(Rosa is 85, Orby is 83. They are doing pretty good. Rosa's writing in this diary is probably the nicest of all of them, big, bold and sweeping. Her hand writing is very much like my Mother's, Orpha)
Monday, August 1, 1966
I washed and ironed. Ike was here, brought over papers. He looked pretty good.
Tuesday, August 2, 1966
We went to see Parker place last night. We stopped to Bud's for a while.
Wednesday, August 3, 1966
I canned 2 quarts beans and washed out some colored clothes and 3 pair of pants for Orby. I sent Merle a letter today.
Thursday, August 4, 1966
Orby went and bought groceries and I vacuumed. I sold my small radio for $7.00 and it was 1 week Monday when we started to sell the things, we did not need.
Friday, August 5, 1966
Home all day selling odd and ends. I washed and mopped kitchen and sweep room.
Saturday, August 6, 1966
Rosemary's Birthday (17) I did some reading Bible and looking up scriptures. Love to read God's word.
Sunday, August 7, 1966
I am sorting out some things to put up for sale as we are getting rid of some things in house we don't need.
Monday, August 8, 1966
Orpha's Birthday (56) born 1910. Orpha and Rosemary came over. I gave Orpha the glass dish my Grandma gave my Mother when I was a little girl and i gave Rosemary a real old Cheese dish. (I still have it) We took pictures, had a lovely time. A man brought over a camper for us to sell for him. Rosemary said she could get 30 miles on a gallon of gas in her new car.
Tuesday, August 9, 1966
It rained some last night and it is chilly this morning but the sun is shining.
Wednesday, August 10, 1966
Looks like rain. We went to Kalamazoo to the big store and i bought me a pair of house slippers 92 cents with tax. Received a letter from Mrs. Parker, sale cancelled.
Thursday, August 11, 1966
Orby's Birthday born 1883 he will be 83 today. Well, we celebrated Orby's birthday today. Orpha, Bud and Rosemary was to our house for dinner and Rosemary baked a lovely large cake and brought over. Bud could not stay long but we was so glad to have him here. He has lots of jobs on hand and had to get back to work.
Friday, August 12, 1966
I did a small wash. Well, I went to Orpha's real early and Orpha had gone to the store with Claudia so Rosemary was home. I got her out of bed and we had a nice visit, then Orpha and Claudia come and was I glad, that way i saw the children and Claudia. I had not seen them seemed in "ages". We all had a nice time. Claudia went home and we had dinner. Orpha and I went to cemetery then to Rosie's, put in a day of pleasure.
Saturday, August 13, 1966
Sat around after we got home from Ike's. He looks pretty good, said he mopped kitchen. It was a nice day. I read some. I love to read God's word. Oh how I wish Orby loved to go to church as I love to go and learn more about our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Sunday, August 14, 1966
Sold my coffee maker $4.00 and iron 50 cents, sold 4 dozen corn at 40 cents per dozen. Bud took Orpha out for a little ride, bless them.
Monday, August 15, 1966
I did a wash it look like ran but I think my clothes will get dry. I wrote Lucille a letter today.
Tuesday, August 16, 1966
I did my ironing and tried to fix my bra. It is cool today.
Wednesday, August 17, 1966
I washed some pants and shirts. It is cool today. I wrote Merle and Letha separately today. Called Mrs. Dennis, but line was busy. Ike came over with papers, brought over some tubes. I gave him some apples.
Thursday, August 18, 1966
I started on making dress smaller and cleaned out refrigerator and mopped bath and kitchen and swept out breezeway.
Friday, August 19, 1966
Still at my dress, got it done as i only had just a little sewing today.
Saturday, August 20, 1966
Sat around and read God's word, I never do anything much on the Lord's day.
Sunday, August 21, 1966
It is raining today. We intended to go to Decatur this afternoon but can't now as it rained nearly all day off and on. I did some washing but did not hang them outdoors.
Monday, August 22, 1966
I did a wash and still is gloomy.
Tuesday, August 23, 1966
Getting ready to go to get flowers for Daisy's grave.
Wednesday, August 24, 1966
Daisy's Birthday born 1899, if she had lived she would be 67. Bless her. I lover her so very much, my first baby. Orpha and Rosemary was here a while today.
Thursday, August 25, 1966
I washed out dresses and Ike came over with some rugs he wanted to sell.
Friday, August 26, 1966
Dad is getting ready to go to town, it is nice sunshiny day, but chilly.
Saturday, August 27, 1966
Getting ready to visit my company tomorrow. I don't do much of anything today as it is the Lord's day. Orpha brought over a nice mess of fish, rather two messes. She did not stay too long.
Sunday, August 28, 1966
Well, here I am getting ready for my company, the Dennis' and their daughter (Dorothea McCalla). Well, here they come, I will have snapped beans, beats, bread and butter pickles, chicken, gravy, mashed potatoes, pie, cookies, ice cream on the apple pie. Dorothea cleaned up the dishes, she is so nice. I gave her an apron, she was born August 24, same as Daisy, only younger.
Monday, August 29, 1966
I did a large wash today, then washed my two bed spreads. I am pretty tired. Orpha was over for a few minutes. She and Rosemary is selling the Avon product now and has done pretty good. (Avon calling....)
Tuesday, August 30, 1966
I did the ironing and going to write to my dear ones in Arizona. Wrote a big letter to Merle. Well, Ike is here, brought papers over. We had fish for dinner. Orpha brought them over, Bud caught them. they were good. It is nice.
Wednesday, August 31, 1966
Went to Dennis'. Dad helped fix the shed, stayed for dinner, had a nice visit.
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