(Rosa is 83, Orby is almost 81. They have not sold their home on Douglas Avenue yet. Orby is really busy harvesting fruit and Sandra (McLaughlin and Gary Zantello have a baby girl)
Wednesday, July 1, 1964
Started another doily. It rained a little this morning but it sure is getting hot now and my back hurts terrible. I wish it would stop. I got Ardith's package all ready to send her doily, it is white with blue trim. Dad went to Otsego and got papers.
Thursday, July 2, 1964
I got my dress without sleeves from Montgomery. Well, I did my wash, it looked like rain but it looks like my clothes will dry. Dad is out putting sawdust on garden. Then Mr. Nicholus at Schoolcraft called and said he was going to combine the wheat today and would leave weights over at Schoolcraft mill. My back is better and i have the Lord to thank for it. We sent our Minister John Tomlonson, 3024 Grace Road $5.00 to help a little. Orpha and Rosemary came her today for a short visit. I gave Orpha my two dolls I got a long time ago. Bought at Grand Rapids and a chair set, white and yellow, and a pair of stockings with seam back.
Friday, July 3, 1964
I fixed my sleeveless dress at the neck and took out the zipper as i don't like them. I baked a banana bread for supper. It is nice and cool today. Ike called up to see how we were. Our cherries are getting ripe now. I started another white doily.
Saturday, July 4, 1964
I still have backache. I cleaned front room and did a wash and crocheted. It is nice and cool. I just finished the white doily. I now have 5 already for the trim. I got it done 8 pm,when the Lucy show was on. The man that put the corn in came today to cultivate it, the first time. It was planted June and it is knee high. Orby gave me a blue pencil, looks like the one I had.
Sunday, July 5, 1964
It was a nice cool day. Orby picked 6 quarts of sour cherries and 30 quarts of sweet. Orpha and Bud came for a short visit. Bud got 2 quarts of sweet cherries.
I feel some better but am weak. Orpha brought me two doll ornaments.
Monday, July 6, 1964
Well, Orby took sweet and sour cherries to town. sold sour but did not sell all the sweet. I finished the white blue trim doily today. Ike brought over papers.
Tuesday, July 7, 1964
Well Orby has sweet cherries out in front to sell at 35 Cents per quart. It is cool this morning.
Wednesday, July 8, 1964
Dorothy is going to Ann Arbor. Got $89.81 for the wheat from Nickols. Orby went to Kalamazoo bought a 24 foot aluminum ladder at bargain center, paid $22.83 for the ladder. Got letter from Betty to thank me for the doily. I don't feel too good today.
Thursday, July 9, 1964
It has been 3 months since Orpha fixed my hair. I did a wash, feel some better. Orby is out picking cherries and he picked a few red raspberries. He has had 2 dishes of sauce before I let him have them as I don't care too much for them and he loves them. It is cool today. I am going to do up the blue and rose doily today for myself. I have finished making 11 already. Gave 8 of them away. I have 3 more all finished but the trim.
Friday, July 10, 1964
It is a nice cool day. I just called Dorothy and she said she did not stay at the hospital but had to go back August 24 and have something done to her arm so the blood could flow to her hand. She said Ike did not feel too good. Sent Rosa Myers and Charley a Birthday card. They are both 58 years. July 10, and July 13.
Saturday, July 11, 1964
Wrote letter to Rosa Myers, did not send it, want to write more and will try to send it out Monday. Dad had good luck today selling sweet cherries.
Sunday, July 12, 1964
Looks like it might rain. We went to the brethren Church then drove over to Ike's. Rosie and Gerry were there. We had quite a visit, then Gerry and Rosie went home and Ike took us out to see his tomatoes and radishes. They were nice tomatoes in blossom.
Monday, July 13, 1964
I washed out sheets and pillow cases and some of Orby's clothes but it rained and I did not hang them out. Got payment $50.00 form Miller Road, Mesa Arizona. Orby sold 25 quarts of sweet cherries and 4 quarts of raspberries at 35 cents each and cherries 25 cents each. (Orby is almost 81 years old, and he is picking all this fruit)
Tuesday, July 14, 1964
I did a wash Monday, hung it out this morning but it got wet so i brought it in to dry and wash another tub full. Hung them out and they got dry. Orpha and Rosemary came over a while. Pad their place off so now Bud and Orpha and Bob have the shop all paid and am I glad for them. They have been so faithful to pay us every month. Bless their hearts, am so glad for them. Orby still picking sweet cherries, we still have 2 trees of sour cherries. I started to make 2 aprons that Effie gave me the cloth, they are dark material. (Wonder if Orby is using that 24 foot ladder?)
Wednesday, July 15, 1964
Up early and Orby is out early picking sweet cherries. I did an ironing, it is a nice cool day.
Thursday, July 16, 1964
Orby sold 24 quarts of sweet cherries, the last we had at 25 cents a quart. I did some ironing and sorted over some cherries. I don't feel too good, have so much gas on my stomach. Mr. James was here a few minutes, was wondering if we had sold our place.
Friday, July 17, 1964
Ike's Birthday and we are giving him a box of cigars and money. He looked pretty good, took us out and showed us this tomato plants and radishes. I washed my two runners, the kitchen and bath.
