Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

April 1964

(Rosa is 83 and Orby will soon be 81, Anita Joy Westra is born and Rosa and Orby get baptised.)

Wednesday, April 1, 1964
Today I put up my curtains. Orby went to Otsego to get groceries and papers from Ike. I got a letter from Clare, he like his job, he is 600 miles from Kalamazoo in Mass, Annapolis, Junction Box 41. Nice day, snow about gone.
Thursday, April 2, 1964
This morning at 6 temperature 36 degrees. Nice morning. I called Ike, he was not too well, said he was no good for 3 days but better today. I also called Orpha, she was pretty good, only had to stay off of her feet. Claudia talked to me and she is still hoping. I finished my doily and it is awful pretty, it is cream with yellow edge.
Friday, April 3, 1964
Temperature 32, Dad went to Plainwell. It is a nice day but chilly, snowed a little last night. I went to Orpha's, we had a nice visit. I love her so and think of my dear daughter and son every day, also my dear Daisy.
Saturday, April 4, 1964
I called Orpha, she feels better, if she stays off of her feet. She gets better. My I love my daughters so but one passed away. Dear sweet Daisy is with the Lord but I have her on my mind. I sure lover my children but I am not with them much as I would like. Nice day at our 5 acres. Warner wanted to ** us, said he would give $16,500.00 for it.
Sunday, April 5, 1964
It was 26 degrees at 10 minutes to 6 am. Seems little colder. It is 5 o'clock pm and it is raining. I started to make a doily yesterday and I have 3 rounds to crochet then I will be done.
Monday, April 6, 1964
50 degrees, seems like a nice morning. Sure a nice day, I did not do much today, well I have my doily done, so I will wash and iron it.
Tuesday, April 7, 1964
60 degrees at 6 am. I did a wash and ironed the doily I finished. It is very pretty, also started another doily, going to make it the same as the other one. Some people came to look at our place from Oranville. Claudia went to the doctor today.
Wednesday, April 8, 1964
40 degrees. I did my ironing and crochet on my doily, thread run out and I commenced on a piece for my kitchen table. Went over to Otsego and to get groceries. Saw Ike, he feels some better. We talked about Daisy and he cried, so did I.
Thursday, April 9, 1964
28 degrees. Sun shining, nice this morning. Sent Clare a letter today. Orpha came and we had dinner. Then Ike and Dorothy came over for a while. Ike brought over my hat, I left there. I gave Orpha a lovely cram doily, trimmed in orange. Dad went to Kalamazoo. Dorothy's hand is better.
Friday, April 10, 1964
46 degrees. I was to Orpha's today and Claudia came while I was there. Dad bought onion sets and put them in today. Orby went and got letter from man in Oklahoma.
Saturday, April 11, 1964
Nice day. 32 degrees at 6 am. I made some cookies and was going to Ike's and take him some cookies then I was going to Dorothy's but I called and she said Ike and her was going to Kalamazoo as she had something she had to get exchanged. Dad cultivated the raspberries. It was a nice day. My Fuller Brush man came, I got hand cream and bathroom lilac deodorizer. It was 70 degrees today.
Sunday, April 12, 1964
We went over to Ike's and Dorthy and Ken came. Dorothy looks a lot better, we took Ike over some walnut cookies.
Monday, April 13, 1964
60 degrees. Nice day, but windy. Orby and I went to Warner's and then we went to look at a place near Oshtemo and we did not go in it. We did not like location. Bought radish seed and Orby planted them.
Tuesday, April 14, 1964
I did my wash, then I ironed it. I will wash sheets on Dad's bed tomorrow. It is a nice day and clothes dried so quick.
Wednesday, April 15, 1964
50 degrees. Today my Dad would be 110, if he were living. Born in 1854. Walley paid us today and a real estate man was here from Kalamazoo. Orby went to Plainwell after groceries. I am making a white doily, trimmed in yellow. I have it all finished and washed and ironed.
Thursday, April 16, 1964
49 degrees at 6:30 am. It is a nice morning. Mrs. Grainger and another woman came to look at place. Nice day. orpha was here a little while, she did not look too good. Said that Dennise was with her two nights and Claudia was not feeling too good. Started another white doily at 7 o'clock after supper.
Friday, April 17, 1964
65 degrees at 6 am. Orby goes to dentist today at Vicksburg and I went to Orphas's and Claudia came over and we all had dinner. Claudia was not too good, expecting her baby any day now and Dennise is growing and says a few words, she said Rosemary pretty plain. She is a little Tomboy. I think she likes me and I know I love her, also her Mommy. Orpha looked so warn out, she puts her whole heart in her children. She better take care of her own self as she is my baby girl, my other sweet girl Daisy has gone home to live with Jesus.
Saturday, April 18, 1964
