Sunday, December 1, 1963
We are thinking of going to Orpha's for our Thanksgiving dinner. (Thanksgiving was postponed because of Daisy)
Monday, December 2, 1963
Went over to Ike's as Dad wanted to see about what Doctor said about his urine, Donald was there and him and Ike was going to Otsego.
Tuesday, December 3, 1963
I am washing today. Clare was here a while before noon then he went to pick up a friend, as he had his car. Sad he would be back Thursday or Friday. Orpha called and she is not too good, so we took over some medicine for her. Then tonight I called her and she was better.
Wednesday, December 4, 1963
Orby went to Vicksburg to see Dr. Rassmusen, he gave him penicillin. I went to Orpha and Clare was there, so was Claudia. Rosemary gave me a dog she made, white with pink ribbon, sure is nice. I love her.
Thursday, December 5, 1963
Sat around all day after I cleaned the 5 rooms as they were very dusty and needed vacuum.
Friday, December 6, 1963
Clare was here for dinner, we had chicken, cookies, pie, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn. I got up this morning and got breakfast then my navel rupture come out an dI about died with pain. Started to hospital to have it put in, got about half way there and God healed me. Thank God. We went over to Ike's and he gave me a corset, to wear, it is Daisy's but I know Daisy would want he mother to have it, bless her soul.
Saturday, December 7, 1963
Sent today for vitamins to Nature Food Centres, 292 Main Street, Dept M241, Cambridge, Mass. Sent order to Alden for doll and Scottie rocker. Orby went to Vicksburg to Dr. Rassmusin, got shot $10.00. Got letter and Christmas card from Rosie Myers. Orpha was not too well, Bud called Dr. Klerk but did not get him, I guess it was his day off.
Sunday, December 8, 1963
Sat around all day, lonesome as ever. Had a little snow but it is all gone now. It is 10 to 4 pm.
Monday, December 9, 1963
Dad went to Vicksburg today to Doctor. I stopped off at Effie's and had a nice visit. She gave me a pair of kid gloves and a crochet scarf, lilac, it is my Christmas gifts. She is feeling good, her house looks so nice. She sure is a nice house keeper.
Tuesday, December 10, 1963
Sat around after we came from Otsego, as Dad saw dentist Allen, then in evening I did a wash, hung them in basement. Orpah called, said she had appointment with Dr. Klerk in Kalamazoo.
Wednesday, December 11, 1963
It is not a bad day, temperature is 30 this morning. I called Ike, he had company today, he is not too well.
Thursday, December 12, 1963
Snowed last night. I called Orpha and she has an appointment for 3:15 pm. I feel so sorry for her, Dad went out doors, I don't want him to shovel snow.
Friday, December 13, 1963
Well, I got my other doiley finished today. I have to make one more as it takes 3 for my dresser. It is made from 30 thread 3 ply. I sent Viva a Christmas letter on a Christmas card.
Saturday, December 14, 1963
It is still snowing and getting quite deep. We will have to have it plowed out. Orpha is some better. Dad the same. I am okay. I started my third doiley this morning. I am crocheting them with number 30 thread. Got letter from Merle and Letha.
Sunday, December 15, 1963
Did a big wash. Orpha called up and said they would be over. Well they came also Rosemary and gave Dad and I a picture of her, it is nice. Dennis, Claudia, Dennise, the baby is growing. We had dates and gave them some.
Monday, December 16, 1963
I did my ironing and Orby and I ground up a small ham he bought. The sun is shining nice out, it is 20 degrees temperature at 11 o'clock. Got 14 Christmas cards today.
Tuesday, December 17, 1963
Ike was over a while brought papers, said everybody pretty good. Orpha is better, went ot Kalamazoo with Claudia. Hope she gets to feeling good.
Wednesday, December 18, 1963
Temperature is 20, this morning and seems nice. Got oil.
Thursday, December 19, 1963
Dad went after my order, they sent 3 dolls in stead of two. I got a doll for Dennise and a rocking horse. I got my Christmas presents about all wrapped. We gave Donald Christmas cake and two boxes of nuts also Mr. Wally a cake and 2 boxes of nuts. It is little colder today. Orpha and Dad is some better. Wrote Merle today. Earl Fouts was taken to hospital in Dowagiac today.
Friday, December 20, 1963
Wrote letter to Willard's.
Saturday, December 21, 1963
I did my ironing, mopped kitchen. Dad mopped bathroom. After dinner we went over to Dorothy's, Rosie and Betty's then to Ike's. He don't look too good. I feel sorry for him.
Sunday, December 22, 1963
Blanche Vandenburg called and said Earl was in hospital in coma. He had accident with his new car so we called Orpha an Bud and after dinner we went over to Dowagiac Hospital and saw him. He was still in coma. We stayed a while there then come home. Edith, Blanche and Ardith was there at the hospital, Blanche said she would write to Willard's tomorrow.
Monday, December 23, 1963
Stayed home all day. It was some warmer today. Well I just finished making my three leaf doilies , cream.
Tuesday, December 24, 1963
Getting ready to go to Orpha's for our Christmas. Earl passed away today.
(Earl Fouts, Orby's brother, born 9-16-1887 died 12-24-1963, at age 76.)
Wednesday, December 25, 1963
Went to Orpha and Bud's for our Christmas and sure had a nice time. The children were great and growing like little weeds. They all enjoyed their selves. Orpha sent turkey, pie, cake and whipped cream home with us for our supper.
Thursday, December 26, 1963
It seems warmer today. I called Orpha, she is some what tired but better. She had Dad put in order for flowers for Earl. Dad put in for flowers also. We ordered pink and white mums. She ordered carnations and roses, I did a small wash.
Friday, December 27, 1963
Today Orby went to Vicksburg to pay taxes also tax at Cooper. I wen to Orpha's and Claudia took Orpha down to Sears to have her corner cupboard exchanged.
Saturday, December 28, 1963
It is snowing this morning. We are going to Decatur to Earl's funeral. If we can get there. Orpha is going with us. Well, we went the roads was real good. We did not go to Hamilton Cemetery. Hazel, Jim and wife was there.
Sunday, December 29, 1963
I am washing the white clothes. Today it seems warmer out, the degree is 14.
Monday, December 30, 1963
Did my ironing, home all day. I started to crochet chair back.
Tuesday, December 31, 1963
Orby went to Otsego, I talked to Orpha and she said Dad aught to get penicillin shots, it is colder around 16 degrees at 4:30 pm.
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