Saturday, August 1, 1964
I did a little cleaning, fixed 2 cans pickles to use right away. Got some beans cleaned ready to can but won't can them till next week.
Sunday, August 2, 1964
We did not do much. We just was not able. We sat around all day.
Monday, August 3, 1964
My it sure is warm, one just can't do anything.
Tuesday, August 4, 1964
A little cooler but hope it lasts through the day. I called Ike, he don't feel too good, this hot weather is bad. I asked him about Sandy's baby and he said the heat was pretty bad for it, he said they did not have any rain.
Wednesday, August 5, 1964
I have 45 quarts of beans canned. Orby took them to basement. I have some canned, I will use right away. I have canned 50 quarts in all. I gave Orpha one and ate the rest. It is quite nice this morning and I am washing. I started another doily. I hope to have them all done and given away for that's what I made them for. I have given 8 of them away already. Dorothy is in Pipp Hospital at Plainwell Michigan. I am sending a card. Rosie is keeping me posted on how she is. Orpha called, she is some better, they have their dry well in now. She sad Claudia's baby is a little better with her cold.
Thursday, August 6, 1964
Rosemary's Birthday, 15 years old. Went to Orpha's and i did not feel too good, did not stay long. Bob and Karla came while we was there, they were going bowling. Orpha was not too good, but her house looked nice, they all did. Rosemary is so sweet on her 15 years Birthday. When I got home I did not get better till around 10 o'clock but slept pretty good. I did my ironing this morning and cleaned all my blinds, they look nice.
Friday, August 7, 1964
I will dust all my house today as I gave it a thorough vacuum yesterday. Bud said I was getting younger looking every day, just kidding me. I vacuumed my rugs too. Claudia is supposed to come and pick beans.
Saturday, August 8, 1964
Orpha's birthday, 54 years. Dad went to Dr. Goddard and he gave me some high blood pressure medicine, then Ike also gave me some. I have now 186 tablets for high blood pressure. Orpha came just for a few minutes, was very glad to have her on her 54 birthday. She don't look it but Mother's knows, don't she.
Sunday, August 9, 1964
It has been 4 months since Orpha fixed my hair. Well it is nice and cool this morning. Went over to Otsego to Ike's then went to Sandy's to see my new 2 week old great great granddaughter, then we went to cemetery to see the new tombstone of Daisy's, after we left we went to Mr. Warner, had a nice little visit. (Gma, what is the babies name??)
Monday, August 10, 1964
It looked cloudy, I sent out 3 letters, one to Merle, one to Joyce and one to Bessie. Well, I did not do much, I feel a little bit lazy, not too good. Our neighbor Mr. Bastian went ot Ohio and we will look after his house, mail and papers till he returns. A man came and said he sold the 14 acres for us.
Tuesday, August 11, 1964
Orby's Birthday, he is 81 years old today. I washed Dad's face then he went to Kalamazoo to get an abstract made. (Okay, on one's birthday, it was custom to wash the birthday person's face, not spank them, I don't know where she got this)
I did not feel good. Orpha called and said she would be over today some time. Dad got a card from Merle also one from Claudia and Merle called from Arizona said he liked his new place where he moved. Orpha came and ate an ear of corn as we had just sit down to supper, she also got me a nice 2 quart turquoise pitcher, it is pretty, just what I wanted.
Wednesday, August 12, 1964
Orby went to Plainwell with corn. I got letter from Rosa Myers of Marion Indiana, stating Earl, her bother had to quit the road so him and Bertha bought a store. It's too bad, he I think liked the driving but can't stand it. It has been cool all day. Well, Orpha brought me over 4 geraniums, they are pretty with some paper to put on jar and also some food to feed them. Bless her heart, she is a very swell girl. I sure love her, she don't feel too good either.
Thursday, August 13, 1964
I did my white wash but it is drizzling rain. I may not get them dry but we need the rain and I thank God for it. If it slacks up then I hang themout. Ike came and brought over gift for Dad's Birthday. Dad got 7 cars. We have an invitaiton to go to Dowagiac for Larry Vandenberg wedding, a Saturday the 22 of August.
Friday, August 14, 1964
Well, I did not do much today, called Effie, she said Pete was terrible, can't rest, sleep or sit hardly. She said she had not heard for Oral Roberts yet. I do pray she will hear form him.
