(Some more of Rosa's cures, I do not recommend them though.
Cure for Gall stones:
Take olive oil night and morning.
Cure for Cancer inside and out:
Red clover blossoms make tea, take faithfully 5 o or 7 years, until blood is all changed.
Cure for Stomach ulcers:
Spice bush steep and drink before meals, this will cure the worst case if followed out.)
Friday, March 1, 1963
36 degrees this morning. Stayed home all day, and did not feel too good.
Saturday, March 2, 1963
Went to Joyce to see her new home, it is nice and lots of room.
Sunday, March 3, 1963
Monday, March 4, 1963
Baby Brian is 2 months old today. Today is nice, I went to Joyce's to sew, I made a pink ruffle for my east window, it looks nice. We had a nice long talk, Connie is cute but is spoiled.
Tuesday, March 5, 1963
Merle was here last night, we had taken Letha over to Joyce to get her hair done.
Wednesday, March 6, 1963
Nice day and Dad went see about insurance on house hold goods but it was no good unless we would be there to live in it off and on.
Thursday, March 7, 1963
Went to Joyce, had supper with them. Connie is growing big, she is a very pretty little girl. Fed is the same, he showed us the Lord's picture that Joyce painted. It is nice she did it from numbers.
Friday, March 8, 1963
Willard and us went to Phoenix today and shopped at big store. They are coming tomorrow for dinner, changed minds, will come some other time.
Saturday, March 9, 1963
Went with Willard's to Phoenix to get Bessie watch, had our dinners to a large store.
Sunday, March 10, 1963
Went to Merle's for dinner. Clare and his boy friend was there. We went over to see where Clare had rented an apartment together him and a friend.
Monday, March 11, 1963
Today, I am going to wash. Took part of wash to wash place. Nice day. Willard gave Orby a large lounging chair to use and gave us some connas to set out. Nice day, they are looking real good.
Tuesday, March 12, 1963
Did my ironing. Dad just went to Mesa. Another nice day, wrote to Mrs. Dennis, but lost her address so can't sent it. I feel bad about it as I wanted to tell her the news.
Wednesday, March 13, 1963
Today, Orby cut grass in yard. Looks nice. Nice day, sat out doors with out coat or something on my head, it sure is awful nice weather in Tempe Arizona.
Thursday, March 14, 1963
We went to Mesa to see a place for sale. It was just beautiful but was $15,500.00, so I guess it is too rich for us. It had lots of fruit trees, flowers and grapes. It had underground irrigation.
Friday, March 15, 1963
Merle and Letha came over for supper. The minister brought them over as Merle's battery was down. Then after supper Dad took Merle to Phoenix to get new battery. Then we all went over to Merle's and Merle and Dad put it in his car. Letha brought over a date cake it was awful good. In evening I did not feel too well.
Saturday, March 16, 1963
Stayed home all day, it has been a little cool this morning but the sun shone and it got nice and warm. We have fire out and windows and doors open. Had Maxwell sale here 13 days, I did not go.
Sunday, March 17, 1963
We went over to Willard's for dinner and it rained all afternoon but turned out nice and are house don't leak.
Monday, March 18, 1963
Went past a place and he said his taxes was $256.00 a year but is a very nice place on S. Sunshine Street, 6503 Mesa. We told him we did not want it too much for us to pay.
Tuesday, March 19, 1963
chilly today, have a slow fire. Will give Joyce her Christmas gift. I did not get sent Christmas as I was not well. Snow was so deep and I wanted to get an extra box to put it in to send. It was a yellow with red roses. It was very nice. I got Bessie a yellow canister set. $2.98 tax 8 cents. Merle and Letha was over a while tonight.
Wednesday, March 20, 1963
Dad went to get the wash done. The sun shining nice and it is not as cold as it was yesterday. Joyce and Connie was here for dinner. I twas pretty warm today. Went ot Willard's took over Bessie gift.
Thursday, March 21, 1963
Spring begins. It is chilly this morning. got letter from daisy, said Rosie had the flu and Dorthy was not so well, her fingers has ulcers on them and they are watching her for cancer. Said Sandy has her wedding gown. She said she saw 3 robins and Dorothy said she had 2 in her yard for a week and Daisy said a flock of geese flew over. It is spring.
Friday, March 22, 1963
We went to look at a place but don't think Dad will buy it, not exactly what I want.
Saturday, March 23, 1963
Merle and Letha was here a while and we gave them $10.00 a piece. $5.00 for last Christmas and $5.00 a piece for their 1963 Birthdays. They went to church. We was also around with Willard's looking for him a different car.
Sunday, March 24, 1963
Orby's father married Mary Ginkins. Will give Joyce yellow flowers for her birthday. She will be 27 tomorrow. Also Fred was 30 March 1963. Connie's birthday is October 13. They are going to Merle's for dinner. Cards wrote to Daisy and Mrs. Dennis.
Monday, March 25, 1963
Joyce's Birthday today. Wrote card to Mrs. Hardy. Got letter from Orpha sent 22nd of March, arrived Monday morning 25th. I called Bessie to go gadding this afternoon around 2 o'clock. Willard is going to see a man about a car before we go riding. Willard's bought a used Chevrolet car 1958 and we took them to red barn for supper $4.08 for all of us.
Tuesday, March 26, 1963
Went with Willard's to hear Oral Roberts, it was good. I enjoyed it a lot. Saw many got up to be healed, he had a large tent and it was filled.
Wednesday, March 27, 1963
Wrote Orpha letter. Folks come to look at the place on George Drive, they want it they said. Merle and Letha was here a few minutes, I guess Letha will quit her job.
Thursday, March 28, 1963
It is a lovely day. It is not nine o'clock, we have no fire, windows up, door open. Orby out washing his car, he has no hat on, sleeves rolled up. Kids been barefooted
ever since we come in February. My roses are lovely and there are oceans of flowers all over in bloom. Letha brought her cooker over for me to cook my meat in tomorrow. got letter from Mrs. Dennis, nice one.
Friday, March 29, 1963
We are expecting Joyce, Fred and Connie over for supper tonight. It is a very nice day. Got letter from Daisy with Toddy daughter's marriage announcement. Connie was 3 ft. 3 inches tall, weights 35 lbs. Fed 5 ft. 11 inches, Dad 5 ft. 9 1/2. Had a good time.
Saturday, March 30, 1963
I did a small wash and straightened up to get ready to go home.
Sunday, March 31, 1963
Will go to Merle's today. Had a swell dinner and good time. Merle goes to work Sunday after noon.
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