46 degrees. It rained some last night. Some what colder. I washed drapes in breezeway and ironed them. Dad cleaned the breezeway. I am tired. I saw Bud yesterday. He looked tired. I don't think he feels too good but I hope he takes care of himself but he won't, I know. I love all my children and I hope they love me.
(Notice how she considers the "in-laws" her children, she was honest, when they came in to the family, they became her's)
Sunday, April 19, 1964
42 degrees at 6 am. We stayed home all day. Called Orpha and Claudia is about the same, getting very large. I pray every thing will go alright for her as she is a nice girl and I love her so also Rosemary and my dear daughter Orpha. She is a darling. I started my other doily.
Monday, April 20, 1964
42 degrees. I went to Effie's, we had a nice long time together. Pete gave his heart to the Lord and is very happy about it. He went to the Mayo Clinic today. Him and another man who had a bad heart. Donald that's Effie's son and his wife parted again. They have 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls. He is staying at Effie's, no board. He is a no good boy. (Just her opinion) I got a letter from Merle and Joyce today.
Tuesday, April 21, 1964
44 degrees. Raining some this morning. Finished my doily at 9 o'clock pm. Now I have two the same color.
Wednesday, April 22, 1964
50 degrees at 6:30 am. Dad went to see about his teeth at Vicksburg. I stayed home and will bake a pie and iron my doily. It is getting colder, the temperature has dropped to 46 now. Orpha called and told me that Claudia had her baby. It's weight was 8 lb. 10 oz, a bouncing baby girl. I thought sure it would be a boy but no, it was a girl. Dennise is staying with Orpha. I sure am glad everything is okay. Orpha is going to go to hospital today. (Anita Joy Westra 4-22-1964)
Thursday, April 23, 1964
It was 46 degrees this morning. Orby bought me a new chicken fryer and I did a small wash, vacuumed my rooms, finished border on my table cloth yesterday. Dorothy gave me lot of crochet thread.
Friday, April 24, 1964
Went to Peru today, had a nice drive, got to Roy's and he was working. Then we went to Bertha's and she was not at home, was teaching school. Then we drove to Park, but this time of year nothing doing there so we decided to drive to Denver. Well we explored the town of Denver. Saw where Aunt Sarah lived and the church where I went to Sunday school Then we drove to Courter Cemetery and we did not drive in as it was all grown up in grass and weeds but I think they will clean it up before Memorial day. Then we drove back to Peru, waited until Bertha came home, then we drove over to Rosa's, visited, had supper, then went to Bertha's, stayed with her till Sunday morning, then we drove to Earl's and saw them all and Marjorie Ellen came, saw her family. Then Charlie came over. Stayed to Earl's real late then Charley and us went to his house, got there around midnight and in bed by 2 o'clock in night.
Saturday, April 25, 1964
We are at Bertha's doing lots of talking. Roy came over this afternoon and stayed for supper. We are going to Earl's tomorrow morning. the weather here is nice but they have had lots of rain.
Sunday, April 26, 1964
While we was to Earl's, Bertha and Imogene Mother came to Earl's also Marjorie Ellen came over with her three children. Marjorie Ellen works at a Hospital, she is small like Lydia was. Her little girls are nice.
We went to Earl's and saw the family. Earl don't look too good and I feel sorry for him. He looses lot of sleep. He took us around Marion and showed us all through the grounds at Soldiers home. I really think he went past the lots where my Dad owned but they now have built houses on them.
Monday, April 27, 1964
We came back and are at Rosa's. While we were at Earl's they came there and Charley road with us last night to show us the way. Well, the news after dinner, Rosa, Charley and Faith went with us to their church and Orby and I were baptized in the Brethren Faith. I wanted Orby to be baptized but I thought he would not but he did. I was so happy, I cried. Faith and Daniel are quite big. Faith said she was going to be married soon as her boyfriend got out of the army. Took only 2 hours and 235 minutes to drive home.
Tuesday, April 28, 1964
We went over to Orpha's then over to see the new baby and she surely is a doll, fat at weight 8 lb. 10 oz. Named Anita Joy and then Orpha came home with us, had dinner. Then we took her home. I forgot we also went to see Bob's family, had a nice short visit with Karla. For dinner we had our first asparagus. It sure was good, went to bed at 9 o'clock.
Wednesday, April 29, 1964
I did a wash while Orby went to Vicksburg after his teeth, they cost $235.00, look pretty good and has now eaten dinner also supper now. He is eating corn he popped.
Thursday, April 30, 1964
I did ironing, mopped floor and don't feel too good. Orby does very well with his new teeth and I am glad.

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