I guess I will make apple jack for supper.
Saturday, October 30, 1965
Tonight is Halloween night. Called Orpha at 8 o'clock but no answer. She probably in bed. I got up little early as my head aches so terrible, just 25 days since Orpha's operation, at noon today.
Sunday, October 31, 1965
Nice day. I finished Merl's letter and will send it out tomorrow.

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