Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

May 1964

Friday, May 1, 1964
Went to Orpha's, then Claudia came over with her two babies, they are sweet and Claudia looks good. Also Orpha looked tired. We went on Parkview and saw the place but did not go in as no one was there to show us. It looked pretty nice. I sent out 3 letters yesterday and 1 today to Merle.
Saturday, May 2, 1964
We went to Effie's and there was a woman and child there. Effie gave me a chin woman with flowers. Pete looked better and I am glad. Ike just came over with papers, he has a cold and coughs a lot. We had asparagus and scalloped potatoes and pie plant for dinner. When we were to Effie's, a woman and little girl was there, she don't care about her husband, but says he is good to her. She talks a lot and I just can't see why she don't like her man if he is good to her. Said she never did love him, I asked her why then did she marry him, she said she did not know. I just don't believe her.
Sunday, May 3, 1964
Well, Sunday afternoon we drove over to see Betty. Had a nice visit. Ike came while we were there. He did not look too well. He was there when we left.
Monday, May 4, 1964
We drove over to Ike's and he gave us some papers also let me take Betty's book about Kennedy's. It was good and I have read it and will return it so he can read it. Dorothy was there and is bothered with her finger again, a lot. Poor girl, I feel sorry for her.
Tuesday, May 5, 1964
I am washing this morning. Orby is out getting his asparagus picked. It looked like it might rain, I hope I get my clothes dry. My clothes all dried and sun is shinning nice.
Wednesday, May 6, 1964
I did my two dresses then I did a big wash for Orby. Then Orpha called and said she was coming over with Bob's two children, then Claudia came over with her two children. I was awful tired. We had dinner, then the children all was sleeping so they took them home early. Claudia's baby sure is growing. Just two weeks old. (Anita) Karla had a miss and was in hospital over night. She looked good but was a little weak. Orpah looked tired so did Claudia. I guess we were all tired. I know I was.
Thursday, May 7, 1964
Just got word from Carl Rush from Fort Wayne that his wife Grace was buried April 6, too bad for him as I am sure he needed her badly. She was a little friend of mine in Denver Indiana when I was 8 years old. Her name was Grace Haines. She had an older brother Arthur. Ike gave me 3 picture frames for Mother's day and a very nice card. The minister was here from Drake road . Mr. John D. Tomlonson, Brethren.
Friday, May 8, 1964
It rained last night, every thing looks nice and fresh. I received a letter and beautiful card from Merle and got a Mother's day card and beautiful handkerchief from Butch. He is sure cute and handsome. He also got me a Mother's day card. Merle got me a little book with Bible quotations in it. I always wanted one like it. Dorothy sent me a Mothers day card, very pretty. I love her, she always thinks of me. Bless her.
Saturday, May 9, 1964
Wrote Carl Rush a letter, his wife Grace died in April 4th in Fort Wayne and was buried the 6th of April. They lived at 2810 Beaver Avenue, Fort Wayne, Indiana, was a cousin to Dad. Well I mopped the bathroom and kitchen. Dad sold 24 bunches of asparagus. It is awful windy today, started being windy in the night. Orpha got me an Orchid for Mother's day, also a lovely card. Bless her.
Sunday, May 10, 1964
Went to the Brethren Church, Mother's day sermon, we liked it. People were so friendly. We did not stay for Sunday school. I wore the Orchid Orpha got me.
Monday, May 11, 964
Orby went to Vicksburg to see dentist about his teeth and I went to Hardy's and he looks awful bad. She looks pretty good. She tried to show me how to crochet the hot pad I wanted but I did not learn. Then we came home, got dinner then went to Ike's and then Ike and us went to Cemetery to see the tombstone (Daisy) it is very nice but it is not what Ike ordered. So I don't know if it will be changed or not. It cost $350.00, it is nice.
Tuesday, May 12, 1964
Well Dad is out picking asparagus as a man said he would be here to get some this morning.
Wednesday, May 13, 1964
Well, it is not too nice today, little chilly. Asparagus don't grow too good but we have sold $40.00 worth already. The man, Mr. James, still wants this place if he sells his farm.
Thursday, May 14, 1964
I was here a while and then we went to see about that place in Oshtemo and we were wrong. It is not the house it is on the other side of the street. It is an old house. Ike brought over the papers, he looks pretty good. I know he gets awful lonesome with out my dear daughter daisy. I ask Jesus to give me strength to bear the great loss. I loved her so and do all my dear children and husband.
Friday, May 15, 1964
Today is a nice day. I called Orpha but I guess her and Rosemary are still in bed with a hard cold. I did not let it ring too long as i don't want to bother them. I did my ironing.
Saturday, May 16, 1964