Saturday, July 18, 1964
Nice and cool this morning. I feel some better. I know my Lord will heal me if I have the faith as the bible tells us if we ask in faith, he will heal us. Thanks to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I love him so much as he died for our sins and sickness. I vacuumed my four rooms and changed furniture a little, looks better. Now after dinner I feel worse. Dad went to Dr. Goddard to get me medicine for my burning in my bladder. Hope it helps me. Orpha and Bud came over this evening. Bud went fishing caught a nice mess, they are on a weeks vacation. I hope they have a nice time. Rosemary is at the skating rink to night. (Yes! At this point in time, I am skating 3 nights a week, Oshtemo)
Sunday, July 19, 1964
Orby has 24 quarts of cherries, 12 with stems and 12 no stems. It has been a hot day. I have not done much of anything. I feel some better, hope it lasts.
Monday, July 20, 1964
I did not do much. Orby is still picking cherries. I cleaned beans so i can can them tomorrow. Orby got papers from Ike and I had him get me some Kerr disc for canning.
Tuesday, July 21, 1964
I canned 8 quarts of beans. They look awful nice. I canned them in oven, had them in oven 3 hours at 275 degrees. Well, I called Claudia and Bob today to see if they want any cherries but no answer. It has been pretty warm today, but it looks a lot like it might rain. I sent Merle a Birthday card today and $5.00 money. Orpha, Bud and Rosemary came and Bud and Rosemary picked some cherries to take home. (I wish I remember that)
Wednesday, July 22, 1964
They are laying gas piping in front of our place. I did 3 washers of clothes today and re canned some beans. Orby sold some sour cherries and while he was gone 2 boys came and picked 40 pounds, at 5 cents a pound.
Thursday, July 23, 1964
Sandy is expecting soon, her baby. (Sandra McLaughlin Zantello, Betty and Gerry's daughter) I finished my apron, ironed and vacuumed the 3 rooms and got around 6 quarts of beans cleaned to can. Claudia called, said she had a nice trip, went to the falls said they all caught colds, said she would be out to see us. Sounded good to hear her, she said Bob was not back yet. Ike was here awhile., brought over papers, he is making chest of drawers for Sandy.
Friday, July 24, 1964
I did a wash, then Orby went to Dentist at Vicksburg (Dr. McClelland) and stayed to Dennis' till he came back. Mr. or Mrs. Dennis don't look too good. She said Ernest done all the house work. He got his finger hurt in their electric fan. It looked bad. Lillian said Bill Astin's Mother was coming back to stay a while with Dorothy and Bill. (Bill and Dorothy was Dennis' neighbors, I think their last name was Astin) I don't think Bill feels too good and I don't think his mother likes it too good in a rest house.
Saturday, July 25, 1964
I canned beans and then we went over to Orpha's and took her a can of beans, pickles and tomatoes. Bud was not there, he went fishing, their dry well went haywire.
Sunday, July 26, 1964
Sat around all day, it was pretty warm. I canned over some beans. Had some for dinner, they were delicious. Will have our first corn for supper. It looks pretty nice. We have quite a lot of cherries still on the trees. They have the gas line in front of our house done but they have to go to Kalamazoo, it will take quite a while yet before it is finished.
Monday, July 27, 1964
Merle's birthday. He will be 49 years old. It is 3 months since Orby and I were baptized in the Brethren faith. I went over to Orpha's to spend the day, had a nice time. Claudia came over with the babies, the baby (Anita) had quite a cold. Dennise a small one. Came home had supper, then I went and cleaned the beans and got them ready to can. I never got ti all done till nearly 8 o'clock and I sure am tired.Ike called at Orpha's, said Sandy had a baby girl.
Tuesday, July 28, 1964
Well, I got up at 6 o'clock, got breakfast, then went and got th ebeans in oven, then I started and got a batch of wash. Got it on line at 10 o'clock. Had corn and beans for dinner and Dad has a dozen ears of corn out in front for sale. Bud and Orpha, Dennis and Claudia all came over tonight to pick cherries. My it is hot and dry. I wish it would rain tonight. Orpha don't feel too good, the children are growing.
Wednesday, July 29, 1964
Well, I did some ironing the I called Orpha and they said they would some here. Rosemary, and Claudia at 2 o'clock to pick cherries, well they came. They got couple of pans of piece. They were here around 3 and 1/2 hours. They baby slept nearly all the time they were here. Orpha don't feel too good. I feel a lot better today. I sent Sandy a Birthday and also a baby congratulations.
Thursday, July 30, 1964
It is cool this morning. We are going over to Hardy's to see how they are. Well we went and Hardy looks awful tough, we took them some cherries.
Friday, July 31, 1964
Today, I canned beans. and cut up some pickles for to can to use right away. It is cool and nice today.
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ReplyDeleteHi Rosemary! I'm really enjoying reading this. On July 23 she wrote that Sandy McLaughlin Zantello is Betty and Gerry's daughter. She is my mom and is the daughter of Betty and Ken, which you probably already know. She was expecting me! I was the baby born July 27 64 mentioned on this page. Thanks for publishing this for the family to see! I have some pics of John Founts and a few of Rosa and Orby too.