Saturday, August 15, 1964
I made a cherry pie and did some crocheting. Dad put up sale sign today now he is out cultivating. I am in writing. I sent to Lane Bryant for a Bro shoes and me a coat, blue with matalia threads. The 10th of August, I wrote to Merle, Joyce and Bessie.
Sunday, August 16, 1964
Nice day but we stayed home all day. Had preaching on radio this morning. I had dizzy spells all day.
Monday, August 17, 1964
I feel some better. I baked an apple jack for our supper and did some crocheting. The man Mr. Christley's son, is trimming some trees which nearly died. Dad sold 10 doz. corn in Plainwell. I called Ike and he said he feels better. Said Betty, Ken and Patty went o Washington for a trip. Said Rosia was still having troble with her legs, I have my 3 doilies nearly finished, then I will have 4 to give away.
Tuesday, August 18, 1964
It said that counter pain at drug store with out precription is very good for pain in head. Orby is picking the pears today. I want to go to Armstrong's at Kalamazoo today to look at a TV.
Wednesday, August 19, 1964
We did have a nice day to go to Kalamazoo to look for TV. We went to Armstong's and they were nice. We did not buy just looked around. I think I like a Frigidaire and an electric stove the oven came out and it is nice.
Thursday, August 20, 1964
Today 8 moths since my darling daughter passed on to heaven, bless her Lord. She is in your care. We went to Kalamazoo at George's and t Vicksburg to look at TV but did not buy.
Friday, August 21, 1964
We went to Otsego bought a new black and white TV, cost $260.00. It is a Zenneth. He will come soon now and put it up. We bought it at Mcphearson's in Otsego. Orpha went to school with his wife, Iva Belcher. She had a little sister Cleaster, she was a little Cracker Jack but I loved her. Orpha and Bud was here and we were in bed, we went to bed early. Our care the Galaxy is 1 year old today.
Saturday, August 22, 1964
I called Orpha, she said she was going to town after groceries and she was not too well. I wished last night she would let us know she was here because we would have gotten up for them. I wanted so bad to go to Larry's wedding but was too sick but now we will take Larry's wedding gift to them or send it. It is two nice pink blankets.
Sunday, August 23, 1964
Tomorrow the Democratic Convention will commence at Chicago. I have the radio minister on, they are so good. I generally get on 6 programs, they commence at 8 o'clock. Back to God hour, 8:30 Reform Church Pastor John Haines, Temple time, Frand Rapids 9 o'clock, J. L. Tucker, The quiet hour, WKZO, 9:30 Christian Science, Boston Mass, 10 Radio Bible Class, DeHaan, 10:30 Reform Church, preached on John also Rev.19 Chap.
Monday, August 24, 1964
Today Daisy would be 65 years old, my dear darling daughter. Today Blanche, Edith and Hazel came from Decatur and was I surprised as we had a nice visit. Edith don't look too good.
Tuesday, August 25, 1964
I am feeling better and Orby is out finishing picking pears and plums.
Wednesday, August 26, 1964
I canned pears and mopped my kitchen.
Thursday, August 27, 1964
I canned some plums today and a few tomatoes.
Friday, August 28, 1964
I canned plums today and was all warn out. My breath was short. I called Effie and told her about the letter I got from Oral Roberts and she wanted me to came over but I could not go but hope to go tomorrow.
Saturday, August 29, 1964
Well I will go to Effie's then stop to see that place a cross from Robert Hall store. We did not go to Effie's as Pete wanted to go fishing but we went to see a Shasta trailer at the lake. Then we went to see a Franklin trailer at Gull Road, then went to Orpha's a few minutes then home.
Sunday, August 30, 1964
Well, I have on a minister he seems real good. I always try to get 6 different ministers on every Sunday. Well Elmer Hann and wife came from South Bend this afternoon. We had a nice visit, they stayed for supper, they was to Orpha's a little while before they came here. She told me her son Paul passed away when he was 17 years old, that the one I liked real well.
Monday, August 31, 1964
I called Mrs. Dennis, she said that Dorothea was in storm and was coming to Dennis. She thought today. Her trailer was not damaged but where she worked it was hurt pretty bad. Mr. Witt called about this 5 acres, Orby is out cutting the lawn. I did a big wash this morning.
Sunday, August 9, 1964 entry: The baby's name is Theresa Kay Zantello (Terri). That's me.