Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

June 1963

(Rosa is 82 and Orby is almost 80. They still live at 8712 Douglas Drive, Kalamazoo Michigan, Cooper Township. Orby has the house for sale, the 5 acres seems to be too much work for him, Rosa does not like the idea of selling her home.)

Saturday, June 1, 1963
I cleaned Orby's sink in garage, sure was dirty, then I went over the house with vacuum. Dad did mopping and I will have to go over it soon as I am able and give it a thorough cleaning.
Sunday, June 2, 1963
Dennis' was here for dinner, we sure had nice dinner and did lot of talking as we like to get together and visit. She brought me a black hair net for my hair. I gave her a dish cloth.
Monday, June 3, 1963
Dad sold Mrs. Bierema 12 bunches of asparagus and then took the rest to Kalamazoo. It is a nice day, I am tired and back hurts. Orpha called up and her back still hurts and her legs also. Daisy called said Kenneth Boerman has ot heard from his xray yet at Plainwell. Dad got his hair cut today. Corn planted today, Hybrid.
Tuesday, June 4, 1963
Ike went to get Daisy's feet looked after. stayed home, did some wash. Brian is 5 months old, he is a sweet baby. (Brian Gimbel)
Wednesday, June 5, 1963
Was over to Daisy's, she got her feet looked at and said they felt much better. Ike and Ken went fishing. Ken caught 23, Ike got 15. They said they were nice ones.
Thursday, June 6, 1963
It was a very nice day, and I sure enjoy it when it is not too hot or not to chilly.
Friday, June 7, 1963
Will go over to Daisy's around five ten, as we are going to Evelyn's to get our hair fixed, Daisy and I. $2.00.
Saturday, June 8, 1963
Sandy and Gary Zantello will be married around 10 o'clock in the Catholic Church.
The reception was held at 7 in the evening, north of Plainwell. Had buns, potato salad, beans and ham, punch or coffee. Sandy and Gary looked real nice. Cake was served, some dancing. Bud, Orpha, Rosemary, Claudia, Dennis, Bob and Karla was there. We came home around pm. so did Ike and Daisy, Donald's did not come.
Sunday, June 9, 1963
Nice day today. Not hot not cold just nice. Sat around all day, cooked chicken and cut it in small bits and made broth and canned it. Had 9 containers of it and now can have chicken and crackers soup.
Monday, June 10, 1963
Did wash then after I had it on line Orpha came over and was I surprised. She stayed for dinner.
Tuesday, June 11, 1963
Did my ironing, then mended my 3 slips and 2 dresses. Then cut and made one of my girdles shorter as it was longer than I wanted.
Wednesday, June 12, 1963
I washed Dad and my bed spreads and they washed beautifully. My Fuller Brush man brought me a Filler for my compact 80 cents. His name is Huston the hand cream is $1.29 tax included.
Thursday, June 13, 1963
I finished crochet a cover for my door stop, it is a chilly forenoon.
Friday, June 14, 1963
Dad went to Kalamazoo this morning, it is quite cool.
Saturday, June 15, 1963
Went to Orpha's and had a nice time, saw the two babies and they are growing like mad. Claudia's baby (Dennise) has been in a walker that when it is standing by a chair it thinks it can strike right off and walk, it is so sweet and Bob's baby (Brian) is so sweet, it is sure a good baby, laughs out loud and can roll over on his belly, he is 5 months the 4th of June. Claudia's baby (Dennise) was born in October 25, 1962, she will be 1 year old in October 1963. Dennise is 11 weeks older than Brian.
Sunday, June 16, 1963
Father's Day. Dad is out picking asparagus.
Monday, June 17, 1963
Ike's birthday is the 17 day of July. Dad got 4 cards and $2.00. Putting a new top on road in front of our place. Dad is out talking to one of the men. I did a little wash and mopped my kitchen. It hurts me to mop but no one else will do it and we have a sign out in front for Sale. I called up Mrs. Hardy and she told me to see her Dr. so I called Schoolcraft and made an appointment for 2:30 Wednesday.
Tuesday, June 18, 1963
I suffered all day with my stomach, then around evening it got better tomorrow I will go to Dr. M.N. Southwort at Schoolcraft.
Wednesday, June 19, 1963
Brother Willie's Birthday today. We went to Schoolcraft to see the doctor and I took a spell with the burning in my stomach and heart and they were so many in there that Dad and I went out of office and sat in car till the nurse called us in.
Thursday, June 20, 1963
Dad is out pulling weeds, I have not eaten since Wednesday noon and am getting hungry. I am sick I can't eat any food tonight.
Friday, June 21, 1963
I sure don't feel too good and I have a cold and get so dizzy, afraid to walk as I get too dizzy.
Saturday, June 22, 1963
Daisy and Ike come over Friday with papers. I sure feel bum. Mrs. Dennis and Mrs. Hardy called and Orpha.
Sunday, June 23, 1963
Orpha and Bud, Rosemary came over a while. Orpha is not too good and Daisy looked awful tired. Yesterday they are cleaning house, they soon be done, Ike is awful good to help her and I am glad for that.
Monday, June 24, 1963
Dad went to sell his asparagus, I don't think he will have any mroe to sell. Went to Dr. McDill and he put me in hospital this afternoon.
Tuesday, June 25, 1963
Dr. gave me Arnicine in hospital. In Hospital, hot hot. Orpha came with me to Dr. Mcdill and he said I shold go to hospital so I went yesterday.
Wednesday, June 26, 1963
In hospital will be here a week any way.
Thursday, June 27, 1963
My son Merle's birthday is just 1 month off. Well juset one month till my Son will have a birthday, my how time flies just think all married and have children and grand children of their own now.
Friday, June 28, 1963
I am just praying to be released from hospital, my it is hot the nurses are good.
Saturday, June 29, 1963
I came home around noon. I did not get washed nor dinner glad to be home. Have a bad taste in my mouth.
Sunday, June 30, 1963
Daisy gave me a necklace, it is pearls and they are so nice. Bless her heart.

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