I talked to Orpha, she has a very hard cold and don't hardly talk. Rosemary is some better. dad sold asparagus today. I got a letter from Mrs. Dennis, they are not too good. I guess they will not make it home this month.
Sunday, May 17, 1964
Orpha came over a while this morning. We did not go to church. It is nice out but windy from the East.
Monday, May 18, 1964
I did my wash and crochet a yellow doily. Dad went to Ike's and also went to see Walling. Orpha called said Bud surprised her with a new Hoover vacuum and that what she wanted was a Hoover. She is felling better. A man came and looked at place said he would bring his wife, he said he had 4 daughters, he is an insurance man.
Tuesday, May 19, 1964
I did another wash, it looked a lot like rain but I hung them out and they got dry. Then it did rain some more real hard but Dad picked his asparagus and is now selling it. I want to iron soon as programs (Soaps) are over. It has cleared off real good.
Wednesday, May 20, 1964
I did my ironing and made some walnut cookies. I am still crocheting and have my doily about finished.
Thursday, May 21, 1964
I got a letter from Merle and was never more pleased in my life. I know he believes like I do that we are saved by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as he died for us and now we are saved by faith and grace if we do all that Christ teaches us. I cleaned my blinds today, it sure is a nice day.
Friday, May 22, 1964
Dad went to Kalamazoo with asparagus, sold it. I sent to Montgomery for vitamins and two 20 white crochet cotton. Daisy 4 ply. I wrote Merle a letter today, let him know how pleased I was that he believes that Christ saves us by faith, and grave if we only believe. Orpha is some what worse as she caught more cold but is cleaning house.
Saturday, May 23, 1964
Temperature is 82 but cool breeze. Claudia and Dennis and babies was over last night and we had a nice time, had ice cream, cookies and milk. then Dennis took pictures and he had Bob's wedding slides so we saw them, was real nice. They have two nice baby girls. Dennis seems awful nice. Ike brought over papers, he don't feel too good, his legs hurt him.
Sunday, May 24, 1964
Went to the Brethren Church did not stay for Sunday school. Nice day, had dinner then went over to Rosie's and had a nice visit then stopped to Ike's, he let us see the chest he made for to put some of Daisy's things he wanted to keep.
Monday, May 25, 1964
I made a pot holder white trim in blue and red. I fixed my corset. Dad sold rhubarb and asparagus. Vacuumed floor, sent $1.25 for the cards they sent. Orpha called and said she was better. We talked quite a while. I had fish this morning for breakfast that Pete and Effie gave us and they were real good, they gave us enough for 3 meals.
Tuesday, May 26, 1964
I did wash then ironed, picked out walnut meats for to make cookies. Called Rosie and she said they and Ike had an outdoor meal. She said she would be over sometime. Said they got flowers for Daisy's grave, i told her we went to Vicksburg to church with Effie and Pete was very good Sunday night 24th of May.
Wednesday, May 27, 1964
Went to Orpha's and then after dinner Orpha and I went to Otsego and Orpha found out where her baby Arlene Joyce was buried. Then we stopped to Ike's and visited him a while then we came home. Orpah stayed a while, we had a nice visit. I enjoyed it a lot. A Mr. Diller, real estate man was here and sid we had a nice place but we did not list our place with him. (Arlene Joyce Gimbel was born 11-18-1930 and died 11-30-1930, 11 days old, she was born a year after Robert Merle Gimbel, and it took Orpha and Bud 14 years to have another girl, Claudia Anita Gimbel)
Thursday, May 28, 1964
I did a wash, then wrote Mrs. Dennis. then I mopped the breezeway and we moved the furniture around in it. Orpha called, aid she was going to wash some clothes, she said that Claudia was a allergic to something, they did not know yet what but she felt miserable. Got my vitamins also crochet cotton.
Friday, May 29, 1964
I vacuumed all my house and dusted and put clean doilys in all rooms. I am tired. Well, we went over to Orpah's after dinner, she had Claudia's 2 children there and was ironing. She looked tired, we went to Kline's after a chicken so thought we would go to Orpha's first. Took er some rhubarb, I had cooked. We did not stay too long as the children was there, my but they are growing.
Saturday, May 30, 1964
Went to cemetery and put flowers on Daisy's and Grandpa's and Arlene Joyce's grave.
(Daisy DeKilder, John Fouts and Arlene Gimbel all at Mountain Home Cemetery in Otsego Michigan) We found out where Orpha's little babie's grave was, then we stayed for the parade. We saw Sharon and she looked awful nice. (Sharon McLaughlin, Miss Otsego)
Sunday, May 31, 1964
We sat home all forenoon then went and had chicken for dinner with dropped dumplings. Went to Orpha's for a while. Then went over to Claudia's, took gifts form Rosie and Betty to Claudia's baby (Anita).

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