Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Sunday, March 21, 2010

July 1965

(Rosa and Orby meet Eugene Gimbel and his family, Bud's long lost family)

Thursday, July 1, 1965
Ike and Orby and I went fishing at Big Lake, got 13. We saw Donald out there with Donna and Lila. They were fishing and he wanted us to take the fish he had but we would not, so when we had dinner here came Ike with some fish. Donald sent us all cleaned. Bless him and his family. Lia is not too well. (Donald DeKilder, wife Lila, and daughter Donna)
Friday, July 2, 1965
I did a small wash and ironed them. My but I am tired from my fishing yesterday. DeYoung's were here last night to see about this place, he can raise $12,000.00 but still be $6,000.00 to pay. Orpha and Rosemary came a while, then a woman from Parchment looked at the house.
Saturday, July 3, 1965
Mrs. Bastain was here and I showed her my crochet work, she thought it was nice then she went home. 4 people came and picked some cherries. Nice day.
Sunday, July 4, 1965
Went to Dennis' for dinner. Had a nice visit. They, neither one, feel too good, just like Dad and I. We don't feel too well. Was a nice day. Traffic was not too heavy but we went early and came home early. Stopped at Hardy's but she was not at home. We have stopped there twice then one time the car was gone.
Monday, July 5, 1965
Well, I did a wash and Orby went to sell the asparagus. Nice day. I called Orpha and Effie. They had an awful accident with their car and trailer with boat. Bud's gave us 8 nice fish and we cleaned them and it was after 11 when we got in bed.
Tuesday, July 6, 1965
I washed 3 rugs, mopped kitchen and bath room. Cleaned over a gallon of beans and am tired. Mrs. Hardy called, I told her we had been there, she said she was sorry as she wanted to see us. She is pretty lonesome since Elmer passed away. man came and took pictures of this place, he was from the loan company.
Wednesday, July 7, 1965
It looks rainy and is quite cool. I wrote Merle a letter, will send it soon. It drizzled most of the day. Ike came over with the papers.
Thursday, July 8, 1965
I sent a letter today then I did my wash and had breakfast and Dad went to Vicksburg after a load of sawdust. I stayed at Effie's and we had an awful nice visit, Dorin (Could be Don can't read) was upstairs a sleep, he was limping as he hurt his leg. Effie gave me some fish, I took her some asparagus. She also gave me two china fish, salt and pepper shakers. My i think a lot of Effie and Pete.
Friday, July 9, 1965
It is raining this morning but I don't think it will last too long. I baked 2 cherry pies. Mrs. Dennis called. Said Ernest had a row of rhubarb now, so now next year they can have all they want.
Saturday, July 10, 1965
Bastin gave Orby $3.25 for 18 cement blocks. Nice day but chilly Orby picked a mess of beans and brought in bunch of asparagus. Ike's pants is 36-31. We bought a motor off Peter for $25.00. It is 5 horse power. I hope it is okay, it is a Sears.
Sunday, July 11, 1965
Stayed home all day. I canned 4 qts. beans and 1 pt. of asparagus. It was nice today. We sold 8 pt. of red raspberries and 11 pt. yesterday at 35 cents a pint.
Monday, July 12, 1965
I did 2 washers of clothes, mopped the breezeway, canned 4 qt. beans yesterday and they look nice. Went to Orpha after dinner and Dad went to Kalmazoo took pants to have exchanged but they were having inventory so would not wait on him.
Tuesday, July 13, 1965
Sold berries. Ike came over and they tired out the motor we got from Pete. I ironed and fixed my dress, cleaned mess of beans, it is 6 horse instead of 5.
Wednesday, July 14, 1965
Went fishing at Portage Lake. Ike took us. We paid 50 cents to get boat on lake, did not catch many. Ike took dinner with us, when we got back from lake we stopped at store to have pants exchanged but got money back as they did not have 36-31.
Thursday, July 15, 1965
Dad is picking raspberries I am cooking beans. Fixed my sleeves in dress. Dad sold 11 pts. of raspberries today. 35 cents $3.85. DeYoung's was here tonight and antoher man and his wife came to look at place.
Friday, July 16, 1965
It is cold this a.m. Orby is going to Kalamazoo with raspberries and Stevenson's Funeral is on TV at 11, I want to hear it.
Saturday, July 17, 1965
Today is Ike's Birthday. My son-in-law and we love him. He is so nice to us. He will be (blank) years. Well it looks like rain today and the berries should be picked. Went to Ike's, gave him money $4.00 also $2.00 for gas, got letter from my dear son.
Sunday, July 18, 1965
Was home all day. I made some bread and butter pickles and cooked 1 can beans.
Monday, July 19, 1965
My Bother's birthday was June 19. I think of my sister an brother quite a lot also my dear daughter Daisy. Bless her. Well, I did my wash and had it out 8:15 it dried real fast. Claudia and babies came over and I had her stay for dinner. She went home quite early as she had to do some ironing, got letter form Merle Saturday.
Tuesday, July 20, 1965
I did my ironing and the man that has the green house on Portage was here last night to look at place, his son wants a place.
Wednesday, July 21, 1965
I did another wash and want to vacuum my 3 rooms and mop kitchen and bath. Sent Merle $5.00 for his birthday. People are here picking berries.
Thursday, July 22, 1965
Went to Orpha's as she did not feel too good and Bud had been acting up. Bob was here. I had dinner with Orpha and Rosemary.
Friday, July 23, 1965
I did a wash.
Saturday, July 24, 1965
I vacuumed all the house and cleaned my cupboards. Orpha called and said Bud's brother and family from Chicago was coming and she said she and Bud and Rosemary were coming over and they would be here 9 o'clock. Well they came and stayed till 10:30 pm, we enjoyed their company. Had ice cream and cookies they seemed very nice.
Sunday, July 25, 1965
It seems a little chilly but sun is shinning. Bud's brother Eugene has a daughter and two sons. I like the children's appearance. Orpha called said bud's brother was gone. they had a nice visit. We went over to Ike's when we stared home, Doris came out.
Monday, July 26, 1965
I did a wash, mopped the kitchen, seems like one has to clean all the time, had corn for dinner. (No, you just clean all the time Grandma!)
Tuesday, July 27, 1965
My dear son's Birthday is today also my Dad's and Mothers marrie date, July 27, 1877. They both died in 1897 in Indiana. Mother in Lafountain, Dad in Denver Indiana. Both buried in Courter Cemetery beside our little brother. I made 7 pts. of bread and butter pickles, did my ironing. I am very tired.
Wednesday, July 28, 1965
Went to Orpha's after dinner and Claudia came over with the babies had a nice time. Dad went to Kalamazoo to buy a pair of shoes cost over $9.00 pretty high, they are black.
Thursday, July 29, 1965
Did not do much, sent order to Aldens and sent 60 cents to Hosiery Co. Indianapolis for 1 pair stockings.
Friday, July 30, 1965
I mopped the floor and did a wash, washed some wood work and cleaned the refrigerator.
Saturday, July 31, 1965
Sat around, did not do much. Ike came over after dinner with the papers, said he had a chicken dinner.

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