Thursday, October 1, 1964
Orpha came over today. We had a long visit, she stayed for dinner, she went home around 3:30 pm. Got a letter from Frances and Mrs. Dennis. Got cards, but I am sending them back COD.
Friday, October 2, 1964
I did 2 washers of clothes today. Thought it might rain but it did not, got them all dry and now have them ironed. Dad went to Cooper, bought some groceries and a chicken. I want to make 2 pies and some walnut cookies, so if Willard's come back I won't have too much to do. I called Orpha and she said Rosemary was not too good, had a cold. I hope she is better this afternoon. A man is out here looking around the place.
Saturday, October 3, 1964
Just got through making 2 cherry pies to freeze for if I have unexpected company. I can soon have pie for that meal. Bessie may come again. I don't know. Orby paid me $3.72 for goods sold., Saturday Oct. 3, 1964. Frank Church spoke on TV, he sure is good, he is from Idaho.
Sunday, October 4, 1964
Well, guess another day at home from church. Orby aid he don't feel too good so that means we won't go to church. Too bad we are getting old and wore out. It is a nice sunny day, soon be wintry weather.
Monday, October 5, 1964
Got a think you card from the White's. I made cookies today, thought we would have rain but it did sprinkle a little. We are both about as usual. I now have 2 cherry pies frozen in refrigerator. I am making my blue dress shorter an even around the bottom. Orpha got the the tape for the hemming.
Tuesday, October 6, 1964
Sold our 5 pieces, bed, davenport, rocker, table and end tables $95.00 to a man in Kalamazoo. I look some for Willard's but they leave for home tomorrow, so they might not come here. I sure am glad we sold the davenport set, too heavy. It is flaking a little snow our first this year, snow did not last long.
Wednesday, October 7, 1964
Had a frost last night. Well, I suppose Willard's have started for Arizona this morning.
Thursday, October 8, 1964
It rained last night and some this morning. Well, Willard's did not go, the man they came with stayed longer, so Willard, Bessie and Edith drove over here. Orby was to Kalamazoo so Willard took Edith's car and we all drove over there and left a note for Orby to come when he got home so he did. Had a good time over to Orpha's. Rosemary was home as they had no school and Claudia was there with her two children.
Friday, October 9, 1964
Well the girls, Dorothy and Rosie went to Ann Arbor but came back. Rosie is going back for 2 weeks as she thinks they might find out what the trouble and I too will be glad when they know.
Saturday, October 10, 1964
Saturday, October 10, 1964
Sold some more of things in front, not too many left. I pressed two dresses. The man who bought the stove brought it back and Orby gave him $2.00. Ike called and told me about the girls, Dorothy and Rosie.
Sunday, October 11, 1964
Stayed home all day had radio on, put it on at 8 o'clock and had it going till 1:30 pm. and all was sermons from different places. We sure enjoy them. I know I do as we don't get to church and I get a lot of good out of them different pastors and different denominations. Orby paid Rosa $8.92 for 1/2 of goods sold to date.
Monday, October 12, 1964
Orby went to Dentist and to Dr. Bates at Schoolcraft. He cleaned out Orby's ears, gave him high blood pressure medicine and I went to Orpha's. Then we went over to Claudia's for dinner. The babies are sweet. Dennise will be two years old the 25th of October, the baby (Anita) looks somewhat like her. Got a letter from The Dennis' in Florida, sure would love to see them.
Tuesday, October 13, 1964
Today is Connie's birthday, I think she will be 5 years old. I did my wash and it got dry and I ironed all but 2 dresses and aprons. I feel some better but I get tired so easy, my corn on my little toe hurts me a lot. Orby don't feel too good, has a sore throat. He has a sore in his mouth. It is getting colder soon be winter weather.
Wednesday, October 14, 1964
I am doing another wash, it seems as it is going to be a nice day. Well, my clothes got dry and I ironed some. We went to Ike's a while and he was putting his storm windows on and he was washing windows. He had some walnuts and they were mixed with english walnuts, they look good.
Thursday, October 15, 1964
I did some ironing and shortened my lilac dress. The man came and took the old oil stove.
Friday, October 16, 1964
I want to send the minister $5.00 today. Well I sent it and also went and stayed all day with Orpha then she went for a ride. Went every where where their was new homes. We saw lots of pretty places. Then she brought me home. I sure love her and my dear son in Arizona, my darling daughter is a very loving girl and I don't love any one who treats her mean. She's too good for that and takes good care of every one who needs her.
Saturday, October 17, 1964
Orby went to Kalamazoo and bought a Toastmaster bathroom heater for $15.00 and tax. It is smaller than the one we sold for $4.50. It is automatic and real nice. I think we are going to enjoy it much better than we did the old one as it is small and eaiser to handle.
Sunday, October 18, 1964
Set around and heard 6 sermons. We sure like them. Especially the minister Tucker from California. Well they are all pretty good.
Monday, October 19, 1964
I did not feel too good so did not do much. It is a very nice day.
Tuesday, October 20, 1964
It is drizzling rain. Well, I cleaned my 4 rooms and made a pie. I did think I would wash but changed my mind and cleaned instead. The front room and 2 bed rooms.
Wednesday, October 21, 1964
I wrote a letter to Merle. I sure got awful lonesome to see them also I think of Orpha and just have to see her every week if i can. She don't feel too good has to stay off of her feet and makes it bad, poor girl. I alos think of the girl, my dear daughter who left this world to be with the Lord.
Thursday, October 22, 1964
Anita's birthday, 6 months old. Went to orpha's then went over to Mrs. J. B. Parker's to look at her place. She wants to sell. Dad's legs are bothering him a lot. I feel sorry for him,hope we can get a place where there is not too much work for him. (Notice how they just never considered just not doing the work?)
Friday, October 23, 1964
Orby went today to see about the place across form orpha, it is a nice day, only chilly, the sun is nice and bright.
Saturday, October 24, 1964
Ardith's baby boy will be 6 months tomorrow.
Sunday, October 25, 1964
David Scott will be 6 months today, he is Ardith Scott's baby, just 3 days younger than Anita Westra, my Great Granddaughter, Claudia's baby girl. Dennise will be two years old today.
Monday, October 26, 1964
It is a nice day. Orpha called and said she was going to wash. I think I will go to Effie's while he is at Doctor in Schoolcraft.
Tuesday, October 27, 1964
Went to Orpha's had a grand time. Dad went to settle the woman for the bump, she said Dad done, cost $39.42. We had dinner at Orpha's, sure love my daughter and hope we get the place across from her. We offered them $18,300.00 for it. Merle sent me a letter the 27th. I got it the 30th, pretty fast going.
Wednesday, October 28, 1964
Looks like it might rain if it clears up I want to do my wash. Well, I did wash and clothes got dry. I feel pretty good.
Thursday, October 29, 1964
One week today, we looked at Mrs. Parker's place. It rained last night, I will do my ironing today.
Friday, October 30, 1964
I cleaned some and fixed new garters on 2 of my old girdles. Got girdle from Gren, sent 2 back, now I got right one, baked cookies.
Saturday, October 31, 1964
I mopped bathroom, cleaned lab and tub and cleaned around tub and dusted. It is a nice. Tonight is Halloween. Think we will go to Orpha's, not sure. We went had a marvelous time, Rosemary looked nice in her maid costume Orpha made it. Bud and Orpha took Rosemary to school for her party at Portage and Dad and I went a long. Then Bud stopped at a used car market and we saw lots of beautiful cars. We also saw the one that Rosemary wants. (Fast and red)
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