Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Sunday, March 28, 2010

October 1966

Saturday, October 1, 1966
Today I don't do much work as one of God's 10 commandments tell us to do no labor for the 7th day of week is for God and we should keep it Holy.
Sunday, October 2, 1966
Men drill din wheat and we went to South Bend to visit Barbara and Elmer. Had a real nice time and dinner. We got home at seven o'clock.
Monday, October 3, 1966
I did a wash this morning and Orpha called, said she was going to wash. My it sure is windy today. I could hardly hang up clothes. I fixed my two belts and girdle elastic.
Tuesday, October 4, 1966
I ironed my clothes, washed my hair. Ike brought over papers. Orby was to town and we had a long visit. He went home before Orby came back. Orpha called and wants me to come over around 9 o'clock so she can fix my hair. Got a card from Merle, $68.45 checks and Willey.
Wednesday, October 5, 1966
I went over to Orpha's and she fixed my hair. Stayed all day, had a wonderful time. Rosemary was home. Orpha is getting her car fixed. (I was probably skipping again.)
Thursday, October 6, 1966
It frosted last night and my lovely dahlias got ruined. Sent letter those dahlias were as big as saucers, they were so pretty, yellow.
Friday, October 7, 1966
I mopped kitchen and bathroom then vacuumed all over house. cleaned out refrigerator and cleaned over all furniture and cleaned the kitchen table and chairs, got dinner.
Saturday, October 8, 1966
Got the dickens all day, I wish I could make every one know how I have to live and am called every thing but a decent woman.
Sunday, October 9, 1966
I did a big wash and am tired but I have to get dinner. It is a nice day, some people you know who I mean can sit around and boss the house work, meals and everything. God knows I can't lie to him. Orpha and bud drove over for a half hour. I had just started dinner, wanted them to stay but they said they had to get home. I had cabbage, potatoes, meat, pie and lettuce.
Monday, October 10, 1966
I did a wash and went to Effie's and after dinner we went to Kalamazoo and she bought me a hat and pair of gloves. We had a good time. She wanted me to stay a week. I said no, then she said 2 days and I said some other time. I would of stayed but Donald is there, I did not want to stay.
Tuesday, October 11, 1966
Dad said he did not feel too good. It is chilly this morning. He was sick all day and did not do much of anything.
Wednesday, October 12, 1966
Orby and I was to Ike's then after dinner, he was here. He had been gathering walnuts and they were awful nice and large. I guess he is gathering them for the squirrels.
Thursday, October 13, 1966
Orby picked up and hulled about a bushel of walnuts. I called Mrs. Dennis and she felt pretty good but Dorothea fell part way down stairs and hurt herself. Mrs. Dennis is better. Ernest feels pretty good. Orby is better today.
Friday, October 14, 1966
I changed bed clothes, will wash soon. I got letter from Merle, they are pretty good, said weeds sure grew while they were gone. Took bath. Feel really clean. Orby has about a bushel of hulled walnuts. Now Ike has a lot more he gets them for the squirrels. Some woman called 3 times to inquire about Carolyn Fouts. We told her, her father lived on Morgan Street in Milwood, his name Wilbur Earl.
Saturday, October 15, 1966
It rained about all night, good for the wheat but I think it will soon frost. well, it did frost and killed rest of my dahlias and they were so pretty.
Sunday, October 16, 1966
I washed and am I tired and don't feel too good and it looks lot like rain. Well, I took some of the clothes down and put them on rack in breezeway so they all dried.
Monday, October 17, 1966
I did ironing. Dad went to Kalamazoo.
Tuesday, October 18, 1966
We went to Otsego stayed till noon. I went to Rosie's had a nice visit. She said she may go soon to see about her feet to Ann Arbor.
Wednesday, October 19, 1966
Today I did a wash of 2 sheets and other things. It did look some like rain but clothes got dry.
Thursday, October 20, 1966
I cleaned and changed all my furniture around. Ike came and wanted Orby to go with him to the big store in Kalamazoo. I did not want Orby to go but he was going and I was so tired but Ike asked me to go along and I went but was I tired and won't ever go gadding when I am so tired again.
Friday, October 21, 1966
Went to Orpha's as Orby went to Kalamazoo. Had a good visit, Claudia came over and brought Orpha some coffee ans Orpha did not know she was short on coffee. The children are growing like weeds.
Saturday, October 22, 1966
Sat around all day read messenger paper and feel pretty good. It is pretty windy.
Sunday, October 23, 1966
Well, I woke up last night at 4 o'clock and was so dizzy and sick. Could not walk with out holding to someone or door. I was so sick, vomited and went back to bed. Had light on and nearly sit up in bed but got some better. Did not eat anything, only drank cup of coffee till one thirty, when I ate slice of bread, a small piece of meat, an apple. It is three and I don't feel too good.
Monday, October 24, 1966
Mr. and Mrs. Culver from Brethren Church. We have popcorn for a little treat. She had her mother with her. Mother's name was Edith, she will be 81 years in May and I will be 86 years old in February. Ike was here this afternoon. Had been gathering more walnuts.
Tuesday, October 25, 1966
Orpha came over for a short visit. I sure enjoy when she comes, would love to stay with her but I guess she don't want me. She had her car, it looked awful nice. Bud sure can make them nice when he wants too. I shortened one of my dresses.
Wednesday, October 26, 1966
We and fried mush for breakfast. We went to Dennis' then drove home. They all look pretty good only Lillian gets stagger spells but I do too. I really get awful some times and fall.
Thursday, October 27, 1966
I am making one of my best dresses smaller and am I tired. Will try to finish it tomorrow. Orpha just called said Mrs. Parker was dead, died in Chicago, I think.
Friday, October 28, 1966
I finished making one of my best dresses over, hope it looks good. We had turnips for dinner. They were pretty good.
Saturday, October 29, 1966
My day of rest and read the bible. It is a nice day. Dad went to the big store. We heard Williams and Robert Kennedy, they were both good. I love to hear them talk, they are good plain speakers. Democrats.
Sunday, October 30, 1966
Nice day. I listened to church music and singing. I used to get Mr. DeHahn on from Grand Rapids but he passed on to glory. I get several from Kalamazoo and one in California and Ohio. We had Rex for Ohio on TV 12. I did a large wash and they are all dry and now I will iron some of them. We had potatoes, gravy and chicken for dinner.
Monday, October 31, 1966
Halloween. Last day of month, nice day. Washed some wash. Ike came for a while. Had been to hospital to make up hospital bill. He looks pretty good. We stayed home, we generally went to Daisy's (for Halloween) but now she is gone., but in 1963 she was still with us.

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